Chapter Five

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The news spread like wildfire through the dormitories and gathering spots near the campus. A sense of disbelief and unease settled over the students as whispers and rumors permeated the air. In dorm rooms, common areas, and cafes, conversations came to a sudden halt as the gravity of the situation sank in.

As word reached a group of students gathered in the university's main quad, the atmosphere shifted from casual chatter to a tense hush. Smartphones buzzed with notifications, and the first news reports started to circulate, their headlines sending shockwaves through the crowd.

Among the students, there was a mixture of reactions - disbelief, fear, and concern etched on their faces. Some clutched their phones, staring at the screens as if expecting the information to change. Others exchanged worried glances, their conversations now revolving around the unsettling news.

Eva and Bailey were among the group. They exchanged a glance that conveyed the shared sense of concern. Without a word, they joined the growing cluster of students huddled around someone streaming a live news update on their phone.

The details were scant, and rumors filled the void left by official information. Speculations about the victims, the location of the crime, and the motive buzzed through the crowd. Some students began calling friends and family, ensuring their safety and checking on their well-being.

Marlee and Austin approach Eva and Bailey, and the four of them share a moment of silence before collectively deciding to find out more. They navigated through the worried crowd, determined to uncover the truth about the double murder that had cast a shadow over their university community. 

As the news continued to spread through the campus, the Tucson Police and federal agents were pulling into the campus, their lights flashing in sync. Bailey's attention moves to the all-black SUVs and the familiar officers that had slid out of their patrol cars. Sergeant Rodriguez, accompanied by Officer Likins, stood in front of their vehicles. The sergeant adjusts the heavy Kevlar vest that was strapped across her chest and then rests her right hand against the holster her Glock 22 rested in. 

"Eva." Bailey says as she taps her fingers on her best friend's shoulder. Eva turns to face Bailey, showing that she had her attention. "Sergeant Rodriguez is here," Bailey points to the sergeant and officer Likins. "I'm going to go see if I can find out more about what is going on." Bailey finishes. Eva nods, her arms folding across her chest. Bailey could tell Eva was scared by the way her arms tightly wound themselves across her body. "Hurry. I don't think I want to be here anymore today." Eva replies softly to Bailey. Bailey gives her friend a quick but tight and reassuring hug before heading towards the sergeant. 

The agents had already started moving through the campus, followed by a few campus officers that were available. Bailey's lunch churned in her stomach at the thought of the killer hiding out somewhere on or around campus.

"Sergeant Rodriguez." Bailey calls out as she gets closer to the woman. Sergeant Rodriguez continues to walk on, unaware that Bailey had called for her. Realizing rather quickly that her commanding officer did not hear her, she calls out a little louder. The sergeant stops briefly and turns to meet the voice of who had called out to her. Her lips purse when she sees Bailey and her brows furrow with an equal mix of frustration and sadness. "Hello, Miss Carson." The Sergeant sighs, as she gently rubs the creases out of her forehead. 

The sergeant drops her hands from her face and crosses them across her chest. "I know what you're after, Carson. Unfortunately, there isn't much I can say at this time." Bailey frowns and slides her hands into her pockets. "Surely you can tell me something. Maybe I can help on the scene." She offers. The sergeant frowns softly and uncrosses her arms. She places a hand on Bailey's shoulder, gripping it softly. Bailey glances at it, then back at the sergeant. No words were needed to tell Bailey that she wasn't able to help this time. "Can you at least tell me if the kills were done by the same psycho who murdered Khloe." Bailey pleads. The sergeant drops her hand and glances at her surroundings. "Okay, I'll tell you this." The sergeant starts as she leans toward Bailey. "We do believe these kills were done by the same person. Two more masks were found at the scene, this time resting on the victims' faces." Bailey's lips purse, and she glances at Eva, who sat on the wall of one of the campuses miniature arboretums. She looked visibly uncomfortable and worried and ready to run as fast as she could away from the campus. "I wish you'd let me see the scene, ma'am. I could be helpful; I could help confirm identities or something." Bailey looks at the sergeant again, her eyes pleading. She wanted to see the scene. She wanted to find anything that could help discover the identity of the now confirmed serial killer. 

Sergeant Rodriguez lets out a defeated sigh and gestures towards her patrol car. "I'll take you over there only if you promise not to touch anything. You are not on duty, Carson." Bailey nods and walks towards the patrol car. Internally, she was excited to see the scene, but her outward appearance read uncertainty and nervousness. There were only assumptions of who the victims were. Nothing was confirmed because the police had yet to fully release that information. All Bailey knew was that the victims were male and female. There was speculation that the two victims were university students because their book bags were found on the scene, but due to the fact that their identification cards were stolen, and their bodies were mutilated, made the identification part difficult. The only thing that made Bailey feel uneasy was seeing the victims in their current state. What was she going to see? What if she knew them as well?

Before climbing into the vehicle, Bailey calls out to Eva. Eva jumps at the sound of her name and turns towards the voice. "Head home, Eva. I will be there in a few hours, okay?" Bailey tells Eva as she climbs into the patrol car, her head dipping under the roof to avoid knocking her forehead on it.  "Lock the door!" Bailey finishes and pulls the door shut and watches her best friend get up off the wall and head towards the direction of 2nd street parking garage. 

Bailey sits back in her seat as sergeant Rodriguez climbs into the car. One of the university police officers rolled past the car on their motorcycle and turned left down another road. "Do you think they're still on campus?" Bailey asks the sergeant as they take off towards University Boulevard. "Can't say for certain. That's why we're checking." The sergeant replies as they take a right off of University Boulevard onto 4th street. 

More patrol cars were gathered along the street along with two news vans and curious citizens. Sergeant Rodriguez pulls to a stop behind a university police car and turns the vehicle off as she props her door open. She adjusts her Kevlar vest again before opening the backseat door for Bailey. "Stay here." The sergeant orders as she heads to the trunk. She then opens it and pulls out another Kevlar vest. The sergeants' eyes scan the crowd of citizens as she slams the trunk close. The sergeant tears her eyes away from the crowd and walks back over to Bailey and hands the vest to her. Bailey grasps the vest and stares at it for a moment. Silver lettering that read 'INTERN' was ironed on the front of the vest, its reflective surface glistening in the afternoon sunlight.

"It's a public scene, Carson." The sergeant tells Bailey, reclaiming her attention. "I want you wearing this as a precaution." The sergeant gestures to the vest as she fastens her own vest. Bailey nods and slips the vest on, velcroing it together tightly. "Ready ma'am." Bailey says as she turns to face the sergeant. Sergeant Rodriguez gives Bailey a once over and nods in approval. "Alright, follow me then." 

The sergeant starts down the sidewalk towards the alley where the rest of the officers and crime techs gathered. Several bright flashes told Bailey that images of the scene were being taken. The sergeant lifts up the yellow caution tape that surrounded the scene and dips under it, holding it up so that Bailey could pass under it.

"Afternoon Sergeant." An officer on the scene says as the sergeant releases the tape and starts into the alleyway, Bailey following close behind her. "Afternoon Winters." Sergeant Rodriguez replies as she looks all around the alleyway. Officer Winters looks the sergeant over before turning to face Bailey. He takes a step towards her, his mouth parting. "She's my intern Jerry." The sergeant tells the officer, gesturing to the vest she was wearing, before any comments could be made. Officer Winters face flushes lightly, and he nods, his laups pursing together. "My apologies." He says as he steps to the side to allow the two women to pass.

Bailey watches as Officer Winters turns away from her and the sergeant and resumes guarding the entrance to the alley, fending off curious bystanders. After a few seconds, she turns to face the scene before her.

The first thing that snagged her attention was the amount of blood that was splattered up and down the alley, illuminated by the flood lights that were placed strategically in the alley.

How did no one see anything until the deed was done? This had to have taken several minutes to accomplish.

Bailey's eyes dart all around the alley before finally landing on the two bodies, both resting against the wall in an upright position. This telling her that they must have been posed afterward. The victims' hands were clasped together, and the females head was lying against the male's shoulder. It looked as if they were cuddling. If it wasn't for the obscene amount of blood or the stark white masks that were covering both victims' faces, the police probably wouldn't have been called as quickly as they were.

As the sergeant questions the officers on the scene, Bailey takes the opportunity to crouch near the victims to get a closer look at them. She told the sergeant she'd help identify them.

Bailey quickly pulls out the pair of gloves she stashed in her pocket from it and puts them on. She then slowly reaches for the mask that was resting on the females face and lifts it off, the mask squelching as it separates from the face. Bailey's face contorts into disgust as she peaks under it slightly before fulling removing the mask. "Need a tech over here." Bailey says as she holds the mask by her side, making sure to avoid contaminating the evidence.

A crime scene technician was by Bailey's side within a few seconds, an evidence bag open so that Bailey could slip the mask into it. Once the mask was secured in its holding place, Bailey turned to face the female and searched her features for anything identifying.

There were several stab wounds and cuts scattered along the females face, but she was still able to determine who it was. The familiar heart tattoo on the female's collar bone provided the identification. "Sergeant Rodriguez." Bailey calls out. She turns to face the sergeant, meeting her face. "Carson, I thought I told you not to touch anything?" The sergeant replies as she marches over to wear Bailey was crouched down. "My apologies, ma'am." Bailey sighs and rises to her feet and pulls her tainted gloves off. She falls them up in one hand and clenches them in her hand. "No apologies necessary, Carson." The sergeant sighs with Bailey and glances at the victims. "What did you need?" The sergeant finishes, meeting Bailey's eyes again. "I know the identity of the female victim, ma'am." Bailey faces the female and crouches again. "How did you figure it out so quickly?" Sergeant Rodriguez was dumbfounded at the quickness, her brows furrowing together. "From her tattoo." Bailey gestures to the tattoo obscured by dried blood. "It's Mia Talbot." Sergeant Rodriguez crouches down besides Bailey and with a gloved hand wipes some of the blood off the tattoo to see it more clearly. "She's a student in my political science course. I did a project with her, It's the only reason I know her. So unless another student has the same tattoo in the same place as this victim, this is Mia." Bailey turns to face the male victim. "And if I had to assume his identity," Bailey and Sergeant Rodriguez turn to face the male victim. "This is probably Mia's boyfriend Carlos Rivera." The sergeant reaches towards the mask and slowly peels it off the male victim's face. The tech that stood nearby was by the sergeants side with another evidence bag open and ready.

The male victims face was not nearly as brutalized as Mia's was. The kill wound was a large hole through his throat that went clean through to the other side. There were a few gashes on his face from probably being dragged, but that was it for the face.

Bailey's assumptions, however, were correct. The male victim was Carlos Rivera. "Is it who you assumed?" The sergeant asks Bailey after dropping the mask into the evidence bag. "Yes, ma'am." Bailey replies as she rises to her feet again. The sergeant also rises to her feet and begins escorting Bailey out of the alley.

The two women quietly climb into the sergeant's vehicle. The sergeant starts the car and grips the steering wheel tightly. "Thank you for your help, Bailey." The sergeant starts as she pulls out onto the street and starts heading towards Bailey's parking garage. "But" the sergeants lips purse, and her grip tightens on the wheel. "I cannot have you assist me anymore with these cases." Bailey's head whips around to face the sergeant, disbelief painted on her face. "How do you mean you can't have me assist anymore?" "Exactly that Bailey. Three victims so far, and every one of them you know in some way. You're too close to this." The sergeant pulls to a stop outside the highland parking garage and turns the vehicle off. "Don't take this the wrong way, okay? It's just to ensure your safety." Bailey frowns but nods in understanding. "What am I supposed to do for my shifts at the department then?" The sergeant frowns and unlocks the vehicle. "Until the offender is found, you're not allowed at the precinct. None of the interns are for the time being. It's just too dangerous for you guys to assist us out here." Bailey fiddles with her fingers and nods in understanding. "Please stay safe, okay?" Bailey props the passenger door open and slides out. "Thank you, Sara, for the opportunity to help. Hopefully, I'll get to once again when the unsub is caught." The sergeant chuckles softly and turns the car back on. "I will be calling periodically to check on you, Bailey, so don't do anything stupid." Bailey closes the car door, and the sergeant rolls the passenger window down. "I won't ma'am, I promise." Bailey spins on her heels and heads into the garage. When she reaches the elevator, she peeks back out towards the road to see Sara speed off down the road.

Bailey digs into her pocket and pulls her phone out and dials Eva's number and listens to the ringing. The line rang twice before it was picked up. "How did it go, Bee?" Eva asks Bailey before she can get a word out. "It went fine. I helped them identify the bodies, and then I had to leave." Bailey replies as she presses the elevator call button. "Who were they?" Eva asks once the elevator dings. "Mia Talbot and Carlos Rivera." Bailey steps into the elevator and presses the fifth-floor button. Eva curses over the line. "That's not the worst part." Bailey says when she finally reaches the fifth floor. "What was worse than seeing two of our classmates murdered?" Bailey steps out of the elevator and quickly fishes her keys from the side pocket of her book bag. "Sergeant Rodriguez doesn't want me helping on any more cases or at the department until the unsub is found." Eva audibly sighs over the phone. "Honesty, I prefer that." Eva says as Bailey slips into her car. "But I know you." Another sigh could be heard. "You won't put this to rest, will you?" Eva asks Bailey as she starts her vehicle. "Nope." Bailey replies as she transfers the call to Bluetooth. "I'm gonna find who this unsub is, whether Sara likes it or not."

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