Meeting The Queen: Chapter Six

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I walked into the magnificent throne room behind the guards. The guards went infront of the queen and kneeled. I stood, but bowed.

The queen chuckeled and told us to stand. She motioned for the guards to leave and turned to me. "So," Queen Niotulover mused. "Why are you in my throne room? Did you ask for an audience- or are you in trouble?"

I curtsied. "Queen, I only wish to speak with you. Your kingdom is at war with the Atled Kingdom, correct? I believe I know a way to tip the balance, make your kingdom survive this war."

The queens amused smile faded. She motioned to the guards to leave and leaned foreward. "And," She leaned back again, "How do you propose we do that?"

I took out one of the papers in my pocket and handed it to her. "This is a document from the Atled kingdom. It is a prophecy that the king has gotten on his birthday. It states that someone with a mark that is not just black lines will destroy the kingdom."

The Queen looked skeptical. "And, what does this have to do with you?" I smiled. "My mark," I said, lifting my dress to show her.

She looked shocked. "We must speak more. I have a ball coming up. You and any of your friends are invited. We will talk then. I would appreciate it if you could stop by before you leave my kingdom first, so I may become acquainted with your friends. I have things to attend to now, so please go." She said, handing me a pamphlet with "You're Invited! The Niot Ball, June 28!"

I bowed, "Of course, Queen Niotulover." I said, and left.

I walked back to the tavern quickly, taking my hair out of the braid on the way. As soon as I got inside mine and Ji's room I chucked the heels at the wall and grabbed an outfit, changing out of the dress immediately, not even going into the bathroom.

The outfit I grabbed was a purple shirt, with sleeves that went over my hands, holes for my thumbs. I also got a lilac mini skirt with tights underneath. I left my galaxy sneakers off though.

I sighed in comfort, and heard Ji come out of the bathroom. I closed my eyes, deciding to rest since I had ran to the Inn room. I heard Ji walk in and sigh a little.

I felt something warm and comforting on my forehead. I soon lost consciousness.

I woke up to muffled arguing. I groaned, "Shut up, will you?" I sat up, rubbing my eyes sleepily. I opened them, and saw Ji sitting net to me on the bed, with Catrinna sitting on the other bed, Kianna laying down on her stomach next to her.

They rolled their eyes and continued talking. I yawned, closing my eyes and leaning on the shoulder next to me. I drifted off again, and when I came to, it was just me and Ji.

I yawned and looked at her, about to ask about the others. She responded before I got the chance to, though, "They're going to eat, went five minutes ago, I waited for you, didn't want your monophobia to act up, lets go now."

She started to leave. I quickly followed grabbing my shoes and a pair of socks. I put the socks on while we were waling, opting to put the shoes on when we got to the inns dining room.

When we got down I sat at thw head of the table everyone was sitting at, Ji on my right, Catrinna on my left. We started quietly talking after we ordered.

We ate quickly when they came, and began talking again. We ended up getting onto the topic of me meeting the queen. Catrinna was complaining, "It's not fair I want to meet the queen too!"

I rolled my eyes, "When all of us are done whoever wants to can come with me to meet her- if she is not busy, and Ji is going to come. I don't care if you wants too, I need to see you struggle in that dress, meeting the queen will be a perfect opritunity to see you in it, since its better to be a little formal when meeting one."

Catrinna squealed, "Im definitely coming, I doubt Kiki wants to though." Kianna nodded at her statement.

We finished and went up to the rooms to change. I ducked into the bathroom and changed fairly quickly, then came out. Ji yelped and covered herself, "Im not done changing!" She yelped.

I blushed and ducked back into the bathroom. After a minute Ji yelled out, "Im done!" I walked out, the blush still on my face. Ji had a blush on her face as well.

We met up with Catrinna when just outside the inn, and started walking towards the castle with them. We got to the castle and the two guards from earlier stopped us. They pointed at me.

"Hey," They told me, "You are not allowed inside the castle. Queens orders." I glanced at Ji qnd Catrinna, "If I wasnt allowed in the castle," I said, "How come the queen invited me back?"

The guards glanced at eachother nervously, "You are lying, she didn't invite you..." I rolled my eyes, "If you are so confident she didn't invite me bacl, why don't you ask her if she did?"

The guards glared at me, "Fine, but don't blame us if she sends you to jail." I smiled, "I'll be sure to tell her that." I said as I walked past.

I confidently walked in to the throne room. The queen smiled when she saw me. She gestured to my friends, "Hello again! Are these some of your friends?" ahe asked. I smiled back, "Yes, this is my close friend Ji, and this is my friend Catrinna. They were interested in meeting you."

Queen Niotulover smiled, "Well, they want to meet me, we can chat over cookies and tea. Please come... Im sorry, I didn't get your name, what was it?"

I smiled at her, "My name is Violet. Violet...Neiko."

Sup Stalkers! 1042 words no images are mine. Boop bye Baes!

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