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*in the Human World*

Kai: *growls* These weaklings aren't giving me the power I need to stop him! What should I do? *sees a person jogging* Hmm, she looks powerful enough. Excuse me, young one.

Jogger: *open-eyed look* Umm, I must be dreaming. What do you need?

Kai: Is there any way in this horrifying world that I can find power sources? And transportation?

Jogger: Well, if you want power sources, there is energy and solar energy . . .

Kai: No, no . . . HUMAN sources.

Jogger: Ummm . . .

Kai: Cause I need power sources for my collection and these two are useless. *shows the amulets of The Author and The Author's Friend*

Jogger: Ooh, those are . . . nice.

Kai: Watch this though. *throws the amulets showing Jade versions of them*

Jogger: That's weird.

Kai: You wanna know how they are made? *retracts them back*

Jogger: *chuckles nervously* *starts running*

Kai: Hmm, possible effective human power. *swings the Jade blades at her*

Jogger: *screams, calls her friend* Hello, bestie?

Jogger's Friend: Whazzup, bestie!

Jogger: Yeah, I need you to pick me up, some weird power hungry yak is chasing me with blades!

Jogger's Friend: I'm coming, bestie!

*Kai swings the blades once more at the Jogger, trapping her making her fall down, ending the call*

Jogger's Friend: Bestie? Bestie?! *starts the car*

Kai: Listen, girl, if you want to mess with some overpowered bull, you've got another thing coming.

Jogger: Actually, I possibly can help you.

Kai: Yeah, right. *starts using his glowing green hands to absorb her in jade*

Jogger: *chuckles nervously* Actually, I can help you, where do you need to go?

Kai: That doesn't matter.

Jogger: Well, you wanna know about earth, which is here, yes?

Kai: Yes?

Jogger: Perfect! Then let me go, let me go!

Kai: Hmm. *stops the glowing green hands while the Jade is near her face, opens her eyes* I will need you as a accomprence. But, if you squirm, get frightened, or worry about the sake of people you don't know, you will and shall be forced to live in my collection . . . FOREVER!

Jogger: Okay, okay. *laughs nervously*

Kai: Now, come on. But there will be a difference.

*Kai leaves the jade blades trapped to her as a kind of backpack while he rides a bike*

Kai: How does this even work?

Jogger: Well, you need to just move your feet on the pedals.

Kai: Hmm, I see.


Kai: What the heck is this? Some puny brick?

Jogger: It's a phone. Answer it.

Kai: *growls* Hello?

Jogger's Friend: Hey, who are you, and where's my bestie?

Kai: Who is this?

Jogger: Oh, hey bestie!

Jogger's Friend: Whazzup, girlfriend!

Kai: *facepalm, groans* Oh my god.

Jogger: Where are you?

Jogger's Friend: I'm right near you and your trapped like a backpack to a giant yak?

Jogger: Uh-huh.

Jogger's Friend: Well, imma just . . . *crash*

Kai: Who are you?

Jogger's Friend: I'm *points to the Jogger* HER FRIEND.

Kai: Hmm. Power, I see?

Jogger's Friend: I don't know what you are talking about.

Kai: Hmm, annoying and angry. Power.

Jogger: What are you doing?

Kai: Hold on a second.

Jogger's Friend: I'm gonna save my friend! And you ain't gonna stop me!

Kai: You're messing with someone overpowerful. Leave or face my jade-y wrath.

Jogger's Friend: Please, that's just some word you made up.

Kai: Oh, did i? *grabs a Jade amulet of The Author, holds her down*

Jogger's Friend: Hey! Let me go!

Jogger: (inside my mind) No! He can't!

Kai: Hmm. Your chi is strong, I can tell. How would you like to be a part of my collection? *uses his glowing green hands, you know at this point*

Jogger's Friend: *sees the jade* What the? *struggling*

Jogger: *gasps*

Kai: *grabs the Jogger's Friend amulet* *laughing* 3 collected. *retracts the amulets*

Jogger: No!

Kai: *growls*

Jogger: I mean . . . *scoffs* She doesn't matter, we just need her chi anyways.

Kai: *smiles* Now . . . tell me where the Moon Universe is.

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