Chapter 25

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Bruce's POV

I've been sitting in my computer for a couple of hours. I haven't done much work as Batman since Dick came to the manor. Looking for Zucco was a top priority right now.

I look back to my screen, searching any place Zucco May be. Then it catches my eye. A security camera near a warehouse in Gotham. Theres movement in the shadows. I remember this camera, it's hidden so well I almost didn't see it the first time. I watch the camera to see who this person is. They poke there head to look around. If I was holding anything in my hand, I would've dropped it.

"Zucco . . ." I whisper. I run to Batman suit and got to Mount Justice. Luckily Dick is upstairs messing around with his brothers. I don't need him hearing this just yet.

"Batman - 02" the computer announces my arrival. Luckily the rest of the team is at the mountain. They walk towards me, awaiting whatever I have come to share.

"I've found Zucco." I say simply. All their faces turn into one of shock. Wallace is the first to speak.

"Have you told Dick?" I shake my head. He nods, knowing it was for the best.

"What are we going to do Batman?" Kaldur asks.

I take a deep breathe before speaking. "We are going to go to Zucco and fight him. Without Dick. This is to personal for him, I don't know how'd it affect him in battle." The team nods. They rush to their rooms to change into their costumes, returning in record time.

     "To the bat-mobile!" Kid Flash yells with a smile, trying to brighten the mood. I look at him oddly. He just smiled.

     We walk through the Zeta-Tube, walking into Gotham. Were not far from where I saw Zucco. This battle was important, mainly for Dick. But he wasn't here, so we'd have to fight for him.

Dick POV

     Bruce has been gone for a long time. And I was bored just sitting on the couch. So I get up and walk to his room to see if he's there. He's not. I walk to the gym, not there either. Then I walk down to the cave and see he's not there either. But his computer is on. I walk to it and type in the Zeta tube passwords, allowing myself to see where he went.

     "The mountain?" I mutter in thought. I go over to where my suit is and throw it on then walk through the Zeta Tube.

     When I'm inside the familiar mountain, I don't see Bruce or any of my teammates. Where the heck are they?

     "Wally! Artemis! M'gann! Bruce! Connor! Kaldur!" I yell trying to see if any of them are here. I'm greeted with silence.

     I decide to hack into the Zeta Tube there to see where they went. It says they went to Gotham. Why would they go to Gotham? I decide to go to where they went, hopefully they'd be there.

Normal POV

     Dick walked through the Zeta-Tube in search of his father figure and teammates. They were no where in sight. But Dick could hear the sound of fighting in a warehouse nearby. He followed the noise, it died down abruptly once he arrived.

     Dick crept in looking for what was making all the noise. He wished he didn't see what he did.

     On the floor laid his team and Bruce. Most unconscious except Bruce and Wally. But they were down on the ground unable to fight any longer. Both bloody and bruised, breathing heavy. There were also many henchmen on the ground. All injured from fighting.

     Then there stood someone who made Dick's eyes turn red. There, over the bodies of his father/mentor and Best friend, stood Tony Zucco.

     Dick didn't even think about what he did next. He ripped a piece of metal from the wall which was shaped like a long stick, and jumped down towards Zucco.

     Wally and Bruce were awake enough to process what was going on. Each of them glad and worried that Dick had showed up. They both could see the insane look in Dicks eyes. The look that screamed blood.

      "Welcome to the party little bird." Zucco said. Dick didn't speak just stared. Then jumped. Zucco was ready to fight back too. Dick didn't fight with technique or skill, he just punched and hit, blinded by rage.

     "Did I hit a nerve bird. Is seeing your little team dead on the ground a reminder?" Zucco cooed sickeningly. Dick faulted a little.

     "They aren't dead!" He yelled shakily in between hits.

     "No they aren't yet. But it can be arranged." Three men stepped in next to Dicks friends. Each holding a gun. Dick froze at that. His whole other family about to die.

     While Dick was in his frozen state, Zucco made a move. One swift hit to the front of Dicks head with the butt of his gun to knock him out. Zucco flung him over his shoulder, before leaving the warehouse.

     The two men holding the guns left the heroes and followed Zucco. Then the sound of a car driving away signaled their departure.

     "Dick." Kid Flash said, tears threatening to spill. He had just sat and watched his best friend get taken by his family's killer.

     Batman let out an angered grunt. He couldn't do anything. He was to injured to fight Zucco, but he should've done something. He reached for his communicator and called he Justice League. Telling them to come it his coordinates.

     When they showed up, they tended to the now awake members first, then Wally and Bruce. The two explained what had happened. Dick had been kidnapped, it finally settled in. Who knew what Zucco was going to do to him. All they knew is that they had to find him, and fast.

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