Were is she?

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??? Pov: staring out the bared window a small light of hope had been lit in my heart though mear words were not enough. I needed to see her with my own eyes. "Francois!" I tried again turning to him. "Tell me!" I spoke coldly placing a knife to his throat. "tomorrow" he sighed pulling the knife away. That's what he'd said all day. It was worse knowing she was alive and I couldn't see her. Sitting on the couch I buried my face in my arms. What if she's in trouble or Lucinao finds her first. Allan and Matthew were out searching every hospital they could find. I had begged to join them but they new to well in my state I would stab before asking any questions. Many times I'd try to escape but the door was locked from the outside and the only window in this place was sealed with steel bars.

"Frankie wanna cuppycake?~" I tried sweetly holding out a cupcake for him to eat. "No you've probably drugged it" he spoke bluntly not lifting his head from the news paper. Kicking his stool I sent him topplering backwards and let out of huff in annoyance and aggravation . "Hey!" he shouted but I simply ignored him and took a seat on the sofa again. Tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap fidgeting my foot. Patientence was evading me. Looking at my wrist clock '11:00pm' tap,tap,tap '11:01pm'. "Frank" I spoke lowley towards him yet all he did was raise his head lazily. So close my mind stung and anger was starting to grow. "go to bed I'll tell you in the morning" did he really just say that. "No I must find my poppet" I replied angerly. He only shook his head and stood up searching through some cupboards. This place was dull. We were hidden in a 3 bed apartment some were in America. Tattered wall paper and dirty wooden floors. If it wasn't Vik and wan we'd be on the streets.


Sitting on the balcony I looked up at the stars through my tears. The axis had hurried off with (S/N). François had left me alone out here. Slowly I stood. My legs felt like jelly, I tried my hardest to walk away from the scene. Hearing voices I headed towards them. "Oliver" I looked up into crimson eyes. Vik stood infront of me worry evident on his face. Walking pass him, he followed me down the hall. I was met with a gruesome sight. Al was lent against s wall a bandage tightly wound around his head, blood soaked the floor. Wan was lent over a stained red sofa. Walking towards the scene Matt was laid across the couch, wan working on his wound as Francis stood behind them, his phone to his ear "Yes, ok good to know" he walked up to Vik and whispered something in his ear. After Vik left without a word.
Looking down at matt I could see his rib cage. Lowering my head it stung, I should have kill Luciano when I had the chance. This never would have happened if I just...
"After this we are goanna have to leave straight away, the police will be here in minutes" wan informed wrapping up unconscious Matt. After quickly bandaging him up he spoke again "Francis help me carry Matt, Oliver can you help Al?" I slumbed over towards Allan, he held his head clearly in pain. "Allan" I held my hand to him, he looked up, defeat misted his eyes. Holding out my hand he took it tightly. Pulling back I helped him to his feet. He tried to walk by himself at first but almost toppled over. Catching him he let out a grunt he hated getting help for anything. Holding his arm over my shoulder I helped him hobble towards the elevator were wan and Frank waited for us. My mind wouldn't think straight it was hard to keep my mind on any form of idea or action. She was gone! My poppet. (F/N). "F#ck" I mumbled shocking everyone in the elevator as tears started rolling from my eyes again, I kept moving forward though. I will get my revenge!


Frank pulled a dusty bottle of wine from the cupboard and uncorked it. "You know without you I wouldn't be in this mess" he sneered taking a swig. Glancing at him he continued. "is it really worth going after this girl haven't we already done enough damage?" he qouestioned. I wasn't in the mood for anwsering qouestions all I wanted was anwser from him. "How?" I asked aggiatated. "We are the whole reason Luciano wanted her back, he saw us as a threat to her" Francois sighed. "Then of course you asked for my help... " he placed his head in his hand as if he had a headache. "He's been having someone watch over her, her entire life" he finished. The words hit like concrete, everything he said made perfect sense. Had I really caused my poppet that much pain. "I atleast have to apologise" my heart ached as if sharp barbed wire string was pulling down on it. Desperately I didn't want to lose her. Franvois looked at me rasing a brow "don't say I didn't warn you, don't forget to be careful after all your not the only killer" he informed. That's right apprantly (F/N) has killed 99 people. The thought still baffles me. For the last time I looked down at my watch 12:10am then looked up. Francois put his alcohol down and stared straight in my eyes seriousness plaguing his face. "State Capes hospital" all he said was those simple words that set me into action. Walking up to the locked door I smashed my shoulder into it intill it swung open. "Don't make to much of a mess" he called as I left the apartment "No promises~" I called back a small smirk on my lips.

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