Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

Jeff's POV

I woke up to something cold on my face. My vision is blurry at first but I quickly regain it as things get sharper. I look around and see something new.


How long as it been? Snow wasn't supposed to come out until three days later. No.... I've been unconscious for three days?! I start to panic and I look over to check on Elizabeth. I prayed that she wasn't dead but it was much worse. She wasn't in the car. Did she fly out? What happened?!

I coughed and shook off all of the snow on me. I'm fucking freezing! The whole car is trashed. The car was flipped over so I hung upside down. I quickly went to unbuckle myself when I stopped. ", no, no, no, no, no, no!!!" I said hastily as I looked at the piece of metal that punctured my side. I grabbed hold of it and tried to pull it out but it was lodged in too deep. The pain was extreme and I screamed. I can't pull it out! No! I started shaking as I tried to think things out. I slowly struggled to unbuckle myself and I was successful but that only made things worse. As I fell, the piece of metal sunk in deeper, piercing right through me. I wailed as pain rushed throughout my body and I was nearly going to pass out.

I waited there for several minutes, the pain slowly fading, but it still lingered. I slowly started crawling out the broken window on my side of the car, making sure the piece of metal didn't shift. I managed to make it out into the snow and I took in choppy breaths. I could feel blood flowing from the wound and I knew I had to find help as soon as I could. I slowly got up on my feet and started making my way to the road again. I didn't care for all of the stuff left at the car, I need help.

I made it up to the road and started walking. Where did Elizabeth go? Did she die from the car crash? Did that bear get her? I'm feeling sick to my stomach just thinking about what could've possibly happened to her. She can't die. She can't...

I couldn't see very far, as snow and fog mixed to blind everything that was fifteen feet away from me. I was cold, bleeding and weak. At this rate I might die from either blood loss or hypothermia, or possibly both. I limped up the road, swaying every so often. I have no idea where I'm going so I don't know if I'm getting near civilization or further from it. I hope it's not the latter.

I reached into my pocket to grab my knife but it wasn't there. It must've fallen out during the crash. Dammit! I'll just have to hope that I don't run into any trouble. As I walked, I left a blood trail and it was leaving more and more blood by the minute. This isn't good. I need to get help before I die. But there's nothing out here!

I suddenly stumbled and fell over. I coughed up blood and tried to get up but I was too weak. I started thinking about getting help but that didn't motivate me. I thought about everyone back at home but that didn't help much. Then...I thought of Elizabeth.

The thought of her dying or already dead out here in the cold wilderness. The thought of her fussing over where I could be or possibly fighting off more corrupted animals in her poor state. The thought of her just giving up and preparing to die...

I won't let her die. I won't leave her out here. I will help her find her grandma and she'll finally succeed in what she's worked so hard on. I'm not about to give up and die on her, and I won't let her do the same to me. I built up all of my strength to lift myself up off the ground and stood up. I started limping forward again, motivated to keep going for Elizabeth's sake. Every time I thought about all the blood I was surely losing, I thought of her, and my troubles were replaced with determination. I did this for as long as I walked and I actually made it longer than what seems like thirty minutes. As long as I think of her, I can do anything.

I kept walking, praying that with each step I was getting closer to help, or more importantly, Elizabeth. I don't care if she hates me now, I still love her and I'm not going to let her die. As I walked, I saw a small object up ahead and limped towards it. I stopped in front of it and looked down at it. It was a shoe....Ellie's shoe...

It was covered in snow and there was dried up blood on it. This has been out here for the three days I was unconscious. As I kept looking at the shoe I saw a small trail of blood that was leading into the trees. That has to be Elizabeth's blood.

I followed the trail of blood drops and walked back into the tree-line. I kept following the little trail until it faded away. Damn.

I kept walking, hoping to find something. And then I see it. There was something lying in the snow, as still as the trees around it. I walked closer to it and nearly panicked. "Ellie!" I exclaimed. I quickly limped over and kneeled down, causing my wound to ache and I winced. I bent over her and stated shaking. She was covered in snow and dried up blood. She had scratches all over her body and her skin was paler than ever. Her lips were starting to turn blue and so were her fingertips. "Shit," I muttered and checked her for a pulse. I waited for a few seconds and I finally felt a beat. I sighed in relief but I knew I had to get her some place warm. Her pulse is deathly slow and if I don't hurry it may stop for good.

I flipped her over and onto her back and put my arms under her neck and legs. I slowly lifted her up, despite my weak state, and started walking back towards the road. I kept carrying her down the road through the fog and falling snow. My vision was getting a little blurry but I still held on and carried Elizabeth. I was freezing cold but I didn't care right now. All I cared about was getting Ellie to safety and letting her live. I'm nothing special so it wouldn't matter if I die, but I won't give up until she's safe! I will get her help and I will not give up until then, even if it slowly kills me.

Blood seeped through my clothes and the piece of metal seemed to shift no matter how careful I was. As I kept walking, I stumbled and nearly dropped Ellie. I kneeled down and set her on the road, so I could take a break. I panted and leaned my head against Elizabeth's. She was so cold. I hugged her tightly, trying to give her as much warmth as I could muster. I rocked her back and forth, mumbling reassuring things to her though I know she can't hear me. I grabbed her hands and rubbed them gently so they could warm up, but my fingers were nearly numb.

Eventually, I got enough rest so I got up and started walking, carrying Elizabeth again. After what must've been twenty minutes I finally reached my limit and I stumbled towards some snow. I set Elizabeth down and then collapsed next to her. Blood escaped my lips as I coughed it up and I raised a weak hand to hold onto Elizabeth's. "I'm sorry," I muttered to her. Snow fell on us and I was sure that this was the end of me. I was about ready to give up and die when I saw something up ahead on the road. I raised my head and tried to see last my hazy vision. It looked like...a figure. A person! Finally! Maybe I can get help for Ellie and I!

I raised up a hand and built up the strength to wave frantically. I mustered up everything I could and shouted, "HEY!!!" It hurt my throat but I kept shouting, trying to get the person's attention. I coughed up blood but I still kept yelling. "HELP!!!" I started gagging and wheezing and that was when I knew I couldn't yell anymore. I collapsed in the snow yet again and breathed heavily. As my vision started fading and everything was starting to go black, I heard snow crunch and the last thing I saw was a figure looming over me. Then, I passed out.



I was somewhere within the mansion, alone, cold and silent. I was only walking around and I was confused. The mansion was...dark and abandoned. It's never like this, especially since Slendy is so particular about the place. I kept walking, hoping to find anyone around so they could explain this whole mess. As I walked, there seemed to be no one else inhabiting the mansion but me. I started getting worried and checked every room I came across.

I stood in front of one door that gave me this odd feeling. I reached out to open it and, to my surprise, there was lights and it was warm in here. First, I checked the area, making sure nothing was going to ambush me. Once I thought it was clear, I walked in and recognized the room. It was Slender's study. I probably shouldn't be in here, but then again no one is around so screw it. What puzzles me is that this is the only room that looked normal. But why?

"Don't stand around like an idiot," a voice broke the silence. "Take a seat." I turned towards the mahogany desk and see someone sitting on the chair behind it, who I didn't notice before. The lighting was kind of weird here so I had to look closer to see who it was. And I immediately recognized those silver, piercing eyes.

"Son of a bitch...," I muttered.

"Miss me?" Death teased. I frowned and asked, "Why the hell are you here?" Death raised an eyebrow and smirked. It only took me a few seconds to realize the answer to my question. "No! No, no, no! I died?! Again?!"

He started laughing and he got up from the chair. "Relax. You haven't died....yet."

"Oh, that makes me feel so much better," I retorted sarcastically. Death merely chuckled and said, "This is what I would like to call a 'near-death experience'. But, in this case, you can call this a warning."

I stiffened and asked, "A warning for what? To try to keep myself from dying again?" He strode over towards me and I could see the pin on his blouse. That damned skull, and wings symbol. Death came up to me and said, "Yes, and no. I've come bringing news."

"News of what?" I asked. He got quiet and his face held a grim expression. This news isn't good. The air grew colder and I shivered. I forgot about how strong his vibe was. "He's coming," Death said, "And you and your little girlfriend need to be prepared. He will not wait. He will not hesitate. He will come head on and everyone you know and love has only two options from then on. Survive...or die."

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

"I can't say. Things aren't safe here, even if this is your dream. Just be ready. The beginning of the end is coming and humanity won't be able to last unless the proxy stops him."

I stared at him and finally figured out what he was talking about. "You mean Za-!"

He lunged forward and covered my mouth. "Shut it, you fool! He knows and sees all! Do NOT say his name!"

I nodded and he let me go. He relaxed and said, "Now, like I said, he won't wait. So you and the proxy are going to have to be quick with your mission. And be careful because there are some people that don't want her to stop him, and they'll try to stop her by doing some drastic things. And others just want to get in the way and slow down progress. Either way, if you're not careful, you're going to end up dead."

I nodded, already thinking about someone in particular that has gotten in the way. I'm not too eager to find out who else will be coming. Death had walked back and taken a seat in Slendy's chair. He leaned back and closed his eyes to relax. I slowly walked up to the desk and asked, "So...why are you telling me this stuff? Considering our last encounter, wouldn't you want me dead?"

His eyes opened and I nearly had a heart attack. They feel so unnatural and give me the creeps. They practically seem to glow. He smirked and replied, "As much as it would please me so to see you dead, I can't have that just yet. If He were to take over, He would corrupt you and all the others. Once you're corrupted you can't die, not unless you destroy the heart. But it's a more complicated killing procedure with corrupted humans than with corrupted animals. You won't die easily, and you'll be nothing but a helpless rat inside a body that you can never be able to control. And once that's happened you get to bear witness to a reality that not even I can withstand. So I do want you dead, I just don't want you to be a stupid zombie."

I frowned and said, "So you're saying that if I get corrupted you can't be able to claim my soul?"

"Yes, and that's precisely what I desire most right now. Just because my job is to give souls the right of passage to their given afterlife, doesn't mean that I can't claim some as trophies. And only the most interesting, sadistic, Hell-bound humans are awarded a title as one of my prized trophies. And you just so happen to be one of those humans. I already have my sights set on your proper place." He gave me a devious grin and I sighed.

"So it's like that, huh?" I muttered and he nodded.

"Of course! You should be pleased to earn such a title. It's better than becoming a corrupted slave, isn't it?"

"I'd rather be a zombie..."

He laughed so loud that I got scared and jumped. "HAHAHA!!!! Don't be silly and speak such dastardly ramble! You can't cheat death, Jeffery. I'm looking forward to your inevitable demise," he remarked, with slight mischief in his tone. I groaned and crossed my arms.

"Well," Death spoke up, "I better send you on your way. I have a tight schedule and there are many others dying out there that I need to tend to. And you have some unfinished business to take care of." He got up from the chair and walked around the desk. "Oh and don't forget to heed my warning. You'll need to survive if you want to earn your title as one of my precious treasures."

I rolled my eyes and muttered, "Sure whatever. Just send me back already."

Death smirked and eyed me with a cunning look in his eyes. I seriously don't like this guy. "Jeffery, you should know something before you leave," he said.

"What is it?" I asked, irritated already.

The walls of the room started to tear and wilt and the furniture aged and collected dust. The air got cold, and I could see my own breath. The room now had a bluish, grayish glow to it and I shuddered at the sight. But what set me off was Death. His silver, slate eyes didn't make me feel any better. He eyed me with such eagerness and viciousness that my knees nearly buckled. His image seemed to fade and I caught a glimpse of the being that every other human on earth had insinuated him to be.

He was a skeleton and then man. Such a sight should never have been witnessed. It shook me to the core. And his voice would be distorted and deep whenever he was merely bones. It wasn't the most melodic sound. With a deep, erratic tone he growled, "AlwaYs KnOw tHat yOUr sOuL iS MiNe tO clAiM. YoU bElOnG To mE nOw AnD I wiLL NeVER LEt yOU EsCApe YoUR fAtE!!! EVER!!!"

And that's the last thing I heard from him as he sent me back to reality.

~End of Dream~

I woke up to feel warmth and I saw a bright light. Holy I dead? I was sure I'd see flames or something...

"Hey, you're awake!"

I heard a voice and looked around. My vision was still fuzzy but it cleared up enough for me to see whoever was in the room. There was a guy standing by the door way of the room. I've never seen him before but I know he's not normal. He had brown, tussled hair, pale skin, brown eyes, and a brown hoodie with a blue hood and stripes on the long sleeves.

"I'm glad to see you alive, I was almost sure you were dead," he said and walked to my bedside.

"Um, thanks? Uh...where the hell am I?" I asked, looking around the room. It was well decorated with a soft wallpaper, and a gentle serene lighting. Do I smell....honeysuckle...?

The mysterious man smiled and said, "Don't worry about that right now. All you need is rest and then we'll talk."

I was a little uneasy about this but then again, this guy did save my life. Besides, I could probably snap his neck if he tries anything. I'll be fine.

"Well, at least you're awake," he started, "You're friend is taking a while, although its not surprising. She took a hardcore beating. But, her health is just fine."

"Wait! You mean Ellie?!" I exclaimed, sitting up yet feeling a surge of pain go through me. Then I remembered that I had impaled myself on a damn hunk of metal. I checked my side and saw bandages tightly wrapped around it. The metal was gone, meaning it must've been removed. "I took that piece of metal out of your body," the man spoke up, "It took a while but I managed to wiggle it out. You have a bit of scarring on your muscle tissue but your organs aren't too damaged. You should live."

I poked the bandages and sighed. Then I brought up Elizabeth again. "Where is the girl I was with?"

The guy pointed out the door and said, "She's right across the hall, resting. I assure you she's in good hands."

"She better be," I growled and he raised his hands up in defense. "Don't have a cow, okay? I won't lay a finger on her unless necessary." I eyed him for a moment and then relaxed. I laid back down and sighed. The man grabbed a pitcher of water and poured some into a glass. "Here," he said and handed the glass to me. I reached to take it but he suddenly twitched and it spilled all over himself.

"God dammit, not again," he muttered and set the glass down. I gave him a weird look and asked, "Are you okay?"

He nodded and said, "Yeah, just a little problem I've had since I was a kid. No biggie."

"What problem might that be?"

"Tourette's disease."

I gave him a look of disbelief and remarked, "Usually a disease isn't a 'little problem', buddy." He shrugged and twitched again. This guy was a little strange but, like I said, I don't have to worry. He cleaned himself up and said, "Well I have to get going. I still need to finish some chores for Miss Umber."

I gave him a puzzled look and asked, "What does Elizabeth need you to do?"

He gave me the same look and said, "I'm talking about Miss Umber, the owner of this house. I live with her and help her around the house from time to time. But I tell you, for an old woman, she sure can hold her own." He started walking out of the room and dug around in his pocket for something. Before he left the man turned around and snapped on some orange goggles. "By the way," he said, "My name is Toby Rogers. But call me Ticci Toby!"


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