Chapter Ten: Troublesome

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You would probably think that there would be deep regret in Tsuki's actions but there wasn't anything of the sort.

Tsuki was a troublesome bastard who hated trouble yet got tied up in it anyway. He wasn't self aware of course so this aggravated a lot of people but did they try to speak on it? No, they didn't.

So if you see Tsuki complaining about life being tiring, ignore him or knock him on the head.

The distance between Tsuki's group and the new participant was at least 10 meters. It was more than enough for either party to kill each other but neither tried and calculated their luck in winning.

The girl could be seen still tired from the earlier battle, so she weighed her pros and cons yet she couldn't get a single rational thought. Before she could contemplate further she was pushed back from a sword.

Her feet held firmly to the ground ,she almost lost her balance earlier; she worried a fraction of a second but was quickly put back in reality by a shit eating grin and the most mocking voice she had heard in all her life.

"Hah! Is the great saint done playing SIM?" Tsuki mocked the girl for saving the people even though under different circumstances he wouldn't have left them to almost die, but did he grow aware of this? No, of course not.

Their movements were smooth and sharp. The twins wondered if they would even be needed in such a battle. Yet you can never be too cautious so luke got his daggers out and luka had a healing potion and a fire spell out ready to use if the situation turned to the worse. They stood in front of the still tied participants.

The girl blocked with her bow and dodged Tsuki's parade of attacks, all aiming for the kill.

She let out a barricade of curses in her head. After all, she was tired from the earlier battle. Tsuki knew this well and used this to his advantage making his attacks heavy and sharp with killing intent.

They exchanged blows both powerfully executed. The two looked as if they were dancing not in a battle to the death, the taunts here to there were only more entertaining and the sound of each impact of moves gave them the orchestra they needed.

"Well I didn't expect a rat bastard to be able to wield a sword!" She taunted back.

Tsuki wasn't offended and only grinned widely in response, sending chills down her spine. She tried to get distance between them sensing incoming danger, yet she was too late.

Tsuki flung a dagger to her eye but she deflected it, using that as a distraction he crouched and used his legs to slip her. She lay on her back in a daze. She only got back to her senses when a sword was being pointed in her face.

Tsuki was panting from the battle and gave himself a pat on the back for his quick thinking.

( You have leveled up! )

( Bonus points for strategic planning! )

( You have leveled up! )

He commented "it would seem you have lost. Does that mean your life is in my hands? Shall I kill you now or do you want to strike up a deal miss saint♡" his eyes held a strange satisfaction in them that made her want to dig them out but she accepted her loss.

She had no strength in her arms to fight any longer. So she gritted her teeth in frustration and rage.

"I will never cooperate with you! I would rather bite my tongue than live such a life!"

So she would kill for what she thought was right than form a deal with someone she painted as SCUM? 'I see..' thus Tsuki nodded his head and smiled sweetly.

One would think of it as harmless if not for the situation. "Gag her." Such simple words were spoken softly and were put to action, luka held her down holding her cheeks, while Luke stuffed her face with a cloth tying a rope across it as well for safety measures.

"We wouldn't want a certain someone bleeding out from her ¿honor¡ filled death, now would we?" A taunt rolled off his tongue smoothly already used to pissing others off. A muffled sound came from the girl confirming he was successful. Her eyes shone with hatred; it was a gaze he liked very much.

The twins stood on either side of him and stared down at the girl. At that moment pings of notifications appeared.

(The white king wonders what conjured when he left)

(The white king asks for an explanation)

(The black king chuckles at the situation)

(The black king gifts you points)

(Transmitting point..●●●! )

(Points have been successfully transmitted)

(You have gain 150 points for your skill in battle)

The group looked up at the messages and only one person showed shock. You guessed it! It was the girl. She couldn't hide her shock.

She has seen some people with the king's interest but not like this. This was new and only proved the people in front of her were dangerous. She grew stiff with tension.

She stared at the similar blue haired boys. 'Twins' she thought. One of them wore silver rimmed glasses with a mole above his lip on his left side. He looked about 6'1 with sapphire eyes and a slightly fox like shape. He wore dark blue trousers that hugged his waist, it had bronze buttons on the waist area. His shoes were leather the same color of his pants with less bronze visible. A white dress shirt tucked inside his trousers with satchels hanging and a golden ribbon laced on his neck. Over his shoulders was a cloak that made him look dignified. It was a similar dark blue almost black and the inside was a saturated orange that had constellations at the bottom.

A roundish nose that had a hint of pink on his slight pale skin and on his cuffs were white ribbons.

Luka fixed his black scarf and slipped his hand through his blue hair. He caught their hostages eyes and winked playfully. She shifted awkwardly from the interaction.

Luke noticed her growing tension but left her to her own business. He only cared about his brother and that was his only reason for teaming up with Tsuki; he needed this person to keep them safe when he couldn't.

He needed to do this no matter how devious it might be, the moment Tsuki grew suspicious about them he would escape with his brother.

'Let's hope he stays like this' he wished in his heart but he knew wishes were pointless. So he would make sure he won't change with his own hands.

Tsuki didn't know of either the thoughts of the people he granted a place in his heart or the person he wished to make a deal with. Since he was conversing with the kings and explaining with as much detail as possible.

The white king nagged him like how his mother used to and said he shouldn't bite more than he can chew. He chuckled and replied the girl would be useful, the black king wanted him to kill her and stop being so damn kind toward an enemy. A confused expression appeared on his face since when was he kind?

(The white king sighs and says /to do what you want/)

(The white king gifts you more healing potions)

(The black king says /your an idiot/ and sends you his favorite wine)

Tsuki's eyes softened from the messages and silently thanked them, after storing the gifts.

He then turned back to his soon to be walking soldier and smirked. He stated with fake pity "seemed miss saint hasn't changed her mind well let's see if you would after hearing what I say"

The girl flinched from his voice and avoided his eyes. 'His eyes are so cruel' she thought in fright.

There wasn't anything she could do but bow her head in submission. Tsuki hummed in satisfaction and sat on her level and started stoically.

"My name is Tsuki Matabu, I plan to have you as a companion. I would have wanted to meet under different conditions but you see life is cruel," he catches his breath for a moment.

" I think you're naive and judge too quickly and a person who is very useful to me. I'm not a good person but neither am I the worst person you have met. I also wasn't involved with the people you slaughtered, I only thought what I did was right. I tell you this since this is the most respect I can offer you as somewhat of an equal." Tsuki's statement shocked both his companions and the person in front of him both for different reasons though.

'He-no I can't believe this. Who would tell this to an enemy?' They weren't even sure if she would join them yet Tsuki told her this and even spoke to her with some respect.

The twins were star stricken and gaped like fishes out of water.

'He's that Tsuki Matabu!? Why did I have to meet him now!? He doesn't even remember me and he's changed. He isn't the trash I knew when I last saw him. What happened to him?, ' the girl pondered.

Both people's thoughts lead to one conclusion, 'Tsuki was a troublesome person.'

(The black king snorts in amusement)

(The white king covers his face with his fan)

Tsuki was a strange person. He could be fighting to the death with someone in a second then speaking to that person with respect in the next.

No one could really figure him out but he knew why he did this. It was because he knew the feeling of being looked down upon and being cursed so he should at least treat the people close to him with some respect. He'll act indifferent to strangers yet won't walk away when someone is in trouble. Yes, Tsuki Matabu was truly a troublesome person.





To be continued.....

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