Answering some Questions

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Oh sweet baby Jesus....

Okay, finally doing this.


People have been pushing my buttons on this. I deleted the comments, mostly for my own sanity. Yes, there is hints of bi characters, but literally the only one I made slightly like that was Monty, but for a reason.

Monty is essentially the baby version of Einstein and a car sellsmen. Plus, I went back and realize a few mistakes my dumb younger self did.

What did I so you may ask? I went onto Tumblr (don't use it any more though), and looked at what the people liked. Mostly Nugget and Lily (which is cannon in Kindergarten 2 cause Lily gives him a kiss on the check so... kinda cannon?), people liked Buggs with Cindy, Kid with Billy, and Monty with Jerome.

I only really liked two of them (Nugget and Lily, and Buggs and Cindy). I only went with the others because I wanted of please most people. Plus the kids hang around the older classes, so they might know what those words mean.

I know Monty eventually likes Carla, and for the sake of myself, I'm not saying anything.

Hints About the Sequel

I just decided to throw this in here and give you guys a little taste of what I have planned. Nothing super important will be addressed her though, just small changes.

It's going to follow a lot of the main game, but only with my own touches, slightly different mission requirements, and new easter eggs. I know for this I gave a few easter eggs about Jacksepticeyes, South Park, them being slightly self-aware, Razzbowski, Little Nightmare, and BaTIM.

I know it may seem weird, but please bare with me. Here is a few things I need to change however.

Lily and Billy won't just be missing for the day, Ted and Felix will be slightly closer, Carla may be a Tsudere not sure just yet, Applegate will be working with you.

I might make Penny work like Conner from D:BH

Cuss warning ^^^^

I think that's all, but if needed, I'll undated this.

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