chapter four: A remembrance of the past

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(here's chapter four^_^)

"Yes we know this might be inappropriate but please cooperate." Luka wanted to get this over with and Luke looked as calm as always.

Tsuki calmed down and nodded solemnly realizing getting worked up about this is tiring *sigh* ~'intense emotions are tiring to feel'~ *sigh*.

~Aigoo~ he complied with their wishes and before he knew it his upper garments were off . ~I'm gonna be a jellyfish in my next life~. Tsuki felt like this was unfair and weird. "We'll need to make direct contact with some parts of you to make an accurate diagnosis"

"Ok ok I got it!!" ~ ramen would do good right now~ he thought, his stomach growling for food. Then he heard a chuckle, his head shot to the sound.

Luka was currently holding his stomach wheezing from laughter and Luke was chuckling. Luke snorted "you didn't need to take off your pants as well." He shaked his head.

"So why didn't you say that earlier!"

Tsuki said in an exasperated manner.

"well it's not like hah he's packing down there, for it to be a problem kehehe" Luka smirked, Tsuki was red both from embarrassment and anger.

He yelled at the twins to shut up before he personally kills them and told the black king to shut the fuck up!

( The black king exclaims he won't give you anymore coins this round and points his middle finger at 'Tsuki Matabu' )

( The white king says the black king is being overdramatic and that he deserves it)

( The black king tells the white king to stay out of this 'stupid old man)

Tsuki rolled his eyes at this scoffing,

( The white king tells the black king with his tone low *** ***** *** **** etc...)

( The black king pales,he curses in annoyance and shuts up)

(The white king nods his head satisfacted and smiles softly , "Tsuki's current party should forget what they may have saw and that the black fish will award them with Bonus coins and points")

(The black king awards you 350 coins)

( The black king awards you 300 points)

(Point's and coins transmitting to Tsuki's party)


Smirking at the conversation he then turns to the shaken twins, after a while of him yelling at them he calmed down and he huffed in annoyance putting his pants back on.

The twins were sulking a bit and looked shaken.

He was tired and frustrated AND hungry, who knows how long they'll have to be here. Because from what he's seen the timer that everyone sees is fake.*sigh* That Raziel dude knew that we would treat this round like a game of catch. And of course most people don't take it seriously. *Sigh* and to make it worse it seems no matter how smart these twins may look they aren't at his level yet,*sigh* so something like this they wouldn't catch on too.*sigh* Tsuki shaked his head and then looked at Luke and Luka, a blank expression appeared on his face. He once again nods solemnly.

The twins stepped forward to examine him and their touches made him shiver and felt sleepy. It was warm and comfy. Luke and Luka looked at him sympathiliy and explained that this usually hurts but since he's a different case they numbed it and that's why he's feeling sleepy.

"It'll be better if you rest. We'll keep watch and finish up quickly , so sleep."

For some reason he nodded obediently and closed his eyes and thought how nice it is to have people caring over him. He dozed off and the timer glitched for a second. The twins worked oblivious to what just happened.












To be continued.

{A/n: Sorry for updating late I've lost motivation for a while and was busy with school 😣 I hope this chapter is to your liking it isn't as long as the others but you'll get an earlier update for that. Maybe in a day or two ^_^ but for now byebye c ya >.<}

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