Chapter 23

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BatBoys POV

     The new kid, Dick, fell asleep on the couch. We just took him shopping for clothes, which he did not want to do, but desperately needed. But as soon as we got home and he put all his clothes in the closet, he basically passed out on the couch.

     "What is with him and sleeping in such weird ways?" Jason said. Dick was half on the couch, half off. His head was on the floor, and his feet were on the couch. We really need to get him to sleep on a bed.

     "Should we throw a blanket over him? Were not going to the fair for another two hours." Tim added.

     "We might as well." Jason replied. Damian went upstairs and grabbed a small blanket. Damian threw the blanket over his lower half.

     "What do you think he thinks of us?" Tim asked his brothers. They turned their head towards him.

     "Probably nothing yet. He's only been here a day. He's probably still figuring out our names." Jason answered. Damian nodded his head.

     "Do you think he knows our secret identities?" Damian said. That was a good question. Did he? He knew Bruce's, so he probably knew they were also heroes. They'd ask him later.

     With that thought in mind, the brothers left the room. Leaving the newest member of the family to sleep.

Dicks POV

     BAMMMMM!!! I jumped awake, allowing my assassin instincts to sink in. I wasn't fully awake so my brain hadn't yet figured out who was in the room. I jumped into the nearest shadow and stalked my soon to be prey.

Normal POV

     BAMMMMM!!! Jason had gotten an air horn to scare Dick awake.

     "Really Todd. You know he was an assassin. What could possibly happen if you scare him away?" Damian said to Jason. Quite sarcastically if I might add.

     The boys turned back to Dick. Who was now no where to be seen.

     "Oh yah. . . That may not have been the best idea." Jason trailed off. "Let's go find Bruce, because I don't see him anywhere." The other two boys looked around and couldn't spot Dick either.

     "Crap!" Damian muttered under his breathe, knowing losing sight of an assassin was never ever a good thing. He fled the scene. As soon as he neared the door, Dick pounced. Somehow he got all the way across the room without any of the heroes noticing him. That sent shivers down all the boy's spine.

But Dick was on still on top of Damian. Not strangling, but arm pinning him. It was a huge stab to Damian's pride that the small child took him by surprise. And Damian couldn't get him off of him either.

Jason and Tim ran over to their two brothers. Normally Damian was the scary kid, but this was a whole new level of creepy.

"DICK!" Jason yelled. Dick turned his head towards him, his lips pulled in the form of a snarl. Once he saw Jason his face drooped with realization.

"Crap!" Dick muttered under his breathe. But the boys heard it. Dick quickly got off of Damian. "I'm so sorry." He said.

Damian slowly got up. The amount of weight the boy and put in his chest hurt, but he was fine.

"It's okay, it was all Todd's fault anyway." Damian pointed to his oldest brother. Jason smiled nervously.

"Yah sorry dude." Jason said.

"No I should've realized it was you." Dick hung his head. He really did think he was better then this. He was able to control his anger, and let it out when he went in mission. Nothing had triggered his assassin instincts in a very long time. He hadn't been compelled to kill anything or anyone for a longer time. Now he goes and tackled his new family because he was scared awake. Dick was not feeling the aster.

     "Look dude it's ok. It was my fault. Were not mad." Jason said, trying to make the younger feel better. "Let's just go to the fair. There a ton of fun!"

     Dicks head popped up at the mention of the fair. "Ok." He said with a smile.

"Have fun." Bruce called to his children. He had driven them to the fair instead of Alfred. Just because he wanted to see them all walk in.

Dick's face was like a child's on Christmas. Bruce saw and his stone cold heart melted a little. When they came to a stop Dick ran out of the car. The other boys following, but slower.

Dick had a smile on his face, as did Jason. Tim was glad to be here too. Damian liked fairs, but he couldn't let any happy emotions make him lose his stone cold rep.

They stood by the entrance, just taking in all the lights, sounds, and smells.

"Alright is where are we going first?" Jason asked his younger brothers. They all shrugged. "Well where do you wanna go Dick?"

"I don't know. I've never been to a fair." Dick responded. The others stared at him.

"I thought you were a part of the circus. Don't those two pair up sometimes?" Damian said.

"Yah they did. But the adults were always preforming so no one could take me." Dick said. The other three nodded.

"Well then let's go one the Area 51 ride!" Jason said. That was a fun ride. ( I love that ride 😍 ) Dick looked at him confused.

"It's a ride that spins super fast while your inside. And you can lay sideways or upside down on it." Tim answered. Dick made an 'ohhh' face.

"Ok!" The older boys smiled at how enthusiastic the younger was. They walked into the fair. Getting a few odd looks, because one: they're the billionaire Bruce Wayne's kids. And two: they were laughing so much.


     It was a normal fair experience. They tried every ride. Played every game in sight. Ate a butt load of junk food. Dick especially loved funnel cakes, those things were just like pancakes but more sugary. They all won a bunch of carnival games, hint hint, because they're all superheroes. By the time they left the Fair was pretty much out of prizes. And was about to close.

     So around 12 am, a long black car pulled up in front of the fair.

     Once the four boys climbed into to that car Bruce spoke. "So how'd you like the fair?"

     "It was really cool." Dick said, the other boys nodded in agreement. The drive home was filled with funny little stories. Like how Tim almost threw up after a ride. Or when Jason somehow tripped over and into garbage can.

     Anyone could see that Dick was a lot more comfortable around the older boys. And they were a lot more comfortable around Dick.

     Once they arrived home all the boys went to their rooms to shower then head to bed. Having a ton of fun at a really big fair took a lot of energy. Everyone said their good nights, then flopped into bed.

     Dick sat scrunched in his little corner, thinking about the day he had. It reminded him if the day Wally first showed him Video Games. Or when the team showed him movies. Just another memory to add to his favorites.

     It was true Dick didn't like many people. But the  BatBoys, his older brothers. Just made the list.

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