Chapter 2:

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I was out of breath by the time I reached my first period English class, on the third floor of the school. After almost missing the bus, I had forgotten to check my reflection in the mirror.

Pieces of hay and grain stuck to my hair, while Omegas dapple grey hairs were covering my clothes. So as soon as I got to school I rushed to the bathroom to try and make myself look at least semi-presentable, which took some time, then I had to run to my locker to grab my binders and then run up 3 flights of stairs to make it before the late bell.

I had just walked into the classroom when the bell had sounded. I sighed in relief and took my usual spot beside my best friend, Briggs Harrison.

We smiled at each other as our teacher, Mr. Hensen, started to write today's note on the board.

Briggs quickly slipped me a note before Mr. Hensen turned around to address us. As he spoke, I peered at the note.

' Trail ride after lesson tonight? '

I smiled to myself and quickly wrote back before starting to copy down the note on the board.

' Definitely! '

The rest of the class was spent in silence. Mr. Hensen hated any noise, so any student caught talking or even breathing too loudly were given a one way ticket to detention.

Once the next period bell sounded, I quickly stood and walked out to the hallway beside Briggs.

" So, ready to lose at another race? " He asked, running a hand through his shaggy blonde hair, which looked even lighter when compared to his tanned skin and dark brown eyes.

We had become friends when he had started training at West-Afton two years ago with his 10 year old, black thoroughbred gelding named Thunder.

I rolled my eyes, playfully shoving him as we walked down the hall to our science class. We shared all but one class together, the last one, when I had business studies and he had gym.

" As if, you're the one that's going to lose! " I retorted as we walked into the classroom and took our usual seats.

Unfortunately, this was also the class that we shared with Amelia, and she walked in looking runway ready, as usual, in dark wash skinny jeans, a white designer blouse and a gold necklace that probably cost more than my whole set of tack.

Amelia smiled at Briggs as she took her usual seat in front of him, immediately turning around.

Briggs and Amelia weren't best friends, but they were friends, Briggs being too nice to tell Amelia otherwise, even when he didn't agree with what she did or said.

" Hey Briggs! " Amelia spoke in her usually nausea inducing tone. " Can't wait for our lesson this afternoon! "

Briggs smiled kindly. " Me either, I heard Leslie's making us go against each other and the jumps will be set to a metre sixty! "

My stomach filled with butterflies, not from nerves, but from excitement. I loved jumping the high jumps, it made me feel like those professional equestrians competing in the Olympics or World Cup! That was my ultimate dream, since I was a little girl. To compete with the best of the best at the highest level of show jumping all around the globe.

Amelia suddenly turned to me. " I hope Leslie does make us go together! It'll be fun to compete against you Mia! "

Translation: I'm going to kick your sorry butt Mia...

I smiled back. " Can't wait... "

Amelia rolled her eyes slightly at me before she faced the front, writing something down in her sparkly pink notebook. When Briggs reached down to grab a pen that Amelia had 'accidentally' dropped, she flipped the corner of her notebook to me, showing me what she had written.

' You're going down! '

I rolled my eyes, quickly writing back.

' Don't count on it... '

We ignored each other for the rest of the class.

Once school was out, I felt excited and determined.

Amelia wanted to challenge me?

Then game on!

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