Arthur Hunts Flying Bacon

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It didn't take long for things to go to hell after our tiring trip to parley with Prometheus.. but I won't go into the Hell part about it yet..  Instead I'll stick to the calm before the store... well.. for now. 

In any case, as our party made it back to the plaza, I noticed one of those trashcan fires nearby.. the ones where your typical homeless folk hang around. And this time it was occupied by a particular goddess.

"Lady Hestia.. " I said, approaching the fire

Hestia smiled as she warmed her hands in the flames.  Like she was literally putting her hands into the fire to warm them. "My dear King of Camelot.. It seems you came out of a rather troublesome negotiation.."

"Yes.. you could say that.." I said. "Hestia.. I'm not sure... I can.."

Hestia shook her head. "The Hearth is a warm place.. even woes come back here... but they do not last.. let your heart settle.. let it feel the warmth of home and let it come back to you.. the gods have many faults.. but they also have good."

As I watched Hestia.. suddenly my vision blurred. as her smoldering eyes seemed to grow larger.. and engulf me... and a vision turned up in my mind..

We were back at the Castellan house. Luke and Hermes were in the house as the crazed Mrs. Castellan showed a bewildered looking Thalia and Annabeth a bunch of Luke's baby photos.. obviously she was already driven mad by this point.

Luke and Hermes stood in the kitchen, Hermes shaking his head.  "No.. I will hear no more of this.. you need to get to camp. I have already notified them to send a Satyr guide your way.. "

"I'm not listening to this!" Luke roared. "Stop acting like you actually care!! After what you did!"

"She hasn't been the same since you left Luke... you only made things worse by leaving.. you should not have come back." Hermes growled.  "On another note, you can't survive on your own with just these two.. "

"I think we've done great so far thanks!" Luke said.

Hermes shook his head. "The daughter of Zeus's injuries aren't due to bad luck.. you three aren't yet built to handle the outside world. "

"YOOOOOHOOOOO!" Another voice.. a singsong voice that sounded way too familiar assaulted my hearing in the vision.. and I almost wanted to let out an audible sigh.. no way... he couldn't have... 

Sure enough.. the mage of flowers himself.. Merlin entered the kitchen, smiling. "Oho? Hermes? Having a time are we?"

"Shouldn't you be locked in your tower?" said Hermes irritably.

"The Garden of Avalon is just so lonely without Cath Palug and  Arturia to keep me company.. since she decided to stay in this world upon the end of the Fuyuki War in 2004..  so you can't blame me for trying to find some company.."  said Merlin.

"Who are you!? Get out!! This is between me and him!" Luke roared.

"Luke.. this is Merlin.. " said Hermes.

"What.. !? Merlin..? Like.. THE MERLIN!?" said Luke.

"Go Luke.. Thalia Grace's injuries have been treated.." said Hermes dejectedly. "I shall make sure you receive some quests soon enough after you reach camp."

Luke scowled. "Yeah.. you just go talk to your best friend white haired douchebag... thanks for nothing.."

Luke walked back into the living room. "Come on.. guys we're leaving!"

Merlin sighed as the door slammed. "I seem to have the best timing."

"Don't pretend you care.. it's not as if you're capable of caring.." muttered Hermes.

"Can't fault me for not having normal human emotions now can you?" said Merlin cheerfully. "On the other hand.. even I believe young Luke has a point..  couldn't you have at least saved dear Jeanne back there who gave herself up to save them..?"

"It is not my place to interfere.."

"It is not my place to be out of my tower.. and yet here I am." said Merlin. "I sometimes feel as if gods must bend the rules... and speaking of which.."

Merlin looked on at the door. "My clairvoyance sees for itself.. the boy's fate...  I must admit.. it is worse than that poor girl whose future I manipulated.."

At that moment... Mrs. Castellan had another fit, her eyes glowing as she clutched Hermes's chest.


"I know sweetie.." Hermes said sadly, patting Mrs. Castellan's back. "I know.. "

I fell back, gasping, clutching Rhongomyniad like a crutch as I fell to one knee, panting.

"He... he knew!?" I said.. "He knew... the both of them? And Hermes never told Luke... and... Merlin never told me!?"

"I know not how much Merlin knew or saw.. or what his reasons might have been for keeping them from you.. if he knew you would become involved in them.." said Hestia. "But.. as for Hermes.. he could not tell Luke... the Fates are harsh in this manner.. "

"Why did you show me this?" I asked.

"Your enemies will try to use these scenes.. these visions themselves.. as an argument for joining them instead.. Kronos thrives on manipulating the Half Bloods's want for true parents.. the ailments of others.. his silver tongue is a sly knife, penetrating through gaps even in the armor of your noble heart.. " said Hestia. "You must be prepared to meet his argument with yours..  you must know that Hermes loved Luke.. and being unable to prepare him for what lies ahead.. was his ultimate pain... Luke was his pride and joy.. just as you are Artemis's. "

I fell silent. Hestia was right.. even I could doubt and question myself upon the right questions asked. Iskandar had made me question myself plenty during  the 4th Fuyuki Grail War.

"Saber are you alright!?" Thalia ran over. "L.. lady Hestia?"

"Thalia Grace." said Hestia. "I will take my leave.. "

Hestia disappeared in a burst of flame as Thalia looked back at me. "What did she show you? I came back when I realized you didn't follow us inside."

I told Thalia what I saw, and her face twitched with pain, as if remembering the old wound. "Yeah.. that was a bad moment. Ruler sacrificed herself to defend us.. Servants don't leave a body when they die, so we had no idea if she had survived or not.. but given that she still hasn't turned up anywhere, we knew... it tore Annabeth up..   and well.. I don't think she understood what went on between Luke and Hermes."

"I wouldn't expect her to. She was far too young.. I find it remarkable anybody understands much even at your current ages." I said. "When I first pulled the sword from the stone.. I was in my.. earlier teens.. and yet I was so innocent it still escapes me how I became what I am now."

"Harsh reality does that.. and a King's LIfe, if they are a good King.. is just harsh reality." said Thalia.  "Saber.. I'm worried.. I don't know if Annabeth will be able to face Luke when the time comes.. she still has feelings for him.. always had.. and I think you have a bit of feelings left too.."

"I... I don't think I am in a forgiving mood where he is concerned.." I muttered.

"Yeah.. I get it.. he hurt you in a way you've never been hurt before.." said Thalia. "Annabeth too.. but she's known Luke longer.. he was pretty much the one who stepped in for her when her dad didn't want her.. so.."

"Yes.. the wound cuts only that much deeper.. and she finds it even harder to not search for forgiveness in her heart.." I said. 

"Saber.. go up and get some sleep.." said Thalia. "You're our best fighter right now so we definitely need you in top shape.. "

"Very well.. " I murmured.

I remember back in the old days of "Servant Exhaustion" what exactly that meant back when I was first Shirou's Servant.

Back then, Shirou's magic capabilities were very low, and as a very unique Servant who wasn't technically dead.. I didn't possess the ability to go into a disembodied "spirit form" like other servants were able to before the curse..  which meant every time I ran out of magical energy, I walked around butt naked.. which scared the heck out of Shirou, and caused Rin to give me my trademark casual clothes.

Ahhh.. the old days..

Nowadays however.. I just got tired.. that was it.. thank goodness.  So I could sleep in my armor without having to change.. which I did by collapsing face first into a bed.

And then the visions continued. As if I needed more nightmares..

I found myself back in Camp Half Blood.. in what seemed to be a happier time... come to think of it.. it was probably always way happier before the Prophecy and I came along..

Mrs. Castellan was standing outside the Big House with Hermes in his Mail Uniform.. holding what appeared to be a baby Luke..  She looked beautiful.. far more than she had when I met her.. and not crazy at all..

As I watched, Chiron came out, looking nervous.

"Dear.. don't do this.." said Hermes, also looking nervous. "The Oracle hasn't accepted a vessel in years.. nobody knows what's wrong with it.. "

"Indeed." said Chiron. "I understand that is what you want.. and probably think what you were meant to do thanks to the sight.. but.."

"Oh pshaw my dear, it will be fine.." said Mrs. Castellan, kissing Hermes on the cheek. "At least let me try.."

As soon as the Oracle was mentioned, I felt a great foreboding in my heart... no... no she had to stop.. she shouldn't try this..

"A Oracle of Delphi must be an eternal maiden, you wouldn't get to see me again.." Hermes said.

"My dear.. we have Luke... is this not a present enough?" said Mrs. Castellan with a smile. "You still have our son.. as do I... I will be back.."

I wanted to throw Rhongomyniad at the door and stop them... I knew what Hades had done.. but this was a dream.. a mere memory.. and I was lesser than even a ghost here.

Mrs. Castellan put Luke into Hermes's arms.. and went inside the house.. for a moment, there was silence.. then...

"NO!!!" Hermes roared suddenly, as the shrill screams of Mrs. Castellan could be heard inside.. and a giant flash of light exploded from within..

My dream changed..

I was looking at  Kronos and Ethan.. the two of them were in a war tent. Kronos was studying a map of the city with a furrowed brow, and Ethan coughed.

"Um.. you asked for me my lord?"

"The Goddess.. Rhongomyniad.. powerful isn't she?" said Kronos. "An Elder Goddess isn't like the gods we know now..  their power stems from beyond ichor.. and instead attunes itself to the Order of the World itself... essentially it's an agent of the World"

"Well.. you would know more on the subject than me." said Ethan quickly.

"Actually the real possibility is that after telling you this, my knowledge might be as much as yours in this matter." said Kronos. "Not much is known about the wielders of the First Noble Phantasms... Rhongomyniad, the World Tower, Ea the World Splitter, and The Nameless One..  it is only known that they showed up around the same time as my mother and father.. hmph."

Kronos held up a hand. "Only a body that is pure and cleansed can fully wield the power of Rhongomyniad. that much is true. Arturia has bathed in the waters of the Tower... but such a power can be undone.. if one finds the right means.. the power of a goddess can be given up willingly..  so tell me Ethan.. what do you think can make King Arthur give up the power of a god?"

"I wouldn't know my Lord." said Ethan.

"Oh I think you would.. tell me.. what are your thoughts on Mordred Pendragon?" said Kronos with a crafty smile.

Ethan went red in the face, seemingly embarrassed. "M.. My Lord? W.. well.."

Ethan was suddenly interrupted by Kronos bending over in agony.  For a moment, his eyes flickered and he moaned. "Wh.. wha?" in a voice that didn't sound like his own.. and instead sounded like Luke's

Kronos shook himself, back in control.

"He's fighting you? Isn't he? Luke.." said Ethan.

"no.. I am merely getting used to this body.. it is weak but that is a minor inconvenience." Kronos said. "Suggest anything else and I will rip out your tongue.   YOU! is the surprise ready?"

Kronos pointed at a nearby Servant.. and.. of course it HAD to be.."

"Ready!?" roared Black Beard. "Is Mash's bossom soft as pillows? Is Arturia adorable in a swimsuit and innertube!? Are Magical Girls with partial nudity and sparkly skirts the best thing EVER!?  Cue the epic BGM music indicating a terrifying boss has arrived on the scene, cause this time-."

"NOT YOU!" Kronos spat at Blackbeard. "YOU NEED TO SHUT UP!!"

Blackbeard clutched his chest, rearing back. "AAARGGH!! such pain... brutality!!   JACK!! GIVE ME HEADPATS TO ALLEVIATE THE PAIN!!"

Blackbeard made to grab Jack the Ripper, who instantly stabbed Blackbeard in the hand, causing him to to scream and fall over.

"W-why did we bring him back!?" Ethan stammered.

"He was eager to serve." Kronos muttered, rolling his eyes. "I'll probably use him for bait or something later.  NOW.. the one I was truly talking to.. is our surprise ready?"

"Quite.." said none other than Nikola Tesla. "It approaches well.."

Kronos nodded and smirked. "it's time to send  our forces out... let Hyperion know.. it's time to move.

I awoke with a start. I could feel myself panting frantically as Annabeth knocked on the side of my bed.

"Arturia.. Hassan came back with news. The Gold Titan and an entire force of monsters and Servants are coming from the other side of the reservoir in the park." said Annabeth. "We need to move now."

We were still a little worse for wear after our first battles. but half of our forces joined up in Central Park right next to the Reservoir..

I nodded at Grover. "You ready for this Goat To Guy?"

"As we'll ever be." said Grover. "If the Nature Spirits can stop them anywhere, then this is the place."

"YES WE WILL!" said an unexpected familiar voice.

Much to my partial amusement, and partial chagrin.. a familiar Satyr tumbled clumsily into view, wearing a set of old oaken tree armor.. a wooden club at his side, and a wooden shield on the other hand.

"Leneus!?" Grover exclaimed incredulously. "What are you doing here!?"

"Well we need SOMEBODY competent to actually lead the Nature Spirits into battle, and it definitely isn't going to be an exiled criminal!!" said Leneus. "Or some disgraced king of a fallen Utopia!"

"Well at least he admitted it was a Utopia." Shirou muttered.

"Come everyone!" said Leneus as he continued to trip over his armor and fat body, looking absolutely hilarious. "We will show the forces of Kronos  what for!!"

Grover looked at me with his own half exasperated and half amused expression.

I shrugged. "Er... Okay.. um.. Grover.. you help hold the edge of the reservoir.. do what you can..

I looked at Thalia. "Thalia and the Hunters of Artemis.. with your permission.."

"Say no more, just tell us where you need us.." said Thalia.

"Very well.. go with Rin, Arash, Robin Hood and Atalanta." I said. "Use your arrows, your Noble Phantasms, pick em off from afar.. meanwhile..  Lord Hassan.."

I nodded at the Grand Assassin himself. "You won't be able to help much with this fight.. but stay on standby, just in case Kronos sends more titans our way.. this time titans you can kill. "

"Understood." said Hassan.

"And meanwhile.. Ozymandias, Gilgamesh is guarding the entrances with the other half of our forces.. so you're with me on cleanup."

"Cleanup?" said Ozy, looking at me with a rather scandalized expression. "You would have I? The great Pharoah.. King of Kings... on... cleanup duty?"

"When I mean cleanup.. I mean wading into their forces and destroying every single monster that dares cross our path." I said.

Ozy blinked. "Nevermind.. then allow yourself to consider me the most divine powerful Janitor to ever grace you with my prestigious presence."

"He's like an Egyptian Gilgamesh.." muttered Travis Stoll.

We heard the army coming before we saw them.. and it was far more huge than before.. in fact, it was positively massive... as soon as they came in.. Annabeth yelled out. "EVERYONE!! POSITIONS!!"

The Athena Cabin and the Servants who were with us scrambled to either side of the Reservoir as Ozy stayed standing by me.

The idea was to force the army to take the trails, to divide up to come after us. And it definitely worked to a degree..  Our traps of Greek Fire started erupting all over the place.. and Atalanta's Phoebus Catastrophe was raining hell upon the other trails.. forcing the monsters back.. slowly dwindling their absolutely massive numbers. 

But then the problems started.

"SABER!!" Percy roared, pointing across the reservoir.

KAAAABOOOOM!!!"  A massive familiar ship had just exploded out of the waves Pirates of the Carribean Flying Dutchman style...  the Queen Anne's Revenge and at it's prow, was Blackbeard himself.. laughing.


"That... sentence isn't even deserving of a response.." I said, just staring with what I hoped was a disgusted expression.

"Indeed.." muttered Ozymandias. "Shall we..?"

"Very well!" I leaped off Llamrei and into the water.. while Ozy leaped down after me.. the two of us forming magical cushions under our feet, allowing us to instantly walk on the water. (of course the Blessing of the Lady of the Lake allowed me to do this too.)

The both of us exploded across the water at top speed.. shockwaves blasting out from our feet as we propelled ourselves across the water.

"FIRE ON THEM MY MATIES!!" roared Blackbeard, waving his arms around wildly, jumping up and down. "Don't let them get yer best Bro Blackbeard down!! SMACK EM INTO THE SEA!!"

"This is a reservoir sir.." said one of the Telekhines on board.


"Th-There are a lot of women sir-."


"A.. AYE SIR!"

The Queen Anne's Revenge began firing cannons from all sides.. their projectiles infused with the power of Edward Teach's Noble Phantasm.. creating countless explosions along the trails where our forces were.

We had to stop that ship.

"PERCY!!!" I roared.

"GOT IT!!" Percy surfed by.. waves propelling him along like a giant watery cyclone.  "TAKE THIS!!!"

Percy slashed Riptide through the waves.. and immediately, a ginormous column of water hurled out from beneath the ship.. sending it flying skyward.. the cannons firing wildly around the sky.

"AAAAAGGGHHH!!! BEST BRO ALERT!! BEST BRO NEEDS HELP!!" roared Blackbeard, hugging the mast of his ship as his Telekhine crew ran around panicking. 

At that moment I pointed Rhongomyniad at the ship while at the same time Ozymandias pointed his Pharoah's staff.. and a ginormous combined beam of light exploded from our weapons, like an all devouring spire of pure power..

The giant combined beam of light approached the ship as it fell, but right before it could hit.. a massive explosion of flames burning with blinding white light beat our attack back.. and a lone bright figure in golden armor shot into the sky, catching the Queen Anne's Revenge with one hand before landing in the Reservoir.. standing on the water like us holding the ship over his head in one hand.

"HYPERION BRO! NICE CATCH!!" roared Blackbeard.

"Do not misunderstand.." said Hyperion as he tossed the giant ship back into the water. "Your ship would have collided with our main Laistrygonian regiment you swine.. I came here only to fight her.."

Hyperion smirked under his golden helmet, his eyes blazing with gold fire as he pointed at me. "Arturia Pendragon... Kronos need not be bothered with you... it is time you and I got very acquainted."

"Oh?" I said, glaring back at the titan of light. "You think you're bright? Facing facing the both of us alone?"

"Bright!? YOU WANT BRIGHT!?" Hyperion let out a bellow.. and the golden flames around him ignited to immense proportions.. creating a ginormous blast of white light..

The entire area had become a blinding storm of pure white.. and I covered my eyes in agony as I was completely blinded. "Th.. THIS LIGHT!!"

"DO NOT PATRONIZE THE POWER OF RA THE SUN GOD... TITAN!!!" roared Ozymandias." Look on my works, ye Mighty! And kneel before me! The sun descends here, in our unlimited brilliance! RAMESSEUM TENTYRIS!!"

There was the sound of the Sky breaking apart... as from the very heavens itself.. a giant golden glint hurled down... casting a shadow over the world.. the only light being Hyperion's white blinding power..

I looked up to see a ginormous Golden Pyramid with a glowing eye gylph on it's tip.. falling upside-down and splitting the very sky, glowing bright gold like the very sun... ripping through Hyperion's light..

Hyperion.. who I couldn't see running at me before.. was now visible, his light distracted.. as he was forced to look up right before he had been about to slash his blade down at me.. 

"RHONGOMYNIAAAAAAADDDD!!" I screamed, taking advantage of Hyperion's lapse in attention..

Just as Hyperion brought his blade up to block the giant pyramid exploding down on him from overhead, I turned into a giant meteor of light, thrusting my holy spear before me. 

Hyperion let out a roar as both our Noble Phantasms collided, and a powerful wave of golden flames hurled outwards.. sending me flying as the giant pyramid landed, creating an explosion of golden light..

Waves blasted out as Ozymandias laughed and I landed next to him. "HE'S A TOUGH ONE! HAHAHAHAHAHA! TRULY This is a test of Ra's power!!! COME.. don't hold back Hyperion the Titan... show me the power of the Lord of Light!!"

"Are you sure you want to encourage him?" I growled.

"A good battle is but mere entertainment for the King of Kings.. let us show this so called Titan how TRUE Kings dance upon the field of battle." said Ozy as Hyperion emerged from the waves.. golden flames reigniting.  "Go in close... I will use long range attacks.. is that suitable?"

"The great Ozymandias deigning to play backup?" I said with a smirk playing on my mouth.

"Do not misunderstand." said Ozy.  "I merely do not wish to dirty my hands upon that filth of a barbaric Titan.. it is only fitting for those beneath me to stick their hands in the mud instead."

"Heheh.. keep telling yourself that.." I said as I dashed across the waves at Hyperion.

"RRRRRRAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!" Hyperion roared as he swept a hand at me, and a ginormous wave of golden fire at me.. burning with blinding light that messed with my vision.

"Don't think I don't learn.. Hyperion!!" I growled as I slashed Rhongomyniad across the water.. and  a giant wave of pure world binding energy summoned from the very World exploded across the water and collided with the light.. quelling it, sweeping away the golden flames.

As I ran across the water.. I summoned Excalibur into my left hand.. He wanted to play with light? Well fine then... I wasn't going to go easy.

"HRRRRRRRRRAAAAAHHH!!" I spun Excalibur elegantly in my left hand creating sweeping giant windy hurricanes and blinding energy blasts from it.. as I charged into Hyperion... at the same time.. I spun Rhongomyniad in my right hand.. creating sweeping waves of light from that weapon as well..

The waves of water churned around me more and more as I landed blow after blow into Hyperion, who parried with his own burning flaming sword.. shockwaves exploding out from where our weapons made contact.

As we fought, Ozymandias hurled giant beams of light from his scepter over and over.. forcing Hyperion to start ducking back as my attacks continued to grow more ferocious.

As I continued to beat Hyperion back.. his flames were seeming to get smaller and smaller.. and there seemed to be more waves of World Magic slamming into his body... and I could feel my armor starting to burn and super heat.

"STOP THAT!!!!!" Hyperion screamed as my blade and spear continued to slam him back. "STOP DOING THAT!!"

Doing what!?


I looked at myself for the first time.. and found that I was surrounded by a sweeping cyclone of reservoir water... storm clouds.. hurricane winds.. and golden light.. to create one ginormous glowing storm of pure power that was blasting away Hyperion's light flames as fast as he could ignite them.... the powerful spinning winds and light whirling out of Excalibur and Rhongomyniad as I continued to let their power loose in unison.

"Whoah.." I said..

"AAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Ozymandias laughed. "AND YOU CALL YOURSELF LORD OF LIGHT HYPERION!? You who believe yourself above Mortals.. LOOK and despair.. One such mortal stands above you still!!"

"DO NOT MOCK ME! I AM A TITAN!! I AM HYPERION!!! YOU ARE NOTHING!!" Hyperion bellowed as suddenly his sword exploded with tremendous gold flames.. blasting at me..

But no sooner had his blade swung, when the flames were snuffed out again by my waves of power..

I kicked Hyperion in the chest and sent him flying onto the shore on the other side of the Reservoir.

Immediately, Grover started playing his reeds, and the other Satyrs including Leneus started joining in..

The sweet tune of growth and life travelled through the woods as the dryads all seemed to grow more vivid....

Roots wrapped around Hyperion's legs.. and he grunted, struggling.

"SABER!! HURRY!" roared Grover.

I raised Rhongomyniad and Excalibur to the sky and cross them together.

"The World Rises.. The Tower Holds Anchor... The Light of Life Shines True.. The Blade of the Lake and The Lance That Binds.. Let them sing their song.... WORLD LAMENT!!"

A ginormous light blasted out from between my two powerful Noble Phantasms.. and a massive dragon made of pure yellow light burst out into the sky.  It roared.. the very earth trembling as it did.. the thing being the size of a skyscaper as it spread it's wings and then landed right in front of Hyperion, who was still struggling from the magic roots.. his flames being wiped away by my massive storm.

The Dragon let out another earth shaking roar.

"YOU WILL NOT BEAT ME!! I AM HYPERION!! I AM A TITAN-" Hyperion roared.. right before a giant wave of pure white flames blasted out of the Light Dragon's maw... and the monster hurled it's entire body into the flames as if it was sucked into them as it blew..

There was an explosion of extreme heat and blinding powerful energy.. and when the smoke cleared...  Hyperion was gone.. instead there was a massive crater still glowing red hot.. and all that was left of Hyperion was a diamond about the size of my fist.. from having had his entire body compressed by super heated pressure until what was left of his minerals had been compacted into a diamond-like rock.

"You are a very pretty diamond." Grover finished for Hyperion with a grin.

We hardly had time to admire our victory however.. because at that moment.. Kronos unleashed his surprise.

"RREEEEEEEEEEE!!" The sound of massive squealing assaulted my eardrums, and I looked up to see something I did NOT expect.

"Is... that a flying pig?" I muttered.

"RREEEEE REEEEEE!!" the giant pink fat piggie with it's massive feathery wings, screeched out as it dive bombed our forces, sending Atalanta flying straight into Robin Hood as  a good number of the hunters were sent scrambling.

"DON'T underestimate it Arturia.." said Ozymandias. "I know of the legends of the Clazmonian Sow.. that monster is in essence, an agent of pure destruction and chaos!"

I stared at Ozy for a minute, then pointed back at the Sow.. "But... it's a pig... with wings.."

"Saber focus!" said Percy as he ran over on the water to me. "Remember what Chiron said about this thing?! It's EXTREMELY dangerous.."

Indeed.. that monster was plowing even through some of our servants like paper.. I watched as it barrelled over some of Athena cabin.. I needed to do something about that now! But with the aerial maneuvers that thing was pulling off.. no way even Llamrei could do anything about it... I needed a new ride... I needed..


I could hardly believe my ears as I looked to the heavens.  Steve the giant flying Ram was thundering down from above, his hooves blasting air from them with each gallop right before he landed in front of me with a raging "BOOM!"


"No problem!" I yelled, leaping onto Steve's back with Percy as Ozymandias stared in bemusement.

"What... in Osiris .. is that thing?" wheezed Ozy.

"Long story!" I yelled right before Steve blasted into the air.. flying after the Sow..

The pig let out another set of ear blasting "REEEEEEET" s before  it began to soar high into the sky, zooming between buildings, ripping the tops off some of them with it's charge alone, causing immense chaos.


"No way we can beat that thing in just one hit!" Percy exclaimed. "Any plans!?"

I thought a bit..  then it occurred to me... exactly what pigs were used for..

my stomach was growling.

"S.. Saber..?" Percy stammered. "You seem a bit.. er.."

"BACON!!!" I roared, brandishing Rhongomyniad.

"Oh yep.. I knew it.." Percy muttered.

"SHIROU COOK SOMETHING GOOD FROM THIS!!!" I screamed, diving off of Steve and shooting down towards the Sow at full speed.

The Sow had just enough time to look up and face the end.. "oink...?"

"BACCCOOOOOONNN!!" I screamed as Rhongomyniad drilled right into the monster's head in a burst of light..

I speared the pig straight through, and we blasted into an abandoned building.. reducing it to a pile of rubble as we landed in the middle of the devastation.

And in one swift move.. the Sow  had been shish kabbaobed into the street, and I was standing on top of it's belly.

"SNACK TIME!? BACON!?" I roared, my stomach grumbling. "Somebody call Shirou over, this needs to be cooked now!!

"Wish we could Saber, but there's a war to fight!" Percy yelled. "Come on..  Iskandar needs help securing one of the trails!"

No rest for the weary I suppose.

"Bacon after then!" I said stiffly as I jumped onto Steve's back.

And with that.. Steve zoomed off into the sky in search of other survivors, carrying the two of us with him.

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