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Me: Well, I'm back to work! Let's hope this will be good, I'm just going to go off random ideas.

Buggs: At let's you're back on, De. *all the kids hug me*

Nugget: And Nugget would like to thank the readers for being very patient with De!


Y/N's P.O.V

Those few hours before graduation, I remember them. The butterflies in my stomach, the sweaty hands, the fear of messing up. Those few words were currently Nugget and the girls. Recently, the whole class was nervous, and Haylee was for some reason climbing onto Kelsey's shoulders wearing glasses.

I was at my desk, looking at the song lyrics. The kids were outside playing, luckily all of them were playing right where I could see them. Or at least, I hope so.

Kid's P.O.V

I was just laying in the grass, cloud gazing. Billy was next to me. It was great to talk with Billy again, I really missed me and him getting in trouble. "Hey, Kid, remember that Pirates of the Caribbean thing we were gonna do?" Billy asked me.

"Yeah?" I replied, trying to look at him now. "Me and Lily were thinking, maybe we can do something else." he said. I rolled over, "Billy, we already remembered our lines though!" I said.

Billy looked at me with regret, "Kid, please don't yell. Let me explain. Me and Lily were think of doing something easier, like us singing about what happened to us before Ms. (Y/N) came." Billy said to me.

(I starting to get tired of the "So we're married!?" comments. If I see another one, it will be deleted, and, no, you're not.)

I softened my eyes at him, he did look a bit scared. "Sure, Billy." I said, a smile on my face. "So what should we do?" I asked him.

"Well, Lily wrote down some lyrics for us to sing. She already talked to Haylee and Kelsey, they said they could play as Mrs. Applegate. I can play as the Janitor, anyways, we are in show and tell, you play with a yo-yo." Billy went on and on with the idea.

I liked the sound of all of it, "Sounds great!" I said. Billy smiled scratched the back of his head. "T-thanks, Kid, for everything." he said.

I smiled at him and pulled him into a hug, "You're welcome." I said, Billy hugged back. Across the playground I could hear Buggs yell something.

"Get a room!!"

I let go, "I'm not gay like you, Buggs!" I yelled back. "I'm not gay, I like girls!" Buggs yelled back. "Lies!"

How we know these words you may ask? Sixth grade hall monitors is your answer.

Soon me and Buggs started to laugh, "Sorry, Kid, I couldn't help it, had to ruin the moment." Buggs said, smiling. I smiled and rolled my eyes, "It's okay, Big B, I know you were playing." I told him.

Sure it seems like me and Buggs don't get along at times, but really we're like brothers. I looked back at Billy, he was back to looking up at the clouds. I shrugged my shoulders and joined him.

♡♡Time Skip by: Graduation♡♡

Y/N's P.O.V

I was in the car, ready to drive to the school for the graduation. Nugget had the costumes, Haylee and Kelsey brought a bag, but I'm not sure what's in it. I started the engine and put it in drive, Nugget and the girls looked nervous.

I looked in the rear view mirror, "You three nervous?" I asked them. Nugget nodded, "Yep." he answered.

The ride there was slightly quiet, the kids humming some different tone it seemed. I looked into the mirror again. "What are you guys humming back there?" I asked, seeing Kelsey quickly hide something.

"A song." Haylee answered, before the three leaned inward, large smiles on their faces.

What are they planning?

♡♡ Time Skip By: Annoying comments of peo- *TECHINCAL DIFFICULTIES*♡♡

The program was absolutely huge. Kids from every grade at the school seemed to be there. Then again that's not actually a lot, but still.

It was getting near time for my class to go up. In the backroom, I hurried to help get Kid's ears off, seeing as they went on a special way.

Jerome looked over to Monty and the girls, whipping his tear filled eyes. Before I could do anything, the Monty and Haylee came over, hugging him and giving him tissues.

"It's okay, Jerome, I'm sure your dad will watch us from the livestream." I heard Monty say. I smiled at them. The kids all had each other's back, then again, they did explain how they forced themselves to stay in kindergarten for two years.

(They're around seven for y'all who were wondering, the reason why for the earlier Kid moment was never really discussed. I seemed to have imagined Kid trying to impress the Hall Monitor, or the Hall Monitor taught him)

It was time to let the kids go on, and seeing as how many things we had planned, we were last.

I couldn't see the kids, but I heard the music, Kid singing the lyrics to Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (clean if I might add), Jerome and Monty doing Got This Feeling. I could hear the other songs, until the kids got ready for their last song.

Lily and Nugget dawned themselves in black leather jacket, Kid and Billy in cop uniforms, and the others as different characters. Our two little criminals took their spots, while everyone else did too.

It was a great show, filled with love and drama.

"Put your weapons down. Put your weapons down! Ready men... aim... fire!"

Lily and Nugget got sprayed by the water gun, and fell down.

"The skies are black and filled with rain." I heard Lily sing.

"A morbid picture on display." Nugget joined in.

"This is the night, the young love died." Lily got up, helping Nugget up.

"Buried at each other's side."

"You'll never take us a-a-alive."

"We swore that death would do us part, they'll call our crimes a work of art!"

I was so proud of all of them. I can't wait for them to come back so I can just-

"Wait! Wait! We have one more! This was a surprise. Ms. (Y/N), please come out, we want you to see this." I looked out, seeing Kid holding a microphone. All eyes turned onto me, making me suddenly feel very small under all the curious looks.

I sat next to a large woman, she wore a purple dress with brown hair and glasses. Oh, and she's very blessed in the tah-tahs department, did I mention that?

Music started up again, and the light dimmed a bit. I watched as Kelsey and Haylee come out. Haylee was on Kelsey's shoulder, a purple dress with glasses. Now that I think about it, she looks a lot like the person next to me.

Only for the hooters, I saw them holding up a pillow. Maybe two.

"Let's all get ready for show and tell!"

The kids were in different position, laying down, sitting, or off to the side. Nugget had a small pail on his head, a shovel in his hand.

Buggs got a small thing of slop, and threw it at him, smacking into Nugget's cheek.

"We'll start with..."

Kelsey looked around, before pointing to Kid.

"You! What did you bring?"

Kid jumped up, a yo-yo in his hand. He began to do a few tricks.

"Check out my new yo-yo, I think it's pretty sweet."

Monty jumped up, he puffed out his chest.

"It only costed a dollar! My prices can't be beat."

Jerome slipped over or Kid, holding a golden piece of paper.

"I'll traded you for a hall pass."

Cindy came over, twirling her hair.

"I'll be your gorgeous wife~".

Buggs grabbed a fake knife, holding it out.

"I'll help you kill our teacher, with this giant scary knife!".

Billy came in with a gray beard, mop, and bucket.

"See the blood, on the cart, it's from us. We're in juvenile jeopardy. We're small, but we're smart, let's unite! And we'll start our little kindergarten coup."

Kid looked around at them all as though they were crazy. "Aren't you all being a little... dramatic?" he asked.

Cindy twirled one of her pigtail. "Uh, no!". Buggs glared at him. "We don't even know what that means."

Kelsey looked to them, "Children, we have to continue show and tell now! Cindy, have you brought anything interesting to share?".

Cindy smiled and took the stage a moment, pulling out a small biscuit.

"Here's a vegan biscuit. Cause I don't deal with meat." she tossed it behind her, and landed onto Buggs. Not sure if that was intentionally or not.

Cindy leaned towards Kid, giving him flirty eyes. "I got it from my boyfriend, cause he is oh so sweet~".

Buggs glared at Kid, before he seemed to brush it off.

Jerome pulled out a small pen light object. "Peep, this laser pointer, I know it's pretty sick." he twirled it around his finger before Billy snatched it.

"Ay! Gimme that, ya tinker, or I'll kill you with this stick!" Billy held up the mop, shaking it in a threatening manner.

The kids grouped together again, back to back with everyone.

"We're to young, and to spry, to be killed. We're a teeny-bop battalion. We know, we may die, but we still gotta try our kindergarten coup!"

Kelsey looked to Billy. "Ooooh! Mr. Janitor, why don't you share something interesting with the class?".

Billy puffed out his chest. "Once a young student, was not very prudent, with where he dropped his slop. So I went and grabbed him, and brutally stabbed him! With this here very mop."

The kids leaned away from him, as though they were scared of him.

Kelsey readjusted her glasses. "Well I give gold stars to kids who are are my special little rats! Although if you make me miss my break, I'll poison all you brats." she sang through gritted teeth.

"Who's next?"

Nugget got up, Lily and Kid snapping their fingers in time with the beat. He pulled out a chicken nugget.

"This is Nugget's nugget. Possessed by Nugget's friends. It signifies our friendship, and causes lives to end."

Lily then pulled out a piece of paper.

"I got this creepy paper, which I think might be a note."

Kelsey snatched the paper. "Oh I love a good love letter, shall we read what Nugget wrote?"

"Nugget says no!"

The kids started up again in their chorus. "We're all brats, in a bind, cause our school, wants us for experiments. We know, what we'll find, but we won't. Be resigned to being kindergarten tests, we'll exploit, this whole school, now's our time!" one by one did they bring out different items, all of them welding them as thought they were weapons.

"We're an infantile infantry, we're here to destroy, this whole school. So enjoy our little kindergarten coup!"

The kids them surrounded Kelsey, who looked at them nervously.

"Er... who wants Monstermon cards?" she asked, holding a few up. Nugget smiled and glared his crossed eyes. "Throw her in, the Nugget Cave.".

The music stopped, and they all smiled. Kid looked to the audience. "That's what it was like with Applegate. Don't worry, it's not like that anymore! Ms. (Y/N) takes a much better care of us then she did. She helped us know not everyone can be like Jiggle- I mean... Applegate. From all of us, thank you, Ms. (Y/N)!"

The kids cheered, along with everyone else. I looked around, not used to the sudden attention. The lady next to me looked to me. "So you're the one that replaced me. Nice to know the kids did something for us." she said.

I smiled. "So you're Applegate?". She nodded and gave a laugh, "Yeah. They're something, those kids. Say, why don't we work together? There's a school that needs a new teacher. Ms. Goldsmith is going to shut this one down after all that stuff that happened, so I'm thinking all the kids will move to there.".

"Well, I'm not sure, I need m-"

Before I could finish my answer, the kids tackled me, hugging my legs. I smiled and got down to their hight, hugging them back.

I looked up to Applegate. "Actually...I think I will."


Me: Done, complete, hope everyone is happy!

Billy: De wasn't able to get all the ideas she originally wanted to do, down.

Me: *nods* I wanted to get a small animatic done, so it would look a lot better. I might do it sometime in the future however.

Nugget: Nugget us remind the furry about something.

Me: And that is?

Nugget: Doesn't the furry have another thing they should be working on?

Me: 'Gain Way', 'Runaway', 'Vengeful' and the sequel are in the works, calm down.

Carla: Did someone say sequel?

Me: Carla, shh! You're not supposed to be here. Shoo!

In all seriousness guy, thank you all, so so soooo much! Nearly 50k veiws and nearly 1k votes, what! I can't stress how happy I am about this, like, seriously! The sequel will take a bit of time, along with a rewrite of this, so don't expect it soon. Especially since I have such big projects like 'Runaway' and 'Gain Way' in the works/near the end. But this is the end of this. Don't delete this though, I might drop some stuff on you guys later on in the future. Love you guys!

- Dégal

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