Morning Time

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Me: Part 2 ^_^

Cindy: *while De isn't looking puts gum in Lily's hair*

Lily: *tears up*

Nugget: *throws a poisonous nugget in Cindy's mouth*

Cindy: this is why I hate you *dies*

Lily: *whispers* and this is why I love him

(Maybe this time I'll spell the names right)

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Buggs had Monty's leg shaking him with his money going out of his pocket, Cindy put some gum in Lily's hair making her tear up, Jerome was trying to stop Buggs, and Nugget... wait where is he? The kid hand me something. A whistle, perfect. I told him to cover his ears, once he did, I blew the whistle loud making everyone stop immediately to cover their ears. They all looked at me "Now, everyone, take your seat please." I said. Everyone went to their seat and looked at me.

I did a head count "Five... six... where's Nugget?" I asked them after I counted them. Everyone looked around and shrugged. Buggs finally said something "He's in the corner." he said. I looked over to the doll house corner and finally saw him. He was crying with a bottle of pills in his hand. I know their young and wouldn't know what the word means, but heaven forbid Nugget would do it! I ran over to him and snatched the pills out of his hand. "Mr-Mrs. (L/N)! Please give them back! The principal gave them to me!" I looked at Jerome, "Did he?" I asked him. Jerome nodded "Nugget was Billy's best friend, ever since he went missing Nugget has been... unstable I guess you could say. Nugget has been taking those pills ever since." Monty said.

I looked at him, "Here, Nugget, sorry I didn't know." I apologize to him. Nugget smiled at me and hugged me. He let go and walked to his little area and sat down.

Kid's P.O.V

I like Mrs. (L/N), she was nice to Nugget and Lily. I'm happy cause, honestly I don't what to do Buggs' mission... just to much... blood. She's sweet too, lucky us! I went back to Monty. "Okay what do you need, kid?" I pointed to Monty's pack of cigarettes and handed him a dollar. "I knew you were a little troublemaker." Monty said as he handed them to me with a smirk on his face. He was somewhat right, I'm only do this to find Billy and collect all the Monstermon cards. Cindy walked up to me, "Hey, kid, do you think Mrs. (L/N) is nice to us... you remember what happened with Jiggletits... do you think we should run her off too?" I study Mrs. (L/N)'s face to see if she was truly being nice to Nugget or not. I saw a little sparkle in her bright (E/C) eyes, she really does care about us.

Good to know.

As you can tell and everything... I'm the so to say leader of our little pack. Any teacher who doesn't really care about us, we run off with one simple trick. Our crazyness. Buggs acts likes he bullying me, but really it's a act, the blood, ketchup. My dad and the principal are good friends so all I have to do is ask the principal to let them back to the school... and a few hundred dollars... and they're back. Cindy acts like a whore, but really she's not, it's also a act. She acts like that cause Lily didn't want that... and now I see why. The principal really hates Cindy so when we get sent together after our act, he normally isn't happy. Jerome... is well Jerome and technically his dad gave him the hall pass. Monty steals stuff cause it will get any teacher irritated for having to pay money for their thing back, but really it goes back on their pay check. Nugget acts the way he acts, cause no one else wanted to and he does the best derpy face I've ever seen, but really Nugget's really smart. The reason Lily doesn't really want any friends is because of Jiggletits, she told Lily that friends would always backstab you no matter. That's bull.

All of us made a pact that none of us would leave Kindergarten as long as we have a teacher who didn't care about us, so we're stuck together til someone who actually cares about us. And seeing Mrs. (L/N) actually caring about us... I didn't think we would leave this early. I went to the door, Mrs. (L/N) saw me, "Do you have to got to the bathroom?" she asked me. I nodded and she handed me a bathroom hallpass. I walked to the bathroom, and lit a cigarette, I need a break and just clear my mind.

Y/N's P.O.V

I asked the kids to go look for a morning buddy once they found one I gave them some paper and handed them colored pencils. "Okay, everyone, I want today to be a free day, so just relax and enjoy the day. You can play house, draw, play with your Monstermon cards, or nap. I just want today to be a good day!" I said. Cindy looked at her morning buddy, Buggs, and said something that made Buggs blush. Buggs nodded slowly and they walked over to the doll house. I felt someone tap my leg, I looked down and saw Monty and Jerome, "Mrs. (L/N) may you draw me and Jerome something?" Monty asked me. I nodded and went to their table, "So what do you want me to draw?" I asked them. Monty smiled "A dog!" I started to do the head when Jerome dive bombed me with things to draw, "And a rat in a cat's mouth being chased by a eagle and a zebra dancing with a purple and yellow striped tiger in a sombrero to heavy metal music." I dropped the pencil. I shook my head and took a deep breath, picked my pencil, and drew what they wanted me to draw.

After 30 minutes of doing that drawing it was done. It actually looked good 😕 surprisingly. I looked at everyone, they seemed to be enjoying themselves. The red haired kid walk in the room, Nugget ran to him and hugged him, "Nugget's friend has returned from the bathroom!" I noticed Nugget suddenly look sad. "Nugget smells..... something.... Nugget's friend hasn't been doing it again has he?" I heard the sadness in Nugget's voice. The kid nodded shamefully. Nugget sighed and hugged him again "Don't worry! Nugget's sure we came get through that horrible habit together!" I smiled.

I looked at the clock and looked at the schedule, it was lunch time. "Okay guys let's go to the cafe-" I was suddenly cut off by the school alarms and everything shutting down, I heard the kids scream. We heard the principal's voice on the intercom "Everyone, something has happened and we are now under lock down. Kids do not worry we have called your parents and they know. We do not know when lock down will be lift just stay calm." I felt the children gather around me hugging my legs in fear. I told them to stay there and turned my desk lamp for light. They all gathered around me again. This should be a fun new day.


Me: It's done!!

Nugget: *digs a hole in De's bedroom* *pops up* NUGGET'S NEW NUGGET CAVE!!

Me: *flicks ear in annoyance* Nugget... get out

Billy: Nugget run!

Nugget: *falls down the hole* YOU'LL NEVER TAKE NUGGET ALIVE WOLF!!!

Monty: Jerome, we should end this.

Jerome: Agreed

Monty and Jerome: BYE BYE!!!

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