Nugget's Past and Billy

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Me: *wears her headphones listening to Until Dawn so by DAGames*

Buggs: *sniffs* I smell heavy metal

Me: O.o also his chapter will most like make you cry.



Y/N's P.O.V

I sat next to Nugget, he was still in the hospital. Lily and Kid left a little bit after Nugget woke up. Nugget has been sleeping for a while now, so I dozed off a little too.

I woke up to see Nugget drawing on a piece of paper, I rubbed my eyes "What are you draw, Nugget?" I asked with a yawn. Nugget looked at me "Oh, a doggie." he showed my the drawing, I was really cute, and got a lot of details in.

I smiled and hugged him from the side, "I'm proud of you, Nugget." I said smiling. Nugget eyes soon filled with tears "Nu-Nugget has never been told that his mom is proud of him. Not even his real mom said anything to him, about being proud," I frowned a little. "Nugget knows his parents are dead, but... he remembers his terrible past with them. They were one happy family before Nugget came, after Nugget came... they tried to convince the doctors that Nugget wasn't theirs. Nugget's dad started to beat him reason one why Nugget can keep his eyes like this for a long time. Nugget's mom was a drug dealer, heavy smoker, and a heavy drinker. She tried to teach poor Nugget how to do drugs, but when Nugget declined she wouldn't feed him for the whole day... or the next. It was horrible,... Nugget's cousins would touch him in weird places to told him to do stuff to them. Nugget tied to run away, but his older brother would always catch him, and throw him in his room...," at this point I was at tears, my son has been through so many things... "Then the crash happened, Nugget jumped out of the car before anyone else,and he was taken to the orphanage, and he got bullied there too. School was the only escape Nugget had from home, one day, Kid saved him from Pearfence (total not taking that from Applegate) pushing him into Nugget Cave, and they made a pact with the others." "The pact that you guys wouldn't leave until you had someone who cared about you..." Nugget nodded "What Kid meant by that, every time we had a teacher who bullied us, we would either kill, or get them fired. We were able to get though eight teachers before you came along." I was shocked, EIGHT TEACHERS!?!?.

"Nugget, was nervous about Mrs. (Y/N), but when she calmed him down, he knew she was good. He tried to protect her from the others, Nugget was worried the Kid wouldn't trust you in time to save you, so Nugget made a deal with him. If Nugget got adopted by the teacher, who cared a lot for him, Kid would have to call back from any plan of harming you." I hugged him, careful of cords of course, and cried.

Nugget hugged me tightly "Nugget never got to have a real bond with his real mom... but Nugget knew that after the first day... you would be his mom to actually bond with. You were so nice and caring to poor Nugget." he hugged me tighter. "Nugget wants to forget his past... Nugget wants to forget his past family." he cried in my shirt. I hugged back and rubbed soothing circles on his back and shushed him. I kissed his forehead, after he fell asleep.

♡♡Time Skip by: Buggs in a dress *insert Lenny face*♡♡

I checked out Nugget, and we went home. I put on a movie for us called Astro Boy (MEMORIES!!). Me a d Nugget made a blanket fort and watched the movie. Nugget was about to fall asleep in my arms, when the doorbell rang. I got up and opened the door to show, Lily, who was out of breath "Lily? What's the matter? Where are your parents?" Lily hugged my leg. Tears were going down her cheeks, I kneeled to her hight "I-it's B-Billy they found him!". Nugget quickly turned to his normal happy self "Nugget's friend was found!?" Lily smiled and nodded, tears still coming down her cheeks.

I turned back to her "Where is he?" I asked her. "He's at the school still, me and Kid found him under the school!" she explained. "Wait, you and Kid broke into the school, found Billy, and ran all the way here?" I asked her. Lily nodded, okay what the heck I can't get mad at her, she finally found her brother!

I put on my shoes and we ran to the school. (Note it's still day time). When we got there, there was a ambulance and cop cars. Kid was next to Billy with his arm over his shoulder, Jerome was with his mom, who was talking to the police about her husband. Turns out Mr. Gunsmith was hiding Billy and two other kids down in a secret compartment under the school. Both were girls that looked like the other's age. One girl had long blond hair with brown eyes, she had a dirty pink shirt and blue cargos, the other had long brown hair with some blond highlights, she had blue eyes and wore a purple shirt with black shorts.

Nugget ran to Billy and Kid with Lily in tow. I walked to the girls. "Hello there, what's your names?" I asked. "I'm Haylee." said the one with blond hair "And I'm Kelsey." the one with brown hair said. I smiled and looked around "Where are your parents?" I asked, they looked at each other and shrugged "We haven't seen them since the car wreck." Haylee said. Two more homeless kids then... hope Nugget's wants sisters. I got up "If so, you can live we me and my son, Nugget. Come on and meet your new brother." I said with a smile. They followed meto Nugget and the others, Nugget was currently squeezing the life out of poor Billy with tears in his eyes.

"Nugget missed Billy so much!" he said, if looks could kill Nugget would be dead by the look Kid was giving. He got up and walked around yelling.



Me: sorry for the long awaited update, I was being lazy, and had a writer's block.

Nugget: De can't think of anything funny so she's ending it here.

Everyone: BYE GUYS!!!!

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