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Hello everyone, it's been almost 2 years since I haven't given an update on this story. And I have to say, I am truly sorry that I have constantly said that I will finish this book... and I never reached expectations to that. And I'm sorry that you all had to wait, for all the readers that have been in love with this story. I don't want to be those authors that take a long break and never finish the story. And I did promise all of you that I will complete the story, I mean, there are only about 2-3 chapters left. So... I am going to finish this book, I promise you that. But I honestly have no idea when. I'm so busy with things and I use most of my time to rest my body. I will try my best to finish this book around next month or December. Again, I'm so sorry that I have kept you all waiting for over a year. I feel horrible to read your begging "please update!" And I will update, just not now. Thank you for reading this to the end of you have. I hope this has answered your questions if you had any, if you still need answers, then please leave a comment or simply dm me.
                                      From, your author

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