A Mask of Light

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Chapter One: A Mask of Light

Sora currently had his head in his arms, the brunette was snoozing peacefully in his chair in the Gummi Ship which with his task was always a welcome for him. The young keyblade welder was exhausted after one of their travels and was more than happy to take sleep when it had him, Donald and Goofy didn't bother to wake him, letting him rest as he deserved.

Sora's nose occasionally twitched in his sleep, a habit he had since he was a baby. His breathing was soft and steady, showing his two friends and companions he was having a peaceful dream. Donald and Goofy occasionally glanced at him as the two talked, a habit they had themselves with the young keyblade welder. Given his recklessness he had at times, it wasn't something you could blame them for.

Sora's breathing suddenly picked up a bit, before he finally woke up with a gasp which gained Donald and Goofy's attentions to the young keyblade welder as Sora was breathing heavily like he had ran a marathon. "You okay Sora?" Goofy asked the said boy, Sora took a gulp of air in his lungs before he spoke, "Y-Yeah, j-just a bad dream.." Sora tried to reassure them, their worry didn't lighten even a bit but they decided not to push for answers, but they all had an unspoken agreement that as long as they don't push for information they don't want to speak of yet, that the other would tell of them when they want to.

The crews unofficial fourth members Jiminy Cricket, appeared on Sora's shoulder. "I do believe we're approaching the next universe that needs our help." He said, as Donald and Goofy went to the navigational systems, Sora gave the cricket a smile as a silent thanks which Jiminy replied with a nod. Sora and Jiminy approached the monitors where Donald and Goofy were at.

"Gorsh, Talk about a weird climate this place has." Goofy said, Sora rose a brow at that before he took a glance making him double take at the screen. It was a lone and large island which indeed had various climates separated into six separate regions, two seemed to be the same in the mountains where the two mountains were a large active volcano and a snowy peak the was taller than the volcano, there was what looked as if a village was on a small mini island above the lava pools, a village of ice in the Arctic like region, a village in the jungle trees of another, a beach side village and if it wasn't for the map they wouldn't had known of two united villages in the cave networks of the mountain and volcano. But even the computers seemed to be struggling to translate to strange foreign language which was of various circles most with lines in them, some with smaller circles in them and some with both.

"Jeez, I'm getting a headache trying to read that." Sora said as he rubbed his forehead a bit, emphasizing his headache. "I'm guessing by the looks of it, the order thing is gonna change our looks to avoid suspicion and keep balance?" He asked his three companions and friends, immediately after he said that Donald, Goofy and Jiminy looked at him in surprise. There were a few times Sora actually managed to be smart in some sense, the Order was one of those, then again the Order was a confusing thing at times, but it kept the balance between worlds and that's what mattered. "See, now you're learning." Donald said making Sora roll his eyes amusedly.

Sora sat back down as he thought back to his dream, normally he either had dreamless sleeps or at times nightmares, he knew whenever he had a nightmare something big was going to happen. This nightmare though was more different than the rest, he brought out a small journal from his jacket along with a pen and began to write about the nightmare in it, Jiminy recommended it a long time ago to him so he could remember the nightmares easily while it was still fresh in his brain. It was in his eyes perspective and he was seemingly running in a dark and shadowy void, in his arms he was holding wasn't his keyblade surprisingly, since he realized long ago he couldn't summon his keyblade in these nightmares, was a beautiful golden mask. And before he woke up he was nearly grabbed a large and clawed shadowy hand, one that would put the Heartless' claws to shame as the mask suddenly had a pair of robotic baby blue eyes in the eye holes.

Sora finished writing about the nightmare just as Goofy tapped his knee making the young keyblade weilder put his pen and notebook away, "Let's head then." Sora said earning nods in agreement from his friends and companions as they entered the world, prepared for whatever may happen in that world especially with the Order. But Sora couldn't help but think back to that mask in his nightmare, that mask seemingly made of golden light.


Chapter One: A Mask of Light

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