Chapter 71

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Chapter 71

Everything is going to hell. Everything and everyone I know might die away. I saw gruesome things in under the five minutes this all started. So many people were mutilated and I couldn't save them. I killed and killed Corrupted but it wasn't enough to keep the others from murdering. There was so much blood. It was splattered across lockers, pools of it along the floor and it spotted clothes. I was already failing to save most of the kids here.

I kept shouting for everyone to evacuate the school. I made sure that no other Corrupted followed after the horde of students that escaped to the front of the building. I scanned the horde, searching for any sign of my friends. I didn't see any of them. I grew worried. Did they get lost? Did I only pass them up in the group? Or...were they also the first ones to get killed? No, they wouldn't be! I have to find them. But I can't keep an eye on the students while searching for my friends. I need help. But no one is here to-

"Hey, Girly!" I heard someone shout as a figure ran past me. I saw a boy with blonde hair, green hoodie, beanie and regular jeans, run into the horde of students. He suddenly grabbed a girl by her hair and dragged her out. I grew angered by this and was about to shout at him when the girl started snarling and her nails elongated into black claws. The boy dodged her swipe and threw her up against the lockers. He pulled out a little object which flashed and was replaced with a sword. Before I could figure out how that happened, the boy plunged the sword straight into the girl's chest, and it pierced the lockers as well. She shuddered and screeched one last time before withering away like the Corrupted she secretly was. As i watched the remains turn to black dust, I came to a disturbing realization. How could I have been so blind? For all I know the majority of the horde I'm leading could be Corrupted in disguise. Shit!

"Who the hell are you?" I asked the blonde boy, frantically. He turned around and sky blue eyes met mine. I recognized him, well, the disguise. "Ben?" I breathed. He smirked and said, "You go off and find any lost kids, I'll protect the horde."

"H-How long have you been here?!"

"A while."

I stared at him for a few seconds before he added, "I'm heading off!"

"But Ben-!"

"Don't worry, Ellie! I've got this!" he assured me as he ran off into the group of escaping students. I debated whether or not to let Ben handle them all by himself but the thought of my friends in danger persuaded me to trust him and leave him. I ran deeper into the school, checking open classrooms and finding nothing but over turned desks and chairs and even some dead, bloody bodies.

I kept running and found the occasional Corrupted. I fought them all; stabbing, kicking, punching. Most of them had a humanoid aspect. Back then, Corrupted had animalistic features. But now they're infecting people and pretending to be human. Sick!

I killed as many Corrupted I came across so there wouldn't be anymore around to find any hiders. I ran into the cafeteria and searched the giant room. No one was around. I was about to walk out and search other places when I heard multiple, muffled screams. They came from the cafeteria kitchen and I went sprinting towards the door. As soon as I walked in I saw the dead bodies of the lunch ladies. A wave of guilt hit me. As if their job wasn't bad enough, feeding a bunch of bratty kids. Now they're gone. Mauled by monsters.

I pushed away the guilt and looked around. There was two parts of the kitchen; the kitchen itself and the snack bar room. The screams were coming from there. I turned the corner, avoiding the dead bodies and ran into the next room. As soon as I walked in I saw a Corrupted, banging against a large, supply cabinet. It wasn't as human as the rest though. It had animalistic qualities just like the old type of Corrupted I fought. It looked like a werewolf, black hind legs, bony hands and talons, a muzzle with blood dripping teeth and slit, red eyes. The only thing that didn't make it a werewolf was that it had a spiked tail, bones sticking out of its back like a stegosaurus, and bull horns which were being used to shake and break the cabinet open.

It kept snarling and roaring like a wild animal, causing whoever was inside to scream louder. One of them cried uncontrollably, another was hyperventilating. I immediately tried getting the Corrupted's attention by shouting at it. It sharply turned around, red eyes shining evilly and muzzle wrinkling to stifle a deeper, angrier growl. It got down on all fours and huffed like a bull. I raised up my fists and crouched a little. It growled and I frowned at it. Suddenly, it howled a distorted cry and charged towards me. I stayed put as it came closer and closer and closer until it was only a few feet away from me. It raised its horns at me but I caught them in my hands and pushed against the Corrupted. I kept skidding, my heels touching the wall. I managed to push more and more and it did the same. But I wouldn't let it get the best of me.

Behind the Corrupted I saw the cabinet open and someone popped their head out. My hopes were raised and I could've broken down into tears of joy. "Ian!" I called out. I would've asked if he was okay when the Corrupted jerked forward and sent me sliding back a few feet. I grunted as I kept pushing back. I looked up briefly to see Ian helping someone out of the cabinet. It was Addie! Her eyes were red and swollen from her violent crying and she trembled horribly. Johanna slid out of the cabinet too, looking terrified beyond belief. I felt so happy to see them all in one piece!

The Corrupted interrupted my joy by roaring and pushing me back even more. My back hit the wall and I cried out as I put all of my strength to push it back too. I shouted out as I kneed its face and hulled it to the side. I got on top of it and used the destruction spell as I still gripped its horns. Scarlet glowing cracks spread across the bone and both eventually crumbled to pieces. The Corrupted howled from the pain and snarled more, saliva and black ooze spilling out. I grabbed its muzzle tightly and held its head down, using the spell again. It started screeching from the pain, writhing wildly under me. I never faltered as it did. I growled angrily as I said, "I'll send you and your kind back to Hell, where you fucking belong!!!" Black blood spurted from its eye as it popped out and I screamed, "DIE YOU SON OF A-!!!"

The head exploded in a burst of black blood and meat. I used this chance to drive my blade into the chest and dig my way to the heart. I gripped the pulsing organ in my hand and ripped it out, black veins keeping it attached to the body. It dripped in my hand and I finally crushed it. It splattered into bits and the Corrupted body shuddered. The flesh started rotting and then the bone crumbled like it always did. The Corrupted eventually turned into another pile of black dust and I panted from the fight. I shakily stood up right and turned to my beloved friends. I was about to smile when I saw their wide, terrified eyes stare at me. Addie was keeping her tears back but it seemed to hurt her. Johanna just kept trembling and Ian held Addie protectively, with weak arms. Were they still traumatized over the Corrupted attack? Or...were they terrified of me?

"Guys," I spoke softly, "everything's okay now. Y-You're going to be fine. It's gone, I killed it. It won't come back! G-Guys?"

They just stood there, staring and trembling. What's wrong with them? I wiped my brow and when I pulled my hand away I saw a lot of black and red blood. I wiped some off of my cheeks and that only covered my hand with more blood. I shook from the sickly sight but then shrugged it off. I looked up at my friends, giving them a stern look and I said, "Listen, the town's gone to shit so stick with me. I'll take you to a safe place. I'll protect you guys."

I walked up to them and they all flinched. I sighed and kept coming towards them. "I won't hurt you guys. I love you all. I'm here to save you. So please don't look at me like I'm a monster. Don't look at me like I'm one of them."

After I said that their scared faces softened slightly and I gave them an assuring smile. Addie pulled Ian's arms away and came rushing towards me. She clung to me as she continued her violent crying. I held her tightly and stroked her hair to calm her down. "What happened?" I asked Johanna. She tensed up at having to remember the start of all of this and she answered, "W-We were in class wh-when that weird announcement came on a-and...and the-the teacher...he just...I-I don't know how but...he transformed into a m-monster! he wasn't human, Elizabeth! He...he lunged towards a student in the front and...and tore him to pieces. TO FUCKING PIECES!!! Everyone started running out and the other classes did too. Addie and I managed to run away safely and we found Ian along the way. That thing you killed just now showed up and chased all three of us. We ran into the cafeteria and then hid in the cabinet. W-We were trapped and th-that thing kept trying to get us out. That's when you came and helped us. I don't know why or how this all happened but...I-I just want to go home!!!"

She started breaking down into tears and Ian pulled her close. He looked just as scared as she did. I thought about what she said. The teachers turned into Corrupted. Students were Corrupted. They transformed AFTER the announcement. This...this was planned. Those monsters pretended to be human until their little signal came on and they lashed out. They're not...they're not mindless like I thought they were. Maybe...maybe corrupting humans enhanced their intelligence. They're not mindless. At least not anymore now that they're using human bodies for their own wretched purposes. Absolutely sick!

I held onto Addie and ordered for all three of them to follow me to safety. We ran out of the cafeteria and found a nearby exit. As I walked out I noticed that the sky wasn't bright anymore. It was...grey and red, swirling with surging clouds and crimson lightning. What the hell happened? How did such a beautiful day come to this?

I ignored the devilish sky and led my friends away from the mayhem. I found an abandoned car and told them to get in. I jumped into the driver's seat and hotwired the car. I've learned a few things from Jeff and my Grandmother. Thank god.

The car roared to life and I stepped on the gas. I thought of a place to take my friends. I'll take them to Addie's house. It's within city limits but it's a pretty remote area. Addie has a basement/cellar. They'll be safe there. I drove past car wrecks, burning buildings and crowds of people running from danger. I saw a mother mourning over her dead six-year-old son on the curb of the street. Before I could do anything for her, a Corrupted snuck up behind her. She looked up and before I could even blink, the Corrupted bit her head off. I quickly looked away, tears of rage and fear threatening to spill. Darren said I can't save them all. He was right.

I kept on driving, avoiding crowds of people. I ran over dead bodies and some Corrupted here and there. After a while of driving carefully, there was no more crowds to be wary off and I stamped on the gas pedal. The car sped forward at a law breaking rate but I didn't care. I need to get my friends to a safe place. As I was racing down a street, I recognized it. It was the street my parents' house was on. The thought of my parents came to me and I sped up to the house. I only got a few meters away as I saw a chilling sight. My house was nearly demolished and burning. I stopped the car, got out and started running towards it.

My mom and dad will be fine! They're okay! I'll get there to see them hiding out like my friends did! They'll be fine! They're be alive! I'll take them to Addie's house and they'll stay there until this is all over! They'll be fine!

But I was extremely wrong. As I ran onto my blazing yard I could see something amongst the flames. The fire didn't touch it but this thing was far too gone for the fire to kill it. Tears stung my eyes. My lips quivered and my body trembled.

"DAD!!!" I screamed as I ran to his still body. I fell to my knees and loomed over him, examining his pale, bloody face. I held his head in my hands as I shook him, trying to get him up. "Dad!" I screamed, "C'mon! W-Wake up! Stop sleeping! Wake up! Daddy, please! PLEASE!!!" Nothing happened. I put my ear to his chest to see if it would rise and fall or I'd hear a faint heart beat. After two, three, four, ten, twenty seconds... Nothing. Happened.

Tears fell and I buried my face into my dad's chest. "Daddy, no... Please, don't be dead... You can't be dead... I-I didn't even get to say good-bye...! Just wake up so I can say I love you one more time! Just one more time!!! Just once..." I sobbed into his neck, smearing his blood on my face. I leaned my head against his and my tears fell onto his closed eyes. They rolled down, making it seem like he was crying too. This only made me more devastated as I cried harder and harder.

Through my crying I heard a faint groaning. I look to my left, seeing a pile of burning wood. And under that wood...was my struggling mother. "MOM!!!" I screamed. I laid my dad back onto the ground and made my way to her. "Mom, y-you're alive!" I said, breathlessly. She gave me a smile, happy to see me okay but then she cried out in pain, her smile quickly vanishing. The burning wood was hurting her! I immediately go to lift it all off of her. My hands touched flaming wood and I screamed from the burning pain but I didn't quit. I lifted it up more and more until I managed to throw it all off of my mother. I grunted, feeling successful. I looked down at my mother, ready to help her out when I noticed something about her. I felt a wave of shock go through me as I saw that her right leg...was missing.

It bled profusely and the sight sent shudders down my spine. "Mom what happened?!" I asked her. She panted before saying, "The house was attacked by these things. Monsters... Black, disfigured monsters. They tore apart the house and the electricity set it on fire. Your...your father tried to get us some place safe but..." she started crying- "he wasn't a match for them. They killed him and came after me. I tried getting away but one of them leaped down and bit my leg off so I couldn't run! Before they could kill me too...this...this man in a blue mask came and chased them off."


"Elizabeth..." she muttered.

"Yeah mom?"

"...It hurts...," she sobbed. I stroked her hair and said, "You're going to be okay mom. You're going to survive. I'll take you to Addie's house with my friends and you'll get your leg fixed up. You'll be fine!"

"Honey, I can't get up," she told me, "I-I can't run, I can't walk, I can't move my damn leg! I don't even have one anymore!!!" She managed to keep control of her voice and she went on. "Elizabeth...I'm not going to live. I...I can't get this fixed. The town's gone to hell and I'm sure hospitals aren't the safest place right now. Doctors won't be there to help me. They won't even be alive! If I don't die of getting killed by those monsters then I'll die from blood loss. I'm already getting a little woozy..."

I shook my head. "No, mom you're wrong! You WILL live! I know a guy who can help you! He's medically skilled, Ma! He'll keep you from dying."

"And what about my missing leg?" she asked. "How will I walk? What if we get in danger a-and I can't get away? You'd have to carry me and that'll only hinder you. Ellie you have to leave me."

My head spun at those words. "M-Mom, don't be stupid," I scolded, "you wouldn't hinder me! I can carry you! I can protect you! You're not a problem to me! I only want to help you live! I'm the proxy and it's my duty to save those who I can! And I intend to have you be one of those people."

She shook her head and stifled a weak chuckle. My mother looked up at me and I saw her blue eyes, sparkling with sadness. I have her eyes. I'm sure my eyes look the same. She flashed me a smile and said, "I appreciate you're dedication to save people but...I can't be one of them. Ellie, honey...I am...I am very, very proud of the woman you've become. And I say woman are a woman. You grew to be an amazing woman and...I'm happy that you're my daughter. Gosh, you've grown and learned so much. You used to be a shy, quiet child and now you're a strong warrior. I couldn't be any prouder."

"Mom, I don't mean to be rude, but please stop talking and let me help you!"

"I can't let you risk your life to only save me. You have many others to rescue-."

"Mom stop...!"

"I'm only one woman, one wounded person. I'm only one life. What am I compared to millions upon millions-?"

"Mom, stop, please!"

"I know you love me and I know you want to save everyone, but some lives are meant to be sacrificed-."

"Mom shut up!"

"Please, go and save your friends. Save everyone you can! But you can't save me-."

"MOM PLEASE SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" I yelled at her. I held her bloody face in my hands and said, "Of course I can save you! You're coming with me whether you want to or not! You're going to live, god dammit!" I started pulling her up, grunting as I picked up her weight bit by bit. She started groaning, mumbling under her breath for me to let go. I won't! Eventually her groaning turned into full on screams of pain. I ignored them as I was almost hulling her over my shoulder. Her screams filled the air and it broke my heart to hear them. ""ELIZABETH, PLEASE STOP!!! IT HURTS!!! IT HURTS!!!"

"Just bear it a little longer mom," I said, "It won't hurt anymore once you're helped-!"


Her shrilled screaming echoed louder and louder and louder. I started to cry but I had to get my mom out of here. Before I could carry her, a hand landed on my shoulder and a deep, raspy voice ordered, "Stop." I turned around and saw Jeff. He was covered in red and black blood like me. He has been fighting too.

"Jeff, thank god you're here!" I said, feeling relieved, "Help me carry my mom!"

"Ellie I don't think-."

"HELP ME!!!" I snapped at him. He faltered as he looked at my mother. She was crying terribly from the pain of her severed leg and wounded body. He was about to say something when my mom cried out, "No! T-Take her away from here! She needs to leave me behind!"

"Mom, you're coming with me, no matter what!" I screamed.

"Ellie, she's right," Jeff mumbled. I froze and slowly turned to him. He was staring right into my eyes, keeping a stern look. I scowled hard at him and yelled, "The fuck is wrong with you?! Help me!! Right now-!"

"Don't!" my mom interrupted.

"Do it right now! Please, Jeff! She'll die!" I said.

He was about to speak again when a loud, guttural roar erupted behind us. We turned and I saw a large Corrupted lurking towards us. was fucking huge! Bigger than any other Corrupted I've seen. It was nearly the size of my house! I...I don't think I could kill it. At least not alone. Shit, now I really need to get my mom out of here!

"Jeff, come on and help my mom into the car!" I pleaded desperately. Jeff looked at me, then at my mom and then at the Corrupted coming for us. He bit his lip nervously and then grit his teeth. "Jeff!" I cried. He looked at me and then slowly grabbed my mother. He lifted her from my arms and I smiled with relief. But then...he started putting her down. What...what is doing?! No, no, no!

I turned around and saw the large Corrupted only a few feet away, ten I think. Shit, Jeff!

"What are you doing you son of a bitch?!" I screamed at him and started punching his back as he set my mom down. She smiled up at him and mouthed 'thank you'. I frowned at this. I kept trying to grab for my mother but Jeff held me back with one arm. "JEFF YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!! YOU'RE GOING TO GET MY MOTHER KILLED!!!"


I was silent, staring at Jeff with tears brimming my eyes. He panted and looked away. I just stood there. I looked at the monster. It was only a few feet away now. If I don't leave now then it'll kill me and everyone else too. But if I do leave then my mom will die. I...I don't want anyone to die!

"Elizabeth," I heard my mother mumble softly, gently. I looked down at her and she gave me another sweet smile. Memories of those sweet smiles flashed across my mind. Every time I laughed, she gave me that smile. Every time I went to bed, she gave me that smile. Every time I hurt myself and got a band-aid, she gave me that smile. And now...she's giving me the same smile I love. Every single day she's flashed that smile at me and my father. And...this is the last time I'll ever see it again.

The Corrupted was nearing. My mother sighed contently and said, "Remember, 'The only safety for the vanquished is to abandon hope of safety'."

I recognized where I've heard that from and looked for my anchor necklace. It was tucked under my armor but I pulled it out and opened it. The Latin words gleamed and the picture of my parents and I stared up at me. "We're always going to be with you, baby," my mom said, tears flowing freely from her beautiful blue eyes. My own tears spilled and I trembled. I felt a familiar wave of warm air and I turned to see Slenderman taking my friends away. The four of them disappeared, the image of my friends flailing wildly in Slendy's arms imprinted in my mind. He'll keep them safe.

I looked back at my mother and I sobbed. She smiled and said, "I love you, baby girl. I believe in you." Those words tugged at my heart, nearly ripping it out of my shaking body. I was about to say I love you back to her but Jeff suddenly picked me up and draped me on his shoulder. "No, what are you doing?!" I said, panicking. He started running, opposite to the approaching Corrupted. "No!" I cried, "Please, stop! Don't do this! Please!" He didn't listen.

I looked up at my mother, lying on the ground, watching us leave her behind. "Mom!" I screamed as I reached out for her, though I know it was pointless. She flashed me that beautiful smile and gave me a happy look, like she wasn't about to die. "Mom, don't go! Please don't go! Don't leave me! MOM!!!"

Her mouth moved, forming the word...


The Corrupted finally reached my mother and black tendrils made their way towards her. My heart stopped as the tendrils picked her up and the Corrupted studied her intently, with its empty, gaping eyes. It made a low, whale-like moan of amusement and constricted the tendril. My mother struggled as the Corrupted squeezed her more and more until a loud CRACK erupted and she didn't move. It broke her back.

"Put her down!" I cried. "Stop! Don't do this! LEAVE HER ALONE!!!"

The Corrupted paid no attention to my pleading cries and opened its mouth, rows upon rows of razor sharp teeth residing within the seemingly deep chasm. My mother couldn't move her lower body. She screamed at the sight of the open mouth and cried. She turned to me with a panicked look in her blue eyes. She stretched out a trembling, bloody hand towards me and I did the same. She kept her eyes on me. More memories flashed through my mind. Those eyes, so gentle and peaceful when she's joyful. Those eyes, so blazing with energy when she's angry or upset. Those eyes, so full of sadness and fear in this very moment. Those eyes, just like mine, drill their image into my mind. I will never forget them. Every time I look in a mirror, I won't see me. Oh no. I'll see her.

Our similar eyes, locked into an unbearable gaze. Those eyes, so intent on looking at me, even as the Corrupted's maw surrounded her and dripped black ooze. Those eyes were gone now, hidden behind the Corrupted's sharp, jagged teeth. And those eyes, which were mine, the Corrupted snapped its mouth shut, tearing my own mother in half...

And I screamed the most shrilled scream I have ever mustered...


Blood sprayed, dancing around, mocking me, mocking me, mocking me...! It painted the yard, side-walk, my father's corpse. The Corrupted even had the nerve to grab for my dad's lifeless, vulnerable body, to consume him too. I couldn't cry. I couldn't faint. I couldn't do anything. I was frozen with trauma. I was frozen with the image of the blood. The image of the Corrupted chewing my mother's upper body, flesh, blood and bones stretching, snapping, swallowed. She was gone. My dad...was gone. She would be joining him. And I could do nothing but scream until my throat bled. But I couldn't even do that anymore. My mother, dead. My father, dead. Family, gone. I didn't get to say 'I love you' to either of them. I didn't get to say one final good-bye. Regret consumed me. Especially regret over leaving my mother behind to get eaten.

Those eyes will not sooth me anymore. They haunt me now. They freeze me, stop my heart, make me numb to the bone. But what haunts me even more is...

I let those eyes go...

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