Chapter 4:

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I couldn't so much as form a word let alone interrupt my mother while she was dragging me away from the barn and Monty, bragging about my 'new' horse.

" He's a lovely imported stallion from Europe! His breeding is impeccable and his movement is to die for! I know you'll love him Elizabeth! "

On and on she went, bragging about a horse I, for one never heard of and two, didn't need.

" He'll be a model for the driving and side saddle week, he's trained expertly in both! "

I zoned out her talking, craning my head to look down at the stable. Monty was waiting for me, I just knew it. Poor boy was probably as confused by my absence as i was about this new horse.

" His names Alex, but we can change it to something more suitable for a horse of his calibre " Mother continued to ramble on as we entered the house. " Now get those filthy clothes off. I've got tea waiting for us in the library, where we can chat further about this wonderful beauty and get a few things fixed in your application... "

I sighed quietly and took my boots off, bringing them upstairs to my room so I could clean them later. Once I was safely inside my room, I leaned against the closed door, tossing my boots aside. I held my head in my hands. My mother always had a way of hiding big truths behind everything that she did, and buying Alex was no exception. Sooner or later, a brutal consequence for me was bound to surface, and I was afraid I already knew what it was going to be...

Shaking the negative thoughts from my mind, I pulled myself together and quickly changed from my riding clothes to what my mother referred to as my 'tea time' clothes. A cream floral printed dress with a cream coloured cardigan overtop and soft pink high heels that always made my feet cramp up after a few minutes of standing. I finished off my outfit with a light coat of mascara and maroon coloured lipstick just to keep my mother happy. I spent a few minutes brushing out my hair putting it in a fishtail side braid to keep the fuzzy, wind blown pieces at bay.

After a final look over in the mirror, I made my way downstairs to the library, where the huge shelves were stocked full of books about British history, culture and horsemanship. I had hidden a small section behind a few rows that was dedicated to eventing books, that my mother had no idea about. It was just on of many things I kept to myself instead of confronting her about it.

Mother was gently sipping from her small cup as i sat down across from her, keeping my posture ramrod straight and my legs neatly crossed.

She smiled at me and turned to our butler, Robert, a skinny, but tall man with again grey hair and a receding hairline. I was sure with just my mother and I that we had no need for a butler, but she insisted it was proper for a family of our 'class'.

" That will be all Robert, thank you "

Robert took his cue to leave and gently shut the library doors behind him as he left, sealing me in with my mother.

No escape now...

Mother slowly put her cup down on the tiny plate and folded her hands neatly over her lap.

" Aren't you excited darling? Alex will be here tomorrow, giving you two just enough time to become acquainted before started your first year at the Academy "

I raised a brow. " he an eventing horse? "

She laughed, the kind of laugh that made me feel inferior, like I was missing a small detail. " No dear, of course not. I'm talking about the new driving and side saddle program we are debuting this year! "

I froze.

" If all goes to plan we'll begin construction of a new dorm and facilities dedicated to those disciplines. You, my dear, will be our advertising star! Spreading the good word of the programs and getting more students to join in! "

I had to force myself not to roll my eyes. then a question popped into my mind.

" Mother, I registered for the eventing program- "

" Oh that can easily be changed! " She interrupted me. " I already have potential buyers interested in Monty... "


Enough was enough. I new the consequence wouldn't be good but selling Monty! I would stand for a lot of things but I wouldn't stand for that!

" You can't sell him! He's my horse! Dad bought him for me! "

Mother paused, seeming a bit baffled at my outburst, but she quickly composed herself. " There will be no more time for this eventing nonsense when your driving and riding side saddle. it would be unfair to Monty to just leave him out in a field... "

" I'm not going to give up eventing! "

" Elizabeth " Her warning tone normally would've shut me right up, but not this time.

" I love eventing and I love Monty! I'm not a driving or side saddle riding girl! I want to fly! To soar over huge obstacles and be with the horse I love! Not some advertising product to change Kinswood when it doesn't need to be changed! I won't stand for it! "

" Elizabeth! "

I ran before she could stop me, kicking off my heels and ignoring the tiny pebbles digging into my feet as I ran down the gravel pathway from the house to the barn. I knew mother would be coming after me so I needed to be fast. In record time I had ditched the dress, leaving it on the ground for a pair of red breeches, my older, more worn stall mucking paddock boots and a sweater I usually wore over my show clothes to keep them from getting dirty.

" Elizabeth! " Mother yelled as she entered the barn. " How dare you talk to me the way you did! Elizabeth! Come out here and apologize! "

I swung open Montys stall door and hoisted myself onto his back, gripping his mane tightly.

" Elizabeth I swear if you- " Mother was cut off as I kicked Monty forward. He bursted out of the stall, taking her by surprise.

" Elizabeth! " She shouted as she stumbled to the ground as Monty and I cantered out of the barn.

" Elizabeth! "

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