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JK then left the room ordering cell guards to take take KT back into the cell

JK : As you said he is really sticking with his answer we have to gather evidence then only we can arrest him and keep him in the cell.

MY : We made the decision to take him to the crime scene for further interrogation.

Jk : Was he holding any knife or something suspicion for the cause of death ? Was he being violent?

MY: Thats the most confusing part , their was not even any blood spots on his dress , he was being calm and no weapons was there.

Jk : Then as per the rules you know we cant hold on to him more as we havent gathered enough evidence against him . And what makes you think he killed ?

MY: Even though he was matched to the situation he told , he was being suspiciously calm than a normal person would behave seeing a corpse with brutal cuts.

Jk : well before you take  him to the crime scene and investigate , you better find a place to keep him. Keeping him here would would cause trouble to us in future.

MY : I am aware of it and keep it a secret btw us , we cant let the public panic because of a lunatic like him.

{A/N= time passed by , they took KT to the crime scene with some other officers }

MY: So , KT dont you dare run away from us , its gonna be no use  even if you try.

KT : I am not a fucking theif , and why would i run i havent done anything wrong

MY: Ahh, right you aint a theif but a maniac who took lifes of many by giving them glimpse of hell .

KT : I alreadytold you , i am not a killer , i aint a criminal i was framed.

JK : Stop it , innocent or not we will see.

{A/N = They reached the crime scene and started to investigate}

MY : Come here and demonstrate what you saw and how you act .

{A/N = After a couple of hours , the demonstration, searching and questions all came to an end }
[Private talk btw jk and yoongi]

MY : Have you find anything ?

JK : Nope , i think he was framed, his body language , face gestures havent changed as we expected it turns out he wasnt lying .

MY : How can this happen ,still we cant let him go , i want to go deep into the case . We cant let any mistake happen.

JK : yeah thats right and moreover we havent got any clue and their is nothing to show as a reason to keep him in the cell.

MY : I thought about it and i feel like he should stay with in your place so that we can keep an eye on him and his all actions would be under our control , you dont need to worry i will assign some officers at your place they will ensure your safty .

JK: But , why me ask any of your colleague to keep him. I am not interested in keeping him.

MY: its not a request its an order and you can give him some dose to make him say the truth and i guess only you could handle a great actor like him.

JK : dont accuse him without any evidence , its still possible for him to be innocent.

{A/N = after their discussion}

JK : KT you are staying with me until the case is solved or atleast you are fully proved as innocent.

KT : what if i dont want to ? You cant just order me around , i have my own rights i want to go .

MY : So you wanna get get locked up again , its an order you better obey it and stay with jk. We may not have any evidence now but we will soon and then i will show you the real place you would be staying for the rest of ur life

KT : Oh , I am soo scared..lol do you think you can threaten me with all those gibberish talk of yours huh ? You won't find anything , cant you just go and find the true criminal rather than accusing me .

MY : you  took lifes of innocent and still dared to lie to us.I just cant cope up with your cruelness how can someone like u be a  human . And the word innocent is unavailable for you in my dictionary.

KT : How can you be so sure i have done it ?

MY : Bcoz i saw it with my own eyes.

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