. 05 - flutter by

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— shinobu x hashira!female!reader

— no spoilers !

— warnings : demon death(s) , female pronouns for reader , harold, they're lesbians

— genre : fluff / established relationship / drabble-ish

— requested by : @MeaganAgaldz !


two females trotted through the woods. one was only a few inches taller than the other, who could've been mistaken for a feeble woman hadn't she been carrying a weapon. they looked nothing alike - other than their hair being held up by a pin (the shorter woman had a butterfly pin, whereas the taller woman had a crescent-moon pin) and having similar haoris.

the patterns displayed on said fabrics were very different, too, but the way the sleeves drooped were awfully similar. it was quite easy to assume that they were weak - physically, that is.

oh, that would've been a bad idea to say aloud. both of them were capable of things that others could only wish they could do.

not only that, but they were hashira - the moon hashira and the butterfly hashira, to be exact. two of the most frightening women to ever climb the ranks (misturi was simply too soft and bubbly to be frightening towards others).

"shinobu-san," [name] crooned, her hands dangling at her sides. if the two of them weren't on a mission, it could've been seen as a sign of docility - [name] was far from docile at the moment, though, and was keeping a close eye on the overgrowth surrounding the pair. "what should we do when we get back? i was thinking about treating ourselves to some mochi - my sweet tooth's been aching for a nice, cold treat recently."

shinobu, who was positioned beside the female she had grown acquainted with, swayed a little in thought. if anything, she looked rather docile - to someone who didn't know what such a petite woman like herself was capable of, that is. 

[name] was fully aware of the fact that shinobu was poised to stab at anything that lunged at them, just as she was.

she admired it, obviously. that merely meant she picked the right person to spend the majority of her life with.

if only demons didn't exist. then [name] would've been able to claim that she'd spend the entirety of her life with shinobu. alas, that was a meek fantasy that'd only be sated when demons were eradicated (with the exception of nezuko, of course).

after that, she'd probably settle down with the talented woman trotting beside her. the mere thought made her preen internally, although she was sure to hide it. didn't need shinobu to tease her about that, especially now that they were chit-chatting as per usual.

the butterfly pillar hesitated for a moment's notice before nodding. "mochi sounds nice. mitsuri-san told me about this wonderful place that sells it quite often - especially in the springtime. it would be good to sate your sweet-tooth, too, don't you think?"

as soon as she finished her sentence, a demon lunged at the two of them from the overgrowth. [name] lightly nudged shinobu with the heel of her zori sandal, thus sending the more petite woman into action.

with a flick of her wrist, shinobu had stabbed the enemy in the neck. it reacted as one would expect; letting loose a loud snarl of discontentment and jumping away from the deadly blade. before it could do anything else, however, it began to deteriorate - at an alarmingly fast rate, too.

the only indication that the demon had existed in the first place was the pile of mush it'd been to reduced to. that, too, would soon be gone.

as soon sun crawled over the horizon, [name] was sure those remains would be gone with the wind. nothing to fret about - any other demons in the locale would either hide away or be burnt alive. the latter was preferred.

when shinobu sheathed her weapon, her taller lover let out a small hum. she peered up at her with a slightly arched brow, beginning to walk alongside [name] once more after the threat had been dealt with. "should we get something to go with it? i mean, would it be a completely good idea to only indulge in a cold treat?"

[name] tapped her lower lip in false thought, soon nodding. "it'll definitely shake off any sleepiness we have after this," she reasoned with a small smile - as per usual - "besides, we haven't treated ourselves in a while. it wouldn't be too bad, don't you think?"

shinobu hummed in thought, continuing to remain lax whilst [name] unsheathed her weapon. there was a rustle in the overgrowth - much like beforehand - before an entity emerged, back arched and claws poised to tear into flesh.

another demon. wonderful - were they always this active around here? probably, if oyakata-sama's words were anything to go by.

'the demons are quite plentiful in those parts of the woods - i trust that the two of you will be careful.'

something along those lines. [name] tended to doze off during meetings, even if she had to deal with obanai and sanemi's glares of (what could be watered down to) disapproval.

for as long as himejima, oyakata-sama and shinobu didn't mind, she was in the clear.

the demon bared its teeth and lunged at her, only to be sent tumbling to the ground when [name]'s foot met their face. they writhed about, successfully ripping the fabrics wrapped around her ankle - their attack was swiftly cut short.

literally. their head rolled along the ground as [name] sheathed her weapon curtly. she pat the fabrics, pouting a little upon noticing the rip. oh, it could be fixed with some needles and the like, but she really liked the fancy fabric.

she'll put about it later, she supposed.

"you have a point," shinobu crooned, watching [name] situate herself again. she merely shook her head, although she did peer down at the ripped piece of clothing to make sure everything was okay - when she was sure her lover was alright, she began to trot once more. [name], of course, followed suit.

"do you think udon would go well with it? or maybe some tempura?" shinobu suggested casually, almost as if the two of them weren't on a mission to slaughter things that were once human.

[name] didn't mind it one bit. after all, she knew what she'd signed up for when she decided to enter a (long-overdue) relationship with the poison-wielding female. ".. we could make it work," she replied.

another demon emerged from the darkness. both of the women shared a look before unsheathing their weapons, gazes hardening when they took notice of the demon's.. companions, per say.

"continue this over dinner?" [name] questioned.

"of course, love," shinobu chirped in response.


— 1163 words 

[ thank you for requesting something ! i hope this meets your expectations ! ^^ ]

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