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Author note:
This part contains sensitive scenes and slight mature content. Might be triggering to some readers. There are also a few bloody scenes and gore explanations. So please read at your own risk!! Enjoy!

[ Hours later ]

Black. All I could sense was black. I didn't know if my eyes were closed or everything around me was dark. But I was pretty sure I couldn't move an inch. The pain in my thigh increased every time I moved.

I was scared to open my eyes and after what I had witnessed, it was impossible. Jungkook.

"Morning beautiful." Someone spoke in a seductive yet caring tone. I flinched when something cold came in contact with my arm, the person letting out a deep chuckle. I gulped as slow as I can, hoping the man won't see anything but his sentence froze me in place.

"I know you're awake, baby. Open those beautiful eyes." His melodic voice flowed into my ears, my arm shivering a bit. Staying still, I tried to think of what to do if I open my eyes and what would happen if I don't.

What was going to happen either ways?

"I said open them." He repeated which felt like gritting his teeth. Gulping slowly, my eyes finally showed themselves to the outer world. As I had assumed, it was dark.

But that was until I realized everything smelled horrible. The smell was unbearable and disgusting. I felt my head getting dizzy and I wanted to cover my nose but for some reason, I couldn't move.

Suddenly, the lights flickered on causing me to immediately close my eyes for a few seconds. When everything was crystal clear, I found a smirking Jungkook in front of me.

I broke the eye contact and looked away, biting my lip harshly. Tears pooled around my eyes at the thought of him betraying me. How could he blame Nara for being the killer?

"Look at me, Minseo." Jungkook put a finger on my cheek and pressed it to face him but my eyes wandered to the opposite side, still avoiding his gaze.

"I don't like that attitude. If this continues again, you'll see worse." He warned, letting go and pointed to my thigh. I bent my head down to see my thigh which was covered in dry blood and had two letters carved together.


Until I realized I was tied. Both of my hands were tied to either sides of my body and the same went for my legs. Jungkook smirked, watching me struggle to remove the ropes from my body.

"Jungkook let me go." I spat, burning holes into his eyes but he stood the same, giving me an uninterested expression. "No."

"What did I do to you? W-why do you want me to suffer like t-this-" I couldn't finish, not because Jungkook did something but the fact that he backstabbed me ate me up.

I started coughing, tears running down my cheeks. Jungkook rushed to my side and cupped my cheeks with the same face. "Don't cry baby, I don't like to see you like this." He poorly consoled.

"Bullshit. Don't touch me."

He started giggling, a scary one. The more his giggles turned into insane laughter, the more I felt a burning sensation in my stomach. "There's nothing funny here Jungkook." The words slipped out my mouth, carefully.

"Its funny seeing you struggle to get out-" Before he could finish, he burst into laughter again, making me roll my eyes at him.

When his laughter came to an end, Jungkook caressed my chained wrists, his lips pouting. "Is my baby hurt?" Jungkook asked in a soft tone.

"Yes she is." I mimicked and scoffed, my inner ego bursting. "Okay, to make you feel better, let's do something. I will remove the chains and lets-"

"Will you at least let me go?" I pleaded, hoping that was what would come out his mouth but instead a smile tugged on his lips.

"Let's play a game." As soon as he finished his sentence, his lips touched my cheek, a small peck left on it. Jungkook's lips trailed to my neck, roughly sucking on my skin. Now, to be honest, I wasn't sure if this was a game but Jungkook was surely trying to do something to me. I felt nothing but pain. Jungkook completely dominated me and I felt hopeless.

His hand slid under my dress, the cold sensation of his fingers making my stomach shiver lightly. "J-Jungkook no. Stop." I begged but he continued to do what he was doing, no guilt to be seen in his actions. I could try to push him away but I was tied, so that gave him more access for his fingers to travel to the sides of my waist.

"Stop it!" That scream from my throat made him stop, but instead of seeing that smile on his face, it expressed a stupid evil smirk as Jungkook left my body, turning his back on my body and rummaged through something on the table infront of him.

I could still feel the edge of his fingers trailing on my skin, it felt utterly digesting at the moment.

I was panting loudly. Did he really stop? Or was he going to make me go through something worse?

Soon after a few minutes of me panting and confused and Jungkook still searching for something, his actions stopped as he turned around, holding something. An Axe?

"W-what are you d-doing? I-I am sorry if I d-did something w-wrong p-please-" I tried to move backwards but the ropes held me in place, leaving me helpless. "Oh no,"He paused.

And the next instant, I heard a loud thud beside me. I was waiting for myself to yell, if he had done something to me. But to my surprise, when I opened my eyes, I saw him ripping out the rope so that it loosened my wrists.

An Axe to untie a rope though?

"Minseo," Jungkook chuckled. "I said we are going to play a game, I can't let you stay like this. It hurts." He clenched his t-shirt and acted like it hurt his heart, a cute pout forming on his pink lips. But it didn't seem cute to me anymore.

It felt like he was taking me as a joke. My life, as a joke. It made me think I was just a toy for him to play with all this while. "Jungkook?" I questioned as a whisper, rubbing my purple ankles.

"Hmm?" He hummed in response, paying no attention to me standing up and slowly sliding a knife into my hand. He was again going through a few knives placed on the table for gods knows why.

But I wouldn't pay attention to what was going through his mind and gripped tight onto the handle of the knife, exhaling once to ask my question.

"Do you love me?" I didn't want to doubt this. In fact, I thought I'd never do. But now, it was obvious. I can't love a man who doesn't love me back and doesn't treat me the same way I do. But, I couldn't fall out of love either.

Jungkook stopped in his place, pausing everything he was doing and looked like he was in deep thinking for at least a minute. "I do." A mischievous smile displayed on Jungkook's lips. "Will you die for me?"

Honestly, I didn't know why I was asking this.

Every question which appeared in my mind seemed to be slipping out of my mouth in an instant.

Water droplets had started concealing my vision, making me harder for me to breathe normally and maintain my posture. The inner voice inside me screamed at Jungkook for his unexpected betrayal.

But sometimes, the voice inside makes us feel way worse than the ones hear about ourselves.

That's when a small sob escaped my mouth. Jungkook didn't seem to notice it, he was caught up in his world, thinking of an answer.

For which I felt more worse. Why does he have to think? What was there to think? I thought he loved me.

"I will." The knife came flying over Jungkook's back, slightly slashing over his back, a long trail of blood oozing out, starting from the middle of his back. But unexpected things are sometimes, also the worst. 

Jungkook's turned on his heels quickly, throwing another blade over me, it hitting my arm and more red fluid rushed out my already bruised body.

I was wincing and moaning more by the pain rather than him. Jungkook snickered as I dropped the knife in my palm quickly, holding my arm.

"Nice try, babe." He started clapping his hands again and I felt more terrified as each second passed by. "W-what are you going to do t-to me?" Tears rushed down my cheeks and I tried to maintain my figure.

He started to move his shoulders back and forth and massaged them a little to push the uncomfortable ache away.

He looked like he was just stung by a mosquito. What the hell?

As though Jungkook didn't take a note of my question, at all, he held my bruised arm and dragged me out of the room. "We're going to play," Jungkook closed his eyes and tapped his finger on his chin, deep in thoughts. "Hide and seek." I stopped dead in my actions.

Hide and seek was a game I've always enjoyed, but now, ever since the 'Killer Bunny' topic had started, the name sounded terrifying.

I mean who would want to play hide and seek with an insane psychopath I used to call..my boyfriend?

My face was straight pale, not afraid to hide any of my emotions. Jungkook who was standing a few feet away from me, started closing the gap between us, putting an arm around my shoulder, for which I flinched.

"Don't panic. You hide, I find. You might have read stories about stuff like this. And the rules are kind of the same. If I find you, I get to do whatever I want to you mins. If I don't, well I will do anything you say." He explained in a soft tone near my ear, shrugging in the process. Jungkook kept saying something but I stood still, taking in everything he mentioned. 

Of course he wouldn't let me do anything I say if I won. 

Why do I even try?

Chances were slim but I could try and escape. "You can go hide anywhere here. I'll count till 10." I felt his hot breath near my collarbone, making me shiver in fear. What was he planning to do to me?

I still couldn't stop the transparent liquid which was flowing out my eyes, in fear. I was in complete fear. What if he finds me? I turned to him, gulping slowly and fiddled with my fingers, the blood in my arm staining my shirt, changing it to a shade of crimson red.

"Also Minseo, if you ever try to escape," A grin formed on his lips. "I won't hesitate to kill you. Now go go!"

My legs started running to wherever and whichever place it could find. It was like I was stuck in a maze with no exits. Because anywhere I looked, the door to the outer world wasn't visible. I could hear Jungkook giggle echo through the place as he watched me desperately finding a room.

I thought if I was out of his sight, maybe then I could think better. I spotted a turn which revealed another hallway and I quickly entered it, feeling slightly better. I ran inside a room and quickly searched for places I could hide and where Jungkook couldn't see me.

No place seemed normal to me. Anxiety was filling me up the whole time. "4," I heard Jungkook loudly talk out. Panic started rising. "3," My body quickly fell face down and I slowly crawled under the bed, with no other choice left.

Well where do I even hide in a room with only a bed and window? It was not like Jungkook would spare me even if I jumped off the window, like last time.

"I'm coming, love." Some loud footsteps were heard around the place. All I could feel was either the sound he made in each step was near the room I was in or it descended away from me.

I broke into cold sweat and pushed my palm together, closing my eyes and prayed to god continuously hoping to be not found.

But I guess I wasn't really lucky that time. The door to the room I hid in unlocked itself and slowly hit the wall behind it and there came the pair of feet I feared. "Where are you?" He voiced out in a calm tone, frightening me. At this point, I was having an anxiety attack.

His heavy but peculiar footsteps echoed in my ears and I watched him walk around the room, humming a random, strange song. Jungkook's legs stopped right in front of me, making me curse at myself. Shit shit.

I could spot his knees bending and bending until they touched the cold tiled floor. Tears rushed down my cheeks when his two hands touched the floor now and one thing was sure, if he bends his head down, I'm caught.

My hands cupped my mouth as I tried my best to control my muffled tiny sobs and shivers. Jungkook no. Please no.

My body went pale when those two dark,mysterious yet calm orbs met mine. "Found you." In a flash, I felt two arms hold my shoulders and pull me out and up from the bed,making me look down. "Aww baby don't be sad." He cooed and pouted, wiping my tears with his thumb.

"Alright now that I found you, I remember saying I get to do whatever I want, to you. What do I do huh?" More water droplets stained my red cheeks. "Show me your thigh." He said. I looked at him forcefully and kept staring causing him to lose patience.

"Uh!" He yelled and harshly lifted my thigh by sliding his hand under it and I flinched by the contact and his voice, shivering.

"The mark, its starting to vanish." Jungkook started caressing his skin on the wound, making me moan by the agony.

I flinched and quickly starred thinking of a away to escape from this freak. In an instant, he held both his hands between his thighs, whining in complete pain and I started rushing out the room, pacing into each room to find out the escape.

"Minseo!" He screamed with a small smile but I kept my posture and continued to enter a room, which was dark.

Again, the smell was horrible but I couldn't see anything because it was pitch black. I covered my nose to stop the unpleasant scent from invading and patted my other hand on the wall,trying to find a switch.

When I did, I flicked it on. But what I saw was when I regretted everything.

A room, full of bodies. In fact, it hurt me a little because I could actually notice a few faces. All those who went missing recently, all of them were right here, but dead.

"Oh gosh," I breathed out and started looking around to see if I could spot any window or almost anything I could use to escape. I heard something being dragged behind me but I assumed I was just hearing things with this mess going on and slowly took steps towards somewhere.

"I'm coming for you baby. You messed up big time." Jungkook whispered which was loud enough for me to hear. Chills went down my spine when his seductive tone entered my head.

Along with him humming a song, I also heard something being dragged along with him again. This time, I was sure I wasn't dreaming. There was no where to hide and the smell was worsening. 

"You are mine and you will never escape from me." He spine-chilling desire made my body go numb.

I kept looking around for help, panting so much that I'd pass out any minute. The feeling of me getting crazier made me sob. I wasn't going to escape and Jungkook wasn't going to spare me either. The only thing I had to do now, was realize it was fate. 

That was when I found a phone at one corner.

Rushing towards it, I picked it up and unlocked it and it opened. That was when relief flooded over me. I realized the charge was just 3% so I could only call one person, or that's what I assumed.

Jungkook had a mask on, a bunny mask. Smirking under the wicked mask, he swung the door open in no time.

Struck in terror, I turned around with eyes which were trying to be strong. When his eyes were locked on mine, Jungkook paced forth making me walk backwards.

I fell down on the floor myself by tripping on something, his grin widening.

I had to face it, Jungkook will kill me and I had to face it. I was about to die and there was no chance of escaping. "Someone's caught." He started a sinister laugh, earning a twitch from me.

"I will call 911!" I screamed as I crawled more and more back, my eyes staring in terror at the man in front of me. "Jungkook I will call, I swear!" I repeated.

A chuckle left his mouth as he played with the axe in his hand before his orbs went straight dark and empty.

"Only if you stay alive."

And something pierced through my fragile skin.

- END -

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