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Please read all the rules (I'll know if you haven't)

1. No bullying! I get if your character is a bully, and that's fine as long as you don't take it too far, but no bullying outside the roleplay!

2. Try not to leave anyone out, it is a group roleplay.

3. Cussing is alright as long as you don't overuse it. Don't make cussing your OC's personality.

4. Use diverse Faceclaims, if someone claimed a FC for their OC before you, please don't be mad if I ask you to change your FC.

5. Some Roles will have crushes, and it's okay if you don't end up with the crush. Please don't force ships and don't be sad if your ship doesn't sail.

6. Please don't try and change the plot! Anything drastic must be approved first! (Example: pregnancy, death etc.)

7. This story is put as mature for a reason! There will be death, drugs etc. Dead bodies will be described somewhat with detail. 

8. The dead bodies will be not be any OCnless someone specifically requests it. (If you want your OC to die, please tell me)

9. @-chxotic- is a creator/moderator! They're as much in charge as I am.

10. Please don't tag unless it's been 7+ hours. People have work, school etc, be patient :)

11. The max roles you can have is 4, for right now. Please keep males/females even! Roles are first-come first serve, so claim them quick!

12. This is a roleplay with a plot, so try to keep up with it; there will be recaps in each chapter in case you missed anything!

13. This is a fictional roleplay, so in this I will have the high schoolers in dorms, idk if that happens in real life (I'm homeschooled) but just for the sake of the plot everyone's in dorms.

14. Please make plenty of connections on the connection page! Everyone should know everyone somehow, most of the characters have gone to school together for years!

15. No smut, just to make sure everyone is comfortable, take it to PMs please.

16. This is a semi-detailed roleplay! Please, 4+ sentences! If you want to talk outside roleplay, use the chat section, or use ( { [ < or whatever you use (as long as it's obvious you're talking outside rp)

If you made it all the way here, password is tagging 4+ people below! :)

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