Falling in love with you

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Brice's P.O.V.

Fifty shades of gray. Wow, I'd like to meet his friend. That's hilarious. I feel kinda bad for him though. That is not an easy book to read. Rough sex is tough to read.

Seto hands me my sketchbook back with it open on my drawing of him. "That's pretty good. One problem though," he says, "you made me look actually good." I look at him in disbelief. "Are you serious? You're great looking! Don't you dare insult how you look!" I say loud enough to make a point but quiet enough for the kids not to notice. His face flushes red and he looks away.  'Oh god he's being cute.' 'Brice no.' 'Brice yes.' Well it's decided. I like Seto and Mitch better except it.

I smile in victory. We sit there in silence watching the kids do their thing. Some of the boys go over to the tea party and some of the girls go over to the fight and end up kicking some ass.

I feel Seto nudge me in the arm so I look up at him. He points over to the right corner closest to us. I look over and see Toby and Andrew sitting there with the cardboard tea cups. Toby's smiling so big you'd expect his face to melt off and Andrew is staring at his tea cup with an expressionless look.

I look back to Seto questionably. He puts a finger to his lips and points to them again. I look over at them again.

Toby pulls Andrew in a hug. 'What's so great about this?' I question myself. I hear Seto let out a squeal. 'Oh. My god. That... was the cutest thing I've ever heard.' I focus back to Toby and Andrew just in time.

Toby kissed Andrew's cheek.

And it was adorable. Seto lets out another squeal and I put my hand on his shoulder. "Chill." I simply state. I can see his face gain a light shade of pink. "You okay there pal?" I ask and he nods slowly. "Yeah, sorry but I've been waiting for that to happen for weeks now." He says. "Weeks? Why?" I look at Seto, confused.

"Toby came up to me a few weeks ago and told me that he felt weird around the boys because they were talking about the girls. Not in a bad way, just about how cute they are. I asked why he felt weird and he told me that he wasn't into girls. He didn't know why or if he was sick he just didn't like girls that way." I nod, still slightly confused but getting the hang of it. "He told me that he brought it up to them and Kevin," Seto grimaced at the name, "said Toby 'didn't find the right girl yet' which is dumb. So I let Toby hang with me." Seto finished.

"So... Toby's gay?" I ask. Seto nods with a smile, "I think Andrew is too and then I started to ship them. Like, look how cute they are." I look back over at them. Andrew was looking back at Toby with stars in his eyes. They were holding hands and smiling at each other.

"I can relate to that." I say quietly. Seto's head perks up, "Hm?" Blood rushes to my cheeks, "Nothing!" Seto smirks at me. "What can you relate to Brice?" I try to glare at him but it doesn't work. "You got a girl in your life?" He asks. My face goes back to its normal color and I snort. Seto's smirk leaves his face and is replaced with a shocked look. "What? Did I say something?" He asks with slight worry in his voice. I hold my stomach and start laughing uncontrollably. "No. No nothing like that." I manage to get out, "I don't like girls."

Seto pauses then sits back in his chair as if in deep thought. I start to feel nervous on how Seto might respond. I know he's a nice guy but... I'm not sure if- "Cool. We all have that in common." I blink. I see Seto smile from the corner of my eye. "Y-yeah... I guess we do." I smile.


Little mage's P.O.V.

So I'm not alone with this. I thought it was just me and Toby. Maybe even Andrew. Now that I know Brice doesn't like girls I have a better chance.

I grab my bag and take a book out. No, not Fifty shades, a spell book. For magic. 'Cause magic is cool and fun to do. I quietly chant some spells. Simple ones where you can hold your aura in your hand and twirl it around. My aura is a deep amethyst color. It's darker at its core and lighter near the edges. The way I normally hold it makes it look like a small fireball in my hand.

I notice Brice staring at me. I stop chanting, my aura disappears and I look at him, "You okay?" He nods in response, "That was beautiful. The fire thing. Can you do it again?" I feel surprised and... and something else that I can't explain. I feel warm and fuzzy inside and safe. It's a nice comfortable feeling. 'What could it be?'

I smile weakly, look back at my spell book and start chanting again. My aura returns to the palm of my hand and it starts to glow ever so slightly. I stop chanting but my aura stays. I turn my head to look at Brice. "This?" I ask and he nods slowly. His eyes seem to sparkle in the light of the purple flames. "What is it?" Brice asks. "It's my aura. The soul of my being. Everyone has one, and it's color is based on who you are and feel. Kind of like a mood ring." I explain.

"What color's mine?" He questions. I shrug, "Gold probably." He grins, "Cool." I nod and twirl my hand around, having my aura chase after it. Brice doesn't take his eyes off of it. His lightning blue eyes shimmer and shine in its glow. Forget my aura, he's the beautiful one here.

I keep entertaining Brice with my aura and he continues to watch. He asks questions on what someone's aura color might be and I respond with the color that reflects them.

"Toby?" "Coral blue." "Andrew?" "Seaweed green." "Your friend Ty?" "Dark bordo." "Kevin?" "Black.... Like his heart." "Woah. Seto chill." "No."

The kids start looking at Brice and me and whisper to their friends. Brice takes no notice for once and I decide to ignore them. Our conversation of auras continue.

"Can your color change?" "Not sure." "Can two people have the same color?" "Maybe." "Do you keep your color after death?" "Yes." "Does your aura conflict with your soulmate's?" I pause, "I've never really thought about that." Brice snorts, "Alright well can you tell when two people are soulmates?" "Sometimes. And there are relationships involving more than two people!" I respond. Brice just waves me off, grinning.

Alex, one of the girls that were sword-fighting, walks over to us and pulls on my sleeve. I look down at her, "Hey, Alex. Need something?" She nods her head, pauses, shakes her head 'no', pauses again then nods, "I'm here to ask a question for the others." "Do you want me to walk away or...?" I hear Brice ask quietly. Alex shakes her head 'no' in response to Brice, "It's a question for both of you." I smile, "Alright well ask away!" She looks back over to everyone else (who nod and smile) then back to Brice and I. She opens her mouth and asks,

"Do you two love each other?"


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