Am I bothering you?

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Seto's P.O.V.

"Do you two love each other?" My face reddens and I freeze. Brice seems to have the same response as me. "Why would you think that?" I ask slowly. "You two were talking lots and were smiling at each other and staring into each other's eyes and blushing a lot. That's what they do in the stories." Alex explains.

Brice looks away, blocking his face with his hands. "Uh- um... People do that when they're just pals too, right?" I stutter, looking over to the blond next to me then back to the young girl in front of me. Alex looks down in a sort of upset manner, "Yeah.... I guess. We were just hoping you did." I look over to the other kids who stare back at me, 'Me too, guys. Me too.'

Brice lifts his head out of his hands and looks down at Alex. I can't read his expression due to him blocking my eyes with his hands. Come to think of it I can't see anything. Damn you, Brice.

When Brice uncovers my eyes the first thing I see is Alex jumping up and down excitedly. Her face must've decided to wear the biggest smile she's ever made. "Really?!" She squeals. Brice nods in response and says, "Yup, but you can't tell anyone. That's why it's called a secret." Alex nods vigorously and runs off to everyone else.

Brice sits up against the wall of cardboard and starts drawing in the dirt. "What did you do?" I ask. Brice's head jerks up, "Huh?" "To make her that happy. I've never seen her smile that big before. What did you tell her?" Brice smirks, "Can't tell you. It wouldn't be a secret if I did." I groan, "Whatever."

Inevitably, time continues and never stops. It's starting to get late so the kids begin to leave. Alex runs out to her dad, Toby and Andrew hug and go to their parents, Kevin is still in the corner and everyone else files out. "Gimme a second," I say as I get up, "I've got to talk to Kevin's mom." Brice nods and goes back to drawing.

I walk over to Kevin and tell him to wait until I come back. He nods slowly and I go over to his mom. "Hello, Lucy. I had some trouble with Kevin today." I start to explain what happened but once I get to the part where Kev was being sexist she stopped me, "No you've got it wrong. My Kevin is a darling angel and would never say something like that. I know him too well." "Miss I was there. I have witnesses in this room. Kevin may be an angel at home but not here." I put my hands on my hips. She gasps and puts her hand on her chest, "How dare you! Well then if my sweet little child isn't good enough for you than he doesn't need to come back!" She takes a step back and spits next to my foot. "That's for insulting my son!" Then she goes to Kevin, grabs his hand and storms out (Like a..... RAYNSTORM NegativeFive ).

I shake my head in disappointment and walk back over to Brice. "Man she's almost as bad as Linda." I state. Brice snorts, "I could hear the entire conversation and that lady is an idiot." I sit on the ground next to him, "Yeah, but not as big of an idiot as you." He chuckles and pushes me in a playful manner, "Yeah yeah alright."

"Hey, where're you gonna stay? With the Prince or in an inn?" I ask him. He just shrugs. No, 'I'm gonna chill with in the castle' no, 'The inn seems good to me.' "You don't know?" I question. "Well yeah I know. Just not a hundred percent sure." I stare at him in disbelief, "Brice. Brice what the heck?" He grins and shrugs without responding to me.

"Well you can't sleep in this castle." I state crossing my arms and looking away. "Yeah well I bet you want my castle." Brice says with the smirk practically in his words. My arms loosen, my face heats up and I freeze. "Sh- Don't talk!" Is the first thing I can manage to say. His smirk seems to have gotten bigger, "I'm sorry. Am I doing something wrong?" He gets close to the side of my face where I can see him in the corner of my eye. All of the internal screaming that was going on before has tripled when he does something I don't expect.

He kisses my cheek.

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