Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I was in gym class running a few laps  around the gym with Addie. She's in here with me too.  I'm just lucky I have her to talk to. I mean Ian is in this class with me too but usually the coach is getting on his ass for slacking off so he's always exercising out of punishment. I kinda get a kick out of it though. Especially when he does jump squats. Man, the look on his face is priceless. It's like he's actually dying or something! It's hilarious!

I take a break and Addie does too. "Got anything to drink?" she asks, desperate. I shake my head and say, "Sorry, I forgot to grab one on the way to school." She pouts and whines. She's not exactly the 'exercising' type. She's fit, it's just she doesn't like to get sweaty and stuff. You wouldn't even tell she even ran by how much perfume she puts on afterwards. And she still says it's not enough so she puts more. My lungs are practically poisoned by the stuff.  I'm surprised I'm still alive. 

We rest for a while until the coach yells at us to keep going. I groan and roll my eyes. Now I know how Ian feels. Suddenly I hear a voice say, "Yeah, Umber, keep moving. You don't want to become a fatty, now do you?" then a couple of giggles. I sigh. Oh yeah, those girls are in here too. I turn and see one of them smirking at me rudely. That one's Mandy. She's the 'leader' of the little group. The other two girls are Clare and Stephanie. I always thought Stephanie was a nice name...until I meet that one. I'm sure there are other Stephanies out there that are nice but this one is just a disgrace if you ask me. I ignored their teasing and kept running along side with Addie. "Don't let them get to you," she panted. I nodded and said, "I don't plan to." She smiles and we keep running. 

After we were done with our laps we headed for the locker room. I was really thirsty and so was Addie. The water fountain isn't working so we can't get anything to drink. I asked Ian if he had some but he said he wouldn't need it since he always slacks off and does nothing. He should really learn to realize he's bound to exercise at some point and take a bottle of freaking water. Jesus, he's an idiot. Addie and I walk into the locker room and grab our stuff. "Man," she whines again, "I'm super thirsty. I'm about ready to rob someone of their damn drink." I chuckle. Typical Addie. I was putting my original shirt on when I hear a familiar voice. "Ya girls thirsty?" I turn and see Maddy again. What does she want now? I smooth my shirt out and say, "Yeah so what?" She laughs a little and says, "Well if you want you can have my water." I already know Addie is about ready to say yes but I talk. "That'd be great, I guess. You'd be willing to lend us some?"

"Sure! Of course Elizabeth! I'm not that cold hearted," she chortles. I still have a bad feeling about it but I accept the offer. "All right, thanks, Maddy," I say. She grins and says, "No problem..." She walks over to hand me a bottle but what I noticed was that she had opened it already. I didn't like that. Before I could protest she threw the water at me, wetting my shirt that I'm supposed to wear for the rest of the day. I frown and was about to say something when I noticed the foundation on my wrists came off. The water must've hit my arms and washed it away while it was weak. This isn't good. Addie noticed the marks and Clare noticed too, but she was the only one out of Maddy's group to see. I grabbed my gym bag and ran out of the locker rooms. I heard the girls' laughter as I ran and even the little comment, "Wet mutt." Great, they made up another one. I ran out but slipped on some excess water that dripped from my shirt. I dropped my stuff and it was sprawled across the gym floor. A couple of people who saw laughed and I blushed out of embarrassment. I was left to struggle with getting my stuff. I went to reach for my gym shirt when someone else grabbed it and gave it to me. I looked up to see Ian helping me out.

He grabbed a couple of things and put them in my bag. "Thanks...," I muttered. He sighed and said, "Let me guess, they threw water at you and now you're dripping wet and embarrassed and you slipped on some and now I'm helping you?" I hesitated but then nodded slowly. He sighs again and says, "Seriously, Ellie, you need to stop getting hassled like this. I'm the only one that can mess with you."

"Jeez, thanks, that makes me feel soooo much better," I grumbled. He chuckles. "Well, ya know what I mean. Don't let them mess with you so easily. I'm not always gonna be there to help you out." I nodded and understood. He's right. I reached for the last of my stuff but he also reached too. I stopped before something awkward happened but I should've dealt with it instead. Ian grabbed my hand and looked at my wrist. He looked at me concerned and grabbed my other hand. He saw the other mark then frowned. "What the hell is this, Ellie?" he asked. I felt uneasy and I yanked my hands out of his grip. "Nothing! It''s concern you...they're just marks...that's all...." He was still frowning. He reached over to get the last of my stuff and gave it to me instead of putting it in the bag. He got up and looked down at me, still upset. "They're not just marks, Ellie. And it is something to concern me. Whatever shit you're doing here...just knock it off." He stormed away and left me on the floor with my bag. What the hell was that all about? He knows something. Just like how Jeff knew something. But neither one of them told me a thing. Not even a hint or clue of what's happening. Well, they're both idiots! And I can figure this out on my own! I don't need their help at all.

I got up and pulled my jacket out of my bag. If I'm going all day with a wet shirt I better make sure to cover up. For weather and privacy reasons.


I was walking out of the restrooms. The bell was about to ring. I went in to dry off my shirt and to redo the foundation on my wrists. I'm still worried about Ian. And Addie hasn't mentioned a thing about it either. I don't think Clare has told anyone, although I have a feeling she will soon. She's not the type to keep secrets. She will and can spill out your darkest secrets if you're not careful. Believe me, I've seen peoples' reputations destroyed all because they told her some information about themselves and she told others about it. Some even moved schools so they wouldn't take the ridicule. I don't want to be one of those people. Not only because my friends are here but also because I don't ever want to be known to run away from my problems. I may look like a coward but it doesn't mean I want to feel like one. There's a difference between appearances and personality. People only care about the appearance but really it all comes down to the personality.  You just gotta know how to define it all. 

The bell rung and I still needed to get my bag since it was still in the classroom. Once I got there the teacher was already locking up the empty classroom. God dammit! I know she won't open it up again. I'll have to wait until tomorrow then. I sighed and brushed my hair back. This is not my day. "Aw, did the little reject leave her bag in the classroom?" I turned to see Maddy, Clare and Stephanie. They laughed at me and walked away, Stephanie teasing, "What a dumb-ass!" I groaned and banged my head onto a nearby locker. Yep, this day sucks. I banged my head into the locker one more time when I heard, "Hey, don't hurt yourself." It was a gentle voice and it didn't mean to say that in an annoyed way. I turned but when I did I wanted to hide in the locker. It was Travis. Holy crap-why is he talking to me? 

I stuttered and he gave me a small smile. "I'm sorry," I said. He shook his head and said, "No problem, okay? But could you excuse me? You were just hitting my locker right now so I kinda have to get my stuff." I looked from him to the locker then back at him. I quickly stepped out of the way and stood in front of the classroom door with my bag in it. He looked at me and asked, "What's wrong? You seem upset." I shook my head and said nothing. He closed the locker and stood in front of me. "I know it's not my business and I know we've never talked a lot but I do know that you're upset. Can I help somehow?" I hesitated to look up at him. If I look at  him I'll turn red and he'll think I'm weird. So I didn't look up but I mumbled, "The...the teacher locked this classroom and bag was left inside and I really need it..." He smiled and said, "I can fix that! You got a hair pin on ya?"

"Do I look like a girl that would need those," I ask, with a hint of irritation. His face went blank and he said, " really." I sighed. I knew he meant good but there's no way he could help me on this. He thought about this and perked up. I guess he has an idea. He walked over to a locker a few feet away from his. He got the combination and twisted the knob a couple of times before it clicked and he opened it. "That isn't your locker." I said.

"I know," he said. I frowned and say, "Whose is it then?"

"My cousin's," he said, "she's got a few hair pins in here somewhere."

"How do you know her combination?" I asked, a little worried. He smirked and said, "Because I know her like the back of my hand. It's Justin Bieber's birthday."


"Yeah I know," he said and chuckled. He eventually found a hair pin and closed the locker. He walks over to the classroom door and fiddles with the lock a bit until..."Got it!" He exclaims and opens up the door. I smile and run in to grab my bag. When I came back I asked, "How did you do that?" I was astonished that a person like him would know this kind of stuff. He shrugged and said, "I wasn't always the most perfect guy back in middle school. But I guess my naughty boy skills paid off well enough." He smiles and closes the door. This is great. I got my bag back and I talked to Travis for a little bit. I take back what I said about today. I think it's shaping up already. 

I started walking when Travis stopped me. I turned to look at him and he brushed my bangs aside and slipped the hair pin in. I blushed insanely and mumbled. "Th..this is your cousin's. Shouldn't you give it back...?" He shook his head and smiled warmly. "Nah, she has way too many to even notice. It's not like she counts them." He moves his hands away and looks at me. "There. Maybe now you won't look so shy. I could barely see your eyes. If you want to be approachable you gotta look the part." He gave me one last smile and walked away. I stood there, dumbfounded. Did that just happen? That just happened. That just freaking happened! But how? Oh, whatever! It happened! And that's all that matters after today. I feel better already.


When I got home I immediately went upstairs. I didn't want to be in the living room or kitchen, fear that whatever happened yesterday will happen again. I didn't want to take the risk so I went to my room. I put my stuff away and fell down onto the bed. I was tired and I just felt I wanted to sleep. A little nap won't hurt right? I did have a long day so I should get a little rest. I got into something comfy to wear and I hopped into bed. I wrapped myself with the blanket and dug my face into the pillow. I was drifting off when I heard my phone ring. I looked over to look at it. Addie was calling. No doubt she wants to talk about the incident in the locker. I ignore the call and send it to voice mail. I'm sure she'll understand. I started falling asleep when I heard a loud bang downstairs. I groaned and got up. I walked downstairs and looked around. I went into the kitchen and saw a pot had fell onto the floor. That's probably what made the loud bang. I picked it up and put it back into its cabinet. 

I went back upstairs when I heard scuffling. I started to get uneasy. I checked downstairs again and walked into the living room. Nothing seemed odd about it, nothing was moved or broken. Do we have mice in the house? It could explain why the pot fell and I heard scuffling. I looked around and didn't see anything. I went back upstairs when something stuck to my foot. I looked down and grabbed it. It  was a piece of paper. It read 'Check the front door'. Maybe it's a note from my mom, she always writes notes for my dad in the morning when he can't find his keys. But since I'm a curious being I do as the note says. I open the front door and look around outside. No one is out here and nothing seems off. I notice another note on the outside of the door. I take it and read 'Now look upstairs'. I was nervous now. But I walked up anyways. I didn't see a note anywhere so I just went into my room. 

There I saw another one. What the hell kind of game is this? I grab it and read what it has to say. 'Don't look behind you'. My eyes widen out of surprise. What the hell is this? It says not to look behind me. But like I said, I'm a curious soul so I end up looking. Then I realize the window is right behind me and I get real anxious. I turn and see that...nothing is there. Wow, I got all worked up for no reason. I'm such a wuss. I laugh to myself and turn back around but then I freeze. My parents' room is right across from mine, and as I recall...the door was closed. But the door is wide open and I can see inside...and I'm terrified. At the far end of the room, across from the doorway, I see a man. He stands there, staring at me. did he get in? More importantly...who is he? Then the memory kicks in. It's that guy from last night. Jeff. Why is he here again? Just here to cause more trouble. But then I remember...he didn't get to kill me last night. What if he's here to finish me off for good? I start to tremble and I shake my head. 

", no, no...n...NO!" I scream and bolt for the stairs. I can hear his hurried footsteps coming after me as I run to the front door. I open it but yelp. There was a dog outside, but it wasn't just any dog. It looked like a husky, with black and red fur. I could deal with the weird fur color but what surprised me was that it...smiled. It was a big, wide smile that just looks plain creepy.This was definitely no normal dog. I immediately slam the door before it could pounce on me. I turn and see that Jeff was there. I head for the back door in the kitchen and make it there. I try to open it but it won't budge. It's locked! I look through drawers but don't find the damn key. Son of a bitch! I look up and see Jeff across the kitchen. I look around and see the window is open. He must've snuck in and left it like that. What an idiot. I run for it and manage to leap out, hitting my side as I fell down. I struggled to get up but then thought of that dog. I got up and ran for my neighbor's house. They have to help me. They just have to. 

I knock on the door once I get there and push the doorbell button so many times it should break. No answer. No one came. They must not be home. I try to open the door but it's locked of course. I forget it and run around back. I climbed over their wooden fence and fall over again. I was in their backyard. I think I should be safe. I heard sudden growling. I looked to see that it wasn't that dog from before but it was the neighbor's raging Rottweiler. Oh damn. What's worse?  It wasn't tied up. So really I should say...oh shit. I got up and tried to go over but the dog barked and ran at me. I jumped out of the way and ran for its house. I climbed on top and watched the dog bark up at me. I have to get out of here and find a safer place. I can't go back home and I can't stay here for long. As I was thinking the dog suddenly jumped up and threw me off balance. I fell down and hit my head against a rock. Things just keep getting worse. The Rottweiler came around and then bit my arm. I really need to stop jinxing myself! 

It jerked violently and I screamed in pain. I felt a shadow come over me quickly and something landed behind the Rottweiler. I looked to see it was that smiling dog. Great, bring me a whole raging bull now won't you?! The smiling dog growled and gave me a crazy look before it noticed the Rottweiler. It barked gruesomely and attacked the other dog. It bit its leg, making the Rottweiler let go of my arm. I cradled it close and dirtied my shirt as it bleed. I need to find help for this fast. I was about to get up when I heard horrible whining and squealing. I looked over at the fight and what I saw was disturbing. That smiling dog...bit off a chunk of that Rottweiler. I could see the rib cage. I covered my mouth to keep from throwing up but then the fight got worse. The smiling dog flipped the Rottweiler onto its side and mauled its stomach. Blood and piece of intestines flew around them. I closed my eyes to keep from watching this. I heard the Rottweiler stop whining and it just stopped all together. It was...dead. I wanted to cry but I knew I had to get out of here before that poor Rottweiler isn't the only one mauled to pieces.

I climbed on top of the dog house again and slipped over the fence. My arm was still injured badly but I needed to put it aside for now. I needed to find help. And fast. I ran away from the neighbors house and went into the nearby woods. I ran over leaves, rocks and twigs, hurting my bare feet badly. I was running short of breath and so I stopped. I sat up against a stump and rested. It's so cold outside. Mom said the weather would get around thirty degrees. That's pretty cold for the beginning of fall for us. I was freezing. With no jacket or any warm clothing I was going to get sick. I can't stand this weather. I felt dizzy from the blood loss and cold. I don't have a lot of time left awake. I have to get help...before they get me. I don't want to end up dead and lost out in these woods. That'd be a horrible discovery for my family and friends. 

I try standing up but my feet are numb from blisters, cuts, and the cold. I don't think I can move anymore. I sit up straight and try crawling but I just end up collapsing. My vision was turning dark and just before I passed out I saw a  figure step towards me, crouch down and reach out a hand. That's the last I saw before I fell unconscious.

*Okay now I'm really sure that was long! But DAMN! I have the AC on and my fingers are practically numb! But i type for your entertainment and i always will until the end...of this book. :3 which won't be until a long time fortunately for you. So stay ace, a friend once told me!!! And dont be a bad wanker! Carry on!!! >:D*

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