Chapter 12

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"You twisted little bitch," Moss slammed his fist into the granite counter top, "You think this is funny? My cousin killed herself because of that bitch. This isn't a joke."

"Moss, cool it." Jordan said with a calm authority, "Christophe didn't mean to make light of Bianca's passing, right Chris?"

Sadie was surprised that Moss immediately obeyed Jordan. The bulky and tatted teen compressed his rage down into his over puffed abs, huffed like a bull a few times, releasing his anger in hot breathy puffs. Then he sat back on his bar stool. Sadie thought it was odd that Jordan carried such sway over the bully. Jordan wasn't usually the type to stand up to anyone. He dated Ingrid for Christ's sake. He was a go-with-the-flow guy in most scenarios. But she guessed a lot can change in a year.

The gang sat in awkward silence for a moment, the way people do after an outburst when everyone is unsure of how to proceed and with what energy. It was Gigi that broke the silence. She pressed her slick back hair back even further and narrowed her raven eyes at Christophe, "Is this going anywhere?"

Christophe told Gigi that it was. It was going all the way to the top, baby! He explained that after all the horrible appearances of these demonic eyes that he threw himself into research, "I fell into a YouTube occult hole so deep that I even started reading books."

"Books?! Gasp!" Gigi mocked.

"I didn't stop there. I've zoomed with psychics and shamans. I've sat in on every Clubhouse talk on astral plane conjunctions. I learned that tonight's the syzygy. The planets will all align." Christophe pushed their scattered, mostly undrunk s'more-tini glasses into a line illustrating the celestial alignment, "The veil between worlds is at it's thinnest. Right now." Christophe looked almost serious, "I want to do a seance. I want to contact Ingrid."

Once again, Gigi was the first to speak, "We don't know Ingrid's dead, but let's say she is and let's pretend make-believe is real and yes her ghost is trying to contact you. What the shit does that have to do with any of us?"

Christophe hopped off his stool and became animated again, "Psychic links are fuelled by emotional links and boy does this crowd have some emotional links." Christophe pointed his marshmallow toasting stick at Gigi, "In seventh grade she pretended to be your girlfriend only to out you to your megachurch."

"My parents megachurch." Gigi scowled.

Christophe's marshmallow stick found Moss next, "In 2nd grade you caught Ingrid torturing a squirrel with her geometry set, but when she found out you saw her she told the principal it was you. Everyone thought you were socio and I guess it was a self fulfilling feedback loop." The stick made its way to Autry, but before she could plead for Christophe to stop, "10th grade. Who can forget that Ingrid was responsible for leaking your... cucumber video."

Autry screamed ohmygod and broke down in tears. Before Moss could grab Christophe's neck, Christophe danced away and rested the marshmallow stick on Jordan's shoulder as if he were knighting him, "A week after you dumped her after two years of being Beachwood's hawt-test couple, you fail your drug test, ruining any chance at your swimming scholarship even though..."

"She spiked my piss," Jordan finished, "I know she did."

And finally all eyes on Sadie.

Christophe shook his head, "Sadie, Sadie, Sadie. Why the emotional connection between you and Ingy is ripe. Her partner in crime. She was your bestiest besty best friend in the whole wide world." he said in a sing-song voice.

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