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Today was the 26th of April; a day the townspeople Dreaded. Everyone hated it with a great passion.

Why was it hated so much?

Today was Servant's Day.

Every year on April 26th, King Delirious goes into town and chooses a person to be his servant. Once he chooses someone, he sets free one of his current survants.

You see, the king has a great number of servants all wanting to escape from his wrath. On Servant's Day, each and every one of them hope to be the one to be set free.

However, each and every person in town feared they would be the one chosen to be the king's servant.

However, each and every person in town feared they would be the one chosen to be the king's servant. Usually King Delirious would choose someone of the younger age. To the king, someone in their late teens or early twenties would make a perfect servant. Let's just hope the townspeople are prepared for this day.

* * *

It was a warm April morning. The sky was dull and cloudy as it usually was in the kingdom.

The townspeople were once again lined up against the wall of a house. They quietly awaited the king's arrival for they were too nervous to even speak.

Some fiddled with their hands and wondered who would be the chosen one, while others said quiet prayers under their breath. Even though no one spoke, the air was full of fear and anxiety. But a distant clip-clapping sound disturbed with silence. Every head in town snapped and looked towards the sound.

Suddenly, a carriage emerged from the midst with two jet-black horses pulling it towards the town. And in that carriage was the king himself. The people watched carefully, their hearts beating faster as the carriage came closer.

The children hid behind their mothers, not wanting to be seen by the intimidating king. The women flattened their clothes as did the men, for if the king saw anything out of place, there would be huge consequences.

The carriage came to a halt in front of the crowd. There were a few moments of silence as the townspeople waited for the door to open.

A soldier appears from the side of the carriage and opened the door for the king. The people watched intently.

A knee-high black leather boot stuck out of the carriage, followed by another momentlater. A moment of silence passed and the only thing the people saw where the king's leather boots.

Then suddenly, the form of the king emerged from the darkness stepping down from his carriage. He wore a blue a gold outfit speckled with blue diamonds and gems. At the top of his cape, beautiful white fur was wrapped around his neck. His cape fell down to the floor and dragged along with him as he walked. All of these things were marvelous about was his crown. Blue fur around the rim. And layers of gold that stuck up and had countless diamonds.

The King was a very showy person and didn't hesitate to show off his riches.

The townspeople watched as he slowly walked towards them. The only sound was his boots on the Stone Road. the people didn't take their eyes off him.

"Greetings, my fellow villagers," he said with an evil grin. The townspeople were tempted to give him dirty looks but they knew better. "As you all know today is Servant's day," he continued slowly walking across the line of people. "One of you will be chosen to come to my castle and become my servant. And one of my current servants will be set free. In fact, they are in my carriage right now," he said.

Every head snapped towards the carriage. Everyone wondered who was the lucky one to be set free they would soon find out.

"But first," the king said getting everyone to turn back at him, "I must choose my servant." A wide smile grew across his face.

Towards the beginning of the line where a skinny man stood. The man tried his best not to flinch or seem afraid, but then that was almost impossible.

The king looked him up and down and then moved on to the next person. Every once in a while you would her him mutter, "Too skinny," or, "Not strong enough."

As he walked down the line of people, everyone held there breath, anxious as to who the king choose this year. Everything was silent except for that king's slow steady breaths as he studied every person from head to toe.

Suddenly he stopped in front of a young women, probably in her early twenties. The king studied her from head to toe and smiled.

"What's your name, love?" He asked slyly. The townspeople watched, scared out of their minds.

"B-Blu," she said shakily. There was no doubt she was terrified. Her heart pounded in her chest went faster and faster.

The king came closer, his breath hitting her neck.

"Blu," he said. He touched her cheek and she flinched alarmed by his touch.

"How old are you?" The king asked Blu closed her eyes.

"Nineteen," she said with fear in her voice. She felt the king's hand on her neck. The townspeople held their breath awaiting his next words.

"She's perfect," the king exclaimed. "Guards! Take her to my carriage!"

"No!" Blu cried. "Please no!" Tears streamed down her face as two soldiers came towards her.

The townspeople objected.

"Please not her!" A man said.

"She's still a young girl!" A woman cried.

But the king ignored their protests.

"Bring my servant out of the carriage," the king demanded. "I need space for my new one," he cackled. The guards grabbed each of Blu's arms and dragged her to the king's carriage.

"No!" She tried fighting them but she was no match for the kings soldiers.

Suddenly a man came out of the King's carriage and ran towards the crowd filled with tears of joy. Everyone immediately knew this was the servant that had been set free.

So much was going on Blu could barely take it. Her vision started to blur and her body felt weak. Once the soldiers placed her in the carriage, she blacked out.

The king got in the Carriage as well, but before one of the soldiers could shut the door for him, he looked back towards the anxious crowd.

"I'm King Jonathan, also known as your King Delirious, and that concludes our 26th annual Servant's Day. Have a nice night," he winked. The door shut, and soon the carriage was off the king's castle where Blu would join others and begin her work as a servant.

But she had no idea what she was in for.


Yay first chapter!🎉
I hope you guys enjoyed the story so far, please vote and make sure you comment your thoughts on the story, i would love to hear! ☺

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