Chapter 2. Velcome Back, Scarlet

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Rain poured over the gutters, splashing off my umbrella. My soggy boots, made of fake suede, had zero weather protection. I left work early because the drizzle always guided me into not wanting to focus. Like my Aunt Susan, a bad climate always made my hip hurt.

A little car zoomed by me as I watched it park next to my apartment building. Roy jumped out without noticing my presence. Why was he at my apartment? Did his hip hurt too?

He glanced around, pulling his baseball hat lower to cover his face. Roy opened the trunk of his car, rearranging something heavy. The car bounced on the bald tires as he maneuvered something in a black garbage bag.

With a skip, I rushed up behind him, putting my hands on his hips, trying to scare him.

"What are you doing?" I asked in a deeper voice. I looked down and saw red all over the back of his car.

I widened my eyes while he slammed the trunk closed. "What happened?" I asked him.

"Scar, you scared me," he replied nervously. "I spilled paint while at-"

His mouth was moving, but beeping noises, like a microwave, echoed from his lips.

"What?" I faintly asked.

The world faded away as the sounds of beeping machines had my eyes slowly opening to the bright light above me. The light moved away quickly as a blonde guy with glasses leaned over me. He pushed his glasses up his nose, scrunching his eyebrows together. The blurry vision of his face became visible as his crooked teeth beamed at me.

I knew I must be in hell because my heaven would not be this man. It would had been Chris Evans, Chris Pratt, or Chris Pine. Wait, no, definitely, Chris Hemsworth. Yes, Thor could save me from a bad guy any day.

"Velcome back, Scarlet," he said with a German accent, making my daydream of Thor disappear into this man in front of me. He wiggled his nose while looking at the surrounding computers.

I sat up quickly, hitting my head on the light. "Where am I at?" I asked with a hoarse voice. I glanced around, seeing tubes emerging from every direction, connecting to my body.

"Um gottes willen!" the man yelled in an unfamiliar language, placing his hands on my shoulders. Now that the light shined away from him, I could see his hair was auburn-colored, matching his brown eyes.

"Vay down, Scarlet." His voice was smooth but very hard to understand as he sounded like he was replacing the letter V with most of the alphabet.

I was too weak to fight his strength, which forced me back down on the cold table. My memories faded back to me, picturing Roy digging through a backpack and chasing me with a knife. An apple knocked me out to nothingness.

My heart raced faster, causing beeping noises to pick up, echoing in the darkroom. The man quickly paced around like a nervous teenager picking up his date, knowing her dad was one of those types that threaten you with, hurt my daughter, and I'll hurt you. Once he found what he was looking for, he walked up next to me without making eye contact.

The man held up a needle and then stuck me with it, calming my heart down and the beeping machines around us. "Roy-" I said, feeling the drugs he gave me kicking in. "He, he-"

"Tried to vill you," the man said coldly. "My vame is Dr. Dieter Weber." He walked around the table, grabbed my arm, looking up like he was counting. Once he finished, he looked back at me, removing his glasses. "Your voyfriend, Royce." He shrugged his shoulders. "Villed you."

Villed me? I questioned myself as his accent echoed around my head.

"Killed you," he repeated, noticing he confused me with what he said.

My eyes looked down away from him to see my almost naked body, exposed to this man. My mind went straight to everything wrong.

"Dyder, please let me go," I cried out, thinking this man was doing horrible things to me.

"Dieter. I van not do that," he said, grabbing one of my legs. I watched his hand move from my knee to my feet. Wait, those legs were not mine. I brought my hands closer to my face. These were not my hands.

Dr. douche bag must have noticed my facial expression because his face became softer as he set my leg down. "Vere, vet's try to sit up," he said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I vam a German scientist, and I have vrought you back to vife by piecing together vody parts of other humans."

What the fuck did he say? Dieter smiled in my direction, showing off the white braces, trying to straighten the crooked ones. "Can you repeat that, but slower?"

"I am a German scientist, and I have brought you back to vife, vife, life." He smiled awkwardly. "By piecing together body parts from other donors." He paused, giving a weird face. "Vead donors. I did not vill anyone."

I closed my eyes as I tried to sit up. Everything must be a dream or hell. He placed his hand on my back, causing me to open my eyes to look at him. "At veast, not for these parts."

"Like Dr. Frankenstein?" I asked him. "But why?" I did not know Dieter before Roy killed me, so why did he bring me back to life?

"Vrong!" he yelled, then scrunched his eyebrows together. "Wait, most veople always think-" he said, but I finished his sentence for him.

"That Frankenstein is the monster, but he's the scientist." I let out, realizing how clear my vision was. I wiggled my toes, then looked over at him. Now that I was sitting up, I got a better view of his looks. Besides his crooked teeth and offset nose, this man was enjoyable to watch. I could guess that he was in his mid-twenties, which told me he was a prodigy. He started removing all the tubes connected to my body.

"So, Dr. Frank, start from the beginning," I said, looking down at my small boobs covered in a small thin cloth. "Wait!" I yelled, then looked at him. "You replaced God knows what on my body, but you kept my small boobs," I said, cupping over them.

"Vhey is not small, just perky," he said, bringing a stethoscope to my back. "Take a breath in." I did as he told me. "Vnd let it out slow."

I let my breath out slowly as my eyes looked around. We were in a basement of an old house, with steel piping exposed across the ceiling. A glimpse of light shined down from the top of the stairs, and the sound of water was running up top like a dishwasher was on.

Dieter removed the stethoscope and hooked it around his neck. "Okay, Scarlet, I vill tell you everything you want to know." He turned around, grabbed a rolling chair, and sat in it. "Shoot me some vestions."

I glared at him, crossing my arms to cover my breast. "Okay, what's still mine?" I said, pointing at my body.

"Vood one," he said, pointing at me. "Your torso is mostly yours." He stood up, walking up next to me with his hand out.

I hesitantly took it, standing up next to him. Most of the time, the opposite gender would tower above me as I stood short next to them, but Dieter was the same height as me. He walked me over to a mirror, then turned on a light above it. I saw my blonde hair was now a deep black color, and my face was the same but slightly different, slightly more beautiful. I stood there almost naked next to him with white granny panties and a cream thin tube top that I could see my nipples through, but I didn't care. It was my body, but it wasn't. It was like letting him see some other girl's parts.

"Vou is now a little over vix voot vall," Dieter tried to say.

I questioned everything he was saying. "What is vix voot vall?"

He waved his hands in the air. "Vix foot. Vix. Vvvix." He got frustrated with himself. "Vix?" he questioned.

I raised an eyebrow. "Six foot tall?" I asked him.

He pointed at me with excitement. "Jawohl, jawohl," he said in German, stepping closer to me and grabbing my naked leg. "Vegs make you taller." He grabbed my hand, lifting my arm, overstretching to the side. "Arms vot yours," he said, dropping my arm.

I understood his accent a little more, translating vot to not in my head. "Reproductive vystem." His hand hovered around my butt, then he motioned to my vagina. "Yours," he said with a smile, causing me to cover my lady parts with my hand. "Perky nipples, yours," he said, making me glare at him. Why the hell was he able to say perky nipples easily, but six was a struggle for him?

He forced me to turn so my back was facing the mirror. My saliva got stuck in my throat as I looked at all the red scars peppering my skin. His hand brushed down my spine. "I wanted to keep your torso. So, you are veft with what that vucker did to you."

I laughed out, realizing Dieter can't even say fucker right.

He glared at me, then pointed at my eyes. "Vot yours."

I stepped closer to the mirror, away from him. My used-to-be brown eyes were now a very light blue, like someone had removed my soul and replaced them with ice. I blinked, testing them out. I could tell these eyes were better than mine because the fine details were crystal clear.

I looked at him in the mirror. "What else on my face did you change?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Vothing."

Nothing? I wasn't sure if he was lying to me because my face looked healthier and all-around prettier. I played with my hair, then turned around to look at him. "Why the black hair?"

"Vit was an accident," he said, looking away. "Now it's vlack."

"Why did you bring me back to life?"

"Vut some clothes on," he said, pointing at a pile of clothes for me on the ground, ignoring my question.

He walked toward the stairs. "Vhy don't you vollow me once you get dressed," he said, going up the steps.

I wasn't sure why I trusted him when I didn't even know him. A lot goes a long way when someone brings you back to life. Why would he scare me? Why would someone reincarnate me to kill me? I pulled the jeans on, followed by the rest of the clothing.

"Come on!" he yelled from the top of the steps.

I looked back at myself in the mirror, straightening my back in confidence.

I heard Dieter's footsteps scurry near the stairs. "Varlet, are you-" He stepped down a couple of steps, looking over at me. "Come, come," he said, waving his hand for me to follow.

I looked back at the metal table I woke up on and then at him. I scaled my way up the steps into a wide-open kitchen. Everything was white, which made it look clean, like I could eat food off the floor. I heard him huff out loud from another room, then come around the corner, looking at me like an impatient toddler.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Oh, calm down, Vladimir Putin," I said, realizing I referenced a Russian, not a German, hoping he did not notice.

"I'm German, untote," he said as a response to my mistake.

I glared at him, waving my arms around. "What is, untote?" I said with a bad German accent.

"Ve undead," he smirked, then walked away from me.

I followed him into the living room as the television blared back at us. I could not hear it down in the basement, which surprised me from how loud it was. The wall with a fireplace had the television mounted above. The wood was burning almost to its last pieces, ash covering the bottom.

"Twenty-seven women have now gone missing in the Seattle area." The girl on the news was talking as images of the woman showed on the screen. Frankenstein walked up to it, turning it off, which made me rush behind him to switch it back on.

"Yey," he said as I placed my hand on his mouth to get him to stop talking.

"New missing woman is twenty-two-year-old Scarlet Cline." The blonde lady said as a horrible picture of me popped up on the screen. "Scarlet is a CAD drafter from NAC Architecture that graduated from Washington State University and was last seen at her apartment two weeks ago."

An interview popped up on the screen of Roy. "We had plans to go hiking one afternoon, but she was not at her apartment. I miss her and hope they will find her safe."

The news lady came back into view. "There will be a search party tonight for Scarlet. Call the number on your screen if you want information on when and where the search party will be at."

I angrily shook my head. "That fucking asshole!" I yelled toward the screen. "He Ted Bundyed my ass, and now he is crying on the news!"

"Vit will be okay, Scar," Dieter said, making me even angrier.

I turned toward him, pointing at him. "Do not call me Scar ever again!" My voice was way too loud for this small living room. I pointed back at the television with Roy. "This man used to call me that, and I, I, I-" I was going to break down, clenching my jaw, holding back tears. No, I will not cry. I was going to get revenge.

Dieter stepped up to the television, turning it off again. "Vorry," he said, then looked over at me. "Apple Red."

My mouth dropped open. "W- What?" I asked him. How did he know about the apple?

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