Chapter 13

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Is this sorcery an A/N before a Chapter
*le gasp* But I just wanted to say thank you to classyartist for helping me come up with few ideas for some chapters. They don't know who the mystery villain is but they helped me come up with ideas for some filler chapters. Check them out they have some good stories. Okey Doki that's all.
Normal POV

     We were surrounded. No way to escape. Blood thirsty monsters circle us. Each of them could pounce at any moment. I knew it was a bad idea to come here.

     "It's only the mall Dick come one. You need more clothes, you have like 2 outfits." Wally said annoyed. Batman had told the team to take Dick shopping. But Dick did not want to go inside.

     "But there are so many people inside." Dick hissed back.

     "We got here early so not as many people will be here. The longer we wait outside, more people will be inside." Artemis persuaded.

     Dick mumbled incoherently. "fine." He crossed his arms and slowly walked into the large building. Followed by his teammates.

"So where are we going?" Dick asked. Whenever he needed new clothes he just stole them from the nearest store. And when he was younger his parents always did it for him. So being in this giant mall, during the day, while others were around. He had no clue what he was doing.

"How about that one." M'game pointed to a store which sold both children and teen clothing. Considering Dick was small for his age, that looked like the store they should go in.

"Ok." Dick shrugged and began walking towards the store. Of course because of superhero luck. The store was the most filled.

"Of course." Connor grunted. Dick looked uncomfortable around all the people. He watched them all uneasily as if one would randomly pull out a knife.

"Come on." Wally grabbed Dicks forearm and dragged him to a section that went from 8 to 14 year old boys. "As much stuff as you want. You need more clothes."

Dick looked at everything. Then started asking questions like a young kid asked their mom.

"Can I get this?" Dick asked again. He hadn't grabbed that much stuff. He definitely needed more. But with every items he picked up he asked if he could get it.

"For the seventh time Dick, you can get whatever you want." Wally answered exasperated. Blood had only picked up 2 shirts, 2 pairs of pants, 1 pair of shorts, and some black running shoes. But it was annoying to hear that question every couple of minutes.

"Ok then I'm done." Dick held his small findings in his hands. He saw other cool things but only needed these.

Artemis sighed, "Your gonna need more than that." The others nodded.

"What? How much do I need?" He asked.

"More than two more outfits for certain." Wally smirked.

"If you'd like we could pick stuff out for you." Kaldur suggested.

"That's probably for the best." Dick nodded. The other teens went off in different directions. Shortly returning with at least 3 items, whether it be shirts, pants, or both.

"Well I guess I do need a lot." Dick blinked away confusion. He truly didn't think he needed this much stuff. The civilianized heroes, checked out and left the store, mission accomplished.

"So what do we do know?" Dick looked towards his friends. They had dragged him out here, he wasn't about to leave before he got to do something cool.

"I'm hungry. Let's get Wetzel Pretzel. (That is a real restaurant so it's TM )" They eventually found one in the large mall and sat down nearby to eat.

     "So is this all you do at a mall? Shop and eat." Dick looked towards his friends. Yes his friends, he's never admit our loud, but these were definitely his favorite humans.

     "Yah pretty much." Artemis shrugged.

     "Well that's boring." Dick shrugged. Then a smile formed on his face, which scared the others. "We could go something fun though!"

     "And what exactly would you classify as 'fun'" Kaldur asked. Using his fingers to make quotation marks around the word fun. The rest looked towards their insane member.

     "We could scare other people." Dick smile only got bigger. Soon Wally and Artemis had a mischievous smirk on their faces too.

     "Yah let's do that." Wally cheered. The three more mature heroes, sighed but followed the others out of the food court.

     They made their way to largest store in the building. It wasn't jammed pack, but had a decent amount of people inside.

     "So what should we do first." Dick rubbed his hands together.

     "Hmmmmm. We could just jump out and scare people for a start." Artemis and Dick agreed with Wallys suggestions and stood behind whatever could cover them in an aisle way. They scared about 10 people before moving on. Their reactions were the best though. One man screamed liked a 7-year-old girl. And one women physically attacked Wally with her purse. It was definitely hilarious.

     Dick grabbed a package of chips off the shelf and ripped them open.

     "Dick what are you doing." Connor saw him eating the un - payed for chips.

     "Eating a snack, why?" The avian didn't see what he was doing wrong, and it was clear on his face. The older teens all face palmed and their shook their heads.

     "You have to pay for things before you eat them Dude." Wally sounded tired at how unaccustomed the boy was with shopping.

     "Oh ok." Dick rolled the bag up and set it back on the shelf and continued walking.

     "No, we gotta buy them now!" Artemis exclaimed. Dick looked confused but went back for his bag.

     Let's just say that happened more times then once when they continued to walk around. They did a few more shenanigans. And ate again. And after a couple of hours their returned to the mountain.

Do you guys want A/N before or after Chapter? I know most people do that, and I just didn't really feel like it. But if you want them I can definitely make them happen. Don't forget to check out classyartist I love their book Jokers Son. They gave me this suggestions and a few others.
Don't forget to ask questions and leave suggestions. Thanks

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