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        Hi there! My name is Koona! (Not really lol but that's what I go by online.) I just wanted to get some messages out before I start this book!

        Message 1: Copyrights. In no way, shape, or form do I own Mystic Messenger or its characters. Those rights belong to Cheritz.
I created this book with one singer in mind — Lauren Aquilina. Throughout this story I have lyrics from her songs, or uploaded a song of hers with the chapter. I do not have the rights to any of her material. (TBH I'm a little worried about copyright claims for this, but it's not like I'm claiming her stuff as my own. Besides, who's gonna care for a small author and her unknown story?)
I also do not own the two pictures in the cover (yes, there are two images), however I did put the cover together, so I guess that counts for something? But seriously, the artists of those pictures are freaking talented. ANYWAYS, enough of my rambling. The only thing I own is my OC and the direction I take the story.

        Message 2: I plan for this to be a short story, maybe ballparking around 10 chapters? I have it planned out, just not fully written yet lol. THIS STORY WILL HAVE SPOILERS. If you have not finished 707's route and after ending or gotten to the "Another Story" section, read at your own risk. I added some of the after endings from other characters in too, because why not? I just wanted to make a sweet story based off of one of Lauren Aquilina's songs, because I felt it really fit two particular characters.
        Also, this is not an xReader, or xOC story. It will be based on my OC and the MM characters, but there will be no romance, just intense friendship. Because, you know? I really think they need a good friend rather than a lover.

        Uhhh I think those are all the messages I have for now. If I think of any more I'll come back and write them. When I have this mostly or completely written (which will be soon!), I will post one chapter every week.
        Until then, farewell and please enjoy!

~ Koona
June 5, 2020

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