Chapter 33: Dorothea Tucker

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

*Revolutionary army's encampment*

Soldier: Hrm ? Hey ! It looks like something's headed this way !

Soldier: UWAAAAH !! It's a danger beast ! DANGER BEAST ASSAULT ! All men, counterattack formation !!

Commander: We don't know if this danger beast is being controlled by an Imperial arm or not ! Rain down anti-danger beast bullets upon it !


Commander: What ?!

Beast: SO... MUCH... FOOD...



Soldiers: This danger beast's strength is abnormal !! Is it an ultra-tier one ?! Fa... FALL BAAAAACK !!

Izou: Kousetsu... It is... Feeding time.

Izou: Fu... Running like chickens with their heads cut off... Such fragile, brittle creatures...

Dorothea: The shavings of the enemy make for an appetizing lunchtime; Go on, Cosmina ! Dig in !!

Izou: ... It's a wonder she's not attacking us, having undergone a complete transformation... Perhaps she still has her old memories...

Dorothea: That woman's feelings towards her comrades were stronger than most realized.

Soldier: This... can't be... Send word to all of our groups' watches to stand vigilant and hold their ground ! Immediately !!

Soldier: this macabre massacre... The atrocity of it... Was this the work of the Empire's black forces ? If that's the case, then we'll respond in kind...

Dorothea: Mmmm... That was such a lovely picnic ! Would you like to come along with me tomorrow ?

Suzuka: I would love to, but I'm acting as the Prime Minister's bodyguard, so I can't step away from the Palace grounds...

Dorothea: Dangerous times are close at hand, aren't they ?

Suzuka: So unyielding... Even with that look in her eyes... It was a moment of pure ecstasy. At first glance, in that passing moment, not a single word needed to be exchanged... Just killing ! So very sadistic ! It's like i'm climaxing with pleasure in a world of absolute lust !!

Dorothea: ... ... ... ...

Suzuka: You attacked the army to try to lure Night Raid out, didn't you ?

Dorothea: Hrm ?

Suzuka: I know you'll watch out for Akame, but you had best not underestimate either Tatsumi or Tao. It would simply be a waste if either of them were to die to poison. I doubt they're the type that would die from something like that.

Suzuka: They buried me alive and stood toe to toe against two of the strongest opponents. One has limitless potential for growth, and the other skills that are nearly unmatched. It would not be wise to allow opponents like that to continue living... I suggest you factor that into whatever plans you're making.

Dorothea: Hoooh... That's some mighty praise there coming from you... They should be flattered to get such high marks from you.

Suzuka: In regards to your alchemy and the country that you're from... I know a little, but perhaps you could fill me in a bit... At least on some of the finer points ?

Dorothea: Hmph. You're that interested ?

Suzuka: More or less...

Dorothea: Well then, how about we attack that encampment over there today ?

Izou: Hmph... yet another banquet for us ? We are truly living in luxury these days.

Dorothea: Was that Akame ?!

Cosmina: Hngh... Uuu... !

Dorothea: ... Hrmph, so you've already figured out our movement patterns after just three assaults ?

Akame: After attacking an encampment, you immediately withdraw. There were only a few encampments that were convenient to retreat towards. All I did was assess which encampment I would choose if I were planning on assassinating soldiers in droves...

Dorothea: That makes sense, I guess... For a long-winded explanation anyway...

"It wasn't hard to figure it out, knowing some of you were still alive. This whole thing reeked of Wild Hunt."

Dorothea: Night Raid... All their key members, right in front of us... So Tatsumi and Taoreta really did survive... Ah well. I've given Cosmina more than enough power to devour you all.


Leone: Hey, what the hell ?! Didn't you just cut it with Murasame ?!

Akame: ... A body double ?!

Leone: What's going on here ?!

Dorothea: The Philosopher's Stone. Well, I suppose merely saying it won't allow you to fully grasp all the implications... Just think of it as an ultimate, super item of sorts. It can even manipulate materials such as all your Imperial Arms... It's incredibly valuable as there is only one in existence. In fact, just a single taste of Murasame will more than suffice...

Akame: '... I can take him !'

Izou: As a Katana user such as myself... I shall be your opponent.


Tatsumi: ... 'Just 4 times left... They're strong... Don't falter now !' INCUUUURSIOOOOOOOOOO !!


Akame: Tatsumi !!

Tatsumi: looks like you got tons of gimmicks up your sleeve, huh ? Then let's see how you handle someone who confronts you head on !

Dorothea: Ohh... So you've noticed ? Hm ?

"Why bother with one. We have the numeric advantage, and we intent on using it."

Leone: A duet, you mean ? I love the sound of that. How about you, wanna be our dance partner ?

Dorothea: ... You didn't say please...

Izou: ... So this is the Imperial arm Murasame... I see. Such a treacherous, ominous beauty. But... the brilliance of this Kousetsu... Is many degrees greater. Allow me... To show you proof of that.

Izou: ... Yes... I know, Kousetsu. Apparently, the blood of Night Raid is a rare treat indeed. After drinking more of it, Kousetsu is telling me that he desires the Imperial blood as well.

Akame: ... I consign you.

Izou: ... 'Victory is mine... !' Huh ?!

Izou: GAAAAAAAAHH !! ... For you to so suddenly turn the tables... On my prediction of your strike... A... Kame... Take it... With your skill, Kousetsu will be able to drink to his heart's content...


Izou: Ghhh... How could you... Betray the last request of, a fellow katana user... ?

Akame: I... Was never a swordsman.

Dorothea: Honestly, I don't know how to feel about you being my opponents. Nothing would make me happier than the Imperial blood, but yours probably reeks like an animal's. That sucks.


Leone: ... yeah... Sucks to be you. Looks like the little kid, needs to be taught some manners...

"Sounds good to me. let's end this quick, why don't we. Fuuuuuuuu..."

Dorothea: Oh, camouflage ? I see, I see...

Leone: Well then ! Let's do this, shorty !

Dorothea: Come and get it... I'm not moving an inch !

Leone: We'll see about that !

Dorothea: Ohh ? Alchemists don't lie. I just happen to have the most strength out of all the Wild Hunt members. Don't be deceived by my cute, charming appearance. Fufufu... Are you feeling frightened yet ? Hrmm ?

Leone: Gh... No, not really.


"S- Stuck ?! What the hell ?!"

Dorothea: An obvious straightforward charge with a sneak on my blind spot. Too bad, you really did think that strength still made my body soft ?


Dorothea: Ah well. There's no need to rush things. Just sit there together and watch all your friends meet their end.

'... I was hit really hard by something really soft... I'm confused if it hurts or not...'

Leone: Why you...

Dorothea: Akame may have defeated Izou... But now faced with my troops, there is nothing left for her but certain death.

Akame: 'It's body is like some sort of thick sludge... I can't pull Murasame out of it !

Akame: 'So... The first one was a sacrificial pawn used to take away my Katana... They had a perfect countermeasure for Murasame in place...'

*Steal away the one-slash killing imperial Arm, and then have the troops surround her. After which, the troops will then position themselves such that they present an easy path to reclaiming Murasame for Akame; this is a trap. If she rushes off to try and take Murasame back, Akame's experience should lead her to the conclusion that it would end in her certain death. So what option would Akame decide on ?

A good, old-fashioned bare-knuckled brawl.*

Dorothea: Huh ?!

Leone: Akame... Even though she wields the Murasame, her skills are not solely dependent on it. When she fights, she will always target her opponents' vital areas. You can expect to see that skill first hand if she should ever lose Murasame.

"Simply put... Even without a Teigu... Akame is lethal."

Dorothea: Ngggh...

Leone: And she's not the only one.

Leone: As far as tenacity and toughness go... I've got both of them in spades. Thanks for the recovery time.

Dorothea: Hmph. You two would make most ideal subjects for my experiments.

"The only experiment you'll get is about your own death. Fuuuuuu..."

Leone: Alright !! let's try that again... TEEEEEAAARGH !!

Dorothea: Even though you can't match me in power, you still want to do this song and dance ? Ah, well... You leave me with no choice... Once I get a grip of you, it'll be over !!


Dorothea: Hngh ?!

Dorothea: GWAAAH !!

"Looks like you still don't get it, do you ? When two attacks are thrown at the same time, you can only dodge one. Avoid the punch, and you'll get stabbed, simple as that."

Leone: Even powered-up, a bookworm is still a bookworm. You were mistaken to think that someone who normally provides support from the rear could fight toe-to-toe with someone who spends all their time on the front lines.

Dorothea: ... Nghh... Looks like I made the mistake of assuming everyone apart from Akame were just small fry... Well then, in that case... I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE WHEN AN ALCHEMIST GETS SERIOUS !!

Leone: Poison ?!

"I don't know... I don't recognize what it smells like, but... Coming from someone like her, it can't be anything good !"

Leone: Then let's stop her now, before it spreads too much !

Dorothea: ... You should listen to him, you know. Are you sure rushing blindly into this gas is the smartest thing ? What, with no resistance built up to it and all... By the way, this gas isn't poison...


Leone: Iiiiigh ?! What the hell is this ?! Stone ?!

"Petrifying gas ?! Get away, now !"

Dorothea: Too late. It only transforms you into stone for an instant... But that instant is all the time I need !

"LEONE !!"

Dorothea: Fufu... You got to see up close, the combo of an alchemist with a Teigu... Quite a rustic, gamey flavor. Your blood, it was very pleasing to my palate. I'm swelling up with power.

Dorothea: Well then... I suppose it's time for the main dish. I wonder, if drinking more of that Imperial blood would yield more effects...

"... ... The cold wind of death will reap more than one soul today... But it will be the heaviest sinners that will depart."


Dorothea: ... Running away... At least he doesn't let his emotions get to his head... No matter, soon enough the Imperial blood will be mine. Let's see how Cosmina's play-date with Tatsumi is going... once that's done, we can focus on taking out the rest of them...

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