Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

It's been a couple of days. Jeff has been around me a lot lately. I wonder why. He doesn't usually hang around me this much. I've even been sleeping in his room instead of mine. I know something is up but I don't think asking is the best approach to find out the answers. I know Jeff won't say anything. But on the bright side the mansion has a new pet. Jeff named him Grinny. I wonder how he came up with that name. Duh, it's obvious. But even with the weird grin on the cat's face, the little fella is adorable. And he seems to like me. He always cuddles up with me whenever I'm sitting on the couch. 

Smile seems to be getting along with Grinny. At least I think. They both act weird around each other. I can't tell if they're getting friendly or becoming enemies. Hopefully not the last option. The both of them can be troublesome and they'll be worse combined. I'm still training on my magic with Ms. P and Slendy has me work out every so often so I don't get rusty with my combat skills. I've been doing well and everyone seems to be proud of me for coming to my potential as the proxy. Although I don't feel like my purpose as the proxy is to train in magic and combat and be skillful. I have a feeling that I'm meant for something more than that but I don't know what. I've tried asking Slendy but every time I do he doesn't give me a straight answer. It's starting to annoy me.

I've been watching Ben play a video game, for the past few minutes now. Apparently he's stuck on a boss and keeps dying. He's very agitated because of this and starts to curse out loud and sometimes even curses in different languages, as I'm guessing. I did not know he spoke German.

I've decided to stay in my pajamas today because why not? I wanna be lazy and comfy today and I got nothing to do! I heard footsteps behind me and looked over. Masky and Hoodie came out and sat next to me on either side and both seemed to be in a happy mood. "So Ellie," Hoodie started, "you ready for Halloween?"

"The creepiest time of the year," Masky added.

"Where monsters, ghouls and demons will lurk upon the human world, undetected, in search of poor, and weak human souls!" Hoodie finished. I giggled and just said, "Sure." 

"Well you shouldn't be!" Masky exclaimed and it made me jump. Hoodie laughed wickedly and I felt uncomfortable. "Uh...okay...," I mumbled. 

"What are you two dweebs here for," Ben asked flatly, not taking his eyes off of the TV screen. Hoodie laughed coolly and said, "Relax, Gamer boy, we're just trying to mess with her. We came down here to ask her a few questions about the upcoming holiday is all!" Ben huffed and chuckled. "You two are still excited about that at this age?" he taunted. Masky crossed his arms and said, "Yes we are!"

"Because we're fun!" Hoodie stated. Ben laughed and said, "Whatever, dork of ages, you can have your kiddie fun." Masky huffed and set his arms down. "Anyways," he said, "what do you plan on dressing up as Ellie?" I shrugged. I didn't really think about my costume. I guess now I'll have to see what I want. God knows I'm not going with the costumes Jeff picked out for me. 

"Well, you have to have an idea of what you want to dress up as," Hoodie asked. I sighed and replied, "I really don't have a clue. What are you two dressing up as?" Masky answered, "We're going to be Lifty and Shifty from Happy Tree Friends."

"It's the best show ever," Hoodie stated bluntly. I smiled and rolled my eyes. They love a show about animals getting killed in strange and gory ways. How surprising. "Well, good luck with the costumes, guys," I said, "I'll see if I can come up with a costume idea for myself." They both gave me a thumbs up and got up to walk out of the living room. After a few more minutes of Ben cursing in Dutch, Sally came into the room. I smiled and beckoned her over. She gladly obeyed and came over. I picked her up and sat her down on my lap. "Hi, Ellie," she said sweetly. 

"Hey, Sally," I giggled and she hugged me. She asked if I could play some games with her and I accepted. We played hide-and-seek around the mansion, we played tag, and I played dolls in her room with her for a while. "So Sally, you excited for Halloween like everyone else," I asked her while putting my doll in a toy convertible. She nodded happily and said, "Of course I am. I get free candy!" I smiled. "Are you going to dress up?" I asked. She thought about it for a bit and then nodded. "Yeah. I wanna be a pirate!"

"You want to be a pirate? Why do you want to be that?" I asked nicely. 

She giggled and said, "So I can make Ben walk the plank!" I couldn't help but laugh at her response. She can be so cute and funny sometimes. She's like the little sister I never had. "So what will you be," she asked me. I shrugged and kept playing dolls with her. She suddenly stops playing and gets up to go to her closet. She pulls out a little red blanket and puts it over my head. Sally looks at me for a while then smiles in satisfaction. "You'd be perfect as Little Red Riding Hood!" she squealed. I take off the blanket and set it aside. "You think so?" I asked. 

"Yes! You'd look so pretty!" she said joyfully. I smile and say, "Well, I'll think about the idea." She nodded and we went back to playing dolls. After a while Slendy took Sally away so she could take a bath. I went back to the living room only to find Ben and Jack flailing their arms at each others controllers to sabotage one another. I rolled my eyes and went into the kitchen. I felt something rub up against my leg and I looked down to see Grinny. I picked him up and craddled him. "Hey, Grinny," I cooed. He purred into my neck and flicked his fluffy tail around. "Are you hungry," I asked him. He licked my cheek and I took that as a yes. "All right, Mama's going to get you some food," I said. Jeff says that I'm practically Grinny's mom since he found him so that's why I call myself 'Mama' sometimes. And Jeff is basically 'Daddy'.

I rumaged around the pantry for some food and found tuna. Grinny will eat this for sure. I opened it up and then decided to put the food into Smile's bowl. I'm sure the Husky won't mind. Grinny doesn't have a bowl of his own and I don't want him messing with the can. I put the food into the bowl and Grinny jumped next to the bowl and started eating. I pet him two times then leave him so he could eat. As I started walking out of the kitchen Jeff was coming in through the front door with Smile since they both went out for a kill. Jeff sighed and plopped down on the couch, clearly exhausted.

"How was it," I asked him. He groaned and said, "Tiring. You know, one guy threatened me with a remote? A freaking remote! God, humans these days are so stupid...!" 

"But aren't you human too," I asked. He looked at me and said, "Yes but not that kind of human." I shrugged and sat down next to him. Smile licked my hand and I scratched under his chin. He started walking into the kitchen and I stayed seated next to Jeff. He yawned and said, "Man...all those kills made me hungry!"

I turned to him and said, "Then make a sandwich or something." 

"Not that type of hungry," he growled into my ear as he leaned in. It took me a few seconds until I realized what he meant and what he was doing. He kissed my ear and nibbled on it. I tried holding back my blushing but it showed either way. He pushed me closer to him so he could wrap his arms around me. I dug my face into his hoodie and let him nibble on my ear. He licked it then kissed my jaw line. He kissed my cheek and was about to kiss my lips until we heard a loud crash come from the kitchen.

We both jumped and looked over. Both of us looked at each other and thought the same thing. "Grinny and Smile," we said in unison and quickly got up to run in. As soon as we go through the door way we're horrified. Broken shards of dishes lay sprawled across the floor and chairs from the breakfast table were thrown. Grinny was on the table, hissing down at a growling Smile. Pure hatred were in both of their eyes and and the tension was thick. Smile barked viciously and picked his front paws up to reach the table. As soon as he tried snapping at Grinny, the smiling cat swiped his claws at the Husky, causing him to whine and leap back from the table in temporary retreat. 

Smile's snout had scratches on it now and he only growled at this. He suddenly jumped on the table, making it rattle and Grinny jumped off with a harsh meow. Jeff scolded Smile and when the dog wouldn't listen Jeff ran after him. He tried grabbing him but Smile leaped off of the table at the last second, causing Jeff to miss him and land on the table. Smile and Grinny ran around the kitchen, banging into cabinets and chairs as they would often slide across the tile floor. I tried to grab for one of them but they would either be too fast or they'd jump out of my grip to attack one another. Each time I would slip on glass and hurt myself slightly. 

I managed to try to grab Grinny but he jumped over and onto my back as I was hunched over. Smile decided to try to leap at him and in doing so Smile made Grinny freak out and start tearing up the back of my shirt. I shouted and Grinny finally got off of me but unfortunately Smile was too late to jump at him and landed on me instead. I groaned under the pressure and the smiling dog leaped off of me. He was about to bite at a hissing Grinny but he was suddenly yanked back by his collar. Smile whined as Jeff glared down at him, holding onto Smile's collar tightly. The dog tried to run out of his grip but Jeff yanked him again harshly, telling him to stop. Smile could only growl at Grinny as the cat was back on top of the table, eyeing him. I finally managed to grab Grinny and hold him back from Smile. Unlike Smile he didn't protest but I was still pissed at him. 

Jeff gave me an apologetic look and started dragging Smile out of the kitchen and out the front door. I waited until both of them were out and then took Grinny upstairs. I put him in Jeff's room for the time being. I started closing the door but then Grinny started meowing in protest. As much as it broke my heart I ignored him and closed the door. Best way to discipline a cat is to ignore them when they've done something wrong. Grinny likes me because I'm sweet and nice to him and he always wants my affection. But this should show him not to do what he did. I have to ignore him no matter what, until he starts behaving.

I went into the bathroom and looked at my shirt. I groaned as I saw the back. It was completely torn up! Damn, Grinny has some sharp claws! What sucks is that this is the only shirt I use for my PJ's. Great. This freaking sucks. I sighed and walked out of the bathroom to change into different clothes. Hopefully I find something to wear before night fall. For now I'll have to wear regular day clothes. I changed and went downstairs just as Jeff was coming in. He grumbled and plopped down on the couch. "Well, Smile's tied up," he huffed. I sat down next to him and said, "And Grinny is to be ignored until he behaves."

There was a silence and then, "What got into them?" Jeff asked. I shrugged and sighed softly. "Well we know one thing," I grumbled, "let's not leave them alone together....ever." Jeff nodded in agreement and slumped across the couch, exhausted again. I can tell neither of us signed up for this kind of thing.


It was growing dark outside and Smile and Grinny are still basically grounded. I still haven't found a decent enough shirt for sleeping in. I can't just wear nothing. I've asked Slendy for anything I could wear but he had nothing for me that I found comfortable. I asked everyone for something but apparently they either don't have that many clothes or their clothes are all dirty. Like I've said before, how do these people live? I was drowsy from searching around the house for decent night clothes and also because it was getting really late. I was hanging out in Jeff's room again with him in here too. I was lying down on his bed and I could feel my eyes grow heavy with each passing second. After a while I kinda dosed off and a couple minutes later Jeff woke me up.

"Don't fall asleep in your day clothes," he said. I groaned and sat up, rubbing my eyes. "Well I have nothing to use. What am I supposed to do," I said drowsily. He stared at me for a while, thinking and then he started grabbing something from his dresser. I watched him with tired eyes and waited for him to finish. He found what he was looking for and pulled out his white hoodie. He handed it to me and said, "Here, wear this for tonight."

I eyed the hoodie and muttered, "But I can't wear your hoodie."

"Just take it. Only for tonight, okay?" he said. I sighed and grabbed the hoodie. I put it on my lap and looked up at Jeff. "Turn away, I don't feel like walking to the bathroom to change..." I said. He rolled his eyes and turned around. I grabbed my shorts and changed out of my pants and shirt. I slipping into my shorts and pulled the white hoodie over me. It felt really soft and warm. It was big on me since I was small, but even if I wasn't it would still be big on me. It even covered my shorts and drapped over my hands slightly. His hoodie was comfortable, I actually have been wanting to wear it. This is so worth it. I told Jeff he could turn around again and once he did he melted. He stared at me with awe and then pulled me in for a hug. "You're the cutest you've ever fucking been," he said to me. I didn't have enough energy to respond so I let out a small whine. 

Jeff pulled away and looked at me again. "I wish I had a damn camera," he said. I rolled my eyes and fell on top of the bed. I got under the covers and snuggled into them. It was strangely quiet and I opened my eyes. Jeff was covering his mouth, giving me those awe strucken eyes. He looked he saw the cutest kitten alive. It was awkward and then I held out my arms and muttered, "Go ahead." He immediately jumped on top of me and held me. We rolled around the bed as Jeff kept saying how cute I looked in an excited voice. "Ermegerd you're so fucking adorable! I wanna eat you! Can I eat you?! I'm gonna fucking eat you!" He started nibbling on my ear and he only got more excited. "You're fucking delicious! You're like a lil' kitten! I'm gonna call you Fluffikin Sunshine!I don't care if it's a stupid name! It's fucking adorable! Deal with it Fluffikin!" he shouted. I grumbled as he kept rolling around with me.

Finally he stopped and we layed in bed together, him still holding me. I was falling asleep against his chest and Jeff pulled me in closer. "Ellie...," he whispered. "Mmm?" I hummed. He snuggled his head against mine and said, "Do you like the idea of us going on our first date soon...?" I looked up at him and said, "Well, I don't hate it....but the idea does make me a little nervous...."

"Don't be," he said and pecked my lips. I pushed my face into his chest and clutched his black shirt. He chuckled and kissed my head. "Good night," he said. I smiled slightly and mumbled, "Good night...." I fell asleep in his arms, thinking about Halloween and the date that we'll have together. I've never been on one but I have a feeling that this date will be a perfect one.


*Jeff's POV*

After days of anticipating the day, it has finally arrived! "Happy Halloween, muddafukkas!!!" I shouted as I came barging into the kitchen where everyone sat for breakfast. They all shouted, "Happy Halloween," too. I took a seat next to Jack and nudged his shoulder. "You ready for tonight Jacky boy-?"

"Don't call me tha-."

"Whatever!" I exclaimed and he sighed. "Yeah I'm ready," he grumbled and I ruffled his brown hair. "You dressing up like old times? What's your costume?" I asked. He huffed. "Pfft," he said, "bitch please I am the costume." I stared at him and chuckled. A couple minutes later Ellie comes into the kitchen, still wearing my white hoodie. Apparently she never got different PJ's so she's stuck with my hoodie for a while....

Actually there are clothes for her...I just don't give them to her.........I'm horrible.

Ellie rubs her eyes and looks at everyone. She walks up next to me and yawns. I grab her hand and kiss it. "Happy Halloween, Sunshine," I said sweetly and she smiled. I pulled her in and onto my lap. She protested but I hugged her too much that she eventually gave up. She crossed her arms and her face turned red from annoyance. That just made her look even more beautiful. 

I let her go after a while and told everyone that I was going to take Smile out for a walk. I got my hoodie back from Ellie once she changed into different clothes and I left. I found Smile laying down out front and once he heard me walking he quickly got up. He ran up to me and propped himself up against me. I scratched his head and started walking. I decided to take him out of the forest and into the town. I put my hood up and kept Smile out of sight from pedestrians. We walked and I already started seeing houses all set up for tonight. Some were good, some were bed, and some were just plain crazy. God, I can already smell the Halloween spirit. Tonight's going to be amazing! Especially since Sunshine and I will have our first date.

I can tell she's been nervous these past days about it. As much as I keep my cool in front of her I'm more nervous than she could ever get. I know this will be her first ever date and I've at least had my experiences but holy shit this feels different. For the first time ever...I'm truly, truly nervous about a girl. This kind of thing doesn't usually effect me but...why now? God, my heart feels like its about to have a friggin' seizure just from thinking about it...! Well...maybe it's not the whole idea of a date that's making me nervous.... Is it because it'll be Ellie who I'm taking out? Now that I think about it...I think that's the case. Christ, I'm right aren't I? 

I grumbled, raised my fists in the air and shouted, "What the fuck is wrong with me?!" I froze and looked around. Some people doing last minute Halloween decorations outside stared at me like I was crazy. I actually am but right now I'm just being weird. I quickly put my arms down and scoffed. Smile gave me a look that surely meant "Epic fail dumb-ass". I sighed and we kept walking.

I'm so going to blow it tonight.


(Still Jeff's POV

It was evening now. All of us were getting ready to head out and either murder humans or just steal candy....probably both! I had no idea what I wanted to do. I thought being myself was too old fashioned so I winged it and got something else not too expensive and not too cheap. Actually it was something that was already here but whatever! Ellie supposedly found her costume and said she would get ready. I was waiting in the living room along with Jack and Smile. I sat next to Jack and whistled. Jeez, Ellie takes forever to dress! "So," Jack suddenly spoke up, "you never really told me what you're going as." I chuckled and said, "I'll show yah then!" I pulled out my costume from out of nowhere and put it on. Jack was probably giving me a look. "You gotta be fucking kidding me...," he muttered. 

I started laughing hysterically. He groaned and said, "Seriously, Jeff...? A fucking sombrero, fake mustache and maracas?!" I shrugged and shook my maracas. Jack facepalmed his mask and grumbled. "So," I said, "what are you going out for?" Jack shrugged and said, "I'll think I'll just steal candy mostly."

"Nooooooobbb!!!" we both heard someone whoop. We turned to see Ben, ready to go out. "You're going for the damn candy? Pfft! Bitch please! I'm going out for two reasons only. 1) to kill some dudes and 2) for the babes!"

"Babes?" jack questioned. Ben nodded and gave us both a smug look. "Hell yeah! You know how many hot chicks are out there dressed up in sexy outfits? How can I not take up that chance? I'm going out to kill some and get some!" 

"You know there are other things you could do," Jack stated. Ben chuckled and said, "Yeah and those things are other chicks."

Jack groaned and said, "There's more to life than girls and sex."

"And that life sucks," Ben said, "and you only say that because you've never been in that life. You're still a virgin Blue boy." Jack froze and I could sense the anger boil up inside. "Maybe I am but I'm not the only one!" he remarked.

"Please, even Jeff lost his virginity and he actually shows his face," Ben taunted. Jack looked at me for back up but I just shook my maracas and said, "Juan the killer no here." Jack facepalmed again and looked at Ben. "Fine! You know what? How about a challenge," Jack seethed, "whoever can bang the most chicks tonight wins. Loser will be enslaved by the winner for a whole week!" Ben smirked and said, ''You're on Blue boy!" They were about to race out when we all heard someone coming down stairs. We all turned and I got up from the couch. What I saw next was the best thing to happen in a single moment...ever!

"Hey...," Ellie said shyly as she reached the bottom step. "How do I look," she asked. I stared at her with awe stuck eyes. She wore a red and white plaid dress that went up to her thighs, white leggings, red flats, a long red cloak and in one hand she held a picnic basket. I could hear Ben and Jack whistle behind me. I couldn't get mad at them. Couldn't blame them. Who wouldn't whistle to her? My fake mustache somehow fell off and she giggled. "You look amazing...," I said, still stunned. She smiled and clutched her little basket. "Sally helped with the idea," she said. Sally, dressed in a pirate suit, suddenly popped up from behind her and shrieked, "Isn't she the prettiest Little Red Riding Hood you've ever seen?!" I nodded. Ellie walked up to me.

"I had something for you," she started, "but I can see you already have a costume." She chuckled on the last part and I grinned. "What did you have?" I asked. She beamed and opened up the picnic basket. She pulled out fake wolf ears and a fake tail. "I thought you wouldn't mind being my Big, Bad Wolf," she said sweetly. The 'my' part got to me and I couldn't help but gush with joy inside. I grabbed the wolf ears and tail and got an idea. I got my knife out and took of my hat to cut it slightly. I made two slits and poke the wolf ears through. I put on the hat again and clipped the tail onto the back of my pants. Ellie gave me a wide smile and I said, "Would you prefer the Big, Bad, Mexican Jeff the killer wolf?" 

She laughed and said, "It's so much better than all of those things alone." I felt my face heat up slightly and she hugged me. I pulled away and picked up my fake mustache from off the floor. I put it on and Ellie laughed. Suddenly Sally exclaimed, "So what are we waiting for mateys! Let's rule this Halloween!"

"Aye Captian," Ellie saluted and we all set off out to the town. Tonight there will be no killings by me. Tonight no one will fear me. Tonight I won't let blood shed for my own amusment. Tonight it's only me, Ellie and all the candy we could ever have!'ll just be us together.

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