The Four In School

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I wake up with cold water on my face,I sat up and saw my mum with a cup on her hand,she giggles at me with a grin on her face I frown,"What was that for mum!"I shout,

"Well you are going to be late if I didn't splash you with cold water."She reply while giggling,then I look at my digital clock on the wall,it's 8:43 am!I shout in my head I jump out of bed and took out my emulate,sunglasses and my clothes,then my mum went down stairs and told me that my food is already on the dinning table,I am so going to be late in my first day of school!I shout in my head while I put on my clothes,emulate and sunglasses.


I'm done with my breakfast so now I just have to walk to school,it takes 12 minutes to walk there and it's only 8:43 so I don't have to rush,"Bye mum."I say as I wave goodbye,

"See you after school Jason,and I hope you make new friends to."She reply,make new friends I kind of impossible for me,I thought,it is always hard for me to make friends because I usually just act weird around people that are new to me,it might be because that I'm shy or someone will ear drop on my conversation about my dad being the 'Wither' to myself,it's just hard I guess,but anyway,I walk out the door and walk to school,suddenly I sense something from the house that I'm passing by,I look at the house,something about it seems strange then I hear a door open,I look at the front door of the house and saw a boy around the same age as me with brown hair,sunglasses and a emulate,then I get a strange feeling by just look at him.Weird.


I finally finish breakfast so I wave goodbye to my mum and walk to the door and walk out,then I sense something weird close to me,then I look in front of and saw a boy around the same age as me staring at me,he has brown hair,light blue eyes and was wearing a blue jacket with a star in the middle,we stare at each other for 2 minutes until I broke the silence,"Why are we staring at each other?"He turns away and he continues to walk the direction he was heading,wait a minute he's going to the same direction of the new school!I thought,then I ran to the boy,"Wait!"I shout,he turns back at me,

"Why are you following me?"He asks,

"Are you going to Hill's High?"I ask as I try to  catch my breath,he looks at me with a curious look,

"Yes?Why?"He asks,

"Well I just moved here so this is the first day at Hill's High,so can you show me around the school?"I reply,he gives me nervous look,

" see I just moved hear to so I'm new to soooo."He says,I sigh,at least I'm not the only one new,I thought,"But if you want um....we can um...."He says,he sounds nervous I wonder why?

"You okay?"I ask,

"Ya I just get nervous around people I don't really know."He reply,I smile,

"Well then I'm Sky!"I introduce myself,he smiles,

"And I'm Jason nice to meet you."He introduce,"So back to what I was about to say is if you want to look around school together so we now that we're not the only ones."I nod then we walk to school.


I'm finally here at my new school,I thought,then I enter the building and I was immediately welcomed by a group of student,

"Welcome to Hill's High!"I knew who they are,they where the welcome committee,I guess they will be showing me around the place,"Before we show you around we have to wait for two more student that are also new!"One of the students in the committee says,there's two more like me?I thought,then the school's main entrance door opens,and two boy around the same age as me walks in,I guess those are the two new students.

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