Chapter 4

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Blood's POV

     "Good morning Dickie." Cheryl spoke, waking Blood up. Blood stirred a little before opening his eyes. He was met with an odd sight. The team was starring at him. While he was sleeping. What a way to start the day.

     I stared at them blankly, "What are you pervs doing?"

     "Why are you sleeping on the floor?" Artemis was the first to speak, ignoring my question.

     "Beds are weird and uncomfortable, again Why. Are. You. Watching. Me. Sleep." I pressed still scrunched up in this makeshift hole.

     "Well we came to give you breakfast and didn't see you on your bed so we looked for you and found you here." Kid Flash gesture to the plate of food on the bed.

     "Well that's great. You can leave now." They we're getting annoying. And they were still starring at me.

     "Dick did they give you any utensils? Maybe we can kill them now." Chad suggested. I would love to kill them, so I look over to the plate.

     "Nope no utensils." I answer Chad.

     "Sorry, but we can't give you any. You could use them as a weapon." M'gann spoke.

     "That's right, I could and was going too. But I could still kill you with my barehands." I started to stand, the whole team flinched. "Will you leave now, if I gotta stay in this hel- Crap hole I don't wanna be around people. People suck." With that the team left.

     "That looks good Dickie." Cheryl said, speaking about the food.

     "Do you know what it is? I've never eaten dough frisbees." There were weird little circle shaped pieces of cake on my plate. I tentatively pick one up with my hand and put it in my mouth. "Holy Crab Cakes these are good!"

     "Before we leave we should get more of these cake frisbees, Dick." Chad uttered.

     "Definitely, I wonder what they're called. I'm gonna call them . . Dough Frisbees. Seems like a fitting name." I stick the other 3 in my mouth. They were so good.

                                       hehe dough frisbees . . .

———————POV Change Ahead———————
Teams POV - after leaving Bloods Room

     "Wow he is a joy." Wally spoke sarcastically.  The teams was walking back to the living room after Blood kicked them out.

     "Did you hear what he said? He said people suck." M'gann added sadly. She was thinking of all the things that could've happened in the boys life to make him radiate such sadness and anger. She could feel him all the way in kitchen when she was making him pancakes.

     "How long is he going to be in the mountain?" Connor asked. He really didn't care for the boys attitude.

     "Batman said until he decided what to do with him." Kaldur responded. He didn't like how Blood spoke to them. But didn't take it to literal considering he was a criminal.

     "Batman-02" said the robotic voice announcing the arrival of Batman. He made his way to where they team was sitting on the couch.

     "Good morning team." Batman's deep voice spoke. The team all responded with a 'good morning batman.'

     "I assume you have all met Blood-Wing and that is what I will be discussing." He began. "He is a deadly assassin, but appears to younger than you all. I truly do not want to put a 12 year old is Arkham. So I want you all to try and get him to open up to you. Try and figure out why he kills and maybe we can change him into a hero." He finished.

     "Him? Become a hero." Wally scoffed. But he did see how it could work.

     "It is not the worst idea." Kaldur thought allowed. "But we learned a little bit ago that he does not like people. He kicked us out of his room saying so."

     "That is new information. But my idea still stands who knows how long he's been alone." Batman countered. "He has developed schizophrenia and talks with the voices he considers to be his friends and family." That made the team feel a little bad for the kid. He was obviously younger than the rest, and his only friends and family were fake.

     "Well what do you suppose we do?" Artemis asked, drawing everyone out of there thoughts.

     "I believe you should try and gain his trust, he probably will not give it out easily. But he needs someone to talk to who is not an imaginary voice." Batman answered. He knew this kid was an assassin who terrorized his city. But once he learned it was a kid, he felt a little bad. (But only a little 'cause he's Batman)

     The team stood there taking, in all the information given by Batman. He wanted them to gain Blood's trust so they could try and morph him into a hero. Or at least someone who wouldn't kill.

     "That will be all team, I will leave the rest to you." Batman voices before leaving.

     "Well should we all try and talk to him?" M'gann asked.

     "Just one of us should go. He doesn't like others so we should start small then progress." Kaldur answered. The others nodded agreeing with what he had said.

     "But which of us should go?" Artemis questioned. They all looked around, then all eyes fell on Wally.

     "What? No - Wait . . Why me?" Wally didn't really want to go talk to an assassin alone. He was cool with the idea of getting him to trust them, but him going alone. That was terrifying.

     "Wally your the easiest to be friends with." M'gann stayed. She wanted to be friends with the boy, but knew Wally would do a better job.

     Wally was at first mumbling to himself, about how many things could go wrong. Before agreeing. "Fine, but if he kills me I blame you guys." He pointed out before walking towards Bloods room. He stopped at the kitchen, having an idea of how to start.

——————Time Skip to Blood Room—————
Normal POV

     There was a knock on Blood door. The assassin didn't expect any one of those brats to come back. He reluctantly got up and opened the door.

     "Hello speedsters, why have you come back to my cell?" Blood asked.

     "I brought you a cookie." Wally admitted. He held 6 chocolate chip cookies in his hand. "Can I come in?"

     "I guess. ." Blood was confused. Why were they giving him so much food. He'd eaten more today then in the past week. Wally walked into the room and sat on the unused bed. Blood didn't know why, but he hated speedster the least. Probably because he brought him food.

     "Can I ask why you are in my room?" Blood questioned. He had literally just threatened to kill him a few minutes ago.

     "Well it seemed bad to leave you in this room with nothing to do." Wally shrugged. He thought he was doing a pretty good job and talking to the boy, he hadn't passed out from fear and Blood wasn't threatening him. It was off to a good start.

     "Can I ask you another question?" Blood asked tentatively.

     "You just did." Wally chuckled, as did Blood. "But yah what's up?"

     "Can I have more of those dough frisbee. They were really good and I've never had them before." He stated feeling a little silly. He was a prisoner he couldn't make demands. "N-never mind I don't - uh - I don't need them." He fixed. Wally burst out laughing, blood stood confused.

     "DOUGH FRISBEES!" Wally yelled through his laughter. He was in tears at the name Blood had given pancakes.

     "What's wrong?" Blood was still confused, why had he started laughing?  "Is that not there name?"

     "No," Wally took a breath. "No that's there name. And yes, you can have some more." Wally smiled. Ohh how he was starting to like the kid. "Be back in a sec." Wally sped to the kitchen and made a ton of panca - sorry Dough Frisbees. He went back to the room. With over 20 of them. "Here ya go."

     "Cool!" Blood yelled. He began to eat them, as did Wally.

     "Hey do you wanna play a video game?" Wally asked. He was enjoying his time with Blood.

     "A what?" Blood has never heard of a 'video game'.

     "You don't know what a video game is?" Wally saw the confusion on Bloods face.

     "No I have never heard of one of those."  Blood responded.

     "Well you gonna play one!" Wally ran to his room to grab a few games before running back to Bloods room.

     Wally explained how to play them and Blood instantly fell in love ( with the games sorry no BirdFlash ) They played a ton of games until Wally passed out, controller in hand. Blood fell asleep shortly after, glad he got to play. The team found both boys asleep the next morning.

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