Wrong Mark: Chapter One

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I woke, but kept my eyes shut enjoining the warmth of my cozy bed, though my mind protested telling me to do something productive.

I stayed in bed until I remembered. My 16th birthday- and my Marking, was today. I practically jumped out of bed and changed into my special outfit.

It was a little white dress with red flowers scattered on it and white short tights. It was beautiful. I put my long blonde hair into a braid and shimmering purple lady-stilts on my feet. Itstead of wearing my glasses I put in contacts.

I raced down stairs and at the bottom checked my watch.
4:15 AM. I went back to my room and started to reread Super Mystreet by codevprincess. (Aka a very epic person who you should check out)

Reading the book time seemed to leap foreward and as I checked my watch I noticed the time read 5:59. I needed to get downstairs to get my Marking by 6:10.

As I zoomed downstairs I tripped on the last step and fell flat on my face. I picked myself up and sprinted to the kitchen getting my normal meal.

Two sunny side up eggs each with a slice of chese on top, a spam sandwich, a few peices of the rolled up sausage, a hashbrown pattie like the ones at MIKEYDEES, a eggmcmuffin, and two and a half entire peices of toast.

I scarfed down my food in 9 minutes and zipped off to the room I had to go to to go to my Marking. As I entered the room I saw my father.

"You are late-" He was cut off by his alarm for when I had to be there. I giggled than stood by him to go to my Marking.

As we left I saw a fox-like creature, about as large as one, but it turned around showing me an almost human face. Observing it I saw it was nearly all red and it had red hair that nearly reached the ground. It also had a long, poofed out red tail. It was beautiful.

We walked along the brick trail to the Marking room. The silvery trees glistened in the morning light and beautiful flowers blossoming at our feet. I swear I saw the gorgeous creature in the trees every once and a while.

As we got to the Marking place I was told to walk into the the cave known as Darkend cave. It was known as that because any light in here immediately goes out.

As I walked in I felt a sharp burning feeling on my stomachb but as it started to hurt, the rest of me felt like liquid heaven was being poured on it.

When I blinked I could suddenly see. Itstead of darkness I saw pictures of beautiful animals and other things like flowers and crystals.

I saw a picture of the same creature I had seen on the walk before painted in a shade of lilac itstead of black, like the rest of the drawings. As I stared it changed from the pretty color into boring black.

I was still entranced by the images when I heard the king shout to come and show my mark.

I left feeling sad. Sad I couldnt keep staring at the nice images. I exited putting a joyful smile on my lips. The king said "Show me your mark."

I lifted my dress, glad I wore tights, to show him and his calm face contorted into one of suprise and anger.

"That is the mark that a prophecy said will destroy the kingdom, go home, now," He shouted, with tears in my eyes I turned and ran.

I got home in minutes and started packing. Soon the king would be going around and telling people I was being banned from the kingdom. I wouldn't get off easy, no doubt I would be banned for no reason.

I changed into my normal clothes as soon as I got home. I wore my glasses, wich were purple and had huge lenses. I also put on my black tanktop and my white shirt that hung off my shoulder. I also threw on my black shorts that went above my knees and my lilac purple sneakers. Then I put on my lilac beanie and went to get my bracelets.

The eight braclets I wore had the symbols for each of the members from Team RWBY, Team JNPR, and for Coco, Velvet, Sun, Neptune, and Penny, from RWBY, Scooby Doo's collar tag from Scooby Doo, a small vertionof each pokémon, except the aron evolution line, every type of pokèball, a PJO trident symbol, a HOO drachma, a Skyrim symbol, a Skyrim Stormcloak symbol, the YouTube Symbol, the Wattpad W, and each UnderTale heart. (That was a VERY long run on sentence)

I grabbed my enchanted backpack and shoved multiple sets of clothing, a tent, blankets, some gold to pay for things like a night at an inn, my solar powered phone, food, some full water containers, a emergency medical kit, some stuff to start a fire, a flashlight, and my books.

The books were Super Mystreet, Finding The Sky Army, The Final Battle, and Her Six Protectors by codevprincess, Where It All Began, The Six Heroes, A New Legacy, Government Experiments {AU}, and Not So Normal 'Normal' Life by YurieTheAkwardAuthor, and Lost in Minecraft (A Sky Media Fanfic) by EpicfirefliesForever.

I had many other books, but they did not have any sentimental value.

I packed this all but felt I had forgotten something. I remembered and practically bounced up the stairs into my parents room.

I went to the nightstand on the right and opened the bottom drawer, seeing what I was looking for, a pocket knife with pretty designs, and a small purple box.

I picked up the pocket knife and, curious about it, grabbed the box. It was labled To Violet From Lavender. I opened the box and saw a note... And a heart locket.

Nervously I opened it and saw a photo of me and my mom and a photo of me and my stepmom. I felt a tear roll of my cheek.

I held up the note. It was too faded to read, but I put the locket on my braclet, since the locket's chain was way too rusty to wear it on my neck.

I thought for a moment, about to leave then turned and ran down the hall, facepalming for my idiocy, straight into the weaponry room.

I heard foot steps down stairs and a yell, telling me to leave. I quickly grabbed two swords. The swords were both purple, one light and one dark, and had inscriptions on them. I ran to the climbing wall that had windows at the top, and climbed up it.

I opened the window and climbed down, thankful I had changed out of the dress and into better clothes, running to the gates cautiously, not wanting to run into guards.

I saw many angry people by the gates, and, knowing they would slaughter me as soon as I was seen, went into the alleyways, heading to the secret tunnel to get in and out of the city.

I reached it and climbed down, being careful of putting to top on right, and took off. That is until I ran into by best friend Ji.

Ji glared at me, then smiled and said, "Your heigness,"

"Stop with that nickname!"
"You think you can get away from me that easy? Im coming with you Vi! We would never leave each other behind so lets go on a adventure!"

I smiled and grabbed the 15 year olds hand, looking up at her happily. She was about five months younger than me. She may be younger, but she is taller than me by an inch.

We ran down the tunnels and soon got to the other side by the forest. We left and started to go down the makeshift path. I got bored and started a conversation with her. "So... This is my new mark,"

I lifted my shirt, showing the beautiful mark I hadnt gotten time to examine before. It was a woman who had whote skin and huge white wings. She had splotches of color on her and a long tail. Ji's eyes widened and she quickly looked away. I laughed.

She looked around nervously. (I wanted to say lookied around so badly.) So I asked her, "What is it?" She looked back quickly, "I thought I heard something..." I rolled my eyes "It was probably nothing. Don't get so stressed... Emoji." She exploded, "AGAIN WITH THAT STUPID NICKNAME VIVI!" I laughed at her, "Ok. No Vi Vi, no Emoji deal?" She calmed down slightly, "Ok dud-ee," I grinned at the sound out version of dude, always finding how things sounded sound out funny.

Even with all that has happened Ji can always make me happy. My grin widend and I jumped on her back, "ONWARD HORSIE, TO... A NEW PLACE, A PLA-"

I got interupted by her slapping me, lightly, but I made a big deal about it. I dramatically fell off her back and yelled, "NOOOOOOOOO I AM DIEING! I WAS BETRAAAAAYED!"

I ragdolled, sticking out my tongue and closing (O ma ga I saw closeting in my autocorrect box and wanted to type it soo bad.) my eyes for emphasis. After a few second we both burst into a fit of giggles. After we calmed down we set off again.

After a few hours of annoying the crab out of Ji, I checked my watch. I was suprised when I read 9:47 AM.

I was about to tell Ji the time when we heard a loud thump. I looked around and, noticing some leaves fluttering like butterflies, went to them.

What I saw shocked me to say the least. It was the adorable fox thing. I picked it up being careful so I didn't hurt it.

I positioned her, well, what I thought was a her, because of her long hair, in my arms like a baby. I brought her to Ji and whispered to get some medical supplies.

We got her patched up, as the fall she seemed to have had had twisted her wing wich was positioned on her back so I did not see it when I first saw her, and I picked her back up in my arms.

We set back off, going at a steady pace, and I annyoed Ji a lot less since I was thinking. (I made a typo saying tinknig and I really didnt want to fix it but I did.)

Thinking about my mark, thinking about this new creature, about my adventuring with Ji, and thinking about my kingdom.

I wish I knew why I was banned, but I guess I will find out soon...

Sup Stalkers. Yes Im calling you stalkers. Dont judge me. Image of Vi at top. 1849 words including ANs ARE YOU PROUD MOM. Probably not lol. Boop Bye Baes!

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