| The Flirt |

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| Role |

The Flirt

| Name |

Spencer Jones

| Gender |


| Pronouns |


| Sexuality |


| Age |


| Personality |

Spencer is...complicated to say the least. One thing he's always been is a flirt. Anyone, attractive or not, he flirts with. It's fun to him, though he doesn't like it as much if it hurts someone. He knows his partner doesn't mind the flirting, so he keeps doing it. Of course, sometimes he has a tendency to take it too far, but thankfully his boyfriend is understanding and will point it out. He has a very short attention spam, so he gets focused on one thing, and in the next moment he's focused on a new thing. He hates being told what to do, and isn't afraid to speak his mind and tell someone off. He can be a little bossy, though he usually tries not be. He is extremely loyal and protective of his loved ones; always there for them, ready to defend them. He is a bit sassy and snarky when he wants to be, and he enjoys a good challenge. He's more than a bit of a dare devil, always ready to look death in the eye and laugh. He is always running into deadly situations, and ends up hurt, but never dead. He worships his father, always doing whatever he says and listening to him eagerly. He often will do anything for his father's attention, wanting to make his father proud of him and prove himself to him, even though somewhere inside him he knows it will never happen.

| Partner/Boyfriend/Girlfriend |

Flare Hust

| Crush |

Flare Hust

| Faceclaim |

Pearce Joza

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