Special Chapter! : Being Forgetful?!

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3rd Person P.O.V

Right now, (Y/n) was walking home with Midoriya in silence. Midoriya was pretty nervous. He was scared if his first impression was bad and (Y/n) might not want to be friends with him anymore. But, let's get real. (Y/n) would never do that. "So..." (Y/n) said, trying to start the conversation. "Tell me, Midoriya-kun, how was our relationship before I lost my memories?" She asked. Midoriya felt he's heart drop everytime he heard (Y/n) calling him by his family name. It just felt like they weren't that close anymore. "Uh. W-well... It's um..." He stuttered out, unable to form a sentence. "Hey, hey, it's okay if you don't want to tell me. I understand. Talking with someone with an amnesia must've been hard for you. But don't worry! I'll get back my memories. And then it'll all go back to normal!" She gave him a reassuring smile. 'Maybe.' She thought of the chance that she might lose her family forever. "Even if my memories doesn't come back, we'll make new memories instead! That'll be fun right?!" (Y/n) tried to cheer the boy next to her. She take a look at Midoriya and saw an expression that she would never let it show again. She might just met him, but somehow, looking at his expression, she knew what it meant. "Hey, are thinking about how this is your fault?" She asked softly. "H-how did you know?!" Midoriya looked at her and asked, shocked. "Well, I saw your face and I immediately know. I didn't know how." She sheepishly replied. Midoriya then look back at the ground. "How did you do it?" He asked. (Y/n) let out a 'Huh?'. Confused she asked. "What do you mean?" "Well, you're the one who loss you're memory! Yet, here you are! Trying to comfort me!" He yelled out before covering his mouth. "I-I'm sorry for yelling..." He apologises.

"It's okay. You don't need to apologise. I'm sorry if my behaviour was making you feel guilty. But I have always don't care about myself. I will only tell you this. Okay, Midoriya-kun! Don't tell anyone else or else they'll think I have a problem." She explained. And that was when Midoriya realizes that what his friend just told him was true. Most of the time she'll only think of others. "But why?" Midoriya asked. "Well, do you know why I wanted to be a hero?" She asked back, to which Midoriya shook his head. "Well, I wanted to help everyone. I wanted to help motivate people and save them. Everyone that I can. No matter how tiny their problem is, I wanna help to the best of my abilities. Be it a lost child or a supervillain. I wanna help them all." She gave him a grin, her face was flushing. "I see..." Midoriya accepted. She suddenly remembers something someone once said a long time ago and stopped walking. Seeing this, Midoriya stopped walking too. "Are you okay? (Y/n)-San!" He asked. "A pro must always be ready to risk his life..." She muttered to herself. "What did you just say?" Midoriya asked. Pretty excited. "A pro must always be ready to risk his life..." She said it again, looking at Midoriya. "Did anyone ever said that to me?" She asked Midoriya. "Yes! Yes! All Might said that once! You're remembering." Midoriya said excitedly, tears coming out of his eyes like waterfalls.

'This was faster than I remembered! Wait, remember what?' She thought to herself. "Hey, you can help me by telling me everything I need to know! Maybe if you tell me about everything that has happened, I'll remember even faster!" She suggested to the boy to which Midoriya immediately agreed to. "Yes! I'll help in any way I can!" He said, now feeling pumped up. "Tomorrow we have a day off, can I come to your house?" Midoriya bashfully asked. "Sure! Midoriya-kun!" She said. "Oh, a-and one more thing, (Y/n)-San... C-could you call me by my name? You usually use that when..." His voice starts getting lower and lower to the point of complete silence. "Why do you said it as if we're a couple? And you're trying to mend our broken relationship?" (Y/n) jokingly said, but of course, our little cinnamon roll was over-flustered. Steam was coming out of his ears and his face was scarlet red with his hand covering his face in a weird manner. It also gave (Y/n) some ideas and her face began to reddened. "Wait! Are we a couple before I lose my memory?!" She asked, worried that she might just hurt his feelings or make him feel uncomfortable. "N-no no! It's nothing like that!" Midoriya stuttered out. Shaking his head as hard as he could and (Y/n) let out an 'Oh...' "It's just that... When you put it that way..." He said. "I'm sorry if I made you feel embarrassed Midoriya-kun, I was just worried that I might hurt your feelings. I can totally see other people mistaking us as a couple. And you're such a nice guy! I'm sure you'd make a good boyfriend!" She compliments him, making him blush harder. "Oh, were here." She said, ready to part way with Midoriya. "Well, see you next time... Izuku-kun!" She gave him a wide smile. Hearing she uses his name made him smile too. "Yes! See you tomorrow (Y/n)-San!" He replied, waving and went to his house while (Y/n) went to hers. Once inside, (Y/n) suddenly collapse on the floor sitting. 'I'm out of energy huh? Just in time too. I'm just gonna take a quick nap...' She thought and passed out.


The next day.

(Y/n) wakes up the next day, feeling cold and a massive headache. It felt as if her head was bashed into concrete floor a couple of times. 'Concrete floor?' She thought to herself before the headache comes washing over twice as hard. She turned to her alarm clock. '12:01 p.m' It was then that she realizes that she was in bed. With a damp towel on her head and blanket  over her body. She also realize that her clothes had changed. 'Did I sleep-doing-things?' She thought to herself and sat up. 'Ugh... My head is killing me...' She look at her bedside table and saw two aspirins and a glass of water. 'Okay... Who is doing this? There's no way I did all this while sleeping...' She stared at the pills and water with suspicion before shrugging it off and taking them. She suddenly heard a loud crash coming from her kitchen. Feeling absolutely tired, she thought about letting whoever in her house do whatever they want before deciding against it. She then get up from her bed, with the blanket since it's freaking cold!! She yawned, then made her way into her kitchen, summoning a baseball bat with what energy she have left. "Hey, who are you and what are you doing in my home?" She tiredly asked, her view was blurry since she was still tired and sleepy, not to mention that her arms was cramping really bad.

"Ah! (Y/n)-San! What're you doing up?! You're supposed to be in bed!" A familiar voice said. Upon hearing this voice, she dispose of her weapon immediately. "I'm sorry. You sound familiar... But, who are you?" She asked, sleepily. The stranger, felt alarmed by this. 'D-did she lose her memories again?!' The stranger thought. "(Y-Y/n)-San... D-did you lose your memories again?!" They asked, shaking her shoulder while kneeling. "What are you talking about? What memory loss? Please stop shaking me..." She answered, rubbing her eyes. Then, she saw him clearly. "Ah! Izuku-kun~ how are you today?" She asked and fell on him. "(Y-y-y-y/n)-San?!" Izuku said, his face red, and his hand trembling. "Y-yeah? What do you want, Izu-chan?" (Y/n) asked, not realizing what she's doing. 'I-I-Izu-chan?!" Izuku thought. He then shakes his head trying to let all the embarrassment out. He felt (Y/n)'s forehead and she leaned in to his touch. What a cliché move. 'She's burning up!' He thought and picked her up (You know what style...) And putting her back to bed. He was about to go when suddenly, a hand grabbed his wrist. "Hey, Izu-chan... Tell me a story... About what happened..." She said, sleepily. "S-sure..." Izuku replied and sat at the edge of the bed. And so, Izuku started telling her the stories about when they first met and (Y/n) can tell that her memories were returning little by little and her drowsiness going away.

"Ah! Yes, I remembered that! And you were screaming at the top of your lung on top of all those garbage right?" She asked and Izuku smiled bashfully. "Yeah, I was kinda feeling dramatic and frustrated at that point." He said and (Y/n) giggled. "Yeah, I remember that I can't really look at you and kept avoiding so I don't have to look at you." (Y/n) admitted. "Wha? Why?!" Izuku asked. "W-well... You're not wearing any shirt. Looking at you without shirt felt really wrong so I didn't." (Y/n) answered, scratching her cheeks and Izuku exploded. "O-oh! Look at the time! It's time for lunch!" Izuku said while pointing at the clock. (Y/n) look at the clock and it said, '1:47 p.m'. "Yeah, it is. Wait a second." She sat up on her bed and get ready to get out of bed, to which Izuku immediately stopped her. "What are you doing? You should be resting!" He said and (Y/n) smiled. "I'm making you lunch silly! You must be hungry. Not to mention, you did take care of me." She said and get out of bed, wobbling to the kitchen. "No, you're sick! You're supposed to be in bed!" Izuku yelled, running after the girl. "No can do Sir Midoriya. You're my guest and you will be treated as such." She said, taking the pot.

'Even when she's sick she still think about others...' Izuku thought to himself, feeling a little frustrated. "No! You will stay in bed and rest! You need to take care of yourself (Y/n)! Don't just think about other people. Think about yourself!" Izuku yelled yet again with tears of frustration welling up. (Y/n) stopped what she's doing and looked at the cinnamon roll. She let out a sighed. She put down the pot and walked towards him, and give him a hug. "Thank you so much for taking care of me. It's been awhile that anyone actually cared for me. Thanks for that." She whispered and Izuku tightened the hug. "I-Its just. When I saw you on your doorstep, passed out, I can't help but think of the worst case of scenario. It was then that I realized that you've been holding it in since we walked. And I just felt so angry at myself for not noticing. I was so worried." He replied. "I'm sorry for making you worried... Hey, it's been awhile since I think for myself. Can you teach me how?" She asked softly. "Yeah, sure." Izuku answered and (Y/n) can feel his lips curve upward. "But I'm still cooking." "No, you're not."

In the end, they decided to cook together. And as (Y/n) expected, he doesn't know how to cook so, (Y/n) needs to kinda teach him around. His basic was good enough though. They were making, of course, Katsudon. Izuku's favorite. ((Y/n) insisted that it's what she want but we all know she's lying. Izuku gave up after her third point.) She saw Izuku was struggling with the knife and so, she did what everyone else would do in a fanfic. She took the knife from him before he could hurt himself. "You could cut yourself if you hold it like that. Here, let me teach you." She said, taking his place in front of the cutting board. "You have to make a knuckle to make sure you didn't cut your fingers off, and don't actually hold it at the edge of the knife. Go for somewhere in the middle." She showed him and chopped some scallion. "Here try it." She gave back the knife to Izuku and this time, Izuku did it properly. After finish cooking, they both sat at the table and Izuku, continue the story for (Y/n). (Y/n) just smiled during the story. Somehow, she felt content and happy hearing about her relationship with Izuku. And her other friends too of course. It really seemed like they were such good friends. It makes her happy to know that there are people she would sacrifice herself for, and they might just do the same for her.

"Thank you... Izuku-kun. You always managed to brighten up my day you know..." She thanked him in the middle of his story. Izuku blushed. "I-It's nothing. I... Think you're the one who's amazing, (Y/n)-San... You always see the positive in things and so strong. I hope I could beat you someday!" He replied, a new kind of fire had been lit. "Well, you better work hard then! Cause I'm gonna be chasing you down." She grinned. He continue his story and (Y/n) suddenly felt sleepy. Her eyes began to droop little by little until they closed completely. It takes Izuku awhile to take notice in this since he himself was so engrossed in the memories. Once he realizes though, he smiled softly and carry her to her bed. "Good night, (Y/n)-san." Feeling pretty bold, he gave her a kiss in the forehead and in her sleep, she smiled.


A/n - There you go! A special chapter! It seems like (Y/n) was inclined to go to Midoriya Izuku's route?! But hold in a second! Romance? This early? Calm down! We still have a couple hundred chapters to go! Just imagine this book as a reader insert instead of am x reader would you? A reader insert with some things spiced up!


While the two were chatting, the issue of Izuku changing (Y/n)'s clothes came up. "Wait... Izuku-kun... When you found me, I was in my school uniform right?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah..?" Izuku answered, still clueless about where this is going. "Who change my clothes for me?" She asked and Izuku exploded again. He began his nervous stuttering and his hand gesture was going wild. "I-I-I-I saw you on your doorstep and I thought I should put you to bed b-b-but the school uniform was k-kinda d-dirty so I changed y-y-your clothes b-b-b-b-but don't worry! I didn't see anything I s-swear! I closed mu eyes when doing it s-so I didn't see anything!" Izuku stuttered out afraid of what (Y/n) would do but stopped when he heard her laughed. Feeling embarrassed and feeling like (Y/n) was mocking him, he just looked at his lap.  "I-I'm sorry Izuku-kun. I didn't mean to make you feel upset. It's just, if there's any boy I can pick to change my clothes while I was unconscious, it would be you. That is how much I trust you, you know? If course it would've been better if you were a girl but. It's you nonetheless." She smiled and Izuku smiled back, his face still red from embarrassment.


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