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[ Next day ]

Applying my lemon flavored balm, I walked out of my room and silently stepped out of the house. Jun Myeon wasn't there to stop me because he was sleeping. It was his day off and he usually sleeps till 12. 

I considered his drunk state last night and knew he wouldn't see the world until afternoon. 

The time now was close to 10 and I had plenty of time to enjoy and come back, without my roommate noticing. Checking my bag, I put on my black heels. I was wearing some black crop top and a dark jacket which covered my naked shoulders and with some black jeans. I didn't know the reason but I knew I was surely obsessed with black today. 

Nara bugged me about going to the mall because we hadn't hung out, friend to friend, in a long time. We surprisingly had another holiday today, with no logical reason given. One of my friends informed around two or three teachers were feverish and were hospitalized yesterday. Though it did not go very well with the idea of giving a holiday, they might have a reason. 

Yet, it never bothered Nara and me much, knowing we personally hated high school. 

I checked my phone to see if the cab had arrived yet. A shady looking car stopped in front of me after a few seconds. 

"There you are." I muttered and walked towards the cab and gently opened the car door. "Um are you Jack?" I asked, trying to make sure it was my cab driver and so that I don't get in with some random creep. 

Like Jungkook.


"Yes I am." Firmly, he replied. The driver's response made me nod my head as I settled inside. As soon as I closed the car door, the driver immediately sped away, causing me to jerk back. 

"Could you slow down a little?" I requested, waiting for any answer. When he nodded, I unlocked my phone and suddenly a message popped up on my lock screen.

Suho bro:
Ya you little bum where did you go?

When did you wake up?

Suho bro:
Doesn't matter! Where are you?

Um Nara asked to me to help her with some shopping

Suho bro:
You better get back home before 12:30.

Nope lol make that +3 hours

Suho bro:


Don't DISOBEY ME and better get back home in a few minutes or else-


Please I'll try to be back before 5

Suho bro:
What no!!

Byeeeeeeee love youu💕

I closed my phone and smiled to myself when my phone started buzzing with tons of messages. Rolling my eyes, I knew it was from Jun Myeon again but ignored it.

As soon as I reached this humongous mall Nara sent me the location of, I got out of the cab and thanked him for dropping me here in a polite way but what he said to me made me turn a little annoyed.

"I was just doing my job and get lost!" He said, irritation entering his tone.

What a bright day! I thought sarcastically and payed him the money he wanted and walked to the mall. As soon as I entered the mall, I spotted Nara at the other end of the wall, taking numerous selfies in a minute. 

As if I don't know her. I walked towards her and shook her softly which made her flinch, her face showing anger.

"I was taking a photo!" She yelled. I felt a few people stare at us and I turned to her fully so that I don't face the awkwardness. "I didn't do anything," I laughed anxiously.

"You did! Look you ruined my picture!" She shoved her phone on my face, showing me a picture that looked literally perfect. I'd apologize if it looked blurry but it wasn't.  

"Can you like.. calm down? It's just a picture. You can take one now-" 

"There's no point! I was at the perfect angle and you had to come! Go away!" I felt she was being completely ridiculous, and scoffed. 

"Suit yourself." I strode away from her presence decided to shop something, needing to clear my thoughts before she caught my sight again. 

Midway through my shopping, I felt an arm tugging my sleeve. I turned to the arm and stared up at Nara, and turned my gaze back to clothes.

"I'm sorry," She apologized. I could sense a little bit of irritation in her voice. "Okay." I said and pulled my arm back, stalking towards a new section of clothes.

"Why are you so rude?" Nara wrinkled her eyebrows at my ignorance, and stomped out the shop I was in. 

You are.

I felt disappointment and worry building up inside me. So she is just gonna leave me like that? I thought. My thoughts were clearly showing me I was disappointed. 

After a few hours with me staring at beautiful dresses but ending up buying a lip balm, for the sake of the money I bought, I was sitting in a cafe sipping on mycoffee. 

Nara hasn't returned back to me and she hasn't called me back yet. I felt more worried and panic when she didn't pick up my phone. It was like as if she ignored my call and cut it on purpose.

What is the big deal?

I stood up and walked out of the cafe and pressed the escalator button. As soon as it opened, I entered it and pressed the button which lead me to the first floor. 

My first instinct was searching for Nara in the washroom, which made little sense, but I followed my instinct anyway.

"Nara?" I asked, looking around the washroom. A voice silently shouted inside a specific stall. My footsteps were as light as feather when I stalked towards that stall cautiously. It sounded like Nara. 

It was Nara.

"Seriously Jimin I hate her so much! I mean I know this little fight is going to end and we'll be the same buddies again but what she did today made me so angry like she just pushed me harshly like what the hell? She is going to get my revenge-"

And I could hear another male voice interrupting her rant. Jimin. Is she talking to him on the call? I wondered.

"Nara please she did nothing but just freaking touch you for gods sake! Why are you like this?" Jimin's voice was feeble from my side.

The door suddenly flung wide open revealing Nara.

She focused on the call and not me but when she did, she froze.

"How could you Nara?" 

"No listen to me-" "No." I shouted and got out the mall. 

All this for a photo for her social media. Ugh.

I found it a huge task to call a cab, so I walked back home instead. As I got home annoyed, I saw Jun Myeon playing video games. I boringly looked at him and was about to walk towards my door until his hand caught mine. 

I glared him but immediately my mood changed when I saw he was eating popcorn. "Why are you home so early?" It was then I finally checked the clock. Three thirty. 

"Yeah," Jun Myeon quickly noticed my low mood, but lifted his gaming controller towards me. 

"Want to play for a while? You look..low." He confessed, I bobbed my head up and down and went over to sit beside him. 

"A match?" Jun Myeon smirked at me.

"Let's get it!" And I picked up the gaming controller.

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