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Everything seemed to happen like a flash of lightening. First, the guards. One by one they came rolling onto the balcony, their feet paddling on the carpeted floor. Blu's and Jonathan's lips were still moving together when the guards appeared before them. Once they took noticed of their presence, they pulled away from each other.

The guards looked at the two lovers with bewildering eyes. With confusion. With hate. Their mouths were agape, their hands tilted in wonder. Their eyes darted from the unconscious King Evan lying on the ground to Blu and Jonathan.

Blu's heart was a cheetah, darting through a large field. With every heartbeat, she became more nervous. The rain proceeded to pour down from the sky. Her clothes were soaked; the king's robe ruined. There was a flash of lightening which illuminated the faces of the guards for only a quick moment. There must have been seven or eight there.

"What is this your majesty," one guard gasped in disbelief. Although Blu was frightened, the king was not. He looked at the guards with fierce, brave eyes, not taking his gaze off of them once. He slowly stood up and grabbed Blu's arm to help her. She stumbled to her feet and hugged the king in fear. He caressed her wet hair, his own hair drooping down his face.

"Listen up," he said with confidence. "No one here will go to the Council and tell them about what you saw. You hear me?" The guards looked at him blankly, their hands tightening on their own swords-- smaller than the king's but still deadly.

"I will give each of you more gold," the king started, "I'll double what you have now. You'll have all you want. But that is only if none of you go to the Council."

The guards looked at each other as if to say 'Should we stay and get the gold? Or should we go to the Council and tell them about this illegal affair?'

Blu and the king waited, side by side, for a reply. Will they agree to the king's proposal? Blu wondered. She hoped they would.

After a long moment of silence, the guards gathered together and spoke among themselves. Blu tried to listen but the rain and thunder blocked out the sound. The king looked at her with a frown.

"It's gonna be okay," he assured her. But deep down, he had no idea what he was going to do if the guards don't agree to his proposal.

Blu held onto him tightly as if he would protect her from any danger. He kissed her head as he caressed her hair. She was frightened. Frightened that Jonathan might not be king anymore. Frightened that he might be killed instantly once the Council found out. Frightened that even she herself might be killed for having an affair with him. And as she thought about these things she held onto Jonathan tighter if that was even possible.

The guards then started to come apart and they looked at the king in defeat.

"Okay," one guard said. We will accept your gold." The king smiled from ear to ear. He was about to respond when the guard cut him off. "But," he said, "that's is only if you triple our income. Each and every one of us."

"Fine, done," the king said. "I'll triple your income." The guard who spoke nodded with gratitude. "But," the king spoke, "I am still the one in charge here. Anyome who tries to leave the castle for anything other than visting the village, will be killed." The guard looked at him, then Blu, then back at him.

"Yes your majesty," he said with a slight bow. The guards behind him followed and bowed as well.

"Now," Jonathan said. "I want a fresh pair of clothes for Blu put in my room." One guard nodded and scurried away at his order. The rest remained still. "As for the rest of you," the king sighed, "go back to your stations. And two of you bring Evan to the infirmary. Once he gains his heath back, send him away immediately. I don't want to see his face in this castle ever again." He looked at his workers with serious eyes. They all nodded and two went to pick up Evan's lifeless body. The king opened his mouth to speak again.

"Nothing happened tonight. Let's keep it that way." And slowly, they all walked away. Blu watched Evan's body grow smaller and smaller until the guards were not visible anymore.

Jonathan faced Blu and tucked the strands of hair behind her ears. His eyes were full of sadness yet victory.

"Let's get you cleaned up now," he said in a low voice. The two walked inside, their clothes dripping on the floor. A tear of blood tricked down Jonathan's forehead as they tread through the dark hallways. Blu could see light flashing in the castle from the lightning outside. She shivered and Jonathan pulled her closer to him as they walked.

They arrived at Jonathan's room. Jonathan grasped the cold door knob in his wet hand and turned it. First, he let Blu in the warm room, then he followed her, shutting the door behind him. The room was just as Blu had remembered it.

She watched as Jonathan slipped his wet robe off. His white button down stuck to his body, his abs fully visible through his shirt. He disappeared into the bathroom and placed the robe on a drying rack. Blu waited a few seconds before he came out without a shirt on. Drips of water trickled down his body as he tried his hair with a towel. He still wore his long pants. How Blu missed seeing those abs...

"Here," Jonathan said coming closer to her. "You can use my shower." Blu looked at him with wide eyes. She was going to use the king's bathroom. A servant. A small smile grew on her face.

"Thanks," she said as she flashed a smile towards him. She walked to the bathroom, water from her clothes trailing behind her.

Once she shut the door behind her she took a deep breath. Next to the sink was a fresh pair of clothes and a large towel. One by One, she stripped her wet clothes from her body. Once she was done, She approached the large shower. The glass was as clear as crystals and the handles made of pure gold. Before stepping into the shower, she stared blankly at the gold switches. They seemed like they belonged in a spaceship. She had no idea how to use it.

She sighed in frustration and wrapped a towel around her body before asking Jonathan for help. She pushed the bathroom door open and called out the king's name.

"Jonathan," she called. She looked around and spotted his figure. He had already changed into a dry pair of clothes and wiped away the blood from his forehead.

"Yes?" He said as he turned to Blu who was only in a towel. "Is there a problem?" Blu looked at the ground in embarrassment.

"I don't know how to work the shower. Could you help me?" Jonathan walked towards her and let out a chuckle. That laugh. It gave her a warm feeling.

"Of course."

He entered the bathroom and walked towards the shower. With a flick of his hand and a twist of his wrist, water immediately started to flow from the shower head. He smiled.

"There you go."

Blu thanked him. He left the bathroom with the door shut. Blu released the towel from her body and quickly stepped into the shower. The hot water poured down her body and she was engulfed in pure warmth. She felt good under the warm water. It rained down on her body all the way down to her toes, smoke rising above her. The goosebumps vanished from her skin and she closed her eyes in delight.

Once she was done with her shower, she slipped her new clothes on and opened the bathroom door. She saw Jonathan fiddling with something on the dresser. When he heard the door creak, he quickly stopped what he was doing and spun around.

"Hi," Blu said.

"Hi," he responded. "How was your shower?" He asked as he approached her.

"Amazing," she said.

"That's good," he replied with a smile. "I'm so sorry for what happened today." He caressed her cheek. "But what you did was so brave." Blu smiled shyly.

"Well, I've never punched anyone before," she laughed.

"Really? Because it certainly seemed like you have before," he joked. Blu laughed. Once their giggles died out, Jonathan stared at her the way every girl in the village wants to be stared at by a boy.

Blu leaned in and locked her lips with Jonathan's. They moved together slowly. At first, it started off as an innocent kiss. But Jonathan started to quicken his pace. His hands roamed her body. The kiss deepened quickly. Blu didn't want to stop. She had been longing for this. They broke apart for only a moment, Jonathan breathing heavily. Blu could see the want and need in his eyes.

"Get on the bed," he commanded. Blu obayed. The bed was soft and it sunk when her body feel onto it. Fireworks filled her stomach as Jonathan climbed on top of her. His legs were on each side or her body, his hands pinned her's down over her head. He kissed down her neck sweetly. His lips felt warm and soft on her skin. But he stopped when her skin met with the hem of her clothing. He pulled the shirt over her head eagerly and removed any remaining clothing from above her waist. His eyes stared at her body with hunger.

He kissed her chest and caressed her sides. Blu loved the feeling. She tugged at Jonathan's expensive top and pulled it over his head. She flipped them over so that she was now on top of him. She gazed her hands over his hard abs as she kissed him. She then pulled at his pants and easily slipped those off leaving him only in his boxers. She could feel a bulge forming against her abdomen. She gazed her hand along his boxers and Jonathan let out a gasp.

She was excited yet nervous. She had only done this once with the king. But this time felt different. It felt more passionate, more real. But Why should she be nervous? She wanted to be with Jonathan. She loved him. Right?

She awaited those words. Those three most simple yet most confusing words anyone could say. She waited for him to say it. For those words to come from his mouth. But they didn't. Give it time. She kept telling herself.

Jonathan flipped them over once more and pinned Blu's arms down on the bed. He kissed down her stomach to her abdomen. She loved the feeling of his hands on her. He loved the feeling of her hands on him. Their bodies moved together in sync. Both of them were immediately filled with pure pleasure.

This is the man she wanted to be with, Blu thought. The whole world was blocked out and it was just them. Little did she know, the king was thinking the same exact thing.

*  *  *

Blu had wished the next morning would never come. But as always, it did. She prepared herself for the stares, the questions, the snarky comments, where would it all start?

She padded through the hallways onto her session: Cooking.

With each step she took, her heartbeat quickened. Had they noticed she was gone last night? Of course they had silly! They're not stupid. What would they think? What would they say? How would she react? She didn't want her fellow servants to turn away from her. She didn't want them to think differently of her. All she wanted was for everything to go back to the way it was when nobody knew about their affair.

The doorway to the kitchen soon became visible to Blu's eyes and she became so nervous, her hands shook her sides. I don't want them to think differently of me, she thought. What would they say? The doorway got bigger and bigger as Blu trudged closer to it. She didn't want to go in. But she knew she would have to at some point. Only a few more seconds and she would be standing in that room full of servants.

3... Will they judge her? 2... How will they treat her? 1... will they accept her and move on as if nothing had happened?

She stopped in front of the doorway and hesitated before entering? Here goes nothing. She took a deep breath and exhaled. She walked into the room packed with servants scurrying around with pans, pots, spatulas, etc.

Once the servants took notice of her presence, a hush fell over the room. Everyone stared at her and she could feel her cheeks burning up. She looked at Ohm and then at Rachel who both knew what had been going on since Christmas. She looked at Mini. His mouth was slightly open but he closed it when Blu looked at him. They all gazed at her in disbelief. Surely, they had heard the whole story overnight: Why the king got so angry when Evan wanted her. Why she hadn't left with the servants to go to safety. Why she hadn't returned that night. The servants noticed the way the king looked at her and the way she looked at him.

They put the pieces together. They had figured it out. Now they knew.

With every eye on her, Blu became uncomfortable. She started to move around the kitchen towards the sink. One by one, each servant went back to work, but Blu could still feel people looking at her, watching her every move as if she was some dangerous animal. She hated it.

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