- 5

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"W-what?" I stuttered to which Jungkook chortled.

"Chill! Just asking. But..do you?" He raised an eyebrow at me as I froze.

What is wrong with this boy?

"Of course I don't." I raised my arm in a cross sign making him look away, scoffing.

"Do you?" I searched for the origin of his weird question in his honey orbs, they spat unpredictable.

"You know what? I actually like the fear in people's eyes. It is just..beautiful looking at people getting scared." He stated as I looked at him oddly, making a face.

"Uh..okay well. I think I have to go!" I lied, kind of because of his freakish question.

"So soon?" He looked down at his watch.

"Yeah, sorry! My roommate might be home in an hour." I walked over to his door as he stood still.

[ Jungkook's POV ]

"So soon?" I looked at my watch as she nodded.

"Yeah, sorry! My roommate might be home in an hour." She walked to my door. I laid my coffee mug aside and unlatched the door for her to step out.

"It was nice talking to you! See you around!" She confessed happily and bid bye, running over to her house as I held in my frustration. Frustration because she was leaving so soon. 

When I made sure she was in her home, I crept back into the warmth of my house, considering the icy weather outside and locked my door.

I walked towards the stairs to go up to my bedroom when I felt my phone buzzing in my side pocket. I slid my hands in my pocket picking my phone out as I looked at the caller ID, an instant grin covering my lips.

"Hi baby!" I placed the phone in my left ear when I heard her squeal.

"How is my kookie doing?"I heard her ask as I replied, "Good, but I miss you!" My lips twisted into a sad frown.

"Aye baby, same! I want to hug you so ba- .... Oh yes! I'll be there! Okay thank you!" She was talking to someone as I waited, moving my feet in the air.

"Kook I have to go and attend a meeting. Shoot! My boss is coming, bye baby! Love you!" She hung up the phone call immediately before I could react making me sigh in defeat.

I heaved a deep breath and then tsked to myself, checking the time. 

One in the afternoon. Enough time. I put on my black leather jacket and stepped outside my house, locking the door. 

Fresh rain air filled my nose.

Damn its gonna rain

[ Minseo's POV ]

I quickly ran to my house as I sighed closing the door behind me. That was close.

I never thought Jungkook would ask me a question like that! Does he like psychopaths?

Thoughts began flooding my head but I tried to push them away by walking to the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water to distract myself. The rest of the day went ugly as I realized Jun Myeon wasn't home yet. I looked at the time sighing hard.

"Ugh its just two."

I wandered around the house not knowing what to do until an idea crossed my mind. 

I jumped on the couch happily as I switched the TV on, thinking it would end my boredom. A few minutes later which felt like years, I couldn't find anything interesting until one channel caught my eye.

I saw the news lady as she started introducing herself before getting into the topic.

"Todays news,
Parents of the famous actress Miss Mi Cha have reported their daughter missing a week ago. Three days ago, Mrs. Lee, the daughter of  Sir Byung Ho, was reported missing after 24 hours of absence. Her friends claimed to have seen her last taking a taxi home after a celebration. Police strongly suspect the disappearance of Mrs. Lee my be linked to the taxi, one because the driver insisted on driving her home.  The police department is trying to track the location of the missing ladies as well as the vehicle."

Another male reporter who sat next to her nodded his head to everything the news lady was saying with a stern look and then he turned at the screen.

"Mrs. Lee's father confessed Mrs. Lee having sent a video to his number about her whereabouts last night. In the video, Ms. Lee is seen panicking and yelling 'Go Away!' at someone, we assume, is behind a closed door. She points at the window nearby, as if showing us the location. A loud bang is heard seconds later and the video ends. It is also almost impossible for Lee to access her phone. In most of the other cases, the police had found the victims gadgets either thrown in the sewage or completely destroyed elsewhere."

The lady continued after that. The man nodded his head in a questioning manner. Both of them kept talking about how they were planning on saving the helpless girls as I stared the TV screen fearfully. The commercials immediately filled the screens as soon as the news ended.

Wow great. My jaw hung open when I tried imagining the hell the ladies might be in. How does it feel to be in that extent? I slowly got up and walked over to my kitchen as I picked up a glass of water to calm myself down, abandoning my wondering process. 

Three in the afternoon.

I deserve a gold medal for wasting my life at this point.

Annoyed, I switched off the TV walking to my room as I closed the behind me and walked to my bed. I melted in the softness of my mattress and heavily fell on the squishy pillows.

"Why does time have to be so slow!" I waited for someone to answer when I knew there was no one with me, I slapped my forehead at my dumbness. But seconds later, I heard water drops which I thought were leaking and I got up opening the door which showed my bathroom.

No water leakage.

I closed the bathroom door and went to my window, slightly moving the curtains making me instantly let out a loud sigh.

Great, its raining now.

"Rain!" I ran outside my room as I wore a pair of boots along with my raincoat. Not forgetting my phone, I picked it up as I walked out of the house locking the door tightly. "I love rain!" I stated and started walking on the side pathway, admiring the drops of the crystal clear liquid slipping down the edge of my coat. 

Rain was never not fascinating for me. Until,

I bumped onto someone making me look up. My eyes shined instantly as I saw the person in front of me smiling back at me with a grin. "Hey monkey. Its raining come on!" He said trying to grab my arm but I pushed it away quickly, crossing my arms while the rain poured above us.

"Sir Jun Myeon, I request you to let me enjoy my time in the rain for a while because I need it." I sounded unnatural because I was never really used to talking to Jun Myeon so politely. We always goofed around each other, it is always a safe environment when I'm with him. 

He sighed and stared out into the rain with a defeated face. "Well..okay just be back soon." He uttered. "Yeah bye bye!" I ran past him before he announced any rules or restrictions about enjoying a few hours of my life. 

I soon reached the bus stop after walking for a few minutes and decided to sit down on the bench. I casually started looking around my surroundings as I clenched my phone in excitement. The earthy smell of rain put my nerves at ease. For the first time after that terrible occurrence at the school, I felt serene and the images of the girl stood in the back of my head, but distinctly. 

"God, its raining!" I said smiling at myself making the people who were walking around with their colored umbrellas look at me weirdly.

But I didn't care. I wanted to enjoy as much as I could. After a few hours which felt like minutes for me, it was still raining hard without weariness. And I still sat there amazed by the smell and the sound of rain. It felt magical. I've always loved rain and moreover who doesn't?

Minute slid by, I unlocked my phone and checked the time. A rough sigh erupted from between my lips, realizing it was close to six. 

"Ugh. Maybe its time to leave." I got up and glanced at the never ending rain for a short second, before strolling silently back on the path. I stepped in excitement on the muddy puddles which laid around the road. My boots became all brown and muddy. I looked like a kindergarten child, but worry didn't capture me. A chuckle from behind my back did.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself in those puddles," Someone laughed, my embarrassment flooding in. 

"Oh its fine. Even I like them!" A 'he' said, walking over to me.

It was a male wearing a hoodie, with it covering a part of his face. I could see his lips, and seemed to recognize them from somewhere. A tiny scratch on his chin caught my attention. It looked like dried up blood without doubt. My body stood still while my mouth spilled,

"Your l-lip-" I stuttered and he touched the area immediately, muttering something to himself.

"Oh don't worry I was just scratching there and maybe I did it too hard!" He rubbed the back of his neck as I stared blankly.

Convincing, but not really. 

Dry skin? 

"Alright I..think I'll go its late already!" I was about to wave my hand at him but stopped when he asked, "What are you doing out this late?", it made me shrug. "Why do you care?" I felt panic rise up in my throat as I tried to swallow it.

I hoped I didn't sound rude, getting reminded of my bad habit of blurting out stuff I never meant.

"Young lady I hope you know about the 'Killer Bunny' who is roaming around. And you as cool as possible are playing? And plus you are a girl. Anything might happen."

Yeah I'm a girl so? What worse can happen?

"I do I do and I'm going back home right now so-" He stopped my sentence halfway.

"You're going that way right? My house is that way too! We can walk together."


He noticed the silence that suddenly took place, "Oh come on! In this way you might also feel safe I mean you know a guy?" He made actions.

I don't have time anyway.

He came and stood next to me as I felt his hand in mine. "Excuse me?" I jerked away my hand from his grip.

"Fine I'm sorry!" He took a step back. "Its fine! I was just you know, stranger and-" I got cut off again.

"Hmm I understand I just wanted to make you feel safe. You had panic shown all over your face when I asked whether I could walk with you. I don't bite don't worry!" He explained with a chuckle. The person reached forward and linked my fingers into his. 

Surprise and chills roamed over my body at his unexpected move. I was clearly not satisfied with his answer but I tried not to show it in my face and kept it straight. We were already walking before I could perceive the situation. 

But little did I know, I was walking hand in hand with the Killer Bunny.

Hiii how was this part? Hope y'all enjoyed. I really do. I don't know what to say so..don't forget to vote and comment!

Love ya!Uwu

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