Chapter 42: Fall

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Honest: A general at the front lines, leading their troops... Clashing into battle with the fate of the country on the line. That kind of war... Is old and obsolete. This is how my war is fought !

Honest: Giving orders to fire... From a safe and secure location ! And just like that, I can kill people in droves ! i'm pretty sure I've already killed tens of thousands ! Clearly, this is the most rational and logical method !

Honest: Bu... But even I have to admit... This is absolute overkill... Blasting the rebel army to smithereens !! THIS BATTLE IS SO LOP-SIDED, I CAN'T HELP BUT LAUGH !!

Your POV:

Leone: Wh... What the hell is that thing... ?! It's gigantic... !

"... The Empire's very last line of defense... And something that should never been used... The Emperor's inside that thing, controlling it ! And I can bet Honest's somewhere enjoying the massacre !"

Akame: Then we need to hurry ! Taking down the rest of our targets to stop that thing !

Leone: Akame ! That miserable Saikyuu has probably found somewhere safe to hide by now.

Akame: The basement ! He was the founder of the assassination squad, so that would be my guess.

"Yeah... On the other end, I can't miss that stench coming from above... As his usual, Honest is sitting over a pile of rotting maggots..."

Akame: ... In order to ensure we succeed in burying our targets... We were given specific instructions not to separate from each others...

Leone: But if we do split up now... We can eliminate the last ones much faster. One target, one kill... Akame !

Akame: Right back at you two ! That's our mission !!

'... You just wait for me, little brother... After I gut that pig, i'm coming for you...'

Soldier: Are you shitting me ?! Now it's raining down on us !! UWAAAAAAH !!

Najenda: Communicate with every Teigu user in every battlefield to prioritize shielding our troops ! If we fall apart here, it's all over ! Stand firm, everyone ! Hold your ground !!

Najenda: 'That Trump card, the Supreme Teigu... Even after Tao told me about it, it's still far beyond anything I had imagined... the imperial army should be momentarily withdrawn from here... After all, if they had stayed, they could have become collateral damage... And on top of that...'

Najenda: 'I don't see Tatsumi anywhere. Which means he and Tao are sure to be heading straight for the same thing... That massive weapon of destruction... !'

Tatsumi: 'After coming to the Imperial Capital... I lost Sayo and Ieyasu... Leaned of the darkness within the Empire... And met everyone. Man, time sure does fly by... I've fought all this time, always believing that I could change this country for the better. I've lost comrades... All whine staining my own hands with blood. Now... Finally, we're just one step away... ! That's no way... For any human to meet their maker... !!'

Honest: Your majesty ! How are you ? How do you feel ?

Emperor: I am... All right. I seem to be controlling this contraption just fine ! What about the rear and the palace itself ? Are they being properly defended ?

Honest: Do not fret ! General Esdeath has already headed off towards that direction !

Emperor: That's reassuring... It also means I can give my undivided attention on attacking. 'I must make sure not to hit any of our own people... Where is the enemy's supreme Commander ? i've got to find them... I'll keep moving for now.'

Honest: 'What the fuck are you babbling on about, your majesty ? Just keep blasting them all down, discretion be damned... Perhaps you're being a bit too cautious, your majesty !' We must concentrate on breaking down the enemy's forces first and foremost ! For now, keep overwhelming them with your projectiles !

Emperor: All right... This time, I'll use this one...


Emperor: ... He's come flying in all by himself ?! What a fool !! Who the hell are you ?!


Emperor: This... This cannot be !! The Supreme teigu... Shaken to its core by one simple punch... ?!

Najenda: ... Did you see that just now ?! There is a way to fight that weapon !! It's not a lost cause ! For us to flee with our tails between our legs is exactly what the Prime Minister wants right now ! We're so close to the finish line ! JUST FOLLOW MY LEAD... AND LET'S SEE THIS THROUGH UNTIL THE END !!


Najenda: 'Seeing that overwhelming display of power was meant to destroy morale... And yet you just leapt and confronted it face to face... Thanks to your display of courage, we were able to quell our own despair and trepidation... Tatsumi... !'

Honest: ... YOUR MAJESTY !! Do not let a mere fly hold its own against your incomparable might ! A fly should be swatted down, with the Supreme Beam !!

Honest: 'We don't have the luxury of taking too many direct hits... If I allow his majesty to continue at this snail's pace he's on, we could possibly be overcome before we get a chance to unleash our entire arsenal... Looks like the time has come... To use Shikouteizer's ace-in-the-hole !'

Guard: GUARG- !

Honest: ... What was that ?

Leone: And now... You've got no one left to hide behind.

Honest: A... A... A... An assassin ?! You infiltrated the Palace and made it all the way to the highest floor ?! 'That can only mean... Everyone other than Saikyuu has been eliminated ?!'

Leone: ... Way to assume there's one assassin after you...


Honest: What ? Urk-

"Do yourself a favor, and try not to fight back too much. I've been looking forward to this for years now."

Leone: Same here. Oh how we've been waiting... IT'S TIME TO PAY THE PIPER !! PRIME MINISTER !!


Honest: Well, well... Looks like I managed to catch it.

Leone: What ?!

"Fine then, you chose the hard way out ! Uwaah ?!"

Honest: You brat stay down. I'll deal with you last. Hrmmm... Well, this is good timing, I suppose... I have been working quite the appetite here...

Honest: Ho ai hink (So I think), hiks hinne hor humm hakks. (It's time for some snacks).


"... So he just bit down and ate that spear... That's new..."

Leone: Don't tell me... he's actually some kind of Teigu user... ?!

Honest: And here I thought I had discovered a new delicacy... But it tasted quite dreadful. So I'll just have to wash this taste out of my mouth... With you two. Speaking from experience, young girls are quite pleasing to my palate... And some true Imperial blood on top of it, I'm already salivating.

Leone: Sorry to burst your bubble, but the only one that's gonna be eaten is you !

"And once we're done here... Don't expect there to be any leftovers..."

Honest: Creating an assassin army with 100 of them... Is it...

Saikyuu: Even the ones going against you, they know they will get killed if they come out to surface. So from now on we need more people who can kill the dirty ones.

Honest: I can say.

Saikyuu: Yes. It is a soldier's job to kill the others in a war. What I want to train is, the ones who kill the darkness inside the darkness.

Honest: It was a long time ago, but... Saikyuu was explaining about how beneficial assassins would be. Even though it was chaotic you managed to reach here by yourselves only, so... The assassins really are troublesome. I should have left Suzuka here.

Leone: ... We're not even here alone. Because of everyone's help, we can stand here !! For everyone's sake, we will kill you 100 times !!

Honest: Then I guess, killing you 200 would be fair game !!

"You... Don't even think a hundred deaths would be nearly enough to ato- PUAH !!"

Honest: And I told you to stay put. Enjoy the show, and bask in your actions. Both of you... DON'T HAVE THE SKILL TO COMPETE !!

Leone: The skill... You say... ?!

Honest: Your Teigu is Lionel, which allows you to transform into animals, and you avoided the traps with animal's senses. But you are not enough yet for a battle... Both of you.

Leone: W... Was he always so strong... ?

"I had... No idea..."

Honest: No wonder. In order to enjoy a long life, a strong body is necessary. I trained myself enough when I was young. I became quite tough because of that. Even though I eat tasty food a lot, my body stays very healthy. Unlike you two, without Teigus, you are nothing.

Honest: Speaking of... For you... I think your womb will be the most tasty.


Honest: URG- ?!

"Don't you... Look so high and mighty. I learned quite a few tricks myself while I was gone !!"

Honest: ... The obsidian glass swords of the West regions... And you dared use it to stab my stomach !

"Stab ? I think you should be worried about other things right now"

Honest: What ?!

Leone: heh. You didn't notice about Lionelle's recovery speed ? DIE !! PRIME MINISTER !!

Honest: ... I refuse that. Also... You are in the range.


Leone: ... H- Huh... ? What was... A Teigu ?! Tao, what happened ?!

"I had a hunch... Honest, you damn well know my interest for Teigus... And you still decided to show it off like that. Well, I guess it's one for one."

Leone: hey... Y- Your scythe...

"... 'Erase Stone'. Alongside the Holy Retriever, it's one of the very few Anti-Teigu weapons... Except this one irremediably destroys them..."

Leone: So... It's gone now ?

"Like a mirror reflecting another mirror... All of that-"


"... Gurg..."

Honest: Blabbering like that, I swear... This is what you get for stabbing my stomach.

Leone: T- TAO !!

Honest: My dream is to live until 130 eating a lot of foods, hugging girls and kill the ones who I don't like. To achieve this, my body is important, so I get angry if I get attacked !!

Honest: Tch. In the end, I had to rely on a gun for that... All of that because you had those petty ideals of "justice" and "peace"... Looks where that lead you. Now hundreds of thousands will perish.

Leone: because of...

Honest: Am I wrong ? If only you shut your trap, and died quietly like your parents, none of that would have happened. But you had to escape. You had to find your way back, and stirs the embers of rebellion. Well, I hope this was worth it. Now you'll die having accomplished nothing, and leading all of them to their grave.

"... ... ... I return... That to you... If it wasn't for you... I wouldn't be here today. Neither would any of them... So thank you... that day... You started digging your own grave !!"

Honest: L- Lord ?!

"The raging flames have began consuming this Empire whole... You can't stop them anymore... Dead or not... This country will thrive on- !!"


Honest: I have grown tired of your incessant prattling. Only those who come out on top will get to write history after that. And it won't be you. Now if you'll excuse me, my Lord is in danger. Since you're so insistent on siding with all these peasants. Just die on the ground like the lots of them.

Leone: TAO- Guah !!

Honest: Why don't you join him while you're at it ? The disown ruler and the wild beast... that could make a good story.

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