Chapter 30

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Normal POV

"Welcome home Dickie." Black Canary smiles as the teens walked into the living room. True she didn't believe Dick should be out of bed yet. But him doing something other then looking at the ceiling was good enough.

Dick went and sat on an empty chair and his friends sat wherever there was room. Everyone was pretty much staring at Dick. Taking in his presence. But Dick squired uneasily under the glowing eyes.

"So hi everyone." Dick said quietly, trying to do something to make them quit staring. Dick's speaking drew everyone out of their head, allowing them to drop all they wanted to say to the avian.

"We missed you so much Dick." Black Canary gushed.

"We searches all the time." Flash said.

"We're so glad your back." Superman smiled.

"You wouldn't even believe how much Bats missed you." Green Arrow smirked, looking towards the less stone cold bat.

Dick gave a small smile to all the kind words. Though his body language didn't scream joy, inside him did. He really was home! There was absolutely no way a hallucination could be this real! Once everyone calmed down, Black Canary spoke.

"Dick," she said tentatively, as if rethinking speaking at all. But she continued, "If your ready to tell us what happened we're ready to hear it." She said affirmatively.

Dick's breathe hitched for a second. Was he ready to talk about it? Could his friends and family handle it? What if this really isn't real and Zucco is just trying to see how bad he'd scarred the boy? To many What Ifs ran through Dick's head before he came to a conclusion.

He was ready to share what has happened. True, he still had the habit of hiding all emotions other then joy and sarcasm due to his prior teachings. But he knew talking helped because it did sometimes. And they could handle it. They were ready. And Dick had already come to the conclusion that this was real. So Dick opened his mouth after the few second of panic that went through his head.

"After Zucco caught me he tortured me." You could see the expressions on everyone face change from reassuring to mental preparation. And they were good to do that, this was gonna be one heck of a story. "The first day he injected me with something that prevented me from moving and another that made it impossible for me to sleeping for awhile. He allowed other villains to come and test things on me, and they'd torture me too. Zucco did it as if it was fun. He'd try all the forms of torture he could get his hands on. If I didn't know better I'd say he researched some just to use on me. They only time I ever got any sleep was when I passed out. But Zucco would always be there when I woke up."

Dick finished his explanation, fear evident in his eyes. Everyone else was shocked. In just two weeks, TWO GOSH DARN WEEKS! Zucco has bad broken this boy! Zucco was dead however and they couldn't get their oh so wanted bloody revenge. But Zucco was dead. . . Again, he couldn't hurt anyone anymore. And that was a good thing.

"Wow man, you always draw the short straws don't you?" Wally said, attempting to lighten the mood. Which worked when he got a real chuckle from the boy.

"Guess so." Dick smiled. Everyone silently blessed Wally for doing that.

"Well you haven't had a good sleep in two weeks. That means you deserve a nap." Black Canary smiled. She got a playful moan of protest from the boy, but he was more then happy to oblige.

"Ohhh how am I gonna fit in my hole with this cast?" Dick sighed. He still hadn't slept in a bed by his own will.

"Guess you'll have to sleep in an actual bed Dick." Jason smirked. Glad that Dick may finally sleep like a normal person.

"Nope I'll figure out how to sleep in my hole." Dick smirked back, he was not sleeping in a bed. No way, no how. The three BatBoys silently sighed, they were so close.

A wave of fatigue hit Dick, and he stifled a yawn. Trying to not show how tired he truly was. Batman stood up, aware that it was time to go back to the manor.

"Your coming back tomorrow right Dick?" Wally asked, Dick looked towards his best friend and smiled.

"Of course!" And with that he stood up with the help of his crutches. And followed Batman to the Zeta-tubes, followed by his brothers.

     True Dick was far from being better. But the step he took when he first started talking again, was a step in the right direction. With him being able to talk to them about what had happened, he would get better. There was absolutely no doubt in anyone's mind that the boy would get better.

Mystery POV

"He will be mine." Said a mystery man

"Hold up Hold up Hold up!" Said a another figure who seemingly came out of thin air.

"Wait who the heck are you?" Said the mystery man.

"Well I'm the author and Dick has gone through to much. He needs a long- LONG! break and I don't like you so. So, you will not have him." And with that the author killed whoever the mystery man was and he was never seen again.

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