Prickly Pear Doodle + Quick Update

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Hello, hello. I'm not dead!

I know I haven't been super active on here, but I warned you of that! Please forgive my lack of posting. I've been doing art, but none of it is ready for pictures quite yet.

Anyway, I just did this because I was writing an essay and then I saw my Tombows, and, well, you can see what happened from there XD

Sorry the picture is so bad, the lighting is terrible.

So there's some art for you to look at while I give a quick update of my life...

Life has been throwing everything it can at me at the moment in order to get me down, and I have to admit, some of it is working. I'm trying to stay positive, it's just... there's a lot of things. From life to school to my future success, a lot of things have been stressing me out lately. So yeah.

I haven't been able to do any more zentangle, but I do doodle them EVERYWHERE (including on my hand), so I've been getting practice in. I was going to take a picture of my hand, but the pen washed off before I was able to. :(

Just wanted to keep you guys updated on what's going on. I can't promise anything in terms of updates, but I'll try, I promise I'll try, to get some actual art done so I can post.

Also I've been considering making an Instagram for zentangle and lettering? Post in the comments if you think this is a good idea. My only worry is being able to stay active on it. Well, maybe not my only worry, but definitely my biggest one.

QOTD: Apples or pears?
AOTD: Pears as long as they're soft. Asian pears are amazing, too. Try them. They melt in your mouth. I'm not even kidding. They're so good.

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