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Author's note:
This chapter contains disturbing content. Read at your own risk. Enjoy!

[ 2 days later ]

"Listen to what? You ruined my dress!" I stated. "Go to school bruh, bye." Jun Myeon shooed me away, and I rolled my eyes, grabbing my bag. 

Walking out, I checked the time just to see I had only five minutes to reach school before I was late. I spotted Nara leaning on the wall, staring at the sky. She looked like she was overthinking about something.

"Hey," I smiled at Nara affectionately, ", I'm sorry your dad was murdered. How are you?" Nara immediately shook her head, "Thanks for the concern, Mins. I really really miss him."

"Me too, my favorite memory was when the two of you surprised each other for each other's birthday's and your mom's face when she realized." Nara laughed when she pictured the moment in her head. "Funny." She muttered with a grin. 

A moment of a heartfelt silence passed by and me and Nara stared at each other. We forgot the presence of school the second I pulled her into a warm hug. I knew she needed this more than anything. 

Her eyes closed when she hugged me back. "Thank you, but we are late!" She broke the hug, letting me see the tear glossing in her eyes. 

She looked like she never let a tear escape after the horrible news. Nara was bottling up her emotions, I could tell. My friend stared up at the sky, which was, controlling her tears, and focused on me. 

I wanted her to take a break from school for a while, and wanted to give her a lot of comfort, but I knew from the look on her face she was going to deny her mental health. Again.

Nara reached for my hand and interwined it with hers. We were late for school, I realized last minute. 

Before we turned to sprint towards our school, I froze. "That's your neighbor?" Nara's determination to reach school broke when she started to shamelessly check him, Jungkook, out. He was carrying a big plastic bag on his shoulder. There was a car in front of him and he put the bag in the back of his trunk.

What could it be?

Maybe just his old clothes. No no why do I care?

It was an awful situation when Jungkook's orbs contacted mine. He flashed me a playboy smile, and I was caught up in choosing to either run away with my best friend, or smile back and act like he never was strange. 

I bluntly smiled back with no choice and snapped my head to Nara. "Did he just smile at you!?" Nara cooed to me with a smirk, but I pulled her away from the presence of my neighbor. 

Surprisingly, we reached school right in time. Well, not surprising because we ran for our lives.

Something just doesn't feel right.

I was trying not to think about Jungkook and his mood swings during classes but I just couldn't stop. The teacher's phone rang just then and when he kept the phone down, he turned to me and said,

"The principal needs you Minseo."

Standing up, I walked out of the room and passed the corridors aimlessly. The whole place was entirely silent. I could not hear a tiny sound. 

I could not figure out the root of my switching emotions. 

I closed my eyes and tried to exhale once, while walking through the corridors. Not a single student roamed around. I mean obviously everyone is in class. But there was always this one bully who skips classes all the time. I would hear many say,

"He is the principal's son."

Its Chung-ae.

To be more accurate, he likes me. He usually hangs around skipping classes or follows me. The only thing I didn't like about him was bullying. Anything that includes, mocking someone and purposely embarrassing them is my definition of bullying. I remembered him following me home once asking if he could stay over because his parents weren't home. I knew the real reason.

Obsessive stalker.

I was rather very relieved when Chung-ae was not around now.  

When I reached the principal's office, I knocked softly, expecting a 'Come in' but nothing was heard. I was about to knock once again but stopped when I heard a sound. I turned my head towards my right and saw a small ball. It seemed like a rubber ball, rolling discreetly, and purposely, towards me. 

Suspicious, I picked it up when it came and stood near my feet and rolled it around my palm to see if there was anything. There was a small note stuck onto it.

Plucking it out, I read it.

'Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Enemies are dead
Next will be you.'

"What the hell." I muttered under my breath. More silence went by with my mind causing a ruckus and my heart suddenly falling to my stomach. I decided to ignore it, however opening the door to the office.

"May I come in?" I questioned and peeked my head inside. There he was, seated in his leather chair with a pair of thick glasses up the bridge of his nose. A thick built with a small ponch. My principal. Also known as Chung-ae's father. "Is there anything I can do?" I stepped inside and walked over to his desk.

"No, but um yesterday a guy came to my house and gave me this cardboard crate. I don't know what is inside because he told not to open it. Here you go!" He bent down and lifted a box up and kept with force on his large desk.

"That looks really heavy," I stated and got closer to him. "Was he wearing a mask or anything?" I asked and stretched my arms wide.

"I think so, it looked like some animal mask." The principal explained, ", animal?" I asked, but my attention was towards the box.

I could be myself around him since he is Chung-ae's dad. He is kind of out-going and loves smiling all the time. He was already in his 60's. The reason I was so close to the principal was not only because of his personality, but he was also my dad's close friend.

My dad used to borrow money from other people. I didn't really care since I was a just three years old. Soon when I was eight, I got to know more and more about my dad. With the money my dad bought, he was able to pay it back by other means for which I really didn't know how.

I wasn't sure why that man needed so much money in the first place.

 Every time my dad borrowed money from someone, the one thing which made me suspicious about him was that everyday when he goes out to get money, evening at sharp 6:10, he would get back home. It was something I noticed over time. 

I would hear the TV's news reporter say a person died. The news usually comes in a few hours after my dad comes back home. I knew this wasn't that much of a thing to be suspicious of but I always till this date had a question as to why those persons were killed every time my dad enters my house.  It made me more suspicious when one day, my dad came back home with blood stains on his shirt. I knew my parents weren't raising me but betraying me after that day.

I was reminded of the day I overheard my parents in their bedroom when I was just going to enter to ask if either of them could hug me to sleep. 

It was a stormy night, and thunder boomed across the sky in anger. I remembered having a nightmare, and hugged my cupcake plush, tiptoeing to their room.

"We can just wait till Minseo falls asleep, and later leave. All our stuff is packed anyway." My mother had suggested, and the side profile of my dad faintly smirked. Their voices were crystal clear in my head. 

The next morning was expected. 

They left me.

They left me for money.

There were days I struggled without anyone's company. Days I slept with an empty stomach. Days I questioned my existence. 

It felt like a coincidence when Nara stayed over at her grandma's house and Jimin left town for a short while. For weeks. There was absolutely no way I could talk to either of them and tell them what had happened.

But there was one happy time during those depressing days, when a tall but short boy came over to me when I was sitting on a bench. He had dark brown hair and a pair of brown doe like eyes. He had a smile plastered on his face when he greeted me. I bowed back at him politely, now feeling grateful it was Jun Myeon.

I didn't know how and why his parents decided to take me in their family. 

However when there were two other friends I had who I missed seeing. Jimin and Nara. All the three of us usually meet at the park everyday to play. But since I was brought up now in a different place with different people, I was separated away from Jimin and Nara. 

I tried to meet Jimin and Nara once or twice a week. But the small meet was enough to pull our bonds closer. Meeting both of them was one of the best things that had ever happened to me. They changed the way I look at life. 

I never heard a word from my parents since thenThey do call me. Once a month. I still have no idea as to why they still call me when they were the ones who left me all alone. They left permanently. I was so grateful to Jun Myeon's parents for how much they've helped me and how much I owe them but I never till this date have talked about my parents to them. 

Except Jun Myeon. He was more like my best friend since we are biologically not sisters and brothers. I do call him my roommate because I wanted to. I didn't want people to think we were couples so I lied to everyone saying he was my roommate. I was able to tell him about everything that had happened so far in my life and his reaction was more concerned, yet happy that I didn't have to think about it through any means anymore.

"Minseo are you listening!" The principal broke my world of memories.

"I need you to go to the teacher and act like you are sick, so that she'll excuse you and you can go home and open the damn box!" I was fully in reality when the old man's words ringed in my ears.

My ears processed his sentence for a hot second, before I burst out,

"Are you even a principal who gives moral lessons or some-"

"Stop talking back and go! So that when you open this box, I can see what's in there!" He smirked.

[ At home ] (time skip)

"Finally!" Sighing, I sat down heavy on the couch and placed the box on the table in front of me. Thankfully, Jun Myeon wasn't home yet and I could do anything I want as there were still two hours left before he was back home.

Grabbing the scissors, I slowly cut open the top and dived my hand inside it. I could feel something. It felt like another box inside. So I peeked my head and lifted it up. Then, I grabbed I scissors again and cut open the top.

Something yellow, something purplish, something a little bit hairy. That's what it looked like. Anxious, I gently moved my hand in the box. Even though it felt like it wasn't alive, the way I felt when touching it was scary. I peeked my head in and decided to bring out whatever was in there. And so I did. 

But then, the minute I saw what it was, I felt disgusted and immediately threw it away from me.

Panic, rage and anxiety filled inside me. The second I saw it, I felt like throwing up.

What was it?

A bloody arm.

It's how I am calm when watching real life crime documentaries but can't sleep after watching horror movies -_-  Lol I ain't a bad psycho author don't worry I won't show my dark side😂 But don't forget to vote and comment!

Love ya!Uwu❤

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