CH 11

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Both Changkyun and Suho were pretty much taken aback. "Another pure blood?" Changkyun asked with suspicion with sense of another vampire and not only Jin's wife. A pure domicile vampire; 5ft tall, pale skin, ebony hair, eyes dark grey slim like Serena. "Must be working for him." He mumbled to himself. "Honey, will you calm down?" Jin pressed her shoulders to which his wife a glance to him and calmed. "What was that yeobo?" Another shout came from upstairs. The members in the living hall looked up to find two figures around the rails of the first floor looking back at them. "Human?" The new comers mumbled. "Not now." Both Taehyung and Jin shouted. "Shut yourself in!" They shouted. Everything was happening so quickly. The human pheromones filling the vampire lungs. Your aunt and Jisung saw the things going down and ran back. Confused Changkyun looked back at his brothers only to find them clutching on your wives by neck. The ladies had their bluish black veins surf above their pale skin, deep grunts escaping their down their throats, their appearance changing. When he looked out for Yoongi and Jungkook none were around. Leaving only him, the kids and the two couples who were trying to control their wives.

"Jaemin take them away." Taehyung shouted to him. "This way." Jaemin shouted at Suho and Changkyun while he dragged you with him to another room. The twins followed Jaemin while Suho and Changkyun stayed there witnessing everything.

Where as your body began to tremble from those screams. Your nerves, heart and mind at the peak to blow off.

Not much seconds later the screeching females threw Taehyung and Jin to the wall. The two females stood with their white eyes, veins trying to pop out, fangs protruding. They immediately began to sniff in order to follow the faint scent of human. Speeding upstairs, "Yah, Taehyung hold your wife before I really pull out her head." Yoongi shouted trying his best to hold her from going any further. "Suho!" Jungkook shouted. In a second he shape shifted, ran upstairs. Changkyun followed him up to find Suho dodging the punches and bites the vampires were trying to give him.

Not having another chance to deal with them, Suho stood up on his hind legs and caught the both vampires with his palms. With that opportunity Yoongi shot tranquilizers to their necks; their most vulnerable point. "Don't loosen your hold!" Yoongi shouted to Suho. Slowly they began to resist from fighting and fell limp. Just as he felt them wasted he threw them to floor. "No!" Jungkook shouted. "It is fine." Yoongi assured Jungkook. "Go check on your brothers." Yoongi then turned to Changkyun, "Help me carry them." He agreed and carried them to a room. Suho went up and knocked on the door. Jisung swung opened the door. "Hyung!" He shouted. "I will bring them now." Jisung answered and ran back to grab his brother's clothes. "Here!" He handed them over to him. Suho carried it to a room, transformed back to human and dressed up.

Meanwhile you held on to Jaemin as if your life depended on him. "It is fine Y/n, everything will be fine." Jaemin continued to smooth you. "Looks like mom is still not able to hold her urges." Taeyeon spoke. "Yea." Jaemin agreed after finding his mom's condition. "Y/n is very much terrified." Chaeyeon. But you were petrified. It felt so much for you to handle, your mind began to flood with lots of vague memories of wolves trying to harm someone.

"They are coming." You mumbled, your grip tightened around Jaemin's collar while he had you covered in his embrace. The rest look at you, trembling lips, eyes scared staring at the floor, fists clenching onto Jaemin's collar. They exchanged their look wit each other. "Y/n." Jaemin hugged tightly, calling your name softly, hoping it would calm you. "Appa" you began to cry. A flash where a guy punched and threw a wolf away from you, soon embracing you in his arms, his face blurred. "Dark night has a beautiful moon and I have a beautiful princess." He patted your head while whispering to your ears. Tears slowly forming in your eyes.

The trio looked concerned and confused hearing you mumble the phrase. "What is she saying?" Chaeyoung questioned. "She called you appa." Taeyeon looked at Jaemin with a tease. "Stop your jokes at times like these." Chaeyoung smacked Taeyeon's arm.

"Guys." Jungkook opened the door to find all the four crouched down while you in Jaemin's arm in the corner of the room. "Why are you-" He saw how you were trembling in his arms. "Y/n!" He hurried to Jaemin with worry all over his face. "Move!" He shouted as he saw you softly sobbing, scooping you like a small baby from Jaemin's embrace throwing a glare to each. They were taken back by Jungkook's behaviour. "No worries....Hmm...." Jungkook patted your back. "Dark night has a beautiful moon~~" He stood up carrying you out of the room and the rest followed. "And I have a beautiful princess who will shine like the moon~~" His soft voice sang as your head rested on his shoulder, patting your back.

The trio never received such a treatment from Jungkook from the time they could recollect events. "Your smile is my strength and I will protect you~~" He continued as he jumped to the first floor. Yoongi came out of a room when he saw Jungkook carry you. "Jungkook." Yoongi called out his younger brother. He held a expectation in his heart about is brother which was always protective over you and Jungkook didn't let it sink. Jungkook threw him a glare stopping his foot steps. The atmosphere was getting tensed by passing second. "Haha..." Yoongi let out a nervous laugh. "You don't have to carry her like a baby." Yoongi tried to lighten the mood. But it seemed utter useless. The boy only seemed to tighten his jaw even more.

"Alright. haha you can take her." He let out another tensed laugh not wanting to deal with another round. Jungkook walked away as he continued the song. "You are no less than Hoseok." He muttered beneath his breath. He walked into his dim lit room, carefully sitting on the bed not putting you down. "You are my pearl, my beautiful princess~~" He stopped, feeling the warmness that he felt years before. "Sleep my dear, sleep, sleeeeeep~~"

The room became quiet soon with only your calm breathing. He carefully laid your sleeping figure on the bed and he sat beside her. "Do not worry, I am here." He whispered, a smile creeping on his face as he felt nostalgic.

Once the atmosphere had settled, everyone entered the hall except the knocked down females. All the elders sat on the sofa, while the kids stood there.

Taehyung and Jin stood up, "I am sorry." and bowed to your aunt who uncomfortably shifted closer to her husband. They understood the discomfort and looked at their brother, Changkyun simply nodded to them gesturing it was fine.

"Where is Y/n?" Jisung asked wondering where you were. "Ah. Don't worry. She is just asleep." Yoongi assured him with a smile. "Let me introduce them." Yoongi smiled to your family. "This is Seokjin, my older brother." Jin slowly bowed to your aunt. "And this is Taehyung, my eldest younger brother." Taehyung followed the same gesture as Jin, apologizing for what took place. "Jaemin is Taehyung's son and the twins are Jin hyung's daughters."

"They come as your uncles as well." he emphasised to Jisung and Suho.

"Now to the topic." Yoongi caught everyone's attention. He gestured Taehyung to say. "Yea. Umm.... So.. Ummm what is it?" He turned to Jin confused what he should say. "Umm.. So we are sorry for the trouble?" Jin looked at Yoongi not sure about what he was thinking. Yoongi bet his forehead with the dumbness the two displayed. "I will say it."

"So, Changkyun is here because Suho is not able to control his wolf self. So I have decided that we go to the witch who can help them find their inner selves." Yoongi spoke. "Oh yea. haha" Taehyung chuckled lightly. "Wait! what?" His face jumped with surprise. "There is no other way." He said shrugging his shoulders. "No!" Taehyung exclaimed. "Why?" Changkyun asked. "Because she will blabber some shit. I am telling you it is not a good idea to go there. She has totally lost her mind after visiting that Vulture pack. Don't you agree with me hyung?" He turned to Jin for a support who nodded but then gave a quizzical face to Taehyung. "I don't know." He shrugged his shoulders. Taehyung gave a neutral expression. "Are you serious?" he asked Jin to stop joking.

"Yes." He replied him seriously. Taehyung closed his eyes, gulping down the insult. "Before you take us to the witch or whatever, I want to meet my parents." Suho voiced looking at his new relatives. The three vampires only stared at him moving a bit forward, not clearly understanding his question. "Pardon?" Taehyung slightly scrunched his eyes. "I want to meet my parents." Suho repeated. This time they heard it clearly and sat back. "Should we?" Jin looked at Yoongi. Yoongi gestured something with his eyes, Jin did that back and looked Taehyung who did the same with shrugging his shoulders.

"What are they doing?" Your aunt asked to your uncle. "They are mind linking aunt." Taeyeon answered with a smile. "So..." Jin spoke after nodding his head with the Taehyung while Yoongi shrugged his shoulder turning his head, least bothered look. "So Suho.. It's been long and I am sure your uncle did not say anything." Jin took a glance of Changkyun. "So some misfortune events took place long back when you guys were small kids,  and none of them could survive it." Jin uttered with a heavy heart as the scenes from back then flowed in. All the males present there was expecting an outburst from Suho, who was very sensitive for his wolf age.

"Didn't see that coming." He nodded his head as a strong knot formed in his throat restraining him from speaking anything. "Y/n, is going to cry hard, uncle." He looked at his uncle, whose back was facing him. He tried his best not to show his emotions. Jaemin had his blood boil with the innocence that Suho was displaying but held it in. The elders were taken a back, the boy was handling the news much better than their expectations. They knew that no words could sooth the boy with all he is dealing. "She will be very upset." he averted his gaze from everyone. "With all that Kwang has done to her, this will tear her down." he sucked in a deep breath. "Is that why uncle Hoseok is mad with all of you?" He asked them intentionally, trying his best to hold in his tears, hearing the conversation that took place hours before. The three pulled their gazes off the boy not knowing what to reply.

"Well, I can't say who was at fault." Yoongi looked at Suho. "But tomorrow we will visit the witch who has taken the responsibility to help you and Y/n." Yoongi replied with a dead serious expression. Taehyung understood the situation that Suho was in. He decided to explain a bit. "To be honest,...." Taehyung caught Suho's stoic gaze. "Though we had your mother who was same as you, we can't help you because every Kinsmir is unique. All over Korea it is only you, Y/n and Hoseok who are the living examples of Kinsmir. It is so unique that both Vampires and Werewolves try to hunt them to do research. Because Kinsmirs are powerful more than the pure kind vampires and werewolves, they are linked to a master who tames them. Just like a dog is tamed by its master, Kinsmirs are the same. It depends what type of master they have whether good or bad. Kinsmirs serve them with all loyalty they have. With having the ability to cause havoc, undergoing any kind of pressure makes their wolf self to burst out and become unable to control. I have not seen your wolf, so I do not know how it implies on you. But your mother was a type like I said, she needed your father while she went through stress. Only he could calm her and none of us." Taehyung explained. Everyone including Suho carefully listened to what Taehyung was speaking.

"There was a time when your mother's wolf was an inch close to killing Changkyun. Hadn't your father arrived at the right time, today he won't be here." He took a glance of Changkyun who had his shoulders covered with his wife and son's hands, their eyes trembling with fear. "In Hoseok's case, he doesn't know if he has a wolf because there is a transparency within themselves. He decides and the wolf acts, there is no say for his wolf." He pressed his lips making Suho clear why they can't help them and need to depend on someone unknown.

"All I have to say is be careful when you step out of this house." Jin began his part. "This is a complete new area for you, not knowing how things work here, don't get out of the house if none of the elders are accompanying you." He warned all the kids. "What is so different dad?" Taeyeon rolled her eyes. "Aigoo, my baby. Don't say that. Things have changed from when you have left. Even your mom if having difficulty because of it." Jin looked at her with a playful pout. "What has changed?" Jaemin turned to his dad, scowling for an explanation. Taehyung gave him a nod assuring him that he will put it here.

"Taeyeon-ah, we are telling this because our territory has become small. We do not have much freedom to roam like we had when you were younger. The war has ended but it has cost us a lot. With our people leaving the king and approaching new leaders. To tell you straight there are only twenty members in total serving for our king excluding you three. We are barely surviving between our own kind and werewolves." Taehyung explained. Changkyun took a deep breath, "So he has taken everything?" His monotone voice questioned. "Not only him but the vampires from Italy are feasting on their very own kind in the hope of attaining eternity." Yoongi replied not wanting to continue anymore. It was evident on Yoongi's face how he was getting tired of living a chase and chase life.

"We are strangled between both. Jimin is driving himself to insanity. It is only because of Namjoon he is able to keep this small territory otherwise this as well had come under someone else. It is a struggle now. Nothing is there to fund us. All of us have taken some small jobs to stay low. In my opinion, only the witch is able to do anything further with her prophecy." Yoongi rolled his shoulders as he stood up. "As long as I remember she has been fooling Jimin a lot. It very first started with the thirteenth female omega wolf born in your pack." He looked at Changkyun who simply looked at the ceiling least bothered to discuss his crazy family history. "Then later to your great grand aunt, grand aunt, your mother, Miyeon and now Y/n. If this is going further I swear your female lineage will perish in my hand. I am done dealing with couples and then covering their shit. There is a limit to what I can bear." Yoongi's temper slowly began to rise with all he had to put up until now. Even he was tired with crazy family he has been dealing with since the time he can recollect.

"And hyung." He then turned to Jin who looked at him. "If that old lady again says that Y/n isn't the prophecy child, I swear I am going to kill her with Hoseok. None of you know what I had to deal after Hoseok returned from Australia." Yoongi burst at them. "Uncle instead of you can I accompany them?" Younjae put his opinion. "Sure." His face lit up. "Be her guest." Yoongi clicked his fingers before going into some room. Before all could turn, he popped his head from the corner of the room, "You guys won't stay for dinner right? Cause I don't want to prepare too much." He said not caring for their opinions and returned to his work.

"Anyways." Taehyung caught everyone's attention. "We will be leaving before they wake up." Taehyung bowed to Changkyun's family again before vanishing from the house with his wife. "Well, kids come on." Jin called the twins as he carried his wife. They bid their farewell.

"I need sometime to take in what happened between you siblings." your aunt spoke as she walked back in with the rest five following. "Mom I am coming too." Jisung followed her upstairs. "You won't be going to your house?" Changkyun asked. "No. I need to be here." Jaemin glanced at Suho as he replied. "Jimin doesn't know yet right?" He asked not wanting to deal so much in a day, to which Jaemin replied a 'no'

Meanwhile your aunt just felt to check on you. After the chaos she didn't get to check on you, so she had Jisung stay in the room and began to check the rooms on the same floor. Most rooms were locked till she reached one which opened as soon as she turned the knob. The room was dark, no light entering the room. "Y/n, are you there?" she called concerned but at the same time fear crept her nerves. There was an eerie atmosphere floating in the room, it made the room scary unusually. "Y/n?" she called again. Suddenly a wind blew as though something moved past her as a reflex she covered herself. "sister?" She heard a familiar voice. "Jungkook-sshi?" She mumbled as she uncovered herself to find him standing at the door step facing her. Jungkook had an eerie smile on lips, his eyes forming crescent shape, a scary aura luring around him as though he wanted to drive her away more specifically scare her off.

"y-y/n" Her voice trembled, she felt her sense suffocating. "She is sleeping currently." With the same expression. "No one should disturb her now. So you should go back. I will convey your message to her." his face relaxed and closed the door. Instantly the suffocation released dropping on her knees. She was finally had everything clear. "Eomma!" Jisung shouted after finding his mom dropped on floor.

It didn't take long for the men downstairs reach up once Jisung reached her. Jisung helped her stand, Changkyun ran to them worried while three youngsters stood there looking. Suho and Jaemin were about to go along with their uncle when Younjae stopped them. "No." his voice had a strong warning. They could sense territory marking having Suho and jaemin wonder why. "It is fine." Changkyun tried to sooth her as he carried her to the room.


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