Chapter 35: Akame got kills

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:


Soldier: relax man... It looks like General Esdeath is gonna handle this herself

Rebel: ... They're getting pretty riled up. When Esdeath goes to deal with the enemy assault, we'll have the opening to make our move.

Rebels: Alright ! Let's storm the castle ! We'll take our revenge in blood with out own hands... REVENGE FOR NUMA-SAMA ! TAKE THE EMPEROR'S HEAD!!

Officer: You sure about this, Nuge-sama ?! we're getting way ahead of everyone else... Shouldn't we be keeping pace ?!

Nuge-Armstrong: Making the mother of all omelets here ! Can't fret over every egg ! This will be the battle of the century ! If you want to stand out, you've gotta throw caution to the wind ! As long as we get the desired results, nobody will say a thing !! "The driving force responsible for the surprise attack that broke the morale of the enemy right before the decisive battle", that's what the name of Nuge shall be associated with... Forever etched into the annals of history !


Esdeath: With the battle so close at hand, he acts out all on his own in a desperate grab for glory. Well then... My fellow soldiers, make sure to keep your eyes on me... I'll give you a show you won't soon forget.

Officer: Nuge-sama ! Th... There's someone flying in the sky ! Aah... Th... That's... IT'S ESDEATH... !!

Esdeath: By wrapping ice around parts of my body and making those pieces float, I can float right along with them. I may not be able to fly with the same level of grace and freedom that Ran can, but... For this glorious, flashy demonstration, it'll more than suffice...

Nuge: At last, you're mine. With my Teigu "L'Arc qui ne faut", I'll pierce right through you !! Claiming her head would truly be a deed worthy of praise ! I'll go down as a legend ! Then my name is all but assured to reaching mythical proportions... Don't fuck with this General !! TARGET... "ESDEATH" !!

*"L'Arc qui ne faut", the bow and arrow teigu. By shouting out the name of your target while firing... As long as the target stays within range... The arrows will chase after them for all eternity. Until they hit their mark !*

Esdeath: This Teigu... Must have been designed so that anyone could function as a competent sniper. How trite. If you're going to insist on using a Teigu... Then make sure you really fucking use it.

Esdeath: A battle, can only hope to be so picturesque... I shall grace you with the trump card I'd been perfecting... Rebel army.

Rebel: You fucking filth ! Defending these kinds of bastards !!

Wave: I'm not letting you get away ! Halt where you stand ! I'm taking you in ! Damn you... !!

Rebel: GFFARGH !!

Wave: Being able to make it all this way even without a Teigu... Who the hell are these guys ?! I've gotten pretty far away from the palace... Hrm ?

Soldier: I can't believe general Esdeath is taking care of the enemy all by herself. Looks like our appearance will be for naught, general Nouken.

Nouken: Not at all. The women here got to enjoy being mounted by a real man... In fact, I'm in the mood again now. Call number 5 over for me.

Soldier: Number 5... err... General, you literally slip number 5 in two the last time...

Nouken: Mmm... Is that so ?

Soldier: Ah... !

Nouken: 'For someone to get this close and still be able to mask their killing intent... It could only be... !!' AKA-

Soldier: GENERAL NOUKEN !! It's Akame of Night Raid !! Don't let her escape !!

Akame: 'I've been pushing it, forcing it even... But I've killed some big targets... That makes 12... So far... So good.'

Wave: well, well... You've been biting off more than you can chew... That's rather sloppy of you. I'm not letting you get away !

Akame: You're...

Wave: I'm so grateful... Stumbling upon you by chance like this... Akame... I'm bringing your head back on a silver platter...

Akame: ... Before we fight, there's one thing I want to ask you.

Wave: Screw the small talk, you goddamn General Killer !! Prepare yourself ! 'She can run at mach speed, so I don't really have the luxury of shouting out at her like this... But... It's no problem... My armor can withstand that cursed blade...'

Akame: Well, if you insist... 'This is an ideal situation... the way things stand now, I'll be able to capture that armor...'


Wave: get this through that thick skull of yours ! That Katana of yours will never cut through my armor !!

Akame: I see...


Wave: 'What's this ? She has no intentions of running away... Why is she still fighting ? What chance of victory could she be clinging on to... ? I don't know what she's thinking... But now it's my turn !!'

Akame: It won't matter how large of a radius it has if you insist on using a deliberate attack while charging at me head on ! Do not underestimate my agility !!


Wave: 'What the... She keeps attacking the same spot over and over again... Don't tell me... !'

Akame: That's right. Your armor may be durable, but you'd be wise to remember that my weapon is a Teigu as well. It might take some time, but if I keep attacking the same exact point over and over... I'll eventually crack even armor such as yours...

Wave: Gh...

Akame: Long ago... A dear comrade of mine was killed using the same method, so I know first-hand that it works. This strategy is fool-proof. If I recall, you landed that blow on me when we met at Kyoroch... But that was only because I was in a rush to get to the cathedral... So you only got that opening because I was trying to blow past you... But now, you've got my undivided attention. So I won't have any issues dodging your attacks. Little by little, my slashes will chip away at your facade, and split open your armor. Given these circumstances... Your defeat is inevitable.

Wave: As long as everything... Goes according to your plans... LIKE i4D SIT BACK AND JUST LET IT !!

*Akame's speech only contained some partial truths... Her true aim was to rattle Wave and get him emotional... While it may be true that at Kyoroch, Wave held off a trio by his lonesome, right now it was in his best interest to settle down and regain his composure... Because in his current state, panicked and on tilt... His blows gradually begin to lose their edge. On the flip side, Akame... Knew that taking even a single blow would end in a disastrous outcome... yet she remained calm, collected, and dodged his onslaught... And with complete certainty...*

*All of her slashes hit their mark.*

Akame: 'So that's how it is... That Teigu... The area directly behind the knees... Are much more vulnerable compared to the rest of the armor...'

*While engaging Wave... Akame had carefully been devising the means with which to bring about Wave's demise.*

Akame: 'As I expected, hitting that target will be easier said than done... Which means my only course of action is to do what I planned from the start... Come at him head-on !'

*She was very aware that this plan of attack might not necessarily succeed. As she analyzed the situation... She decided to go with that action that had the highest probability of success.*

Wave: 'Dammit... She really is outta my league... If only I could land a single blow... It'd be all over... I'm throwing everything plus the kitchen sink at her, and every single time, she just dodges it with ease...'

Wave: 'This chick is not normal... Who in their right mind can remain this calm in the midst of a life and death battle ?! Is this the gap in our battle experience... ? Fuck that !!'

Wave: 'My armor... Grand Chariot... It's been... ! Ngh ! Even if it costs me my life... No matter what, I will get at least one hit in ! Come !!'

Akame: ... This match was decided just now.

Wave: So... So says you !!

Akame: I told you there was something I wished to discuss with you... All I ask is for your ear... It's about Kurome.

"And Nouken, which makes 12... Honestly, i'm pretty sure that list was supposed to last a little bit longer..."

Akame: I tried to call Kurome out, but I failed. Sorry...

Najenda: Regardless, I'd like to thank you anyways, for trying to take down Kurome. Your pursuer may have gotten away, but at this point, avoiding targets not on our hit list is probably the prudent course of action. We don't want you needlessly getting injured, after all...

"Hey, we've got plenty enough of results already. That's just as many less victims for the final battle."

Leone: Hehe. Well then, Akame, as thanks, how about doing with a nice, sensual, erotic massage ? Like soooo !!

Akame: Y- YOU DON'T NEED TO DO THAT... Really, Leone !!

Leone: Nyohohohoh, such supple texture...

"... You do realize I'm still... Whatever, I'll see myself out."

Leone: You're not going anywhere ! It's been a while since I got some work with a guy, so you'll help me out !

"I am very scared regardless of what you mean ! Let go of me ! Back off !!"

Leone: ... Well, then, Akame, that concludes your massage. How was it.

Akame: Great. It's like the stress got pulled right out of my body.

"There's stress being pushed right in my body as we speak !!"

Akame: ... Now I can get back to fighting at full power. Boss... With all the assassinations we've been performing, there's no way the Empire is going to sit idly by...

Najenda: You mean... Retribution...

Akame: Directly or indirectly, we should expect an attempt on all our lives... By way of their dark squad.


Leone: Stop squirming, this is a delicate manipulation... Aaand...


"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh... Owie..."

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