Arthur Get's a Makeover

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"FOOOOOOOOODDD!! I NEEEED FOOOOD!!" I sobbed, splashing my hands in the water. "SOOOOMEBODY!!!!!!!"

I couldn't take it anymore, never had I ever gone so long without a single speck of food. Somehow, while we weren't looking, the tentacle of a rather sneaky sea monster had inched out and grabbed all our provisions out of Hermes's bag, leaving behind only Ambrosia and Nectar, which were too dangerous to consume in large amounts, and the gummy vitamins. 

I rolled around in the life boat miserably, my stomach growling like an angry lion.. I couldn't take it.. this was going to drive me mad.. no.. DEAD...

"Get a grip Arturia!!" stammered Annabeth. "It's not the end of the world!!"

"Annabeth.. when I die of starvation.." I rasped.. "Please.. bury me in Britain.."

"You're not dying!!"


Mordred was swinging her sword around angrilly. "I Don't GET it.. It worked against the Kraken!! WHy.. won't.. it.. URRRGGHHH!!"

Mordred swung her blade around ferociously, almost taking Percy's head off.

"MORDRED WATCH IT!!" Annabeth screamed.

"Just need to try and.."

Annabeth held out a hand, looking sternly at Mordred. "GIVE IT!!"


"I said.. GIVE IT!!" said Annabeth. "You've been swinging that thing around long enough.. GIVE IT!!!"

Mordred grumbled a little and handed Clarent to Annabeth.

"You get this back, when you've learned to behave!" said Annabeth. 

"HEY GUYS!!" said Percy brightly pulling a large Octopus out of the water. "I think I found dinner!!"

"AAAAAAGGGGGH!!!" Mordred screamed as the weird cephalopod, which was bio luminescent, leaped off percy's hand and latched to her face.. 

"ANNABETH!!" I groaned. "FOOOOOOD!!"

"Children.. I'm stuck in a boat full of children!!" Annabeth screamed, putting her hand over her ears. "I NEED A VACATION!!!"

Miraculously.. as if out of thin air..  the mist over the ocean parted to reveal a large island in front of us.. with a large dock. There were umbrella chairs.. fancy looking hotels.. waitresses serving drinks.. women in bathrobes lying down with cucumbers over their eyes.. 

"And.. immediately thinking this is too good to be true." Annabeth said. "Come on Saber we should probably turn around and..

"FOOOOOOOOOD!" I screamed, as I already jumped into the water and swam all the way to the dock.. pulling myself ashore and grabbing some mini gourmet sandwiches off a bewildered waitress's tray. "GIIIIVE MEEEE FOOOOOD!!"

I couldn't think straight.. my hunger had overwhelmed my reason.. I didn't even care that there seemed to be oddly exotic animals walking around.. even a full sized live jaguar lying on a lawn chair. 

i rampaged through the resort, grabbing every waitress's tray, every patron's plate, and dumping all the contents into my mouth, gobbling them up and burping with gusto.

"MUAAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" I laughed with glee as I picked up an entire watermelon, cleaved it in half with my sword in mid air like fruit ninja, and took both halves in each hand, gobbling up the innards in mere seconds, seeds and all. 

I threw the skin aside and dove into a large buffet table, smashing it to bits and pulling food into my mouth.

I didn't think, I didn't want to think.. I just needed sustenance of SOME kind!


Annabeth and Mordred were grabbing my arms, pulling me off the buffet table, panting... and slowly, reason edged back into my brain..

"Uhhh... ooops.. "I squeaked, staring at the carnage around me.. 

"Oh my goodness!!" a lady in a suit walked over, holding a clipboard. "Well well.. it seems you were quite hungry weren't you!? "

I blinked as the last of the buffet table's legs snapped and crashed to the floor.. sliding into a swimming pool. "Maybe.."

"Well. I suggest you confirm your appointment first BEFORE you start eating kay?" said the lady. "Now.. let's see.. names?"

"A.. Arturia Pendragon?" I stammered, all my friends also began introducing themselves

"Mordred Pendragon.."

"Annabeth Chase..."

"Percy Jackson.."

The lady jotted down our names. "Welcome to C. C.'s Island resort and Spa!! Now let me see here.. Oh.. for you young lady.."  she pointed at Annabeth. "I think.. a head wrap..  maybe some aroma therapy.. and a bit of our  herbal tea should suffice.. we've got an extensive wardrobe for you too.."

The lady looked at Mordred. "You've got quite a rebellious style there, so much skin exposure.."

"Got a problem with it?" Mordred said lazily, not at all the type who had any issue with exposing her body. 

"I think a complete wardrobe makeover for the Heroic Spirit here should suffice." said the lady. "A good Aroma therapy to get rid of all that pent up rage.."

"I DON'T HAVE PENT UP RAGE!!" Mordred roared, picking up a table and throwing it at the lady, narrowly missing. 

"And you.." The lady turned to look at me.. "Oh yes, a good massage to get all that stress out of you, we have some very good masseuses here who will be just too happy to help you relax.. oh and we have a fine selection of fat free deserts to help you keep that GORGEOUS figure you have.."

I felt my face blush.. I don't know why, but her compliment affected me.. "M.. My gorgeous figure?"

"Oh.. and of course." said the lady now looking at Percy. "A COMPLETE makeover for the young man."

That snapped me out of it. I felt a little insulted. My little bro was a handsome boy!! Complete makeover my ass!!

I opened my mouth to say something about that, but the lady said. "Let's take you to meet C C shall we..? She'll want to make sure you're all cleaned up!"

the words *all cleaned up* struck a longing pang in me. I was dirty.. beat up, thirsty, and felt like crap.. 

"We'll have you all so cleaned up, you'll be cool looking enough to appear in your own video game opening song!" said the lady.

My own Video Game opening song... what would THAT be like?

Yeah.. just like that.. and then we'd make it one of those Roll for Certain characters type Mobile games where the possibility of even getting me would be like 1 percent! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

Welcome to the world of Japanese Mobile Games, prepare to sob over your wallets. 

(Annabeth: *playing Fate Grand Order* WHO INVENTED THIS!?"

Mash: "Chaldea thought it would be good for funding...There's a rate up for Arturia next week.."

Annabeth: "RATE UP IS A LIE!!")

In any case, temptation for finally having a bath won out over my suspicion in the end, and we ended up following the receptionist into a nearby palace-like building. Inside, was a woman weaving a beautiful looking tapestry.

She was immensely beautiful looking, wearing a very business like clothing, pretty much what you expected from somebody who ran a beauty spa.. 

She was in the midst of weaving a tapestry, which was even more beautiful than she was herself. The colors on it seemed to shimmer and weave, as if the pictures inside had a life of their own..  I loved the way it looked.. but that also meant.. it had to be magic.. there was no way an ordinary person could weave something like this..

"hello there!" said the woman, looking at us jovially. "I'm C. C. welcome to the Spa!! No money needed, we're here to help everyone unlock their 'TRUE' self.."

"You're a Mage." I said.

C. C. looked me and clapped her hands. "Bravo.. and you are a Servant! Oh no worries, I'm not interested in Grails.. though I have to admit, the art of Summoning a Familiar from the Throne of Heroes does seem like extraordinary magic I would love to learn the secret to."

"Who are you exactly?" I asked.

"Oh it's as you said, I'm just a mage." said C. C.  "A mage who is wonderfully involved in the magic community I might add. My recipes for potions and enchantments are first rate among the Mage Association.  Especially my magic involving increasing your health properties..  Even you strong and energetic Servants will notice a change on my treatment program, trust me.."

C. C. shrugged. "I have no idea HOW you ended up on my island, but I can recognize a bunch of poor children in need.. COME! allow me to get you what you need!!"

C. C. clapped her hands together, and attendants came out and began to guide us out. Okay, I know, I should've been suspicious, I should've remembered that dangers to demigods liked to pretend to be stuff like this.. just like the Lotus Hotel and Casino.. but in my defense, we were ALL worn out and desperate for a shower.

And I didn't just get a shower.. I got the full treatment. 

After instructing me to change to my  human form.. I was allowed sit in a private hot tub, in a room occupied by a live full maned lion, which sat calmly next to my bubbling pool and let me pet it's mane. 

After that.. they put me face down on a leather table that smelled of strawberries, put a towel over me, and began massaging me in a way that only a master could've known how..

I was so relaxed as the attendant worked her hands over my shoulders, that I swear I might have accidentally fallen asleep twice. 

All my troubles were forgotten... all my woes didn't matter any longer..

Though I guess my first real flag raising warning came when they finally gave me my clothes back, nice and laundered, but they told me they were only temporary..

"Well." said the stylist as she sat me down in front of a mirror and picked up a bottle of shampoo and conditioner. "You might be a looker of a lady,but you don't really want to look that DRAB and STUCK up forever do you!? Nonononono.. nobody wants to look like that... your ENTIRE appearance won't do.

Now that hurt.. it really did. "M...My entire apperance?"

"Yes.. you're just not showing off your true self!"

I had the sudden image in my head of Shirou Emiya folding his arms and looking rather disillusioned with me. 

"Just look at you, you look totally drab? Why would I like that?"

After that, an image of Luke appeared next to him.

"Shirou's right, why would we like totally drab women? if only you let them change your look, maybe we'd like you.."

"A.. Alright.." I said. "I'll defer to you."

We ended up going through multiple hairstyles.. no matter what, I always seemed to have my cowlick just sitting on the top of my head, like a curly blade of grass.  But other than that, I was amazed at how just a simple change in my hairstyle was enough to completely change the perception of my personality.

Their magic hair care products were able to lengthen and shorten my hair instantly fit each style they tried with me (which.. I could all describe in detail.. but I'll let the artists do it instead in that picture right here..). 

In all we went through around 7 Hairstyles.  (first one there doesn't count, that's my original style.)

Afterwords the stylists decided on a side pony tail which gave me a sort of High School girl look, like one of those regular fashion lover girls.  (the second one on the bottom row.) and they gave me a black shoulder less top blouse, that revealed the black straps of the bra they gave me.

I was also given a set of white short shorts, which had black butterfly designs on the back pocket, and then a set of strap on high heel shoes, which I staggered around in, barely able to walk (SERIOUSLY LADIES!? HOW DO YOU MOVE AROUND IN THESE HORRID THINGS!?)  Along with that I was given some black bracelets, and my nails were painted and redone, filed into even delicate looking works of art..

Afterwords they proceeded to add lipstick and makeup to my face, like eye shadower and etc.. my first ever encounter with facial products like this.  afterwords they gave me a black leather minipurse to carry which was bejeweled with real diamonds on the borders (seriously? Bags are fashion too!?)

By the time were completely done, and I looked in the mirror, I was no longer looking at Arturia Pendragon. Instead, I was looking at this beautiful, fashionable looking girl, one of those teen girls that loved to go to prom, go out with her girl friends, and talk about boys. Mother would've called them "A girl in the full prime time of her rebellion, yet also her blossoming." 

I knew that much, because Mother showed me pictures of back when she was sixteen, and they showed an older 80s style, but nonetheless something similar. 

"Well.. what do you think? You've unlocked your true self!" said the Stylist. 

I felt a dead uneasiness in me, staring at this girl that I just couldn't see as ME.. "A.. Are you sure that.. people like me better this way?"

"Of course! You are better now!"

"b.. Better.."I muttered twiddling my fingers. "Very well.."

"Oh.. that speech will have to go as well."

"WHAT!?" I said. "What's wrong with how I talk!?"

"You sound like an old woman! All this 'very well' or 'indeed' or 'I will defer to you'. "

"Respectable speech is the honor and chivalry of a kni-.." I began before the stylist clucked her tongue and shook her head, putting a hand over my mouth to stop my talking.  "Let's get you with our whole Speech consultants right away."

About 3 hours of frustrating speech lessons later, I walked into a massive library, where Mordred and Annabeth were already seated in armchairs, waiting for me.

The both of them were nearly unrecognizable. While Annabeth had been given a short dress and her hair had been done to really bring out her inner beauty, I had to look at Mordred TWICE just to make sure it really was her.

Her originally messy sorta spiky hair had been smoothed out, into a smooth and shiny hairstyle, her hair down in a medium length style, her bangs straight and neat. She wore a pink t-shirt with a chibi cat on it, and wearing a short flouncy black skirt, with black arm warmers on her arms, and her nails had been done with white polish.  Like me, she had makeup on..

She looked cute, pretty, and completely miserable.

As good looking as this made her, It wasn't Mordred. 

Mordred's previous look had highlighted who she was as a person.. rebellious, brave, outgoing, exuberant, confident.. but this look just made her look like some delicate butterfly that liked to play with dolls.. 

"Oh.. GOD!!" Mordred roared, staring at herself. "I hate this!! Annabeth! I have a bad feeling about this place!! Really I do!! I want my tube top back! This just looks WAY too fairy princess!"

Annabeth merely said. "Mmmhmm.." As she flipped through a page from a book she had gotten off a shelf.


Annabeth looked up. "Oh.. sorry.  It's just.. this library is INCREDIBLE! So much knowledge everywhere... "

"Oh crap she's in love with the death trap.." Mordred muttered to herself. 

"H. Hey guys!"I said.. raising a hand to wave.

Mordred and Annabeth looked up, and both of their jaws dropped.

"Saber.. You're.. GORGEOUS!!" Annabeth said.

Mordred on the other hand, frowned. "M.. My King... are... are you okay?"

"Of course girlfriend!" I said. "I'm TOTALLY alright! AIR KISSES!!"

I  blew an air kiss at Mordred.

Mordred looked at me now, seeming more bewildered, and Annabeth's expression changed to bewilderment too. 

I didn't understand. This was how a REAL girl spoke right? That's what the speech trainer had said.. that's what people liked right?

"Saber.. what did they do to you?" Annabeth asked.

"Oh.. it was FABULOUS!" I said putting my hand out in a 'Holy Moly Girlfriend!' gesture.  "I had my nails done.. and did you see what they did with my hair? AWESOME SAUCE!!!  I mean tots best makeover EVA!'

"A.. Awesome sauce?" stammered Mordred, her eye beginning to twitch. 

"Saber.. why are you talking like that?" Annabeth asked.

"Well ain't it obvious girl? I'm talking like I'm SUPPOSED to talk!" I said. "This is ma true self! And I'm gonna shake what ma mama gave me!! "

"WHAPPP!!" Mordred had gotten up and smacked me right in the face. 

I was stunned to find that she was actually crying, and her face bore a look of terror. 

Immediately, I felt an immense sense of guilt wash over me.

"I.. I'm sorry." I said.. "My.. my apologies, I won't do that again.."

"Don't you DARE ever act like that was any BIT like the real you." Mordred said. "The real you is FAR better than whatever THAT was."

"O.. Okay.. " I stammered. "WHHOAA!!"

I tripped a little.. seriously girls.. what are the POINT of high heels!? Other than sheer TORTURE!?

"SIT!" Mordred growled, pushing me down into an armchair.

She then went to work, pulling the high heels off my feet and flinging them off into the distance where they hit a waitress, knocking her out.

"Wear High Heels again and I swear I'll take a picture of them.. and EMAIL them to your Foster mom!" Mordred growled.

"Heavens no.." I stammered, 

Mother had no baby pictures of me like she did Percy, so showing pictures of me being cute in the bathtub were out of the question. So instead, on those few nights we got dressed up to go watch a movie or see a play, she would take a bunch of pictures and show them off to ANYBODY she could get a hold of. 

Me in High Heels would fuel her giddy means of showing me off till her dying day.

"What is WRONG with me!?" I stammered, burying my face in my hands.

"It's not you.. it's this place.. they tried to do the same to me too.." grumbled Mordred as she used her hands to mess up her hair, and retied it into her signature pony tail braid.  Trying to tell us we're not perfect without them.. bunch of shallow.. little... though.. Annabeth still looks like herself at least.. just prettier.."

Annabeth nodded carefully. "You know.. I've been looking through all the magical books here.. lots of stuff on Mage Craft, I think I could learn a bit myself so I can.. er.."

"Er.. what?" I asked.

"Learn to summon a Servant.." said Annabeth. "I mean.. I don't want it because I want to weaponize somebody.. no.. I just figured it would be cool to have a friend like that.. Bazett told me how she summoned Cu Chullain because she was fascinated by his tragic legend, and wanted to be the one to save him from his tragedies.  And I keep hearing hints from people who knew you that you and that Shirou guy had a very close relationship. So I wondered to myself.. could I possibly have somebody like that?" 

"Who would you want to summon?" Mordred asked curiously. 

"Atalanta?" said Annabeth. "Maybe ..? I mean.. one of the few Greek Heroes out there that are female.."

"Oh yeah!" said Mordred. "I've met her! During the Greater Grail War!"

"Huh!?" said Annabeth. 

"Yep!" said Mordred. "My first Master, before I was resummoned in this present period, we participated in a little something called the Greater Grail War, where there were 7 Servants in each of Two factions and fought it out..   The Archer from Red Faction was Atalanta.. had cat ears and a tail.. a Noble Phantasm called Phoebus Catastrophe..  "

"cat ears.. and a tail?" said Annabeth. "Huh.. I guess that must have been from the part of myth where she and her husband were turned into a pair of lions.."

"You'd make a great pair, from what I hear, she only trusts kids and women."  said Mordred. "Didn't take that whole trick her husband used to beat her in a footrace and marry her too well.. drove her a little crazy and she almost killed Ruler... eh.. still I think she'd like you.. but I can't imagine why'd you NEED to summon a servant to have a friend.."

"Why?" said Annabeth.

"DERRR! You have us dontcha!?" said Mordred. "Me and Arturia!!! I don't even HAVE a master.. "

"It's not the same.." said Annabeth. "If I have a Servant we're bonded right.. I mean.. I can even use this Command Spell thing to summon them whenever I need.. it's like something super special!"

"Hey.." I muttered. "By the way.. speaking of super special bonds.. anybody seen my brother?"

"I think C. Ci. said something about giving him a personal consultation." said Annabeth. "Don't worry, she seems friendly enough.. even if she is a mage.."

I took one of the books off the shelves, and stared at the cover, then I froze. "No.. no she's not.. WE NEED TO FIND PERCY!!! NOW!!!"

I threw aside the book and began running out back toward's C. C.'s palace.

"Wait... SABER!" Annabeth and Mordred ran after me.

"That book.. it was a guide to Sorcery!!" I yelled. 

"So!?" said Annabeth.

"Something a friend taught me.. a girl.. named Rin." I said. "Mages and Sorcerers AREN'T the same thing. Mages use mana to create and do things that are possible through the laws of physics.. manipulating elements and the forces of nature to their whim.. but Sorcerers are different, they can CREATE miracles.. spontaneously creating something out of thin air that was never there.. violating the laws of Matter.. it's something only Sorcerers and gods can do with their mana... "

"So.. she's good at Miracles then what's the point!?" said Annabeth.

"She told us she was a mage.. She lied.. WHY!?" I growled. "No expert in magic wouldn't be aware of the difference between Sorcery and Magecraft.. if she lied about her profession she did so for a reason.. and there's a trait Sorcerers tend to share that worries me.."

"Which is..?"

"They're all arrogant power hungry bastards!" Mordred growled as I kicked open the door into the palace.. "Just like Morgan Le Fey.."

C.C. was there.. but Percy was nowhere in sight.. however, a tapestry had been shifted aside to reveal a large cage filled with Guinea pigs.. and there was something familiar lying next to the cage.. but I took no notice at the moment.  I glared at C.C.

"Where's Percy!?" I yelled. "Where's my Brother!?"

C.C. smiled at me. "Oh.. him? Oh you don't need him anymore dear Arturia!  The King of Britain, the Knight of Rebellion and a Daughter of Athena.. right here!! In my island! I've always had a soft spot for powerful women..  On this island.. you could be so much more!!  Don't bother with men anymore Arturia, they will only let you down.."

At that moment, I remembered something Artemis told me..

"Though we are all human, men are far more human than most, because of this they will let you down, very few are worthy of respect. You don't need them Arturia, with me you can be so much more.."

I shook my head, and glared at C.C. Exploding into my Servant form in an instant.. pointing Excalibur at C.C.'s throat. "WHERE IS HE!?"

C.C. stared at me. "Wow! your hairstyle just POPPED right back into that horrid look from before... is that just a default thing Servants do?"

"WHERE!" I roared. "NOWWW!"

"Oh.. I simply allowed him to unlock his true self!" said C.C.

At that moment, I noticed the stuff on the floor next to the cage.. it was Percy's clothes and Hermes's backpack..

And then it all dawned on me...

"squeeak! squeeeeaak!!" one of the Guinea Pigs in particular looked like it was trying to get my attention.

"All men are pigs Arturia Pendragon... My Master was a pig as well.. when he summoned me.. but even as a pig he was able to give me orders.. so I got rid of him.." C.C. said, as her form began to change. "But pigs are dirty and hard to keep around.. so I moved onto something similar enough."

C.C.'s hair turned long and pink.. her ears becoming pointed as long black raven wings grew from her back, and her clothing became a Greek Dress.. a long silver staff appeared in her hand.. She was far younger in appearance now.. which led me to believe that she had been using magic to disguise her true appearance and make herself seem older..

"Oh phooey.. I prefer to look older.. knowing that people can guess how immature I actually am makes things a little hard when I try to make others take me seriously. Ufufufufufufufu.." 

"She's a Servant.." said Mordred.

"Not just any Servant.." said Annabeth. "Circe.. the Sorceress!"

"Oh how brilliant!" said Circe with a smile. "Yes! I am Caster Class Servant Circe!!  And here.. I have created a sanctuary for Servants and Women alike!! You see now Arturia dear girl? With me.. we can become something so much GREATER!!! Your brother will have a fine life as a Guinea pig.. no need to worry about him..."

I  could feel immense power churning within Circe, She was a strong Servant, and without knowing what her Noble Phantasm was capable of, fighting her head on would be risky.. I needed to figure out a way to..

"KILL THAT PSYCHO!!" Mordred roared, drawing her blade and dashing at Circi

"MORDRED WAIT!!" Annabeth yelled.

"IT'S FINE!! MY NOBLE PHANTASM WORKS NOW!!" Mordred said, grinning confidently. "HERE I GO!! CLARENT OVERLOAD!!!"

"pffffffftttt..." a little fart cloud puffed out of Clarent's blade..

"Errrrrr..." Mordred sweated a little, laughing nervously. "hahahaha... I.. I was just joking.. so.. what were you saying about My King and you becoming something greater? We'd.. LOVE to join.."

"Yes.. I'll let her join.." said Circe, glaring at Mordred. "Right after I kill the defective Servant and her Joke of a Noble Phantasm!!"

Circe raised her staff in the air.. and suddenly, all around Mordred.. a massive set of stone tables appeared, stacked with bowls and plates of endless food.. fruits, meat, vegetables.. all cooked and prepared to perfection..


"Let's see how you like... A FULL AND RELEVANT BANQUET!!!!" Circe exclaimed, laughing as suddenly, all around her, cute Chibi looking pigs, some of them as large as cows, some of them smaller, others flying in the air with wings.. some green, some pink, some blue.. all of them carrying plates of food on their heads and various other foods in their little hooves, charged.. with Circe sitting on the largest one, giant plates of food in each hand. 

Oh God.. A Noble Phantasm and Buffet in one... again.. WHY COULDN'T THIS BE MY NOBLE PHANTASM!?

"Metavoliká Choirídia !!!!"   roared Circe, the stamped raging towards Mordred. Mordred was stunned by the sheer outlandishness of the attack, that she didn't bother to attempt dodging.

"MORDRED MOVE!!" I roared, jumping in between the food tables and throwing Mordred out of the way..

The next thing I knew, I was being trampled by food carrying cute cuddly piggies.. 

"BOOOOM BOOOM BOOOMMMMM!!" Their tiny cutsie hooves thundered on me like a hurricane.. smashing me into the floor, cracking the marble all around me..

When I opened my eyes, I was lying in a massive crater... food spilled around me.. but that wasn't the only thing that had happened.

"OINK!!? " I stammered. "OINK OINK OINK OINK!!"

I had turned into a dog sized Cute Chibi Pig!!

"OH GOD NO!!!" Mordred screamed, running to me and picking me up. "WHAT HAVE I DONE!?"

"Oink Oink oink!!" I stammered. 'Don't think about that now! Get Percy!'

Thank God Mordred got the message.

"ANNABETH!! GET PERCY!!" Mordred roared. "I'll hold of Circe!! and.. uhh.. hold her!"

Mordred tossed me to Annabeth, who caught me.. staring at my new cutsie pig form.

"Oh wow.. this is new." Annabeth stammered. "Okay.. hold on!!"

Annabeth tucked me under her arm and ran over to the cage. She set me down and rummaged around in the backpack.. and pulled out Hermes's vitamins..

I squealed irritably. This wasn't the time to be taking magic supplements!!"

"Which one is you!?" Annabeth stammered, opening the cage. 

All the guinea pigs squealed at once. 

"Oh well!" Annabeth stammered as she dumped the entire contents of the bottle into the cage, while at the same time, taking one of the gummies  and stuffing it under my snout. "Here! Have one too!"

There was a flash of light.. and in an instant, Percy appeared, fully clothed, thank goodness.. along with around 20 other people, all grubby looking with cutlasses dressed in dirty clothes, with beards and bad looking teeth.

Unfortunately for me however, I was still a pig.


"Sorry, Noble Phantasms must have a stronger affect." said Annabeth. "Might take longer for that gummy to work."

That did NOT sit right with me.. being a vulnerable snub nosed mammal that looked like it belonged in a kid's show was not doing much for my self esteem.. which I might add was ALREADY severely damaged by Circe's fashion consultants.  

Percy picked me up in his arms. "You okay Sis?"

"Oink oink.." I muttered sadly

"Yeah, I was just a small furry rodent, I feel you.."

"BOOOOOMMM!!" Meanwhile, I could see Caster and Mordred battling it out.. Mordred dashing around as Circe flung fireballs, thunderbolts, and various other magic attacks at her..

But, that didn't hold my attention for long.. as the foremost of the men stepped up.. He wore a large pirate captain's coat.. with a bushy black beard.. 

"ARRRRGGH!! Laddies! We're free!" said the pirate, grinning.

"I know you!" Annabeth said, staring with amazement. "Edward Teach! Son of Ares!!"

"Aye, but most call me Black Beard.. and to my Master, my right hand First Mate who summoned me after I died, I am known as Rider!" said the pirate.  "he summoned two Servants for thee Holy grail war of that time! Aye, but alas, Caster didn't take very well to how we treated her.. "

"How DID you treat her?" stammered Annabeth.

"As well as any other lass we usually meet.. a  little beatin' a little kissin'.. she was our ship wench! What else do we do with em!?"

Black Beard pointed at Circe, who froze, staring at him with a look of utmost horror upon her face. "AND THERE SHE IS LADS!!  String her up and rip her limbs from her body! Yarrrrrggghh! After that I mean to find me a bowl of celery!! YARRRRRGGGHH!"

"NO!! NOT AGAIN!! NOT AGAIN!!" screamed Circe with horror as Black Beard dashed at her, and began hurling out powerful blows with his fists.. which she barely dodged, the pirate's fist smashing apart a pillar with ease.

Meanwhile, the pirates all began rampaging over the island, flipping over tables.. causing women to run around screaming as their island was invaded

Mordred ran over to us. "Well she's distracted. What now!?"

"Find a boat, get out of here!" Annabeth exclaimed. "COME ON!"

We ran through the island.. looking for the dock.. but as we ran towards the shore... the earth and sea began to rumble.. as a familiar roar filled the heavens.


Massive tentacles blasted out of the sea.. latching onto the small island resort.. wrapping around the buildings and the mountains.. as the Kraken's head peeked out of the water.. opening it's massive jaws.

The city sized monster pulled and pulled.. until.. the island began to tip over... 

Finally the entire island had tipped steeply.. buildings, people.. furniture,.. everything sliding down the island and falling into the monster's massive fang filled mouth.. 

We screamed as we slid down the island with the rest of everyone and everything, speeding and tumbling towards our doom within the monster's jaws..

Mordred summoned her sword and stabbed it into the ground, grabbing Annabeth, who grabbed Percy, who kept holding onto me.. the lot of us dangling above the monster's jaws on the tipped over island. 

"MAN IS HE PISSED AT US!!" Screamed Mordred.



Black Beard was standing triumphantly on the side of a building nearby, which he could stand on now that the island was tipping over, holding an unconscious Circe over his head, laughing.  "NOW FOR THE BEAST!!"

Black Beard pointed down at the monster. "THIS ISLAND BE MINE NOW!! PREPARE FOR YOUR DOOM!!!.. QUEEN ANNE'S REVENGE!!!"

A massive ship appeared, a pirate's ship with masts and sails fully open, which blasted out of the ground.. as Black Beard jumped onto it... multiple cannons jutting out from the deck.. 

Powerful cannonfire infused with magic hammered  into the Kraken with explosive power.. However, though it was a powerful Noble Phantasm, it was nowhere near Excalibur's level.. and ended up only irritating the Kraken slightly

The Kraken lifted one of it's massive crab claws out of the water and smashed it into the Ship Noble Phantasm.. and the ship fell into the ocean.. as Black Beard fell screaming into the monster's jaws.. 

"Well.. that's unfortunate.." Muttered Mordred.

"Not really, he's kind of a jerk!" said Annabeth. "Wait.. he must be dead right?"

"Yeah.. instantaneous digestion.. Kraken stomach acids are break things down in seconds!" said Mordred. 

"Then.. why is his Noble Phantasm still there!?" said Annabeth.

"That sometimes happens!" Mordred called. "Noble Phantasms become disconnected upon a Servant's death.. only started happening after Zeus's curse! Some of us Servants suspect the curse affected it somehow!! He'll get it back after somebody summons him again!! In about 10 decades maybe.. you can't resummon a the same Servant for a while!"

"How did you know that!?" Percy called out, holding tightly to my pig belly.

"I met a mage in San Francisco!!" Mordred yelled. "WHAT DO WE DO!?"

"WE need to jump!! Aim for the ship!!" Annabeth called. "Sail away!!"

"IT'S TOO FAR DOWN!" Percy yelled. "We'll get squashed!!"


Suddenly the unconscious Circe fell past us.. slipping towards the Kraken's maw below.

"NO!!" Percy roared, using one hand to grab Circe's hand, while keeping on arm clutched tightly around me.



"NO TIME TO DEBATE ANY OF THIS!!" Mordred yelled at Annabeth as she opened her mouth to argue. "BRACE YOURSELVES!!"

Mordred shifted her blade, and we flew down towards the ship below.. Mordred started shifting us around in mid air.. obviously intent on using her durable Servant body to cushion our fall... but I immediately had a better idea..

"OINK OINK!!" Somehow, by some miracle, I managed to summon my Wind Sword in my little hooves, and I hurled it down.. creating a massive burst of wind.. 

We hovered safely down onto the ship... as the Kraken chomped it's jaws down on the island.. We frantically looked around.. there was no way we'd get this ship working in time.. Noble Phantasm or not..

Then suddenly, out of nowhere, Percy perked up and spoke. "MIZZENMAST!"

Immiadiately the ropes began flinging around, and the masts turned.. the ship beginning to move away as the steering wheel rotated. 

"H.. how!?" Mordred stammered.

"I.. I don't know.. I.. I feel the entire ship.. I can manipulate it!" Percy stammered as he held out a hand.. and somehow guided the ship out into open water..

As  we sailed away, we turned to look back at Circe's island, the owner of said island currently unconscious on board our ship.. 

The Kraken was now in the process of chomping up and devouring the entire piece of land like one large cookie..  

"Well.. that was dramatic.." Muttered Mordred.

Annabeth sighed. "Biggest understatement of  the century... "

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