Arthur Burns Down a Bridge

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(my goal in this chapter was an attempt to surpass the whole Percy VS Kronos fight in general, tell me if I at least managed that please XD.. I was in the mood to write an epic fight).

"Took you long enough!!" Euryale exclaimed as we neared the Williamsburg bridge, riding on Llamrei.

Euryale and Atalanta were busy firing a hailstorm of arrows upon the enemy.. monsters that were forcing their way onto the bridge

Apollo Cabin was here as well.. led by Gawain and Michael Yew.

"Sorry!" Michael said. "After we heard about the bridge, Mordred told us to 'get over there before I shove my sword up your bum'.. or something to that effect."

"Don't think much on it.. she was right to send you.. how are she, Iskandar, and Lancelot fairing?" I asked as me and Shirou dismounted my horse. 

"Well.. judging from the reports coming in, I'd say King Hassan beheaded most of the entire army under the command.. and he caught Cursed Arm and took him somewhere else." said Michael. "But then he said something about 'only able to provide so much help' and 'there are rules to this' and then he went off.. last I saw.. Darius was riding a giant monster elephant and summoning up an entire army of... things! some king of zombie monsters!"

Iskandar's Noble Phantasm should be able to counter that.. his TRUE and greatest Noble Phantasm anyways." I said. "For now.. you said the Minotaur was leading this charge?"

I looked down at the bridge, and saw him... A MASSIVE man, lumbering down the bridge, beating aside Euryale and Atalanta's arrows with his bare fists. 

He was a mountain of a man, much taller than the Minotaur had been when I fought him. he wore an armored belt with faulds  and his scarred muscular body was shirtless.. A white mane of fur covered his neck and shoulders. .. and large massive horns protruded from his head. 

Over his face, he wore a large metal bull shaped mask.  It was far different from the Minotaur I remembered, who had a literal giant bull's head with matted brown fur.. 

I frowned. "is it just me? Or is he more human than before?"

"Being a Servant can change things, depending on who becomes a Servant.." said Atalanta. "For one thing.. I can assure you I never had these cat ears when I was alive.. or this tail.. and I'm pretty sure you probably never had armor like that when you wielded Rhongomyniad in life.."

"True.." I muttered. "I guess Spirit Origins can count a lot."

"Think he remembers you though?" Shirou asked.

The Minotaur suddenly halted, his mask turning to look at me.. as he brought out two MASSIVE halberds with blades the size of half a mini car. "YOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUU!!!"

His roar echoed across the bridge.

"Oh.. yeah.. he remembers.." Euryale muttered.

"ASTERIOS KILL ARTHUR!!" roared the minotaur from beneath his iron mask.

"As.. who?" I said.

"That's the Minotaur's actual name." said Annabeth.

"Oh.. okay then.. "I muttered. "Stay back everyone.. allow me to handle this.."

I stepped forward onto the bridge, and immediately, all the monsters began to jeer at me, laughing.

Asterios growled furiously, and approached me, bellowing at the the rest of his army to stay back.. well, apparently he wanted to take me himself..  I could dig that.

"Well.. you've grown larger, and you can talk now.." I said as I approached the berserker class servant.. Rhongomyniad disappearing from my hand. "Let's see if you have what it takes.."

"Asterios... will crush enemies!" Asterios growled, readying his halberds. "Crush them all!"

"Sure he will." I said.  "Let's make this like old times shall we?"

I held out a hand, and in an instant, Excalibur was summoned to my hand.  "My blade, against you.. let's just see how much your power has grown."


Asterios charged at me and began swinging his halberds wildly at me..

It swung Excalibur around in one hand skillfully, twirling my blade quickly, parrying each and every powerful strike with absolute ease. Shockwaves ignited from each impact our weapons made.

I side stepped a few more swings and stabs and then kicked Asterios in the stomach, sending the massive beast-like man staggering back.

Asterios grunted, as the other monsters stared at me in surprise.

Asterios let out a furious bellow again , and stabbed his halberds into the ground, grabbing his mask and ripping it off... showing off a the human face underneath.. a pair of black eyes with red irises.

"Asterios crush you!!" Aterios growled as he grinned viciously . "hehehehe, you kill Asterios before... but Asterios stronger now!!"

"Truly.. but you have not caught up with me.." I said. "Surrender now.. or I shall not be so lenient.."

Asterios scowled at me. "You belittle Asterios.. you tell Asterios he weak.. but Asterios not weak!!"

Asterios picked up his halberds, and the monsters cheered again as he charged in at tremendous speeds, the bridge trembling beneath his powerful feet.  He swung his halberd to and fro with immense speeds, smashing areas of the bridge, causing the very foundations to rumble.

He was a berserker alright.. his strength far surpassed that of all the monsters.. and the monster he had been when we first fought.. and if I wasn't careful.. a blow from him would be very devastating.. however, he wasn't Heracles, not even close.

I dodged each attack easily still before I moved in and slashed Excalibur at Asterios's legs.. cutting two massive bloody gashes.

immediately, Asterios buckled to his knees, panting hard, and the other monsters stopped cheering again.

"You.. so.. strong.. why?" Asterios grunted.

"I have something to protect.. that is enough to inspire strength to reach new heights." I said. "Somebody who works for Kronos wouldn't understand."

"Me.. no work for Kronos.. me.. only hurt those.. who hurt Asterios.. you kill Asterios.. Asterios remember!!" Asterios growled.

"SABER!!" Shirou suddenly roared from across the bridge. "LOOK OUT!!!"

I looked up and felt my bones go cold...

The monsters were grinning and chuckling as they parted, and somebody clopped forward, riding on a skeletal horse made of bones and darkness..  Luke.. no.. Kronos.. wearing dark battle armor.. his scythe in one hand..  smirking at me, his golden eyes looking coldly upon us.

I stepped around the injured Asterios and put away Excalibur.. clenching my fists and glaring at the titan..

"Arturia Pendragon.." said Kronos as Ethan Nakamura stepped up in his own body armor.. his own sword out. "Where is Perseus Jackson?"

"He is under my protection.. as always." I said quietly.  "To get to him.. you must step over my cold lifeless body.."

"That can be arranged.." said Kronos as he laughed and held up his scythe, gesturing for his army to charge.

The monsters and half-bloods all let out ferocious battle cries, charging over the bridge at us.  But no sooner did they do that, when suddenly a hailstorm of silver arrows rained down upon them.. vaporizing the first front line of monsters.

Kronos held up hand casually, halting his charge. "Hmmm.. well.."

I looked back at Michael Yew, who shrugged along with the rest of his cabin, Atalanta and Euryale. "Wasn't us!!"

"Nah.. that would be us!"

I felt immense joy as  Thalia stepped out , accompanying her, an entire squad of the Hunters of Artemis, all drawing their silver bows.

"Yo King Arthur!" Thalia yelled, waving. "Need a hand!?"

"Took you long enough." I said with a smile on my face.

"We'll back you up!" said Thalia. "Just do your thing! Hunters of Artemis! That's the Daughter of our goddess down there!! give her all the help you can! Give those monsters hell!"

The other hunters cheered as they readied their bows.

"SHIROU! WITH ME!" I yelled as my master conjured up his two signature short curved swords and joined me in the charge.

Kronos chuckled and snapped his fingers, calling his army to charge again..

I drew out Rhongomyniad and as Shirou watched my back, slashing apart monsters who dared to try and flank me, I slammed my lance through multiple enemies, skewering them with pure powerful light, as the lance's metal ribbons unraveled, revealing the tremendous powerful light underneath.

Giant beams of extreme power hurled forth from me.. it became more like I was wielding a giant laser canon than a spear... carving my way through hordes of Kronos's forces..

But I didn't go all out like I did with Hades. There were too many Half Bloods here.. I didn't want to kill them.. instead I tried my best to disable those of Kronos's soldiers who I believed to be brainwashed..

Arrows rained down overhead from the Apollo cabin and Hunters of Artemis, keeping our field free of would be flankers.. as Atalanta and Euryale charged into the bridge with us.. joining us in the fray.. knocking arrow after arrow into their bows..  Atalanta proving herself to be rather skilled at using her own bow as a club when need be.

Finally I managed to clear a path to where Kronos was.. and we stood, staring at each other..

"A new weapon?" said Kronos with a smirk. "That spear is quite unusual.. who forged it?"

"Does it matter?" I said.  "Come Kronos.. if you dare.."

"If I dare?" said Kronos. "Whatever has given you such presumptuous arrogance.."

"Come and witness that for yourself.." I said as once more, Rhongomyniad ignited.

Kronos laughed and jumped from his horse.. and beckoned at me.. "Come.. dance with me.. King of Knights.."

" I am no mere King anymore.." I growled before I charged forth.. turning into a ginormous meteor of pure light.. my lance stabbing forward, and slamming straight into the shaft of Kronos's scythe.

Kronos's eyes widened as a golden shockwave sent him flying back.. and he dug his feet into the asphalt, digging up a massive trench with his feet.. sweat flying from his brow... he glared at me with shock. "WHAT!?"

I let out a fierce battle cry and jumped into the air.. firing a powerful beam from my lance.. unleashing my full power... Me and Kronos were far enough on this side of the battlefield that I wouldn't risk hitting my friends here... this time.. Kronos was going down.

Kronos let out a roar of power as temporal energy rippled around his scythe and he cleaved it through my beam of energy.. splitting it around him..

The beam that split carved through a massive portion of the forces behind him, turning a massive percentage of his army to ash.

"Y.. YOU-!!?" Kronos glared back at his partially decimated army. "What is this power!? How are you this much stronger!?"

I smiled at Kronos. "Oh..? Afraid?"

"I am a TITAN!" Kronos said, laughing and smiling at me. "This makes no difference.. Come child.. I am burning with curiosity.. at this power!!!"

Kronos charged at me, and as he did, a shockwave blasted from his feet as he broke the sound barrier..

His scythe blade collided with my lance and I twirled my alight spear with as much skill and accuracy as I could muster, twirling it easily around in my hand, parrying all of Kronos's furious blows.. his attacks no longer rattled my teeth in the slightest.

the metal ribbons swirled from Rhongomyniad's thin ignited tip as I danced and whirled around Kronos.. my very moves becoming so much of a blur that even my still human, yet skilled Servant mind could barely keep up with the godly moves of my body..

Kronos's face turned from amused interest to that of frustration, as the more we danced and attacked, the more he couldn't seem to break my defense.

"ENOUGH!!" Kronos snapped his fingers.. and immediately I felt his power over time begin to slow my movements, but as it did, I let out a furious roar.. and Rhongomyniad blasted out a massive light, shattering the time sphere around me like glass.

"THAT WON'T WORK THIS TIME.. KRONOS!!" I roared as I stabbed the tip of Rhongomyniad into the surprised Kronos's shoulder.

"AAAGGGGGGGGHHH!!" Kronos leaped away.. as golden ichor splashed over his armor..

All his forces froze, staring at Kronos and me with incredulity, as Shirou grinned.

"It worked!" Shirou said.

Kronos stared at his shoulder which was bubbling with hissing golden ichor.. I wasn't sure if Luke would have the blood of gods when Kronos used his body.. I guess I knew now..

Kronos stared at the lance in my hand... and he whispered. "Rhongomyniad... "

"It seems you understand now.." I growled. "THERE IS NO LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL FOR YOU!!! KRONOS!!"


A giant blast of energy exploded outwards from Rhongomyniad.. turning brighter and brigher and more massive.. razing across several city blocks.. blasting through monsters.. but going around any sleeping mortals and Half-Bloods I sensed in the vicinity, and slamming into Kronos full force...

When the light disappeared, about 50 percent of the regiment that Kronos had brought with him had been disintegrated... and though he had used his scythe to block, there were burn marks on his body.. and his hair seemed singed.

"YOU.." Kronos snarled, looking at me with barely contained fury. "You gather the body of an Elder Goddess and think yourself my equal!? I was there when the Tower at the Ends of the World first formed.. little girl! You have not come close to living the multiple lifetimes required to truly stand among the divine!!!"

"If that is what you think.. then prove it!!" I growled. "For I'm the one whose going to kill you here and now Kronos!!"

Kronos let out a scream of fury and from the immensity of his power.. several skyscrapers behind him collapsed into a heap of dust.. 

I felt fury ignite in me.. There were innocent mortals in that building...

"YOU... YOU!!" I roared.. trying to find an insult powerful enough, but I could find none.. so I charged, angrily light of holy judgement exploding from my lance.

Kronos charged at me too.

Shirou would later tell me that the battle was like between too forces of nature gone A-wall.  (Not sure what A-Wall means, but those were his words)

Lights flashed across the earth.. as the asphalt road was ripped to shreds, and parked cars were thrown into the sky like confetti.

Me and Kronos leaped between buildings, using them to propel ourselves at each other, silver and golden shockwaves blasting out every time we collided with each other.. turning the entirety of that area of the city into one giant glorified pinball machine.

After a few speeding collisions we landed in front of each other.. another gold shockave blasting out from our very feet.

I threw forward a set of hyper fast thrusts at Kronos, my lance becoming like a barrage of ultra hot-as-the-sun bullets.. which he parried with equal speed, twirling his scythe around like like a ignited buzz saw.

Multiple shockwaves streamed out from our continuous collisions.. ripping the street apart till it didn't look like a road anymore, but just a crater filled with asphalt dust.

Kronos let out a shriek and slashed his scythe under my guard, ripping apart my chest armor and sending it scattering along the ground, revealing the legless cleavage exposing blue unitard I wore underneath.

I gritted my teeth.. and I leaped back.. hurling my lance into the sky.. and a powerful blast of light filled with rainbow aurora hurled down from the clouds and blasted around me.. as I went past my normal limits..

I felt my Spirit Origin charge with immense power.. as my cape turned from red to a royal red.. and an armored brace appeared under my chest area.. and new power surged through my very muscles.

I charged in.. and did something that I only ever saw in the movies.. but then I figured now was as good a time as any to try it out..

I slid onto my back and threw my body up, doing an upside down spinning propeller kick, spinning on my back.

My armored legs slammed straight into Kronos's jaw.. they couldn't damage him like Rhongomyniad could thanks to the Curse of Achilles, however, it did cause him to stagger.

I hurled Rhongomyniad up as I got back to my feet.. and managed to slash a scar through Kronos's side, staining the street with more golden blood.

Kronos gritted his teeth with fury, and he leaped back.

I was winning, I could feel it, as I charged Kronos once more, and we exchanged more tremendous furious blows.. light energy shattering the very sky and blasting the clouds apart. Kronos wasn't a match for something as ancient as Rhongomyniad.. not with the injury I managed to land on him earlier on.. otherwise we would perhaps be more evenly matched.

I spun my lance in my hand and began making sweeping swings from it.. hurling waves of energy at Kronos from long range.. barrages of massive blasting light..

Kronos leaped around dodging these blasts and then hurled another concussive shockwave from his very own scythe..

I coughed up the sizzling dark red blood associated with that of an Elder Goddess as the concussive blast succeeded in hurling me through the street... ripping rubble up into the air.

Okay.. maybe I still needed to be cautious.. this Titan still had eons more sparring experience than me.

"Tiring?" Kronos growled as he stepped forward, watching my Elder Goddess blood splatter over the stones as I stood up.

"You're no better yourself.." I said, pointing at the gold ichor streaming from Kronos.

"Heh.. you've impressed me.. Arturia.. I underestimated your tenacity.." said Kronos. "To go as far as achieving a power this grand.. do you wish to sit on the throne of Olympus yourself?"

"I wish for no more thrones.." I said. "I merely wish for the safety of this world and it's people.."

"Spoken like a foolish girl.. still unable to live for herself." said Kronos. "What is it that Iskandar once said to you? A King must Laugh louder.. A King must be Greedier!!"

"Perhaps that suited Iskandar.. perhaps that suits you now.. But I never became a king to be admired.. I only became a king to help others.. my greed is in that I find more happiness for myself the more that others around me find happiness" I said. "I don't need your attempts at sowing self doubt in me! I am proud of what I have become.. I hold no shame in me..  you on the other hand.. "

I glared deeply at Kronos. "You do laugh louder.. you are greedier.. and ultimately.. you are CRUELER because of it.. Ultimately.. you are a TYRANT for it.. and you.. DISGUST me far more than even Gilgamesh.. you are a slug.. a parasite.. even Zeus is a better ruler than you..and that isn't saying much you piece of slime.."

Kronos's face contorted with fury, and immediately, I knew I struck a chord. Well.. guess my ability to insult people has gone up a bit.

But at that moment.. I felt something cold at the edge of my spine... you know that feeling right? As if somebody is walking on your grave...

I turned around just in time to see Shirou Emiya throw himself in front of Ethan Nakamura attempted to stab me in the back..

Ethan looked surprised as Shirou fell to the ground.. a blood gash across his chest..

"SHIROU!!!" I screamed, tears flying from my face as suddenly something snapped in me..

I looked upon Ethan now... and now I felt new hatred roar up within me as Kronos chuckled behind me.

"Ooooh.. " said Kronos. "Interesting.

But I didn't care.. I was going to kill that traitor bastard... I was going to RIP HIS SOUL FROM HIS VERY BODY AND MAKE HIM SUFFER!!

I let out a roar of fury as I threw my lance into the air.. and a powerful tower of light shot down and slammed into the weapon with a gale force that rivaled that of a hurricane, the glass of all the windows from the buildings in the area shattering.

Ethan looked upon me with sheer terror on his face.. the last look he'd ever have before I turned him into a stain..

But Kronos dove in and grabbed Ethan, throwing him aside, smiling at me as he slashed his scythe across my stomach..

"AAGGGGGHHH!!" I staggered back, my blood sizzling over the ground as blocked another followup strike from Kronos and the both of us leaped back.. me grabbing Shirou under my arm.

Damn.. that cunning Titan...

"GO!!" Kronos yelled to his army. "NOW!!"

Upon his command, the remaining forces charged over the bridge.. and I realized, Kronos had taken advantage of my rage.. using it to draw me too far from my own forces to stop the army from advancing..

No.. if they reached the others.. even Atalanta and Euryale wouldn't be able to hold them back for long..  and in my injured state, I could already feel my mana waning..  the stun was starting to set over the horizon...   it would be strategically disadvantageous for Kronos to keep attacking with his army at night..   if I could just cut off the advance...

I dashed quickly over and leaped over the bridge with one giant leap..  As I did, I heard Michael Yew yell to me.


I didn't hesitate..


I hurled a powerful beam of light from my lance.. letting it spread over the bridge.. blowing it to shreds.. crumbling it in a tremendous blast of light..

I landed on the other side of the bridge as it exploded to dust.. and monsters were sent hurtling to their deaths...

As steam and smoke billowed from where the bridge used to be.. Kronos and I eyed each other from opposite ends of the gap, the rest of the army there.

Kronos chuckled and held up a hand in farewell. "Until morning.. Pendragon.."

With that a shroud of mist obscured the opposing army as they retreated into darkness.

I sighed with relief as I handed Shirou to Atalanta. "Take him to Nightingale.. and.. please make sure she doesn't amputate him.. hurry!"

"Right!" Atalanta leaped off in a hurry, carrying Shirou in her arms.

"Nice call Michael!" I called out. "Michael!?"

But Michael Yew was nowhere to be found.

I looked at  Thalia. "You see Michael anywhere!?"

"No.." said Thalia. "I.. I don't think so!"

I felt a cold chill in the pit of my stomach. I looked at some of the other Apollo members and Hunters present. "Search for Michael.. see if you can find him.. the rest of you.. set a few guards to watch this area.. and then go back to Nightingale's camp too.. heal up.. rest.. Headquarters are set up at the Plaza Hotel.. "

The gang nodded and began heading in that direction as Thalia clasped a hand on my shoulder. "You head back too.. you're bleeding a bunch.. man Gormandizer.. you really got an upgrade, never saw a fight like that before.."

"Wait.." I said. "Where's Euryale?"

"OVER HERE!!" a shrill voice shrieked. "PLEASE HELP!!!"

Me and Thalia ran over to a section of rubble next to the downed bridge.. and found Euryale kneeling next to another girl.. a Servant..

This Servant looked exactly like Euryale.. like a twin.. only her dress was more elegant.. and lacey.. like a gown..

She had arrows sprouting all over her body.. Dracaenae made.. blood pooling around her body, staining Euryale's dress as she desperately held the girl's hand, sobbing profusely.

"Stheno..?" gasped Thalia. "oh no.."

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" shrieked Euryale, tears splashing down her front. "You.. you said you weren't going to fight!! You were never the fighting type!!"

"I.. knew you and our little sister would object.." gasped Stheno.  "But I couldn't let you two fight Kronos on your own.. especially.. when Clarisse.. continues to stand back and watch... I.. only stayed to try and convince the Ares cabin.. to... ugh.. but.. when they refused I followed in secret..  I'm sorry... tell... tell our sister I'm sorry.."

"N.. no." said Euryale, clasping her eldest sister's hand desperately. "You.. me.. and Medusa.. we're going to be happy together.. we.. we.. you..  why did you push me out of the way anyways!? Those arrows were meant for-... for-.."

"Well.. I couldn't help it I guess.. my body moved on it's own.." said Stheno with a coughing chuckle.. blood trickling from the edge of her mouth.

Euryale looked at us desperately. "HELP HER!!!"

"Ambrosia.. Nectar.." I said quickly. "If we hurry we can.."

"We wouldn't make it in time.." said Thalia, her eyes dimming. "We can't do anything here.."

"I'm glad.. my final act.. was to save you sister.." said Stheno, smiling, a radiant smile.. of course it was radiant.. her mere smile itself was so beautiful that it was actually her Noble Phantasm.. said to be able to kill smitten men with a mere smirk..

"Stheno.. STHENO!?" screamed Euryale.

But Stheno was already turning into shimmering golden light as her eyes closed.. her body disintegrating into a shower of pure radiant glimmers..  before finally fading away..  there would be no way to summon her back... not for another century or millennium.

Euryale sobbed into her hands.. as Thalia knelt down to comfort her.

At that point.. I couldn't imagine how this day could get any worse..

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