Chapter 13 : Rescue Training!

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3rd Person P.O.V

As always, (Y/n) woke up that morning, waited for Izuku, went to school (Thank god there wasn't any camera this time.) And learn. But somehow, she kept feeling like something bad was about to happen. She couldn't help but feel worried for the rest of the day. Feeling restless and kept overreacting over the smallest of things. It was annoying to be honest. Annoying to her I mean. Her friends kept telling her to calm down and she wants to! She really do but something kept her from it. Soon though, she'll know why...

It was time for afternoon classes so (Y/n) and her friends walked back to class, preparing for what they were about to learn today. Not thinking that they're going to go on a field trip. "Now, for today's basic hero training, this time All Might, myself and one other will be supervising." Aizawa-sensei said. 'Wow, three pro-heroes? Today must be a special day. Is thay why I've been feeling weird.' She thought. Sero, asked what they're gonna do today and Aizawa-sensei pulled a card that said 'Rescue' on it. "Preparing you for disaster relief, from fires to flood. It's rescue training!" He explained. Hearing this, (Y/n) can feel her heart filled with excitement. 'Rescue!' She thought happily. She had always wanted to rescue people. Not rescue specifically, more like save or help. So, hearing this was a good news to her. "Hey, I'm not done." Aizawa-sensei continued, silencing his students. He pushed a button and (Y/n) felt even more excited than before! "It's up to each of you whether or not you're gonna wear your costumes. As some of them are ill-suited for this sort of activity. The training site is a bit remote, so we'll be going by bus. That's all, get ready." He dismisses them. (Y/n) can see that all of her classmates are pumped up.

After changing into her hero costume, (Y/n) walked to the bus with Uraraka and Izuku by her side. "Hmm? You wore your gym clothes Deku-kun? Where's your costume?" Uraraka asked once she saw Izuku. "It didn't make it through the battle training in one piece. The school's support company is repairing it. Just gotta wait for now." Izuku answered her question. "Oh, why didn't you tell me? I could've made you a new one instantly..." (Y/n) said. "You could?!" Izuku and Uraraka asked. "Yeah, I could. I just need to know the material it's made of. Didn't I tell you this before? I thought you already write it down in your notebook." (Y/n) answered their question. "You didn't! If you did I would've remembered!" Izuku pouted. 'He's so cute!' (Y/n) thought, chuckling and ruffling his hair. "Well, maybe if we had time you could interview me? I'll tell you everything that you wanted to know!" She suggested jokingly. "Yes please! I would love to know all about your Quirk!" Izuku said cheerfully. "Hey, no fair! I wanted to get to know her too!" Uraraka chimed in. "Calm down you two, you're both my friend, let's get to know each other better later okay?" (Y/n) said, being the peacemaker between the two.

"Line up according to your I.D numbers! Fill those seats in an orderly fashion!" They heard Iida giving instruction. "Iida's going full throttle..." Izuku commented their class President's behavior. "Well, I guess that makes him a better leader huh?" (Y/n) agreed.

Once they were in the bus, Iida realizes that it's not the normal kind of bus and now he's having a mid-life existential crisis. "Darn! It was this type of bus..." He solemnly said. The students on the bus appears to be chatting with each other and somehow, mocked Bakugo. It was very impressive that he didn't explode anything just yet. (Y/n) was just listening to her rowdy classmates. She turned to her right and saw that her seat partner, Todoroki, was sleeping peacefully. Her eyes trails along his face, from his pale skin, to his lips, nose, eyes, his scar and finally hair. Looking at how peaceful he looked, (Y/n) had a sudden urge to ruffle his hair. She doesn't know why but she really love patting people on the head and ruffling their hair. Probably because to her, it was an act of affection. As if she was saying good job and it just gave her a sense of closeness. And so, her hand went to his hair and her eyes twinkle with excitement. 'It's so soft!' She thought.

Todoroki began stirring in his sleep and opens his eyes. (Y/n), too busy touching this man's head doesn't realize that she has woken up and invading someone's privacy. Todoroki's hand flew to (Y/n)'s wrist immediately, gripping it tightly but not to the point of hurting her. "What are you doing?!" He asked with his smooth voice, kinda growling. (Y/n) knowing that she had been caught red-handed blushes furiously. "I-I-I-I'm sorry! I couldn't help myself! Y-y-your hair j-just look so soft! I'm so sorry Todoroki-kun!" She apologizes, her eyes not meeting with his. Todoroki just sighed, looked out the window and ignore her as if nothing just happened, while (Y/n) just looked down, occasionally looked at him in the corner of her eyes. "You have a beautiful pair of eyes." She suddenly said. Shocked, Todoroki turned and looked back at her. (Y/n) just looked back at him and smiled sheepishly. "What?" He asked, unsure if what he was hearing was correct. "I-I said that... You eyes look cute?" She said once again, worried that he might be offended at her words. "Thanks." He replied, still as emotionless as always but a little bit happier than before. He's feeling all kinds of emotion he never thought he could feel. Of course, (Y/n) didn't know this cause she can't read minds. Todoroki turned back to his window and kept silent for the whole ride.

"We're here. Look sharp now." Aizawa-sensei reminded. And the students replied with a very excited 'Okay!'. Once they were inside, the students were in awe with the place. 'It's so big! A lot of space and different biome!' (Y/n) thought, feeling giddy but not forgetting the feeling that something was gonna go horribly wrong. "There's the flood zone, landslide zone, conflagration zone, every disaster and accident you can imagine. I built this facility myself! I call it... The 'Unforeseen Simulation Joint'!" A cute marshmallow looking guy said. "It's the space hero, Thirteen! She's a gentleman hero who does his best work in rescue scenario!" Izuku immediately began to spout information about her. "Ooh! I love thirteen!" Uraraka began jumping up and down. Aizawa-sensei then proceed to talk about something with Thirteen. "So be it. Let's get started." Aizawa-sensei said.

"Before we do, I have one or two points. Or three or four..." Thirteen said as the number of points gradually increase. "As I'm sure many of you are aware... My Quirk is called Black hole, it can suck in and tear apart anything." "Yeah! And you've used it to save people in all sorts of disasters!" Izuku added while Uraraka was vigorously nodding her head in agreement. "Indeed, however... My power could easily kill. I have no doubt there are some among you with similar abilities. In our super-powered society, the use of quirks are heavily restricted and monitored. It may seem that this system is a stable one. But we must never forget tthat it only takes one wrong move with an uncontrollable Quirk for people to die. During Aizawa's physical fitness test, you came to learn of your own hidden potential. Through All Might's battle training, you experienced the danger that your respective quirks can pose to others. Your powers are not meant to inflict harm. I hope that you leave here today with the understanding that you're meant to help people. That is all! Thank you for listening!" She bows. (Y/n) and Iida clapped their hands as loud as they could while the others were motivated. Hearing her speech made the flickering fire I'm (Y/n)'s heart grows even stronger!

"Great. First off..." Aizawa-sensei trailed off, turning behind him after seeing something swirling from the corner of his eyes. From the swirling, comes out a bunch of guys. "Huddle up and don't move!" Aizawa-sensei instructed, wearing his goggles. Then students still unable to comprehend the situation. "Thirteen! Protect the students!" He instructed again, (Y/n) suddenly realize the mess they're in and she can feel her heart dropped to the ground. "Don't move! Those are... Villains!" He said urgently. "Thirteen and Eraser Head is it... According to the staff schedule I receive the other day... All Might was supposed to be here..." The black mist guy said. "Of course. That whole incidents was this scum's doing!" Aizawa-sensei said, referring to the U.A building infiltration incident. "Where is he..? We've come all this way. And brought so many playmates... All Might... The Symbol Of Peace... Is he here...?" A villain with a lot of hands asked. "I wonder if some dead kids will bring him here?!"


Ironically... They appeared before us during our rescue training... We learned that what the pros are up against... What they faced in the fields... Is...

Evil unleashed!


A/n - The next part is gonna be pretty hard since I suck at fighting... So yeah... I already know where to yeet (Y/n) though... She gonna go to a zone with a certain someone...


For the first time in her life... She felt genuine fear. It was fear for herself of course but... She fear what's gonna happens to others the most. She never thought her day was gonna be turned upside down like this. She's afraid that she can't protect those she cherished the most but even so, she was ready to fight and protect what she loved. She's not really confident in her abilities but she knows that they are gonna go through this just fine. Her classmates are strong after all. Each and everyone of them are strong. They can fight and stay safe, but her worries won't go away. Trembling and tense. She readied herself to fight to the max of her abilities. They're gonna live through this. Her intuition was almost correct all the time after all.


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